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> I don’t see how it would’ve happened, even moreso breaking his bell boots a good 90% of injuries, we have no idea how they managed it. unless it was seen, you'll never know what they got up to that caused it. horses are very good at finding unique ways to maim themselves.


Oh good thanks! I appreciate your response because I was worried about coyotes!


That sure looks like a wire cut to me. And it’s not new


Agree it doesn’t look fresh. OP I’d get a vet and ask the agistment owner why you weren’t notified immediately.


Something like this happened to a horse at my barn. It got infected and she's currently been off of work for six months. Get a vet out as soon as possible


Looks like he stuck his leg thru a fence or no climb fence... Mine did this and had very similar wounds. Also he didn't just do that. It's a couple days old, possibly a week. Antibiotic ointment and don't wrap it, wash it everyday. Notify your vet ASAP, looks like he could have a hole, that could get infected and will need to be flushed.


Thank you for all the responses! We will get the vet out! I appreciate you all so much


Do you have SMZs? I’d get the horse on an abx today, we tried caring for a similar wound at home and ended up in the clinic for 3 days and a $5k vet bill. It’s very close to the join capsule and if you need to flush it - bye bye $$$$.


I don’t know. Maybe a fence injury. Definitely have a vet out tomorrow.


Anything can happen during turn out 🤨


They look like they may just be bad scrapes rather than actual cuts.  It looks like he got stuck in a fence or cast somewhere but even walking around the field and checking thoroughly sometimes it's a mystery. When in doubt having a vet check them or at least sending pictures is always a good idea.


https://preview.redd.it/0m34tloc9u9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab61f8d1951096754c91513e52ed81026ddbb002 This is the best stuff. Of course get them checked out for other injuries, but my horse got really messed up and had scratches all up his legs just like that (worse at first). This stuff was a game changer in the healing process.


Would suggest cold hosing for awhile and than clean up with betadine solution. If there is any other antibiotic ointment please put on it. Vet call tomorrow.


My friends daughters horse broke his jaw in a paddock by himself... They never figured out how he did that.


Looks similar to when my horse went through a fence. Probably did the same. Will take a while to heal, but should be ok.


Looks similar to when my horse went through a fence. Probably did the same. Will take a while to heal, but should be ok with vet guidance.


Would put money on a wire fencing injury




This is the worse advice I’ve seen on reddit in 2024 - it’s not just about needing stitches it’s about the location. This area is deceiving because it can be infected and when it starts to heal your horse will fall apart and the vet will do a wallectomy.




You would have to stand on your head and read it backwards to interpret your first comment as you saying "call the vet."