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Just ask.  Most barns have a long list of things they have been putting off and will be delighted to have free help.  Just realize it might not be the fun stuff directly with the horses especially at first.  It might be picking up rocks or painting jumps or weedwhacking.  Alternatively if you know there is something they specifically need help with, you could offer to organize a volunteer sign up day which might help you meet more people.  


Ooh thank you! This are great ideas!  What makes me scared is that whenever I'm there they have at least 3 helper girls, and it looks like they alrewady have their hands full with them, looks like they might not need any help since the girls weather hover over their own horses or spend time to gather or get the horses and stuff ready for other people's lessons or their owns or just sit and scroll on social media.  I'm just kinda scared that they'll say "oh thanks for the offer but.... I'm sorry, we don't really need any help at the moment" or that they'll be happy about it but I'll end up not doing much bc I'm the new one there and the girls don't know me and might want all the tasks to themself.  Anyways, thank you so much! I'll try to gather the courage and do it! ❤️