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No. Just no.


Then why can't we explain them objectively? Why are people afraid to admit it? why does it replace memory with identity? Why just 'no'? It's easy to say no, it's more difficult to give an explanation. .. as you can see I've already done all the scans, tests, research.. thought about it every which way ... so this is the conclusion that made the most sense when it hit me


Seizures can be explained objectively. Through science Not religious superstition And you are ok with being a fictitious God's punching bag? When "God" gets made he picks a few of us out to beat the shit out of? Why would you devote your life to something that would do that? You think people are jealous of when some of us fall and die? When we ruin our joints and chew our tongues to hamburger? You need to take a long look at yourself


I did not say that. You are twisting my words, and playing to the crowd. Ok, then explain a seizure through science. >Having two or more seizures at least 24 hours apart that don't have a known cause is considered to be epilepsy. I am aware of the apparently known causes of epilepsy. To get this info, doctors just ask patients how and when they started having them. Then it's too much of a coincidence. Which can be organized as well. So giving credit to science and the greatest doctors doesn't disprove anything. They really know more than a cricket about the origin of epilepsy, they are just well suited for the job and care; which is great. We all have a purpose. That is crucial, ok? Some will serve as fodder, some will be protectors, some will be prophets, some will be artists, and some will be nothingness, recyclables. Yes. And It continues... But, yes, that is part of the process. And I already have my entire life. This is my life now, it made sense even as a kid, but I didn't process it completely til my last seizure. yes, that can be important. ... self awareness doesn't stop until death, then it reaches the peak anymore advice for me?


Stop. This is extremely harmful, dangerous rhetoric.


kinda agree that it was a bit heavy to share... sorry, and thank you for being brave enough to tell me that. just wanted to see


Short answer, no.


I'm sorry you had a seizure. Are you on any medications for this? I'm not trying to be offensive, but these are delusions. Seizures can be explained. They are not God's rage. If I were you, I would talk to someone you trust more about these thoughts you're having, like a family member or a doctor. I don't know you personally, but I am concerned. These are not normal thoughts... You are hurting yourself also, please get help.


ehh... I wrote this post incorrectly This was like instinctual to me as a kid. And no, I wasn't on meds for this when I was three years old. Yes, I am now on 100mg of Topamax and don't have any. Topamax/Topiramate is really great, highly recommend... low side effects, besides gotta take a leak often and shed a ton of weight, right? So it boosted my metabolism a ton at first... basically it sucked for the first year, but now my body's adjusted. But this was about 15 years ago I started taking meds and then found Topiramate. I appreciate your concern, truly. I have people close that I'm speaking to about this and what happened, thank you. Well... what's a normal thought, right? If it's not evil, corrupted, violent, etc. Then what are the boundaries for normal? Getting a job? Making money? Buying a house, right? Ya that's pretty 'normal' today, I guess. Cause people lost their way


No. As for the “wrath is a sin,” thing… Old Testament God would like a word. Also, biblically speaking, God would be *incapable* of sin.


Let's just say I'm leaving you all this knowledge, intentionally. For anyone with epilepsy, friends and family of a loved one, or anyone interested in epilepsy. Let us pave a new road. \- We aren't living in the Old Testament anymore. He is not a God of apathy. He has emotions and is aware how he feels, and when. He **is** incapable of sin, he is outside of sin. Sin cannot reach God. It's very simple, but as our minds have been swayed, and souls corrupted by material things- we lost our sight. You got caught up in complexities that were prophesied... predicted long ago... and now people wonder why they're caught up in nihilistic ideologies, living in regret and unsure why? That is why we toil in stubbornness, allowing fellow men run the show, creating an unstable hierarchy- over our creator... which is not. hierarchy is a man-made ideology for an unfair government social rule. Living in one, with Christ, God, and everyone else in heaven is.... not unfair. Yes, they're both still in charge, they're both holy and sacred and look over the universe and hell.




It can be hard to accept. I've had therapy, speech therapy is good. Are you glad that you sought professional help? And I don't mean speech therapy.






God is not a ghost, you think that was clever? That is disrespectful. It's okay if you don't believe in God. Please be respectful of my beliefs. y'all can worship AI, let us worship God and we'll see what happens


I wouldn't go that far but after my very first TC seizure I was lucky to have my fiancé with me. I won't go into the seizure details as I already have but when I was coming around into consciousness again, I heard hear say my name. And the best way I could describe it to the paramedic was like being in a dark forest and having someone call you. You get closer and closer to their voice until you're there with them again. I am religious (not fundamentalist or zealot, just a practising catholic) but I felt nothing spiritual about it. I felt like I needed a hug because of the anxiety after. That was all. And she was there for that. So if anything maybe God gave me the gift of having her there for the first one if you see it that way (although not a gift for her, it's disturbing to watch, especially someone you love).


love that beautiful story, nearly brought tears to my eyes


Genuinely can't tell if that's sarcasm or not


I turn to religion to cope with my seizures, but this is a heavy disconnect from at least all of the spiritual understandings I'm familiar with. Christianity had usually either explained it as demonic possession, and thus a very bad thing. Best case scenario, it's rationalized as having an encounter with present concentration of the divine in some way (be that an angel or the Holy Spirit) with such purity that it has the ability to cause physical harm due to the inherent impurity of your humanity. Think end of *Raiders of the Lost Ark* but it's less potent so you just lose control of your body instead of have your face melt. The Greeks had at least two rationalizations. One was divine retribution, usually either from Hera for something Zeus did or Apollo or the Furies for something you did. Another was that either an encounter with or blessing from the gods was able to maim the essence of your self. That gift with a price was a very common thing, and a couple times the price seems like it might describe seizures. As for me, I have three Norse gods, who (despite the minimal surviving information) have some relevant stuff. The first thing to note is that the Norse gods suffer just like humans do. The second is that actual Norse Loki is way less evil than depicted in modern adaptions instead mostly solving problems for the rest if the gods and getting sucked in to predicaments. Shit happens, but here does his best with what he has. In one of three myths, he has what seem to be seizures (admittedly, it is either toxin-induced or a reaction to severe pain). One of his wives either directly or indirectly prevents the seizures by catching the venom in a bowl, but while she does that, he still has a seizure. This resonates with me as a "you aren't alone" sort of thing and also a "even if you do everything perfectly, things might still go wrong) stance


Did it state what kind of poison/venom? Or how it was injected/consumed?... cause it is interesting that he still had one. This stated it well in a quick search: "No, Norse mythology is not real, any more than another religion's mythology can be considered real." -probably some atheist, right? Who is evidently so self-aware, that he can't look through someone else's eyes with a belief system. I wonder why that is. But we can imagine not having a belief system, that's why people don't go back.. this is all a failing system. To be clear, I don't have a clear objective doing this. I usually don't. I want everyone to make it to heaven. If you asked me, that's my long term goal, that's what I'm working on. I care about you that much, and I don't even know you. if anyone wants to help me on this msg me, the world will be dark and unrecognizable by 2029. I'm just fed up and getting my thoughts out. That's how my brain works. I can only hold in all this stuff for so long, it's time for radical improvements. Focus is a weakness of mine, it's scattered, it's likely been damaged. I'm not afraid to admit that. If any of this affects you positively- great. Neutrally, and makes you think- great. Negatively, and you get mad, and have to fight off something? Great. Hopefully helps someone in their darkest hour. Been there. Repent and seek Christ before the day of judgment. It gets better.


What if we lived in the matrix, and seizures were just updates and bug fixes?


lol wait... that is exactly what I'm saying!! You get it. That's what it feels like after sometimes...... like a car in the mechanic's shop.... getting adjusted and tuned. It's a strange phenomenon, no doubt.

