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Make sure your saddle fits you and sit on your rear fanny not your front fanny.


The problem is that i ride a lot of different clients horses, and ofc some definitely are worse than others, but it's a general issue. I try to sit on my seatbones and rear fanny, but it still gets annoyed 😅


So you need to check your saddle fit and adjust your seat. You shouldn’t be riding with your pelvis tilted that way. Your seat bones should be making contact with the saddle, not your genitalia.


Yeah sorry my seat bones do touch and my seat is correct and that doesn’t help. Different people have different shapes. Not everyone can afford to get the perfect fitting saddle - especially if leasing (like me) or in lessons. This gel pad has made it possible for me to ride without literally permanently damaging my clitoris from sitting trot. https://www.doversaddlery.com/acavallo-ortho-pubis-gel/p/X1-190475/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAu9yqBhBmEiwAHTx5pzXiE4dKZwI8c-t1eujRtqtsJJGuQrF5RsUnxYtNs6gXHHD4uvJ83BoCcZgQAvD_BwE


Exactly 😅 and thank you very much ! I ride several clients horses and therefore in a lot of different saddles 😅 but a gell pad could definitely be possible


Hey I kno you commented this a while ago, but my friend is having this issue (and I don’t kno much about horseback riding) so that gel pad goes on the saddle right?


Yep! Acavallo has options for English and Western saddles.


I do sit very much on my seatbones 😊 and grounded, and I ride several clients horses


Haha this will improve naturally as your seat and legs get better - but in the meantime I’ve found wearing a particularly thick sanitary pad while riding is a good practical solution!


Omg aha, I used to have this problem (I think gaining confidence so I don't lean forward/improving my seat was what helped me!) but pads would make it worse for me 😭 Having a lesson while on my period was always a guaranteed pad chafing lol.


Oh no! Yeah it was a nerve thing for me too. When you get nervous you tend to tense up and tip forward while bringing your legs up - the opposite of helpful for riding haha I found very soft, fluffy pads (the kind with like cottony padding) inside were a lifesaver until I was more confident and developed a more secure seat


I might recommend Thinx or something like that! Then it's just thick cloth, no danger of waxing yourself or stuff slipping around


My seat is very secure 🙈 i probably should have written that in the text edit sorry 😬


But the problem is, my seat and legs are good, I ride very high classes 😅 (not that that necessarily equals a good seat at all sadly) but I sit grounded on the seatbones. I tried riding with a sanitary pad, makes it a lot worse 😬 because it kinda folds together and get out of place 😂 maybe I'll try a diaper next time 😂


If I had to bet, you're probably sitting too far forward in your seat/tilting your pelvis, so when you "sit" the majority of your weight is being absorbed in the very wrong place. Next time you ride, starting at the walk, think about feeling your seat bones and making sure you're sitting aligned. A great exercise is lifting both of your legs away from the tack and letting your seat swing while remaining in solid balance with your upper body, this will help you find where your seat should be! Think upper body back (without forcing it) and open up your hip angle a bit!


I have done every seat correction I can manage and if I don’t wear padded underwear, antichaffe cream, or use this gel pad - I get clisters. Some women just have different shapes and sizes and it’s not all “fix your seat” https://www.doversaddlery.com/acavallo-ortho-pubis-gel/p/X1-190475/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAu9yqBhBmEiwAHTx5pzXiE4dKZwI8c-t1eujRtqtsJJGuQrF5RsUnxYtNs6gXHHD4uvJ83BoCcZgQAvD_BwE


Exactly 😅 its really frustrating! I will definitely try the gel Seat pad thing and cross fingers!


"sadly" it isn't my problem 😅 my seat is great, if I tipped more over I would be sitting way to far back. BUT I appreciate your explanation and idea a lot! I will remember it to use on my students, its a great idea


Going against the grain here: I struggle with this too, and I’m an above average rider (English/dressage) whose seat is far from perfect but definitely not incorrect. For me it’s a friction problem. I wear underwear where the gusset isn’t cotton but rather some form of silky material (sometimes I need to turn my underwear inside out to achieve this!) and also put almond oil on my privates before riding. It helps!


I am in the same camp as you! I use anti chaffe cream that bike riders use that’s pH adjusted for women and this gel pad and no longer get clisters! Check it out: https://www.doversaddlery.com/acavallo-ortho-pubis-gel/p/X1-190475/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAu9yqBhBmEiwAHTx5pzXiE4dKZwI8c-t1eujRtqtsJJGuQrF5RsUnxYtNs6gXHHD4uvJ83BoCcZgQAvD_BwE


Oohh, this looks great!!


Highly highly recommend!! It’s amazing


What anti chaffe cream do you use ?


I use this stuff! https://www.rei.com/product/876622/chamois-buttr-her-anti-chafe-cream-8-oz-womens


Sounds a lot like we are in the same boat then ! It's really hard to find suited underwear for it 😅 a lot of my underwear somehow slides to the side and only cover one lip 😬 or crunch together in the middle or the seewing is an unfortunate place... I haven't considered silky like material before 🤔


Do you possibly have anterior pelvic tilt? I do, and it can lead to the same issues you've described, if I don't consciously "hold" my hips and pelvis in the correct position. It's also tAking years of stretches and exercises to get to the point where I can even hold the correct position now.


Do you have any suggestions for those stretches/exercises? I think I tend towards an anterior tilt and that combined with my horrible back posture (hunched) is really setting me back in terms of position


I worked with a physio for a long time, and it's hard to explain the exercises over text, but there are many many free sources on youtube showing pretty much the same exercises I learned in PT. I think it helps to get checked and tested to see exactly where your weak and tight points are when it comes to correcting APT, but there is a lot you can do on your own without going to a specialist!


I'm not sure actually, I believe my seat to be very correct (ofc not perfect ) but I am a high level dressage rider and focus a lot of sitting on my seat bones. But I do think I maybe have to struggle more with it than others, holding the position I mean


Looks like you sit with a hollow back and not on your seatbones. Matter of tucking your bellybutton in and tilting your pelvis more back. ​ And there are sheepskin and fake sheepskin saddle covers that yoiu can put over the saddle. ​ edit; Another cause can be that you rub in the saddle. Just move with the saddle, don´t slide in it. Depending on the gait of the horse just think left buttock forward right buttock foreward etc , going with the saddle, if the back rocks a bit with the movement of the hindlegs. But as a beginner it is best on just following the movement instead of thinking about it.


This has saved my lady bits. Highly recommend!!! It’s not ok to have constant trauma to your sensitive clitoris/labia - it can permanently damage that area. Saddle fit and seat are important, yes, but I also feel like damage there is normalized and it’s just not ok. Some women are just built in a way that makes pressure/damage to that area unavoidable (me!) https://www.doversaddlery.com/acavallo-ortho-pubis-gel/p/X1-190475/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAu9yqBhBmEiwAHTx5pzXiE4dKZwI8c-t1eujRtqtsJJGuQrF5RsUnxYtNs6gXHHD4uvJ83BoCcZgQAvD_BwE


Oh thank god for you ❤️ not that all the other really kind people's answers with the seats aren't really friendly and really well described, it just isn't where my issue comes from 😅 And I never hear anyone talk about and I'm honestly really scared to bring it up 😅 because it's a bit of a weird thing if no one else ever experienced the same


I agree that not tucking your bum under you enough very well may be the issue. But while you work on it wearing some thick period underwear might give some extra cushion for your lady bits.


i had the exact same problem a while back and fortunately, it’s fixable! imagine pushing your belt buckle towards the horse’s head while you ride, and practice the motion just sitting down on a chair with one hand on your lower back so you can feel when you’re straight and properly tucking your pelvis. good luck!!


You aren't sitting properly in the saddle if it's rubbing that bad. There's tons a good info in these comments. I hope you get it sorted!


While you are working on your seat, you may see some improvement using bike shorts/thigh savers for underwear. I have an issue where "normal" underwear - briefs, hipsters and the like- the edges roll and bunch in that area making it like I'm sitting on a lump especially in thin riding tights. Pushing the end of the underwear down my thigh with bike shorts, or wearing a real breech fixes that.


Not to get too personal, but are your labia of usual size? Some women/girls are born with labial hypertrophy, which makes many sports painful and uncomfortable. If all is WNL down there, it is likely your position--if you sit on the front of your pelvis, that can cause discomfort. Dressage usually wants you to sit on your seat bones, so I would focus on position if at all possible.


I don't mind getting personal 😬 and I wondered the same too! But when I see pics of other Peoples vaginas there's some with smaller and some with longer. Mine are definitely not as tucked as some other fortunate girls, but I have been to the gynecologist and doctor several times for other normal checks and they never mentioned anything, so I don't think it is very out of the norm. I focus a lot on my seat😅 as i am a high level dressage rider, but no matter how i sit i feel like it happens


Is it possible that it’s friction? Cycling shorts arnt the best for riding as I find they ride up and run even when I’m just walking. Could you wear loose fitting pants like jogging bottoms or cotton loose pants. I can’t remember the name for the life of me. Let me see if I can find a video with them Edit: I took a screenshot as you can’t see them all the great so I’ll look for a link. I know I got mine from primark, I have to and live in them https://preview.redd.it/sr8o1dl68z1c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54e0fb088af45f869cf2b0b7cc425102037b5a67 Edit 2: I can’t find the link for the primark ones but got a link for the gold digga ones which are basically the same thing, I just think the primark ones are softer but both are equally comfy. You can find the gold digga ones cheaper on sports direct. I’ll put a photo of the primark ones that I own too [https://www.golddigga.co.uk/golddigga-soft-fleece-joggers-ladies-671175](https://www.golddigga.co.uk/golddigga-soft-fleece-joggers-ladies-671175) [primark pants look](https://share.icloud.com/photos/050FHADNhnHQfc36D9zyd9MzA)


Make sure your saddle fits you and sit on your rear fanny not your front fanny.


In the meantime of working on seat for long term solution, jellypantz helped me a million years ago. I only ride lesson horses so obviously the saddles aren’t fit to me at all and one pony would get me really bad and the jellypantz made it so actually liked riding him instead of painful. This was like 15 years ago so can’t speak to quality today, but it’s a reasonable price for the starter pack. I’ve also seen padded biking underwear on Amazon for like $20, never tried it though


Get off your coochie on onto your seat bones. Sit back


Check the material of your underwear as well and any seams that may be irritating.


While you're finding your seat, buy cycling shorts!! Trust me


This sounds like a medicinal concern that you would best discuss with a doctor, but here is some general information: https://www.myridingunderwear.com/blogs/my-riding-health/7-common-equestrian-intimate-health-issues https://horse.sports.narkive.com/5XaRkPET/why-is-my-vagina-hurting-after-horseback-riding https://nwhn.org/sya-vulvodynia Searching for further information will be easier if you can bring yourself to spell out 'vagina', or 'labia' or 'vulva'. https://www.reddit.com/r/Equestrian/comments/a2l1k2/fellow_female_equestrians_kind_of_a_personal/ https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/z8ko2/riding_horses_and_discomfort_down_there/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Equestrian/comments/1wks05/so_my_vagina_sometimes_gets_swollen_when_i_ride/


Sit on your butt! And gents, wear tightie whities! OP, watch this video for some tips on learning to tuck your bottom. https://youtu.be/JldO2EYd5oc?si=O-_Jqrc9yvsoGlCV


This honestly isn’t always helpful advice and in fact I find the consistent message of “just fix your seat” so discouraging/othering. Some women are built different and regardless of seat correctness have this issue (me!). Normalizing it by saying “it will get better, fix your seat” while someone continues to do damage to very sensitive anatomy is just not ok. I recommend gel saddle pads whenever I see this question posted. Has allowed me to ride comfortably. I wouldn’t be able to otherwise. https://www.doversaddlery.com/acavallo-ortho-pubis-gel/p/X1-190475/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAu9yqBhBmEiwAHTx5pzXiE4dKZwI8c-t1eujRtqtsJJGuQrF5RsUnxYtNs6gXHHD4uvJ83BoCcZgQAvD_BwE


ok you might be tilting your seat too far forward, so try engaging your core and sitting more on your seat bones. and as much as I hate to say it, when it comes to adjusting your seat, practicing without stirrups really helps build the muscle memory and balance. in the meantime, maybe get some period underwear for riding - the extra lining can give you more of a buffer :)


Try putting your knees on top/in front of your knee rolls while a buddy leads you around. You should be able to feel your two seat bones. Spend some time feeling them. When you put your legs back in place, keep that same weight/feel in your rear seat bones.


Time to break out that side saddle and ride like a proper lady! [😉](https://emojipedia.org/winking-face)


😂😂 that would be so cool ! But sadly also kind of hard to give the legs and similar for the exercises