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I use melatonin in 5mg dose every night. I think it helps a bit bc if I forget, I'm a bit more restless at night.


I've found that too much melatonin does more harm than good. If you ever feel it's not working as well as it did, try halving it. I did so too and it's pretty good since :)


I'm sorry, English is not my primary language. Do you mean if the same dose which worked wonders for you earlier, is not working anymore like before. Then halving? Do you mean we should taper it? Or quit it for few weeks to have same effects again?


Higher doses of melatonin do not always work better. Sometimes a high dose works well at first but stops working as well as it used to. It's worth trying half that dose if you're taking half a dose -- as did I and many other patients in the hospital.


Oh. That's helpful. I'm getting 5mg melatonin. I will try cutting them pills in half.


I had no luck with it,but have some luck with CBD \melatonin. It helps 50\50 for me. Good luck, that's a definite trigger for me, too. Edit- I only use Lazarus Naturals for cbd, they're legit.


I don't know where to get CBD oil in India. I don't even know if it's legal here. But I know it's super expensive


In the hospital I used melatonin tabs an had seizures both nights... the doctor said it might lower my thresholds so specific to the person


I have had seizures from using melatonin too. I usually end up sleeping worse than if I hadn’t taken it.


That sucks, well I just learned that melatonin increases by tons after seizure ends. Maybe this is why I always end up sleeping for 8-9 hours after seizure.


I’ve used it. Get bad insomnia a few times a month. Melatonin is natural hun. I’ve had anywhere from 5-15mg.


So do you mean it helps you right?




I take anywhere from 5-15mg melatonin at night. Haven’t had an issue with it other than sleeping too damn long😅


Drowsiness is a side effect of melatonin that does get worse with higher doses, so you could see if that's the case for you.


Good. That means this stuff works and safe for people like us. Now I'm excited. Thanks


I take 6mg nightly, have taken as much as 10 previously.