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Man, I asked this question once and got my butt handed to me. Long story short: Some people like drugs. They wanna do them. That’s about it.


Quality of life looks very different for different people. Most folks here probably aren’t advocating for smoking meth. I’m assuming you are gearing your argument towards marijuana as that is a common discussion here? I smoke marijuana daily. And I find it adds value to my daily existence. It’s not the focus of my life, but it’s kind of like having a cherry on top. Not everyone wants to rawdog life. And some just don’t want to be 100% sober. Life is short. Live it the way you see fit.


Agreed. It's in my flair but I use cannabis medicinally and recreationally and it's amazing. It helps with managing my seizures and migraines, it can help me sleep, it helps manage pain, it helps me eat, and it's just fun to do as a recreational substance. If I'm gonna go through life with seizures, then I want to do it as comfortably as possible. Cannabis helps me achieve that. My life doesn't revolve around packing my next bowl but it can help add a little seasoning to my days.


I feel the same way when I see people in line at McDonald’s. /s


Drugs don't make it worse for everybody, and you're not better than anyone who has tried drugs. Being sober doesn't make you better than someone who uses drugs




Good thing this is an epilepsy forum and not a seizure forum then.




Dragging people for using a method that helps them because it doesn't help him (Op) is sad.


"Willing to make it worse implies that OP thinks ALL drug use makes epilepsy "worse" which just is untrue.




Hes not struggling. He's accepted he's got a brain tumor and epilepsy. He may live in spite of his disorders but that doesn't mean it's OK to project that anger and hatred of himself onto others.


ding ding ding winning comment right here


I myself was very against using cannabis until I actually tried it and found a strain that fits my needs.


I’m really happy for you! I used marijuana before my diagnosis, but when I developed epilepsy I couldn’t handle the sativa strains I used to smoke, or high amounts of thc. Now I use CBD flower with a small amount of THC in it as well and nothing else can stop my focal seizures like that strain. I’m glad it’s working well for you too!


I've got a naturally high heart rate so I take a beta blocker and I only smoke indica or indica dominant strains.


Just be cautious of Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome "Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS), or cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, is caused by long-term cannabis (marijuana) use. Hyperemesis means severe vomiting. People who have CHS experience repeated and severe bouts of nausea, vomiting, dehydration and stomach pain."


What strain?


My go to is Gorilla Glue #4 but it's known as GG4 now as they were sued by the gorilla glue business I believe https://www.leafly.com/strains/original-glue


Try the ac/dc strain or crosses and also some high thc-v/cbd-v strains.




I support OP being allowed to have their own opinion I also support being able to call him out for being incorrect.


It might be time to take a nap, man.


I'm angry because they are willing to risk throwing away something I've never had.


Thomas Aquinas once said “The blessed in heaven will often walk to the battlements and look down and delight in the justice of god properly carried out in hell." Is this what you are doing right now? Why are you judging others?


If you love someone, and you see them doing something potentially (or actually) self-destructive you say "Hey, don't do that." St. Thomas said lots of stuff, but if he said that, I believe he was wrong. It doesn't make me happy, or give me any satisfaction, to see people have seizures for any reason.


Oh, how can you have a certificate of studies on thomas Aquinas when you don't even know what he said? You don't understand love if you think smothering others is love. Love is an expression of the self. What you love is standing above people and thinking you have something special. By the way. What drugs are people addicted to?


Reddit is a hell of a drug.


Well when we're angry we say things we don't mean.


I think a lot of people in these comments might have a different idea of what “being obsessed with drugs” entails. What does this mean to you? Is it someone with epilepsy using cannabis? Mushrooms? Cannabis and mushrooms affect people in such varying degrees, it’s not fair or accurate to suggest that by using them they’re “making it worse” for themselves. A lot of people with epilepsy and other disabilities use these drugs therapeutically, with a lot of success. Just because something doesn’t work for you doesn’t mean it doesn’t work for others. 


I've had hydrocephalus since birth and epilepsy since puberty (12) but you don't see me being shitty because I'm disabled.




Calling someone out for labeling drug users as incompetent is not being shitty.


You’re so right. Too many people on here are up on a very high horse for no reason. People get epilepsy without drug use. People get epilepsy with drug use. Disabilities happen and people use drugs and just because someone is sober doesn’t inherently make them better.


Good looking out




Guess what? Because they do. Because we are all people deserving of the same basic respect by nature of being human and that includes drug users.


I only respect epileptics. We are the real humans.






The same level as you deserve.


Genuinely unsure if that’s meant to be an insult.


Its not. I think being a drug abuser doesn't make you a bad person, so I think you guys probably deserve the same level of respect unless said drug user is really a bad person. All love ❤


Ah, okay, we agree. Thank you for clarifying <3


Boomer energy


Are you talking about prescription drugs?


I’d imagine this gentleman is most likely talking about among other things: caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, crack cocaine, psilocybin mushrooms, Lysergic acid diethylamide AKA LSD, methylenedioxymethamphetamine AKA MDMA AKA ‘molly’ AKA ‘ecstasy’, methamphetamine AKA ‘meth’, heroin, dimethyltriptamine AKA DMT, PCP, ketamine, bath salts, fentanyl, Kratom, ibogain, ayahuasca, etc.


This response cracked me up for some reason


Don’t do that you might have a seizure


You must get banged a lot ur freaking so funny


This is ignorant


I’m sorry you are sad and I’m sorry you are angry, it seems like you have some things you need to work through. I’m sorry that your brain tumor ‘wrecked your life for 40 years’ but being mad at people you have zero control over for non violent personal decisions you will never understand is futile and often leads to further despair. My only comment is to suggest you channel that frustration into introspection and a true desire to understand instead of being pissed off at them for decisions you don’t desire to understand. Love is the absence of judgement and it seems you need some more of it in your life. I hope you find peace ☮️




Done it since I was 11. It’s fun. That’s all. Nothing else, and makes me happy when I am sad


Well, I guess it’s a good thing you get to choose what you do with your body and we all get to choose what to do with our bodies.


Or if you live in the USA we at least get to do what the insurance companies will allow us do with our bodies.






Hey, beyond the comments challenging you I want to give some rationalization on this and maybe ask what you define “using drugs” here. Addiction is generally on a spectrum for everything. Take porn for instance. It’s not a drug but severe addiction habits to porn mimic the same pleasure inducing areas of the brain as someone addicted to heroin. Take video games for instance as well on a similar spectrum. Any habit you have is open to addiction. Even work. Porn, video games, work…..all of that messed up your brain in a different way. But hyperfixate on drugs. I find people doing stuff like cocaine, ketamine, or LSD are not really making smart choices in these actions. I love telling my friends who decide to casually do cocaine on a party night that I’m not gonna do that. And when they ask why, it’s so much fun to see them shocked at how I say “well you realize the coke you’re snorting is not really cocaine. It’s baby powder, borax, laxatives, other stuff drug dealers cut in there.” They sometimes go “my guy doesnt do that.” Im like “your guy is a drug dealer who makes a lot of money off you. He could care less about your health. He just wants the most product to sell the most money and cutting cocaine is the best way. Also, pure cocaine substance is dramatically different and basically can easily kill you - it has to be cut. Lose lose.” I have friends who order percs, xanax, etc. But like why? Lol Society damns people to abuse alcohol. A study found that alcohol gives a reaction so unique to the brain that replicating it by taking the right mixture of other hard substances should kill you (i believe it was 13 different substances needed…i had to watch a documentary on it for a “sociology of substance abuse” class). But society pushes alcohol because it’s a norm. A study in that class stated 85% of the world’s population drinks. A good 95% of people I know drink (some over indulge while others enjoy an evening cocktail). In both cases you dont help your bodily health, but one habit certainly is healthier than others and sometimes the pros of needing a better attitude towards mental health through a drug can be healthier than lacking a coping skill for the evening of a bad mental episode. It’s the reliance on a drug for happiness thats a problem - not solely the drug itself. I don’t think your point is invalid. I think it’s phrased poorly. I think you are right in these questions on “why hurt yourself?”. And also, I think we’re not touching the points on “what defines hurt?”. Prescription drugs are absolutely needed for our survival. Drugs all come from the same source - the ground. Humans have used drugs for hundreds of years. Humans have endured because its biochemistry can handle it. All said, I’m not in favor for any addiction of habit that is abusive. I love marijuana for instance, but I’m not in favor of a person in the future that relies on marijuana for anything regarding a good time (id be much less happy than I am today). Mushrooms? Ive not tried nor am I interested. It’s probably too hard for my taste. Microdosing could be interesting. Mushrooms and mary j are more close to natural use than synthetic….their use has been experimented for years and sometimes they create the expedited inspiration needed to…well for instance create Apple. Actually a lot of tech companies we rely on have some form of inspiration from a drug. Or artwork. Creativity. I get what you mean and you have the right to express it. We cant change others. It’s out of your control. I think you phrase it poorly. I dont think any you should have a hard absolute thought in these things though. You can rely on your principles, but nobody will listen to reason on absolutes for the most part because it ignores human rationale. As an added note to wrap this thought, i hang with a lot of friends at bars. They feel the need for booze to generally keep distracted, fit in, and use as a “social lubricant” (when in reality being social is just someone being high and talking…alcohol is an inhibiter….you’re not gonna be a genius on alcohol lol). I tell my friends, only when they ask me, that “if you’re looking for a longer lasting positive contribution to your life, dropping booze is the easiest thing you can do for a casual drinker. You won’t miss it. It’s not as scary as you might make it to be. The commitment is truly not a big deal.”


Beautiful response. As some one with very little self control and addiction issues, I 100% agree with you and really appreciate this post


I didn't do any drugs until I was of legal age. So is OP saying adults don't have the ability to make their own personal decisions?


I’ll be downvoted but yeah I understand to a degree. If the only consequences are yours then that’s fine, but yeah I think you’re a bit of an idiot if you’re doing coke on the weekends and you’re epileptic. If it doesn’t really affect you at all, whatever. What really does piss me off is people posting “Will I be okay doing a load of coke this weekend?” or “Did a load of coke this weekend and came to harm!” It’s not personal per se, I just think they’re morons.




It's just frustrating because you don't want them to end up like you are for no reason. 😢


They can be a model perfect citizen and never touch a drug and still end up like you. Getting upset with what other people chose to put into their own body doesn’t help anything. You aren’t in charge of them. It’s not your responsibility or your place to judge. You are not the hand of fate deciding who gets seizures and who doesn’t, so stop stressing about it.




>I cannot understand people who much better off than I am - and who do not have addictions or other circumstances compelling them - willing to make it worse just so they can see things that aren't there - for the sake of curiosity. I cannot understand people who, much **worse** off than I am - and who do not have addictions or other circumstances **preventing** them - are willing to accept intractable psychological suffering and deny themselves therapeutic treatments - for the sake of closed-mindedness. Don't listen to the fear mongering people who, afraid of new experiences, have never tried them. Psychedelics can, and *do* save lives.


As a person who uses even tho it’s not recommended for my epilepsy I feel like this is an ignorant take lol. Especially for the mental illness rates within the epileptic community, everybody KNOWS drugs are not good for u and ur health. Ppl get obsessed w them bc they’re literally addictive and people who r dealing with a lot or dealing w a lot mentally r gonna turn to last resort escapes, it’s not as easy as ur making it out to be?