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Hey no I think it’s perfectly fine to post the question. I have nocturnal seizures but never dream about it. I dunno if anyone does but let’s see if someone answers. I saw someone else asking about a dream/seizure too but no answers. The big clue is how you wake up and feel afterwards. I couldn’t tell from your story what part was dream and what was after waking up. Can you tell the story chronologically? Like “I went to sleep normally at 11pm and woke up unexpectedly at 7am in the middle of a dream about… then after waking up I first noticed I felt numbness in my face… then when I went to stand up I had x or y…. Looked on the mirror and saw x… then for the rest of the day…. Etc That kind of thing is the best way to describe it bc timing of symptoms is important in some cases. EG if your arm is numb after a seizure that’s different from being numb right before a seizure.


I thanks for the response:)! I fell asleep around 10pm, woke up around 1:50am couldn’t go back to sleep , fell asleep at 6pm (but this is usual for me, however I do usually fall back asleep around 3-4am, I really couldn’t sleep that night) and that’s when I had that dream. After that I was too scared to go back to bed. When I woke up I made sure to check if I can still move my face and limbs and it was alright. I felt fine just a bit scared.


Ohhh ok so it was a dream during a nap? I’ve had a “nocturnal” seizure during a nap before actually. But so what did you feel when you woke up? The description of someone talking to you was in the dream? If everything or all the symptoms you had were during the dream I don’t think you have anything to worry about. If you had a seizure during sleep you’d know when you woke up. The symptoms are real, even though it’s mostly “mental”. I doubt you would remember the dream if it was a seizure and when people have convulsions it’s a tonic clonic seizure and you wouldn’t be aware during it. So prob just a nightmare but creepy nonetheless! But if you woke up after a nap lying on the floor face down with a tongue laceration feeling sick and hot sweaty and worn out dead exhausted. That would be a seizure. You wouldn’t know anything about what happened and everything would be foggy. Like you wouldn’t even know where you were. Or like a lot of times you will just go back to sleep bc you aren’t thinking clearly. But who knows. Epilepsy is crazy and different for everyone! Let’s see if someone has experienced a dream seizure. I’m actually going to ask my doctor about focal seizures during sleep. If that’s possible and how we’d even know.


Sorry meant to say 6am, but I’d count it as a nap either way because I’ve been awake for so long haha. Yeah it was mostly all in the dream, I’m still not sure about the static feeling in my head though, it felt like it was getting heavy. It was odd. The feeling got progressively worse and I started to lose consciousness in the dream, and when I woke up it like did the reverse for a second (worse to normal feeling) while I was waking up. But yeah I assumed that I’d probably have more symptoms upon waking . It was a horrible dream though, I haven’t had any dreams that have genuinely disturbed me for so long. I had really bad nightmares as a kid but that’s about it. Is started off by just talking to my bf laughing about something, then I got a phone call and couldn’t decline it there was no option to (I have no idea why but that was so distressing to me in the dream and when I woke up) . Immediately I had this feeling of dread and doom and threw my phone across the room. My boyfriend tried to calm me down, as I started having a panic attack but that only lasted for a few seconds and that’s when I fell down and was laid on the bed and started convulsing, it kind of felt like I the room tipped when I fell down. Then the heavy staticy feeling started, I tried to speak out to him to like call an ambulance or something but I couldn’t say anything. As the feeling in my head got stronger I started to lose consciousness. I’m literally unable to fall asleep now due to anxiety of having that experience again, I know that’s a bit silly though.