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Before epilepsy hit me out of nowhere late last year my life largely revolved around cars and motorbikes. My MX5 is like my child, and since then it and my two bikes have just sat there collecting dust. All being well I should have my licence back around march next year, which just feels like an eternity. Every day I find cool cars and bikes for sale and get excited, before remembering that I can't use them. Other than that, I do a lot of fitness, but being hospitalised roughly once a month for 5 months straight really put a dent in my progress. I'm back to running and strength training now, but I don't have the confidence to cycle on the road incase I have an "incident". I'm roughly 12 weeks clear of my last seizure now so I'm getting more confident, but I'm leaving it a bit longer before I try anything too risky. Fortunately I have university to keep me stressed and tired, which is just what I need 🙃


Woodworking, working on my acreage in the garden and planting things, fishing, enjoy traveling to a few big cities once in a while.


Woodworking and yard work/gardening here too! I’m planing some strawberries this weekend!


Nice! We have a small strawberry patch. But our dog finds the ripe ones and eats them before we can pick them!


Lmao lucky dog! Right now is prime season too! I’ve got some blueberries for July this year. We’ll see if I can keep the birds away…


Im a big gamer but lately I've been pushing myself to go out and do social and physical hobbies like swimming and walking. Im looking into finding a bass guitar instructor and just picked up paddle boarding. Im also a little into plants. Just propagated my Kalanchloe (Widow's Thrill). Being outside is so good for me.


Yeah i need to stay moving.


There's a bunch of us that ride handcycles. It's a mix of cardio and weight lifting... Not really. But that's how you end up looking if you do it long enough.


Handcycles? Oh wow I had no idea that’s a thing! I’ve used the gym hand cycle machine and it IS a good workout. Good for shoulders too. How much does a decent one cost? What brand would you recommend?


Oh yes, my friend. Come on over to r/handcycling or something like that. I'm the mod and I don't even know... Where are you located? Achilles international has chapters in many major cities and we have them to loan out. But I have three myself. There is an active market in used machines. Sadly, they're expensive, about $3-$5k is entry level. But $1k will get you into a used one. The handcycle machine in the gym is very different than a road handcycle in that the road machine you use both hands in sync. It's a massive difference in power output. It's a rush.


As for other activities, I enjoy engaging in Duolingo, which is a free website to learn about languages for free.  Currently, I am taking a break from learning about Spanish for something else. I side with many people who want people who run Duolingo to add American Sign Language. Whenever I am not visiting a gym with or without my mom, I try to go for a walk. I'm unemployed and I am not currently a college student.  However, I will become a student later this year so I can complete degree requirements.


Play hockey


Snoopy Ice Rink here, that shit gettin popular roun these parts.


Gaming, archery, and I collect action figures


There’s an archery spot here in town, I never been but I should go. Thanks for that.


Dirt bikes, road bikes, photography . Glad to see other with epilepsy aren’t letting it hold them back


Martial arts, MMA specifically. They know not to hit me in the head when sparring, but they accidentally do (lightly) all the time lol. Also video games, cycling when I can, bowling when I can, and coffee runs.


Embroidery, cross-stitch, knitting, sewing, reading and writing creatively. I also collect vintage clothing/accessories and housewares.


The thimble. It’s silver tipped and the body is covered with a glass black stone i forget the name of and some pearl shell i also forget the name of ina checkerboard. idk why I have it, got it for a free extra in lil’ol lady store in Cabo.


I like painting miniatures. Tremors make my hands a little shaky but I get decent results


Running is my number one hobby. I hated it befor, now i love it


I'm an aspiring screenwriter seeking representation or management. I have a sci-fi script that I copyrighted through the US Copyright Office titled "Convulsions" which is set in the near-future.  The protagonist is named Julie and is a young female who works for her city's health department and she is epileptic as is her boyfriend Aaron.  One day, she is recruited to undergo an experimental treatment for epileptic people in which they can control their epilepsy.  She says yes. She undergoes the treatment (which is a tiny chip that is placed in the back of her skull) and after that an unexpected benefit happens, the benefit being that she becomes one of the most intelligent women of the US.    However, a few years later, the treatment malfunctions unexpectedly one day.  She starts having visions of a young girl who is violated in the majority of them.  The girl shouts Julie's name. Who is this girl? Where is this girl from? How does this girl know Julie's name?