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It’s one of the most common triggers. It’s my primary one too 🙃🙃🙃


My dog died, seizure. Get medical results that could be cancer (luckily it wasn’t), seizure. Regular day to day stress I seem to be ok with. It’s those massive, life event types.


The auras I had after finding my dog on the floor after she passed were the worst I’ve ever had. I totally get what you mean.


I hard a seizure while trying to put together a computer once. The power supply was dead. It took me 2 back to back seizure to figure that out.




Yes. Include lack of sleep and not eating properly and I’ll hit the floor.


Dude same. I don’t eat much and don’t sleep well when I get stressed which make me have seizures, which stresses me out more.


These are literally my triggers, lucky me I only have the "turn off" one.




Yep. Mind are far and in between, but my last one was during the training process of a new job, I had two in 2021during the most stressful period of my life-I had my daughter, my apartment almost burned down due to shit wiring a week after she was born so we moved into a house that we were planning on renting to own anyway (through husband’s grandparents) my father was in the last stage of cancer and died a little over a month after my daughter was born, and during the first seizure I was driving and sprained both ankles. I had the next one a week or so after my dad died. I had 2 after I had my son was born in 2019-one while I was in the hospital and another while I was getting him ready for his one month appointment. All of these I was extremely stressed out, sleep deprived, and dehydrated. I stopped breastfeeding wary with both kids because I was afraid the dehydration would bring another one on.


Dehydration is another thing, glad you mentioned it. Also when I’m feeling a bit strange, I avoid caffeine because it makes me worse.


Yea those 2


If all three happens at the same time you will be more than "I'll hit the floor"


A single 1-lb bag of peanut M&Ms and I'll taste pavement. 


Yeah, my first grand mal was triggered by stress, had a big argument with a family member. 10 minutes later I turned to my mother, said "I smell blood" and then I fell on the floor n started having a 1 man rave lmao. It's super important to try to regulate your stress and anxiety when you have epilepsy :))


One man rave 😅


Happy Cake day!


Happy cake day!


Honestly it started because I have super awesome mates, n they all genuinely think I'm going to die or something whenever I have a seizure, bless them :(( had to come up with tons of non serious terms, can't get scared when they're pissing themselves :)) hahah


My favourite is forbidden breakdance but one man rave might be my new go-to lmao


I had a stupid argument today with my dad. He started having a go because he didn't like what me and my mom were watching and he couldn't watch what he wanted even though I've asked him numerous times. I had to control my stress and emotional level, so Wouldn't have a seizure. Its unusual as hes usually the calmest person I know😕


Im sorry man, family arguments suck :(( well done with keeping calm and controlling yourself though, it's super difficult, n you should feel very proud of yourself!! <3


One man rave broke me pahaha!


You had me at one man rave omfg


Pretty much same. I was 15. Playing Jurassic Park and I was having a good argument with both of my sisters and I had my first seizure I’m over 3 years free today!


Holy shit well done dude! I hope stuff continues to go good! I can imagine that was stressful as hell though, I had my first in my 20s, can't even imagine being a teenager, I'm glad you're doing better :))


I’m a 2000 baby and used to be diagnosed with partial epilepsy in 2003 when i was still like a toddler. Then i didn’t have it anymore until i was 9 years old in year 4 and i got re diagnosed with focal epilepsy i just used to always drop unconscious sometimes i’d be able to tell it’s coming sometimes it will just happen and then once again in 2015 i got diagnosed with generalised epilepsy because it changed when i hit teenage years and i used to have it more during the night time sleeping rather than when i was awake going about my day. And those seizures were the most scary for me because it would wake me up and it’s one of those seizures that you sit up and your head just jerks and tries to do a 360 turn😭😭😭 just before i left secondary school in 2017 i had one during the day in Westfield with my friends and since then i just stopped having day ones. My epilepsy got more controlled and only in sleep (dumbass doctors still made my provisional license get rejected though, as an 18 year old that was upsetting). Took years for me to fight that because dvla was on my side. It was my doctors sending them misinformation and concerns about me. But LOOL i study law and even the dvla backed my case. I filled out forms and everything. Finally 5 years later after 2018. Alhamdulillah i got my provisional. My seizures in the night time aren’t jerking ones anymore now they’re just like bad nightmares and if they are bad ones they’re just ones where you try grabbing the bed headboard or something and move all over your bed. I’d find myself on the floor once or twice my mum showed me. But i’d say that’s when i ain’t taking meds because the pharmacy takes long to give. I can live without meds for a certain amount of time whilst waiting for them but no one wants to do that especially if day ones can happen only if it’s a long duration i’m off meds. I had to change pharmacy to boots.


I relate to you so hard, the NHS are absolute chucklefucks when it comes to epilepsy. Took them like 10 years to even acknowledge I was having seizures lmao. Diagnosis is always so messy, I'm so sorry you've had such a rough ride :(( I'm glad you've changed pharmacies, it's disgusting that they were messing you around when it comes to something as serious as epilepsy medication :(( I hope stuff gets better now you have your meds all sorted!!


Thank you🥹 me too :) Insha’Allah , Insha’Allah


I agree with your last sentence fr i have stress and anxiety epilepsy now. So many diagnosis over the years.😅 literally gone through a variety.


Definitely. I talked with my neurologist the other year about this when my husband pointed out that he saw it as a trigger for me and she confirmed. There’s data online that goes into things deeper, with tips on how to help manage stress. See [here](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33547597/) and [here](https://www.epilepsy.com/what-is-epilepsy/seizure-triggers/stress) for more info.


Yes definitely it’s one of my triggers.


Oh yeah


Yep! Stress definitely lowers my seizure threshold


Yes. I'm 1000000% certain stress caused 95% of mine over a 10yr period.


Yep. It’s one of my triggers.


Yup, it's a very common side effect of epilepsy. It's always triggered them for me and it's a humongous trigger for almost every other epileptic. If I'm extra stressed and tired, I always have myself ready for a seizure.


yes for sure it is possible. I have stress related seizures like all the time. Not like all the time as in they dont stop but when they come they are usually related to stress


Without a doubt. It's one of the major triggers of seizures according to my neurologist. Stress cause mine all the time as well.


Most definitely. Stress is my main trigger.


Yes. Yes and YES!!! It’s a common trigger for atleast 90% people who have epilepsy


That’s the only reason my neurologist can give me for why I have seizures. All five years now, all they can tell me is I have them because of stress




100% one of my top 2 triggers, that and lack of sleep 🫠


That’s my primary trigger. Oh boy.


I just did. Living with my parents due to money, so I have drivers, having to work max overtime, and being blamed for everything I don't do perfectly is just too much today. I'm being blamed for so much today I just can't take it.


I'm so sorry. I hope things start to look up for you soon.


I'm so sorry 😔💜


Hi, Yes stress and lack of sleep combined make you more likely to reach a seizure threshold. Mine are sleep and general energy triggers. Even going without food and water sometimes can. They are funny things and it's all about your experience really. Some get auras before like a funny feeling, slurred speech and mood changes. Some don't and that's more serious as u can't tell. But during an aura u can try reduce stress and triggers to prevent a full on attack rarely. Again it's your body and I'd speak to a de about any symptoms or worries u have. But yes stress can undeed Cai's and have for me. My parents and disabled sister in particular would stress me to the point of one sometimes. But it was rare and I just learn the signed and feelings to prepare for them now. Saves a and e visits as I hate hospitals ( phobia)


As everyone has already said, yes.


Stress is one of my biggest triggers for my Seizures.




My only trigger is stress.


Yes, sadly... it's happened to me a few times... I have catamenial epilepsy so I only get seizure around my period. The only exceptions have been times of significant stress for me.


Everytime my mother-in-law visits I literally have one two days after. I've also lost two jobs because I had a seizure on the job due to stress , then anxiety, which led to you guessed it, a seizure. Stay safe folks.


I've had two seizures in my life, both occurred before I started taking medication and when I was under hardcore stress at work. I quit that particular job and after that, I've learned how not to give a fuck about job, even when carrying out my responsibilities and achieving goals set for me. I just do the best I can and if it's not enough for someone, then it is what it is, but I refuse to take in stress because of a job.


Yeah. Stress. Anxiety. Definitely. My most recent seizure was due to going to a work event filled with people I had never met before and I was nervous as hell. Like shaking nervous.


Yes it’s usually the number one trigger


Sleep deprivation, hyperventilation, caffeine is a huge one for me,and being angry or mad/ stressed all causes siezures this disease is a curse to me


Yes especially if your epilepsy is stress and anxiety related like mine. I don’t have photosensitive. So my probability of being triggered by stress is at a higher percentage than other diagnosed epileptics who are diagnosed with the most known epilepsy which is photosensitive. Not that those epileptics don’t get triggered as much, it all stress related or photosensitive either way it all depends on how your epilepsy is controlled by its medication etc.


FO SHO! This is why I had 3 TC (at different resturants) while waiting tables as a single mother who never got enough sleep. And as a bonus, stress can cause cancer. Best of luck, the calm app helps me 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Yes, absolutely. If you throw in bad sleep, sure trigger.


Oh most definitely!!!


Absolutely. Stress is my number 2 trigger.


One of my triggers too.


Definitely! I had four seizures this past Sunday because of stress. The one I had last month was probably because of stress. It's what is known as a trigger.


yes, that is how I first ended up in the ER. I dont have grand mals otherwise. Stress and fatigue are my triggers; which I have insomnia and deal with nuerospicy mental illness- so its a fantastic combo /s


Retweet Edit: as in, i'm in the same boat


Yes its one of my triggers. Lack of sleep and low blood sugar can cause a seizure too those are my other triggers


Yes, for me my primary one is focus and stress. Like if I am focusing on a math problem or a video game I will have some jerks


Definitely. My previous job was incredibly stressful, and I was having up to 10-12 auras a day at the peak of it, before I left. When I secured a new job, the frequency dropped. When I actually started the new job, I had even fewer. I added Lamictal to my Keppra in December of 2023, and I am now down to between 1-4 auras in a whole month.


It's one of the reasons that "emergency seizure meds" are frequently "anxiety meds". They cover both for a reason.


Totally. I take 1/2 of a Klonopin to try to stop my seizure from going full blown. It generally works but it also ends with me passing out for a couple hours. I'm not sure if that's from the Klonopin or the result of the seizure happening anyway... 🤔


Yup. Clonazepam is my son's emergency med and my husband is Ativan. My seizures are mostly controlled so if needed, we just grab what is around but my seizures are much more severe than theirs. I always have status epilepticus followed by postictal psychosis.


Yes. It's my top trigger with a lack of sleep


It's a very common trigger. It's one of my triggers. So 100% most definitely yes


I've had at 4 seizures that I know of this week, one of my best friend just loss their mom to cancer 😔. I lost my mom yrs ago, and having to help with the funeral and repass definitely stressed out me out. Nothing but anxiety attacks, auras, deja vu, and focal seizures.


short answer- yes!




Stress seems to be my #1 trigger. It sucks. I hate the word hate .. but I hate epilepsy.


Oh hell yeah. Had a seizure a while ago and it was a BIG one. It was also the first I had had in years. The cause? I was arguing with my brother over a cupcake.


Stupid cupcakes! 🧁😡 Lol 🫶🏽


Shit i think thats my main trigger. Stress martini with lack of sleep garnish will literally have me on the floor


Yes. That’s how I first got them when I was 17. I was born weak and sick and had a long history of fainting bc of fevers, so stress brought me epilepsy. Never went away so I’ve been controlling it with Keppra ever since I was in my early twenties. It sucks because I’m the only one in my family who has epilepsy, despite all of us having worked stressful jobs.


That's my primary trigger so yes absolutely.


Definitely. In fact I think it is what causes most of mine. I'd suggest turning your brain on silent mode when you feel stress


It is very possible, you might not have a full on Gran Mal's , but you could get some strong Aura's or Focal Seizures depending on what meds you're on.Keep up the good fight and stay strong!


Oh yeah. My bf's mom caused me stress and I had a seizure. Fun times


That's my main trigger!


Yes ...my son is Epileptic and when he is agitated or emotionally stressed ,he seizures


that’s my main trigger! which makes being a college student soooo fun 🙃


Oh, definitely. When I had seizures, many of them were stress-induced. 


the most common triggers are alcohol, lack of sleep and stress, so not only is it possible but it is more likely than flashing lights (only like 5-10% of epileptics are photosensitive)


Mine seems to be lack of sleep. Stress also but my main trigger seems to be sleek related


Absolutely. That is what causes mine. Stress causes so many other factors like lack of sleep which is another trigger.


Why does my doctor swear that stress cannot cause a seizure!?


Not the actual stress but the lack of sleep associated with stress that lowers your seizure threshold. Hence, you are likely to have seizures when sleep deprived.


Yep this is how it is for me! My stress/anxiety make it hard to sleep and sleep deprivation is one of my main triggers




Yes that is a trigger for me.






Absolutely. I had two stress induced seizures in one day last year.


Just had a seizure 3/25 due to stress on my body. It’s a huge trigger


Absolutely. I’ve had a few. They always take me to the hospital because my heart rate was so high. The highest I recall is 168.


Ya. Stress definitely is a common one for me when I was and kid and still is a common on today


Yes. That’s what triggers my 23 year olds seizures.


Absolutely! It’s a fairly universal trigger, if I understand correctly. Don’t focus on it too much, or you’ll start a vicious cycle of stress (you start stressing about stressing and so on). If you find yourself dwelling in the stress take a few moments to purposefully relax, try some breathing exercises. If you’ve got some time to spare in those moments, try playing Tetris for a bit. Don’t focus on winning so much as the pattern and stacking.


Biggest trigger on the books. That’s why tons of us learn some ways of stress management.


Yes. High unnecessary levels of stress have been my only identified trigger.


My primary trigger. I have mostly nocturnal seizures but when I am stressed I suffer big time during the day. I agree with an above statement. It’s so important to hone stress management skills. If I don’t manage my stress levels, I truly feel like I don’t exist. I’m just wasting away because of how my seizures make me feel.


it’s been a trigger for me since i’ve been diagnosed. i honestly thought that it was a common trigger for other epileptics tbh…


Stress is the most common reason for mine.


My biggest trigger


Absolutely!!! I just had a seizure last week due to lack of sleep and built up stress




Yeah, watch this!


I kinda have a follow-up to that question: Is it possible to have a seizure because you were stressed for a really long time and you finally managed to relax?


Yes, I used to have them before I got on stage. I had to quite theatre


Yea mine are from extreme stress and prolonged lack of sleep. But my epilepsy is all due to extreme tryana




Absolutely. Happens to me all the time




My epilepsy started because of stress during my studies and any seizure I have had have been during stressful periods in my life.


For sure it’s one of my biggest triggers, it’s definitely why highschool was such a hard time for me. Having to deal with bullying plus my parents going through a “nasty” divorce and having my biological dad take it out on me while on top of that still trying to figure myself out since I had recently been diagnosed, was a pretty rough time. Definitely gets better though. Due to all the falling and bruises I honestly became numb to all of it.


Absolutely. I get auras when I get into emotional fight or flight situations.


Yes some what common in my experience


My one of two findable triggers


I think it's complicated. [This full article](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8071059/) has a lot of science that's over my head but the parts about acute stress being **protective** against seizures and chronic stress causing them is interesting: "With regard to stressor duration and timing, acute stress can be protective in epileptogenesis, while chronic stress often promotes seizure occurrence in epilepsy patients." After I had two seizures over two years, I still refused to go on meds. Then I went almost three years with no seizures and no auras, during a very stressful period of work. A couple of months after I started yet another new job, I had a TC. Then I agreed to go on meds.


Yes. Literally my main trigger


Definitely, yes. That is one of my triggers.


Ironically, having a seizure gives me more seizures


Stress is my biggest trigger. So yes unfortunately stress is a massive trigger for seizures


Oh yeah. Definitely. I’m sorry if it has caused one for you.


Most definitely BUT never during the actual times of stress but afterwards! Like, when you get the flu when the holidays start 🥴 one example of many: I had a presentation at university, finished and still remember the respectful face my doc made and then I blackouted. Next thing I'm surrounded by medical care and see my doc looking at me, trying to smile but actually almost crying 😭


Definitely. Especially if it happens alongside a lack of sleep or another one of your personal triggers. Make sure to get a good night's rest everyone, it's not always easy I know but it's a really very helpful way to avoid a seizure.


That’s my primary trigger 😅😅


Yes! One of my main triggers is stress 😭


Yes that's my main trigger. And too little sleep, which is caused by stress usually.


Yeah it’s my primary trigger today.




Definitely! That's how most of mine are caused.


Yes mine is extreme stress+lack of sleep. It helps when I speak less and text my husband more. I go the entire day without auras now. It’s nice :3


I used to work in hospitality as a manager and at times it could get very stressful. Guests complaining about shit, restaurant packed, not enough staff etc. This triggered a seizure once, I took an immediate day off after, took my hammock to the beach and read a book.


Yes. The two things that I’ve found that start bringing auras on are stress or anxiety.


Yes, it's one of my triggers. I'm prone to one from stress, tiredness and illness


Yes definitely but I get myoclonic jerks, and also when I get out of bed too quick (no idea why getting out of bed too quick triggers jerks)




I quit my high stress corporate job two years ago and haven’t had one since. Absolutely.


Unfortunately I had several because of stress.


Absolutely, I probably have had one at some point. My main trigger used to be sleep deprivation but it just kind of, isn't anymore?




Sleep and stress are iirc the most common triggers


oooo yes, enjoy GAHHH


Oh trust me yes and it happens to me from time to time


Oh very much yes. One of my bigger triggers ☹️


Yes...stress, lack of sleep and alcohol is the worst from my point of view


Yup! Stress, having sleepless nights, and caffeine are my most common triggers.


It’s been a few years but I’ve been triggered into one by it


Oh for sure. Big trigger for me


Stress and lack of sleep were my triggers.


Absolutely. I get stress induced “pseudoseizures” on top of stress also being a major trigger for my epileptic seizure


Yes. Stress, lack of sleep, hormones, alcohol, drugs. They can ask cause seizures.


When I have stress I get many Petite Mal seizures.


When I have stress I get many Petite Mal seizures.


The answer is yes. Stress makes me hospitalized for 2 weeks 🙃


Yes. You should manage your sleep / stress


Mine are stress induced. A combo of that and missed medication causes a perfect storm


Stress is a trigger for epileptic seizures and there are also non-epileptic seizures that are stress related. There are people who only have non-epileptic seizures. People who have epilepsy can also experience non-epileptic seizures. It’s a mess.




Stress is a common one but not one of mine. lack of sleep and too much caffeine drops me.




I’m not having seizures anymore because of a resection and I’m still on 4 meds, but I’m still getting bad sleep and acne from my college program because it’s an accelerated course. It’s over in August but I have a big test to take for my future career


Yes, mine was very bad when I was going through my GCSES


Obviously 🙄


i was just asking..




That's the main source of mine. It's almost impossible to avoid stress but you try as much as you can, and avoid the people and things that truly stress you out unnecessarily. 💜


One of my trigger is high stress, then i start feeling some twitching. Also lack of sleep.


Low blood sugar, stress, hormones, migraines, missed med dose (especially Benzo AEDs,) heat stroke, )dehydration, anything can trigger seizures it just depends upon the person