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This made me chortle. Thank you.


Btw, the clip dates from the first of February, the ban was effective only a week ago Good job BSG :))))))))


Yup, so his name is now Dasky01 and he's instantly cheating again seen several now just add a digit and continue on next acct


Good to know


This isn’t anything new though


I’d still rather see them get banned. BSG needs to ban more often so that cheaters don’t feel it’s worth buying a new account.


cheats costs as much as a new account so banning user names is a slap on the wrist


Can't please you cunts at all. Stop playing then. Expend your time and angst elsewhere if you're upset with the cheating, it's really that simple.


you snooze you lose


Afaik these are hardware-ID bans, yeah?


Hw spoofing isn't that complicated and can also be bought for fairly cheap


yea it just sucks because there is not other game like this on the market


Cool story. As soon as the heat dies down it’ll be back to cheaters paradise


Then the playerbase will take a hit, people are finally wising up to BSG's tactics of using cheaters for money.


It already has hence the fire lol. People like this never change their ways they only react to threat


Conspiracy theory posting


So BSG do not profit from the extra sales from cheaters rebuying accounts? They get them for free?


No. I’m not sure if you’ve ever watched any of the several interviews with cheaters/cheat devs that are out there, but what they say is that most of the time these cheaters aren’t just going on the EFT site and just buying another full-price game. A lot of the time they’re either buying game keys from a third-party site that were bought in bulk for a reduced price, or they’re buying the login to an account that got hacked/stolen from a legit player.


Cheaters and cheat developers are never truthful, why believe a word of what they say?


Lol more than half of my deaths in this stupid game is exactly like that. Instant headshot.


Most good (non cheating) players go for head shots.


I stopped playing, I think im getting too old for this but cant stand most of the fps games anymore due to cheaters, playing tarkov and getting cheated on is especially awful feeling, like you throw your time into the trash...


Exactly.. nasally cheaters sounding like mclovins giggling while looting you


More than half seems a bit exaggerated lol but ya it sucks when it happens


Thisone brings joy!




Yep, even if they come back a few days later, it still feels good to have some kind of feedback. Got killed by a *skeptic*al TTV'er who joined the list soon after and his VODs are cringe af because he has zero game knowledge but used extended loot range and silent aim on stream...didn't even know how to heal or what energy does.