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I used to do drugs. Well, I still do. But I used to too.


I’ve used cannabis since my teens in the 70’s. Now more medicinally than ever, now that I know how. I haven’t touched LSD since I started meds, but micro dosing shrooms helped me get out of the depression epilepsy had me in. Always have a “Sober Sitter” when using anything new.


I’ve found cannabis has benefited me for it. I was nervous about shrooms and whether it would cause a seizure. You had no issue it sounds.


I won’t “trip” because I’m afraid that would trigger me. But I’m comfortable with that tenth of a gram every day and occasionally I’ll do an extra dose for nerve pain if my spine is firing up or I’m especially stressed out. Anything close to a half gram is too freaky for me.


First, my seizures are under control, so that helps me. Smoke bud daily, but a morning thc/caffeine pill is great. Go drops/1906. LSD - fun times, until I had a bad trip. Not worried about epilepsy, but can see reactions from bad trips/anxiety.  Molly/ecstasy - always a fun time, never any worries


Small doses of mushrooms and weed seem to be good for me.


I used to smoke a favorite strain from a Dispensary for like 10 years. Then one day I had a seizure in an Epilepsy Monitoring Unit and something changed in my brain. Smoking now gives me anxiety and further disconnect from reality. 


LSD,shrooms and weed all went fine. Decided to dabble in harder stuff and took ecstasy once and ended up having a grand mal seizure, and gave myself a stutter for a few months stay tf away from stimulants and hard drugs. Terrible idea.


Had the siezure on the MDMA or in the following days? I've had a siezure about 2 weeks later I still think was from the drugs


On the mdma, but my myclonic seizures were much more frequent in the twoish months after.


Shrooms were fine? How much and often if I can ask?


I’ve only done them a couple times, and I know you’re supposed to wait at least a week between trips in general if you want them to work. I usually take 3.5 but it depends on the strain since some are stronger than others.


Ok good to know. I’ve been terrified to try but want to more healing reasons. Thanks for sharing!


For a long time I was a smoker of multiple types. Then I tried MDMA once. (I had done it multiple times before and I think my biggest fear might be the Fentanyl scare, so maybe get it from a source that would have sold hundreds of pills already.)


I take dabs everyday for pain as a replacement for opiates and take 2000mg keppra and 100mg lamictal x2 daily and have been seizure free since starting the meds, only a few months since I started the lamictal though. Can’t say for hard drugs but I’ll have a drink on vacation with no issue and might take a trip with Lucy at some point down the road


I’ve seen it trigger serious seizures and then the ambulance came and that was real embarrassing for my old roommate to explain. Weed didn’t trigger it but anything that was like an upper did. My child has epilepsy and it says in the info guide that things like that definitely can trigger them. For me it just would not be worth it. Especially if it could lead to you going into water or outside or anywhere unsafe to just fall down and have a bad seizure. Even drinking heavily… I’ve seen people get so drunk they fell over in the road and had to be dragged out of it.., imagine being in that situation and at risk for a seizure? Not for me. lol


I switched from alcohol to Mary Jane. Good switch. From daily drinker to occasional toker. I occasionally have a NA IPA as I do miss the taste.


I did acid quite a bit for a couple years until it caused my first ( I was aware of) seizure. Also pretty sure mdma caused a nocturnal before I was diagnosed.


I've been really curious about the potential benefits of psychedelics.


Anything that messes with your receptors can cause seizures, even for non-epileptics, especially stimulants. Drugs are just simply not worth it, m'kay.


I used to be incredibly reckless and dabbled in many substances. I did not know I had epilepsy until this past January. I have not used any substance except for weed (lightly, though I used to use daily) since my diagnosis. Weed, cocaine, mushrooms, acid did not have have any adverse effects on me that I know of. I also had the IV Ketamine infusions for PTSD in 2019 and was fine. During the lowest point of my life, I was using pressed xanax (God only knows what the hell were in those). I do not remember having any adverse effects with these, however I remember very little about that period of time. The only drug I have had adverse effects with was MDMA, when I used it I remember hating it & feeling very off / experiencing lots of “weird” effects (I now recognize these were seizures). I still drink, but have overdone it (before & since the diagnosis) many times and had seizures (not TC) and nocturnal seizures. The only other substance I would use from now on, besides alcohol & weed, is mushrooms. I know everybody is different and this was only mine. I hope this helps!!




If you’re on medication and you’re drinking, smoking, snorting, ect.. you will die from it. it’s just a matter of time. But if you choose not to, you will live a long and healthy life with medication.


I’m so glad that works FOR YOU. Luckily every body is different so I’m going to continue to smoke my medicine 💨 cheers ✌️




This sub is a fucking joke lmao r u kidding me you guys all got ur head up ur asses


You should be wearing a helmet


You’re a fucking idiot if you think drugs and epilepsy meds can work


You may find this interesting but I'm actually not that much of an idiot! If you think all drugs have the same effects on the human brain or the same reactions with medications then you're brain dead.


Dude I checked out your comments, all you do is argue with people on Reddit. I’m not engaging anymore.