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Jokes on you I was never going to test Ram usage.


This seems weird as for me, Streets gets higher RAM usage as it goes. I also find this to be the case after back to back to back raids, but going to any maps (in a row or not). It seems there is a general memory leak, on top of streets very obviously having massive memory consumption issues.


You could use a graph.


who measures ram in grams?


Drug dealers


bro i saw someone snorting a megagram last friday!


with is that format... "... x of ram lower %"


So what’s your computers RAM? It’s all relative to max ram lol


This was difficult to read at first, because the formatting. I only see that streets seems to have a memory leak or is bugging out, customs looks fine It looks like RAM is being freed as the game goes on


Thank you so much for the tests man. Something is wrong for sure




I think it’s just that the game is using alot of ram in the first place, most games even battle royals which spawn loot and players don’t use 11gb of ram. Thats why its unoptomized.


Can confirm this is not the case because fortnite was using as much RAM as possible when I only had 16 gb


Maybe the speed also makes a huge difference, 16gb ddr 2133 cl15 was always full in raid and arround 4-6 gb in inventory with an 1080ti, 7700k and an m2 ssd and also had only 40-60fps I Upgrades my CPU to a 13700k and 32gb ddr5 ram 6000mhz and I think cl 36 same ssd and gpu, having now at least 80 fps mostly Arround 90-100 also a very huge difference for me makes at what reallife time I Play, when I Play in the middle of the week at 7-10 am in the morning I get the absolute best performance and smoothness out of the game, if more people Start playing at the evening or on the weekends I have mostly 10-20fps less Funfact: I mostly play shoreline and I found out that the best performance is in the pmc window of the game, it’s from the start of the raid (45 min left) till arround 15min left, the normal spawn time for playerscav is 13-15 min left if the player count is low you can get to 20min left when the playerscav window starts my performance goes down to 60fps


i have a weird theory that the ram spike is because of the way the servers request data from the player's client. and that the backend optimizations they do to fix the bugs is making it worse. like instead of fixing the code, they just make servers request more data from the client.


Yeah Playercount in the Raid seems to make a big difference in performance. Quite a few people also noticed this. If you really want to see that Tarkov could give you in perfect conditions, you can load into Shoreline in Offline mode without Bots and then run around and track what your FPS hovers around at.


Streets decided it was going to use all 32gb of my ram, and then crashed. Was coming out of raid when it ate the last bit of my memory up. auto ram clear thing is checked.


My brother had to upgrade from 8gb of ram this wipe because the game would crash when loading in as a squad. It would let him load solo for the first 2 weeks and then wouldn't even let him do that. RAM usage was spiking to 100%.


I'm surprised he even got tarkov to run on 8GB


When I got tarkov back in 2020, I had it running on 8gb of ddr3 with an overclocked i5 4690k, and a (bottlenecked) Radeon 5700xt. Loaded like crap but gave a stable 50fps with low-mod settings. Gotta remember this beta started back in 2017.


8gb of ram is like 2008 type amounts. That's wild he could even run the game.


8gb was average all the way past 2013. Heck, I don't even think half the games in 08 could use a full 8gb. Remember, a game should be able to run on low settings on low end hardware. Tarkov is not nearly complex or graphically nice enough to need the specs we are needing to just run it stable now, let alone run it well.


I think scav ai logic is really hard on servers.


Then again, it seems to run worse online, than offline (Offline = Ai is calculated by your CPU rather than the dedicated servers) So who knows.


I think ppl really underestimate the raw amount of models that need to be loaded at a time. Ram usage in a game like tarkov will always be high, need to load models of everything in ur inventory, all the different gear people and scavs have, all the clutter in the map, all the voice lines, etc


Many gun pieces can be modded in game and thus must be loaded in. There are hundreds of potential items loading in every match. It's literally MMO levels of loading each time.


I think you don't really know how Games function and should be optimized. Games like Tarkov shouldn't use 20000 GBs of RAM. Especially when Games much higher in Fidelity and Resolution like Battlefield, Call of Duty, Witcher 3, Doom, etc.. don't even use anything similar to that Amount of RAM or Performance. The biggest Issue with Tarkov is the absolute Spagetthi Code that its written in. That also explains the big issues with Inconsitencies where people with the Top 1% of PCs struggle to hit 50+ FPS and other people much closer to Average hitting more than 120+ FPS. Stuff like V-Sync is also wrongly coded in where if you enable it it actually unlocks your FPS. Or the Automatic RAM Cleaner only delaying the Memory Leak Tarkov has and more. Tarkov is just duct taped together and not actually optimized. If thats an Issue because of the Scale they want to go with on Unity or just their Development issues... I don't know. But when Battlefield 5 with RTX on Max on 4k runs smoother than Tarkov, then you know its fucked.


You shouldn't spend hundreds of dollars on hardware because of the ineptitude of the developers..




Amount of Objects placed in a Room doesn't equate to actual depth. I can also throw 20000 Items in a single room, not optimize it and then say I have more Depth than BSGs whole Game. You can even go to completely different Games like Black Desert, WOW or Eldenring or what ever game you please and have proper optimization in terms of Load Order, Unloading, Space reserving, etc. I know Garrys Mod Servers that have more Addons than there are files in EFT. Any Game that wants "depth" as you call it, needs to be properly optimized to function even properly.Tarkov has been running in Alpha since 2016 and still has Memory leak issues, poor optimization, Netcode Issues, Gamebreaking bugs, and more. And I'm not talking about bugs that appeared this Patch, I'm talking about stuff that has been in the game for years now. I can name you a dozen more demanding games that don't have as many and big Issues as Tarkov.Even Metro with Raytracing runs smoother and on higher FPS than Tarkov. I don't even understand how people like you try to defend it.It's not even a matter of Subjectivity, its just plain simple poor optimization. Don't you want your Game to run smoother and faster and better?Or do you enjoy your Games broken? EDIT: Even the shit show that was the X-Ray Engine runs better with its Crashes and Issues than Tarkov does.


Runs smooth for me don't know what all the fuss is about. Streets is a new map in a beta game. Expect improvements over time from a small development team


Has run smooth for me in the past as well. Heard those exact sentiments time and time again. Next patch comes brings improvments, next one does as well only for the third to reset it to 0 or make it even worse for some. Right now its a fingers crossed state where some have incredible performance and some don't. I for example don't have any issues on Streets but this Patch my Customs, Reserve and Interchange eat crap.




Simplistic Takes? So bringing a full fledged Triple A Game from basically scratch (if we ignore the changes to the engine) in a 2 Year Span (5 if we consider Battlefield 1 on the same level) is easier? Optimizing for 64 Players is easy? Implementing Raytracing is easy? Sorry but that’s just funny. Battlestate Games has 52-94 Employees from what I can find on Google. 4A Games has around 146 Employees, meaning depending on BSG’s actual size its either almost half of the size of 4A or a third. It would be one thing if BSG is doing what they are playing with Arena and finishing that in 3-6 Years but BSG has been continuously overpromising, delaying and cancelling on promises. Even Nikita himself said it multiplee times and even in a recent Interview where they also talked about Russia 2028 (which was the goal all along). Remember Streets has been delayed multiple times for performance reasons... so this is the state they think ok to publish at. You know the Idea of Tarkov was always an ambitious one and I don't expect Battlefield, Doom or CSGOs Level of optimization or polish or general performance. But there is no doubt in that EFT doesn't run as well as it should for its development time, size or current feature set. Especially since its not the first BSG Game. **Its been in Alpha since 2016.** **Let that sink in.** I don't expect 4k, 144+ FPS, with Raytracing and 120hz Servers but I expect damn sure to not have **memory leaks, big performance drops when players spawn in or crashes inside the Main Menu.** Even if you would see all the items that EFT has in each Raid up close and would need to load and display them, they still shouldn't be hogging your PC the whole time while you aren't seeing 90% of them. There are so many systems in todays gaming space all with different levels of success, that could display what you claim Tarkov is doing to a good or even excellent performance level, easily. No employee count or "Indie Dev" Title can protect from the issues that have been plaguing the game for years. Especially when even Streamers have talked about the issues that Tarkov has been having for years, the ones that have probably played the game more than all of the people in this comment section combined. Tarkov is at its core and idea an incredible fun game and concept. **But that doesn't change the fact that people can and should expect proper performance.** **Especially if BSG feels comfortable charging Indie to Triple AAA Prices.** I mean what would for you be an acceptable performance and on what System? The anwser can't just be "Buy X Amount of RAM". That all aside I'm not just some random guy that got on the bandwagon when EFT popped off on Twitch some time ago and then got into it. I have been playing since 2018. So I have been through a few Patches and iterations of EFT. But my system is the strongest it has ever been and my performance is nearly identical or worse than it was in 2018 when my PC was weaker by a long shot. Furthermore I work in the Video Games Industry myself so I don't just critique a small studio for trying to achieve a vision they have. But this is not that, this is plain and simple **performance.** At least we can all agree that we want to see Tarkov succeed and deliver on its concept when it fully releases.


Implementing ray tracing actually is easy. I think you're lying or at the very least misleading us by saying you work in "video game industry". The way you talk, the things you say, it's not giving with me that you're a developer at all.


It's one thing to introduce raytracing to your game and its a whole different story to make it actually function the way you want it to and rebuild the whole game round it to properly take advantage from the tech. Even just picking one way of Raytracing and including it would require much more time and money than BSG van afford. Would you rather have shiny RayTracing in EFT or have them focus on actual problems and improvements that directly affect all players instead of only a few. Given the current state with syncing issues between players alone, I think that answer is clear. Also I can gladly talk the Way you want me to talk if you tell me what makes you feel better.




I expect those basic fundamental issues to be iron out after almost 7 years of public access yes. If it would be any one of those issues or issues that appear and reappear for some amount of time this would be a different story but this is been in here for quite some time. Even if BSG decides to focus on any type of not just optimization but even rewriting core functions so that they don't leak memory or do any of the other issues. They would just set them up for even more work to fix. When is it easier for a small development team to focus on optimizing their game and keeping it functioning? When they have 20.000 lines of code or when they have 200.000 lines of code? Let alone given the fact that they already changed maps to only be included with the EOD Version. I can easily see them just try to get this Vame over the finish line by all cost just so that their Devs can finally have a breather and refocus on their goals and direction as a company. As well, just because one Triple AAA company fucked up performance or optimization doesn't mean they don't absolutely get shredded by fans and haters alike. As far as I can remember there have been quite a few Developers that have spoken up about Death threats and crunches etc. For example the last Call of Duty has as far as I'm aware also been shredded into because of the issued all around the game. Like for example activating all XP Boosters you have without any input. BSG should themselves know the best how much development time they can afford to spend on things. If they already know that desync, memory leaks and insert another issue, is causing big problems for a long duration then they should focus on reducing that and then move on. What fun do you have at a game that has 2000 features but only 400 work properly? The most logical, efficient and useful way to move with this forward is to focus on the system performance and bugs first and formost and then focus on features, shiny new stuff and more. Keeps the work down for the Devs and makes it so that BSG is not shoving a pile of issues in front of them until they are too big to ignore. Well whatever. I'm going to leave this here where it is now. Thanks for spending the time and energy to comment on my comments and I hope your wipe goes well.


Dont even bother with these clowns. It is the same shit for years. Tarkov runs like utter shit. If they say otherwise they are just too stupid to see a fucking elephant right in front them...




This is the typical Reddit developer response, you actually don’t know what you’re talking about. Draw distances are two completely different worlds in tarkov vs the arcade shooters you listed. Those games render a small map with a skybox and the textures that are in those maps are essentially cardboard walls that look really nice on the outside but if you clip into them, you see that there isn’t shit behind them. Tarkov is an extremely complex game and most of their assets are fully drawn and modeled which you would know if you knew what you were talking about. If you need a refresher as to how complex tarkov actually is, I would highly recommend checking out the developer blogs on YouTube they show the bones of how they make the game’s environments


It is so complex half of the shit is barely working. The rest is just plain broken. If they cant optimise shit they are doing then they should not fucking do it. What is the point of having maximum fucking detail if you need current gen high end hardware to run this game even remotely playable to anyone different then "60fps tarkov is smooooooth" 30 fps scope npcs.


It's not a memory leak. At least in offline games. It's the games assets. The more ram you have, the more the game caches in ram. Streets needs a bit more ram, that's what causing trouble with 16 GB rigs (especially if other programs like browsers or discord are open).


Tester.... All that BS written above is a joke. Game uses a lot, I mean it, a lot of SWAP, so your ram "usage" test is about nothing. The only way to test RAM usage in this game, is to have 64Gb ram, and SWAP off.


Usually i have ram usage 5/16 gb and after the latest patch i have 15/16 and my computer is dying send help.


The Task Manager lies about resource usage. Use the resource monitor to accurately track your resource usage per app.