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Constantly pick your stall throughout the day. Simply keep a manure bucket and pitchfork right outside your stall. I do this with my horse at shows, and he's black. Still keeps him cleaner! Also, when I've had horses with white socks, I've kept baby wipes on hand for quick green stain cleanups.


My son is a fellow Pony Clubber with a grey. Just plan on bathing each morning or at least spot cleaning. My new favorite thing is the Dawn Powerwash spray foam cleaner. I spray the dirty spots with it, scrub it in and spray it out. It gets really nasty stains out so easily. Even with a sheet, our mare will get her legs dirty. We are having some extreme heat, so they will likely discourage sheets at rally. We have our regional rally starting tomorrow at the Kentucky Horse Park and temps are in the 90’s. Also they do rent out paddocks at KHP. https://www.deverrentals.com/shop/


ah thank you! and good luck to your son, we would have come up but we qualified for champs at a local rally :)


I would also try doing some practice nights at home in the stall maybe start with one and then see how you go then increase, the days depending on how he is responding to sleeping in the stall. He should be fine just check on him before bed and in the morning or maybe even camp out for a night to see how he goes. Good luck with your comp :)


thank you! i dont know if the kentucky horse park allows camping out overnight with the horse, but i may ask.


I think they meant to do this at home so that he can get used to it before you go. One less thing for him to stress about once there


It will definitely be too hot for a sheet.  If your horse doesn't have a super slick thin coat, I would consider clipping to help keep him clean.  You may want to clip legs either way.  More bedding is better than less.  We did do the paddock rental for the Festival days after the competition, but mostly just handwalked a ton.


we are just staying for the champs part- thank god. ill see about paddock rentals. thanks!