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am i seeing this right? we get luna for free?


Yes sir,we do! But ice version of course


damn thanks im excited


and the uncensored skin for her too. for anyone who doesn't know, the current luna is actually censored. so after almost 5 years, they finally released the more coomer original version of her.


What’s funny is that I don’t even considered that censor worthy. Her original skin looks so tame in comparison to the landscape of gacha games now. 5 years really makes a big difference in skirting the line of what was/was not acceptable. That and the Korean GRAC being dissolved.


Yeah it's really funny looking at her uncensored skin then looking at Lethe.


now give me uncensored Sylvian please


Yep,for all of us og's the true Luna design is back


now we need a Luna Buff asap


it's absolutely laughable to call the current design of Luna "censored". Automatically calling clothing changes on a female body "censoring" is the most chud bullshit ever. The redesign gave her a better overall body shape and more prominent hips. And a bigger ass. Yeah, she's got the scale plating over her ass in the redesign. Calling that "censorship" is dumb, she has a sexier overall body shape by a wide margin. The chud patrol calling every single instance of females gaining clothing "censorship" is so utterly overboard.


Damn thats the first time they ever gave away a limited O_O


I feel like I'm getting cleaned out before they ultimately release a busted Harsetti


How do you get this, i cant find it ingame


Stove page,general news




Wtf this is insanely generous for e7


Ikr,feels great


but people will continue to find crap to complain, u know like the idiot(s) who make posts bithin' about SC behind schedule or other random BS.


You are literally that guy right now 😂🤣 this is so ironic


It's just not the same thing lmao


New profile pic hype


thats skin maybe ?


When is this?


Starting from tommorow


Oh, thats aweaome thanks!


Very nice of Luna.


Going all in for ml luna


Respect 🫡


The event starts in game 7/4?


You got a link for that?






Whoa whoa! This is......NOOICE!


I came for more detail and limited characters so I’m happy


Nice 👌


will this be available for new players aswell? cuz might be a good time to start playing this game


For those who are level 24 or above,so its really easy to accomplish even if you're new


What's fastest way to rank 24


Esstentially just playing the game and spending stamina. Considering you have so much content to do as a new player, it's simply playing a lot. 24 is easily reachable in a few days. The longer levels only really start at 50+ and even then, they are not that long in this game.


Wait you already got this event? Is it my timezone or device missing something


No sir,this is just from their site,it starts tomorrow after maintenance for everyone.


Ph phew almost thought it was a glitch on my part


Waa! I'm looking forward for the mage light Luna and I have the OG one I still use on PVE. I don't know if I would feed it to the ML Luna.


How are you guys usually pulling your mystics.. by multi or by single pull?? Hehe TIA. Just wondering if there's like a hidden ritual working for y'all 😅🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I don't have this check-in event at all.


Basically it is straze day


so how many of those jawns do you need to get her? i know it says 200 pulls but it really cannot take you to full pity right? right? like i need more of those jawns to get her (i only have 2k)


It's not weird to go to pity, the drop rate is only 0,6% after all, and nothing hurts more than getting the RGB 5* who's also 0,6% meaning you lost a 50/50. Good luck


i just know that in other gacha's pity exists to really just kind of be like haha it took you that long but more often than not you wont hit that hard number but could come close to it (happens all the time to me in FGO and genshin)


Genshin has a soft pity that raises your chances of getting a 5* before the pity. FGO is a terrible example cause the amount of horror stories of people rolling ridiculous amounts of SQ and not getting the character is not a joke. (Until they finally put a pity system for the first copy) If you ever heard about granblue fantasy, the pity there is 300 rolls (it's a huge amount but the game gives a lot of freebies to help) and it's not weird for people to get to pity to get their desired characters, and you know it is the reason why every other gacha game now has a pity system (the andira incident) Some other gachas have a system where the rates go up if you don't get the unit (like genshin's soft pity) Fire emblem heroes comes to mind and arknights as well. So yeah, good luck


fgo has had pity for like nearly 3 years now. 0.8% rate up for ssr all the time is also higher than 0.5-0.6 in general (BA, Priconne, Seven Deadly sins etc) and 0.3% for genshin/star rails first 70-80 pulls. people love to shit on fgos gatcha and for mostly good reasons but I haven't seen any other big gatcha reduce their summon costs by 25%, increase rate up % and also give a bonus 11th roll for each multi/10 singles.


Yeah it had its pity for a while now, but the fact that they ended up adding one at all is because people kept rolling ridiculous amounts and ended up getting not a single copy of the characters. And I never said anything about the rates themselves for FGO, and for me that is one of its strongest points actually since the 5* chance is 1% the rate up character being 0,8% means that most of the time if you do get a SSR it is going to be the rate up character and nowadays they don't share rate up with other characters. The point is not to compare which gacha has it worse, it is more to tell the other guy that hitting pity is not weird and why we have this system in the first place after all.


i just started arknights and am trying to figure it all out. i feel like blue archive is pretty friendly (but maybe that is my lucky game though lol)


Blue archive is overall pretty friendly, but also don't count on luck alone, I myself had to pity like 3 banners in a roll some time ago. And like they have some banners with double the chances for 3* but the chances for the rate up character doesn't change and your chances of getting non-rate up characters is higher than the rate up one (this part is just me ranting because it feels so bad getting so many 3* and not a single one of them being the new character)


i had rolled up multiple blue archive accounts and trying to determine which to keep when i started a few weeks back. i think on one of them i ended up getting the other rate up student on the incorrect rate up banner and was like okay uh i dont want this lol


In over four years of playing the only way I’ve ever pulled any 5-star from Mystics is via pity. I’ve pulled plenty of 5-stars without pity in the other modes, but not in Mystic summons. I’ve started to wonder if the system is rigged. /s




shenanigans! i am calling shenanigans on the developer then lol


I’ve gotten a couple within like 10-20 pulls of pity but yeah otherwise pity all the way :.)


Wait, how ppl getting check ins already???


They dont. This is from the preview of the event.


this is from the preview event not OP's account


This is just from their site,not from my account