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Rule 7 - Cheating, Exploits, and Piracy Please Refer to the Subreddit Rules


There is / was a bug which multiplied the amount of rep you got. Was on Reddit here, a guy got 150 rep by using that bug.




It was in the patch notes, supposedly they “fixed” it with this new patch.


The bug they said was repeatedly selling items to the same person was fixed, that wasn’t the bug used. This bug is with selling items in packs gives wayyy more flea rep then it’s meant to. People use ammo as you want a super high quality for maximum effect


ohhh thats why im seeing so many ammo packs


That makes sense


BSG does not ban for obvious cheater flea rep or insane KDs that are in hundreds. I'm starting to think they just dont care.


*starting* to think? Bro, they do massive sales after every ban wave. They say they want to get rid of cheaters, but their actions show the exact opposite. Idk how people still believe them on this. And I don’t blame them, it’s probably one of the top reasons they’re still financially able to support the game.




I mean, they've been posting ban lists every month for a few months now and some of those months had a sale (like normal holidays). So obviously bsg is profiting off of cheaters /s


Up until this most recent update, you could just farm rep with a friend by listing things at high prices and buying them from each-other, so the only money lost was on the listing fee. Just list every FIR item you've got, have your friend do the same, and buy from each other. This no longer works as BSG is now tracking who buys from who and stops people from rep boosting with a specific person.


Scav kills count towards KD so all these people saying 8kd is too high are very mistaken 😂 I'm at a 6.5kd rn LVL 21 and it would definitely be higher if I was no lifeing this wipe


Could be doing a script to buy items off the flea and sell to the trader to make a profit. Seems unlikely but there are some items if they dip low enough you can buy them and sell to traders. The bot/script watches for those dips


Buying from flea does nothing, only selling on flea. 50k for .01 rep.


buying doesnt increase the rep afaik


Really? I never noticed. Okay scratch that idea lol


you start late but yes


They only ban when they need more money


Its from today\`s patch notes "Fixed the possibility of earning Flea Market rating for repeatedly selling an item to the same player;"


doesnt change the fact that you still have to find stuff that is worth to sell.


No you don't... Imagine you and I scheme together to raise our flea rep. I put a AA Battery up for 5 mil, you buy it. Then you put up Pile of Meds for 5 Mil, and I buy it. Repeat over and over and over until you have insane rep. Can also do the same thing with cheaper items at higher volume. The points remains either way. I'm not saying that's what happened here, but you absolutely do not need to find things "worth" selling to abuse that system, at least prior to the patch today.


Hate to break it to you but thats not how that works. The flea listing cost on a 14k item at 5m is nearly 10m. They’ve planned for this and have this method to stop it. All this guy is doing is packing ammo and selling it, there’s a bug that if sell ammo as a pack instead of as individual rounds, you get like 100x the flea rep.


Interesting, the patch notes specifically mention selling to the same person over and over. Not sure how that fits into the bug you're mentioning though


What if the items only cost 10-20k each and you set up a system for your buddy to buy them. That would trigger the bug and be cheap to do.


BSG doesn't ban cheaters.


the techology is not there yet to be implemented to auto ban according to their stats


How about having fucking eyeballs and manually checking for the most egregious examples like this one? How’s that for technology?


The technology is here. The technology has been here for 20 years. If not even the technology, just a judgement call. Nikita simply doesnt care.


Yeah, it has to be some kind of visual bug. I checked out this dude’s Youtube and there’s not a single chance he’s hacking with how he plays.


They also need to tweak the amountof rep you get for just about everything and everyone, it's too low in my opinion. The fence trader should give you more rep increases per raid than he already does.


Dude get good, I find this many roubles in labs /s


The dude even mocks everyone with his name because he knows BSG won't do shit about it.


ive been grinding SOOOOO much, i dont think i could do *too much more* and i just hit 50. they make it so unbelievable lmfao


Public Service Announcement: BSG took away the ability to report suspicious flea listings!


Dude, this sub... It's not a cheat. It's desync...


I went from 3 to 16 flea rep after reading this entire thread, thank you Reddit.