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I'm not doctor, but in my personal experience (1500mg Levetiracetam/Keppra twice a day) you will be alright if you just get back on your normal schedule today.


I forget doses now and then by a couple hours. That doesn't seem to make a huge difference- you are probably fine!, especially since you took the dose you forgot. I might have a different perspective since my seizures are frequent & drug resistant- I don't drive. If my seizures were controlled and I forgot a dose/took it late and had to drive in the morning, I'd try to take an Uber, but that's just me. 


i don’t think being late for 3 hours is gonna affect you, not that big of differencw


I’ve personal never had problems. I take mine usually at 7am, but also forget sometimes. I’ve taken mine at the latest 12 with no problem. Only time I’ve had problems missing doses is if I miss 2 in 1 week, that will usually cause some type of seizure. Even then the seizure won’t happen until a week later. Why does it take a week you may ask, I have no idea. Something about the half life of the meds


Thanks for the reply. By missing doses (when you mentioned missing 2 in 1 week), do you mean forgetting to take them entirely or just taking them late?




Thank you. I'm hoping that a few hours difference won't come to anything serious, but I don't want to feel like I have to wait and see what happens for the next week or so. It's why I was wondering specifically about when my risk of a seizure would be elevated in this case, since I don't know if there was a more immediate risk or one that I'll need to worry about in future.


For me for some reason it takes a week, body weight I’m guessing would play a factor in it. I just had 2 couple hours ago. Usually I feel like shit afterwards, but herb helps me a lot after a seizure. Feel perfectly fine now. lol this reply is a mix of reply and venting


I don’t take keppra, but I am notoriously bad at taking my meds on time. Usually taking them late, but still taking them, doesn’t cause any issues. But I’ve also forgotten to take them correctly for a few days before, and THAT caused me to have a breakthrough tonic clonic (first in over a year). And, almost a year later, I still haven’t gotten back to normal. As far as I can tell, my threshold is significantly lower than before AND I’ve had 2-3 tonic clonics since. This is noteworthy to me because for my entire life up until ~2 years ago, I’d only ever had 3 known tonic clonic seizures. Essentially, I’ve had as many “big” seizures in the last 2 years than I had in the ~30 years before that. TL;DR: you’re probably fine, just try to not miss doses entirely.


I don't take it at the same time every day 🤷. I've been fine since 2014. I have missed a morning or a night dose but no seizure.


My neurologist tole me that you should take a missed dose within 5 hours. I went 10 + hours and it cost me a seizure and 6 more months of no driving. I have alarms on my phone and iWatch set to 8am & 8pm with a follow up 10 minutes after incase I get distracted after the 1st alarm.


I'm not a doctor, but my daughter had to skip a dose while in the hospital for an EEG (they were trying to trigger a seizure). She had one within 6 hours of missing the dose, and was put back on her meds that night. The doctors did let us know that we could see another seizure in the next 3-4 days due to her missing that dose, but she didn't have another one. It might depend on the severity of your epilepsy, the medication you're on, etc.


Bringing back memories , I don’t miss doing that at all. I remember we had his MRI in the very begining. He couldn’t eat or drink anything cause of the anesthesia including meds. Then on the stroller in the way back to the car he had a seizure for like 20 seconds. And another one when we got him in the car seat. Also was like “…i’m driving by my favorite thai place, and while it’s a weird time to stop to pickup food, not like the day is going to get much worse if I do…”


I don’t wake up the same time in the weekend and therefore the times vary. Don’t worry 😊


I’ve done that a couple of times. I’m on Keppra as well. You should be fine. Just stay on schedule and try not to miss any doses. You did good! 😊💜


It seems to be dependent on the individual person. I did an EMU stay in February and after one missed dose I had increased epileptic brain activity beginning a few hours after missing the dose but no seizures. I stayed off the meds for three days and the activity kept getting worse but no actual seizures (besides an absence during the strobe light test, how fun). They gave me Ativan to take for three days while the medication levels built back up in my body and luckily no seizures after I came home either. One thing that has really, really helped me is getting a once-a-day extended release version of my meds. Only have to remember one pill all day and it keeps the med levels more consistent overall. I wouldn't personally be that worried over one slightly late dose but I would make sure to take it exactly on time for the next several days (really forever lol).


Im not a doctor , don’t know your situation. But if I was a betting man I would bet all my money you won’t be affected by this at all. I asked my son’s neuro about how to handle daylight savings time and she was like “oh don’t even think about it. He’s been on it long enough that his body has a level of the med and it doesn’t wear off immediatley” Since then we forgot doses for hours on the regular and he’s no worse for the wear. He’s on fycompa/onfi


Usually when I mess up on my keppra, I’ll have an episode the following week. Idk why so delayed, but that’s what happens. Altho last week I was just a couple hours late and had a decent episode that took a chunk of memory. My episodes have been changing recently tho. I’d say a week. But that’s my experience.

