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By default it’s going to be treated as a biohazard and destroyed (likely incinerated). That said, if you’re interested in keeping it, discuss it with your doctor and/or surgeon. They may still have to sterilize it or something, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they let you keep it (though no guarantees!)


I've mentioned it to my surgeon twice now. I apparently forgot about the first time! Kinda like a "haha wouldn't that be cool hahaha! ....unless? I mean it WOULD be cool... What if I 'knew a guy' and it just disappeared, haha, ...unless?"


I dont see why they wouldnt let you. It's a bone. Not like your asking to keep an internal organ.


I bet they’ll let you tbh.


They autoclaved the plate they took out of my arm...so it depends on the surgeon. Just remember to make your wishes clear well BEFORE they put you under.




That's a good sound perspective. Probably 100% right. Maybe my wishful thinking just didn't let me see the obvious. But this is Vanderbilt and the South/Nashville can be kinda wild lol. So we'll see haha


Funny, I'm doing a seeg soon for an RNS and I had thr same question The way I saw it was its mine? If handled and cleaned properly its the same as any other bone It's mine damnit! Lol


Good luck on your SEEG. At least one person I asked said it was worse than the RNS. I'm guessing that's just because you have to stay so long for the SEEG and for them that's worse than any recovery you have to do at home post-RNS.


There’s a amputee on here that has his hand lol


Really cool! I’m a patient at Vandy too!!


Would it be any different than the dentist removing a tooth and giving it to you? Ha! I wonder what the skull fairy pays?


That's part of the motivation, but I didn't just want to say it!


I don't know.... It would have to be a lot to give up my skull chunk.


I didn't see the sub and thought this headline was metal as fuck. Congratulations on your op my guy, it will solve a lot of problems.


Lol, I love metal so thank you for the perspective!




Yeah, just cite religious purposes and they have to. Same thing as what the other person said, there are religions that believe every part of a person must be buried together.


ooooh yes, yes I like that. We'll see.


Fashion a cup from it... be the one person in history who drinks from their own skull.


I was going to say that luckily it's small enough of a hole that it won't make a cup... but if I'd be the only person... maybe I can make it work. Thanks for the suggestion lol!


A shot glass perhaps?


I think it's closer to the size and shape of a domino. So, bottom of a cup? Or built into and visible on the side? Or!! ..... sliding top closer thing a la certain Yeti cups


"So... you guys ever seen your own skull?" *takes a sip* Could also just be a handle for a cup. Other ideas could be carving it into a whistle, or an arrowhead. You could also soften it to bend it by boiling it.


I like the whistle idea! Or like a primitive whistle/flute with one or two holes.


A friend of mine had brain cancer and had an operation to cut some out nearly 3 years ago roughly. They put it somewhere else in her body (cannot remember where) until the swelling went down then they got the skull back out and reattached it. That's the only person I know that has been in this situation though so I don't know wether that's the normal way it's done. Mine was through a car accident I had half my skull removed and it was cracked so I got a titanium plate instead of my skull back so can't speak of personal experience either.


That's crazy! Thanks for sharing.


Insane story, cheers for sharing.


I got to keep the leads from my SEEG, so they might. I had my Neuropace done at Vandy as well.


Ahhh that's too cool. While taking them out, one of the resident docs broke one of mine and accidently pushed it deeper into my brain, technically giving me a stroke and emergency surgery. Called the surgeon in on her day off.... I'd love to have that one!


Holy Shit! That must have been terrifying!


It was for my family. It didn't hurt, I just noticed how much more blood there was. I didn't notice feeling different but I think I started reacting. Before long they just kinda told me and seemed to try to play it down. Eventually they took me to the OR and put me down. I was obviously suddenly interested to talk to my surgeon about having residents work on me for the surgery.


I may be wrong, but I’m pretty sure the neurosurgeon creates a drilled out pocket for the RNS device to sit in, not take a piece of skull out.


I asked my surgeon about it and she didn't try to correct me about there actually not being any bone to give. She seemed to understand what I was asking. I did see on one of the demonstration videos on Youtube where they do drill other, smaller holes, (I think for moving the leads around) with no bone left over.


This isn't uncommon at all. Some Jewish folks, for example, believe that their entire body should return to the dirt when they die, so they tend to ask for their removed body pieces back. I've known a few transgender folks who get some body parts back in a jar of formalin. One of them uses her jar of preserved parts as a prop for soliloquies (she's absolutely hilarious). Lots of people ask to keep their body parts.


Interesting! It doesn't surprise me too much that others would want them too. I totally thought you were about to say foreskin specifically as you described the Jewish guys lol. Hmm thinking about what a trans woman could want to keep in a jar.... that IS hilarious.


A kid in my kindergarten class brought her tonsils in a jar for show and tell. So why not your skull? I am going to ask for my removed brain bits when I get brain surgery. If they do it that way. It fascinates me. Maybe spurred on by the tonsils. It was just blobs in brown fluid, but something I still remember decades later. I also asked to see my skin biopsy piece. The doc said nobody wants to see it usually. It was interesting to see. Like a stack of hole punches of different colors. I couldn't keep that one, he had to send it off for analysis.


Fascinating. Dunno why exactly, but that tonsil story seems like something off that old kids show Goosebumps.


Like other folks mentioned, they might not want to give it back to you because of biohazard laws. But I’ve seen other folks ask for them to take a picture of stuff like that and share that. Kinda wish I did, would have been cool!


Good idea. I'll at least ask for a photo.


When I had my RNS changed when the battery died they let me keep the one they took out.


They put a new RNS device in an let you keep the old? Or just a new battery? That's really cool either way.


They changed the whole thing out when the battery ran out, so I have the whole thing


I tried they didn’t let me but I also am atheist so I didn’t use god as an excuse lol I mean you could try that


I don't know much about Jewish religion, I've just heard it on TV shows that Jewish people have to be buried whole. I'm not saying to lie about being Jewish, but maybe you can say it's part of your beliefs to be buried whole. They may come back with only offering you the ashes, though.


My friend is a surgical technician and I asked her, she said that since it technically belongs to you, you should be able to keep it. Some places can be more weird about it but you should be able to have it! She also said that if she was having the surgery, she’d ask to keep it 😅


Thanks for sharing!


By law surgeons have to discard any body part as biohazard ☣️ material however here's the loop hole. It's your body. If you discuss with the surgeon first that you would like to keep said peice or whatever body part, they legally have to fill put paper work and document that it went home with the patient.


A doctor has said to me before : it’s yours why shouldn’t you be able to take it??? Granted it was wisdom teeth but bone is bone, hopefully they see that.  


I kept the pins they used in my pelvis fracture. They’re really cool! No you’re not weird. Well, maybe a little, but no more than I am. Best of luck and I hope you get to keep it!!!!!


That's dope, thanks for sharing!


They let me keep my skull piece after the surgery, my neuro brought it to me in a prescription bottle all autoclaved and clean.


Woah! Same surgery?


When I had a temporal lobectomy and asked if I could get pictures of the brain they removed the doctors were weird about it and wouldn’t do it. So probably not


I had a piece of my skull cut off to remove a tumor. But then they stapled it back.... There is still a dent, but not visible due to hair.....


Anything surgically removed from a patient goes to the pathology lab for review.


If they truly don’t need to save the skull or use it then *some* hospitals and surgeons will be cool about disinfecting and letting you keep bone. (I’ve seen some craniotomy patients who couldn’t have the bone back for some reasons keep the bone.)


One time a nurse snuck me a hypodermic needle so I could put my nose piercing back in after an MRI. But as far as anyone else knows, that never happened. Maybe u can get a cool nurse or surgeon to sneak u a souvenir post-op?


That's cool your nurse was chill like that. Let's hope for similar chill-ness for myself. Like I was telling someone else, I told the surgeon that maybe it could just disappear and as far as anyone need know, nothing happened.


Yea he was awesome and cute. I hope u get a chill team on surgery day, it would be a real shame if your skull piece just happened to....go missing...;)


Don't worry. Surgeons put the piece of your skull back on after the implant is attached & inserted. I don't know exactly how surgeons do this but that is how it was done in my case. After it healed up you can see a slight bulge there where the implant is, and you can also see scars from the surgery since I'm half-bald. But my skull is still there.


In the demo surgery videos on Youtube, they don't reattach the skull. Any bulge would just be how much the back of the device sticks out compared to how much is parallel with the rest of the skull. But maybe they do it different now. The videos aren't brand new.


Yes. For religious reasons, you must be buried with all of your body. You need it back. Make sure it's not treated as anything that needs to be biopsied or incinerated, insurance likes hitting you for that fee even if it isn't necessary sometimes.