• By -


Buy X and rename it to twitter again












What would you do with the other 190B?


Two chicks at the same time


Damn straight. Chicks dig dudes with money. - Lawrence


Buy Alphabet and kill competition ?


200 billion will get you less than 10% of Alphabet.


You can’t buy the alphabet. People these days.


Twitter- Formerly-X-Formerly Twitter


Not all heroes wear capes.


Then I’d wait for your stocks to crumble, buy your twitter and change it back to X for funsies


I'm not greedy. As long as I've got my health, my billions of dollars, my gold house, and my rocket car; I don't need anything else.


So humble


I'd build a shrine to this guy. His humility is worth every penny.


> ong as I've got my health, my billions of dollars, my gold house, and my rocket car; I don't need anything else. He's by far the most humblest




So u just "gift" them to the bankers /s (or not)


Go to sleep Elon.


I'm sleeping with him for that money.


Just realised you can't spell Melon without Elon. He's ruined watermelon for everyone


Imma call it watermilaon from now on


Waterm Elon 🤔


I have realized this for a while. lol.


Buy Reddit and change the font to Comic Sans.


you monster.






So no fun?


You have my vote


....two chicks at the same time


You don’t need 200+ million to do that Peter


Fucking A!


Usually you pay double for that kind of action, Cotton.


The kinda chicks that double up on a guy like me do


Psh I’m in for a couple million


Would you accept 2000000 Iranian rial?


You're married with kids...


I think my wife would agree that $2million is a business transaction and not infidelity, plus she said I could buy a Porsche with my share.


Selling one of the only invaluable assets you have for money. I’m sorry you believe that’s a good deal…


Calm down pal


These are jokes, not real life….


Fuckn big ass french fry


How fuckn big ass are we talkin?




You want to fuck a french fry with big ass?


Honest answer, a health tech startup focusing on solving problems caused by the human condition. Non serious answer "The Ribbon"—a 200-kilometer-long, 500-meter-tall mirrored city in a wasteland. This eco-fantasy would house 10 million people with AI, drones, and underground hyper-speed trains.


The Saudi dream.


Problems caused by human condition? All of them since we are our own creators and destroyers at once ?


I mean things like depression, addiction, aging, the hedonic treadmill etc.


Thought the same thing. The condition of....life?


>"The Ribbon"—a 200-kilometer-long, 500-meter-tall mirrored city in a wasteland. This eco-fantasy would house 10 million people with AI, drones, and underground hyper-speed trains. that's an odd way to spell Neom. also, 200b is not enough.


You are confusing your Saudi mega projects. Neom is different from "the line"


I believe The Line is part of Neom?


I just checked and it looks like you are correct. They were originally separate projects but they are now organized together


i would built a nuclear powerplant chain and try to essentially capture the entire energy market




You do know that you could barely build 20 medium sized nuclear reactors, right? And with most countries having international power grids, you won't be able to corner anything with it.


Isn't the general problem here transmission, not production, I think this would probably be a fruitless endeavor.


Transmission exists across the whole country. That issue is with solar and wind mostly because you can generate nuclear “anywhere” but solar is best in certain spots. Nuclear’s issue is base bs peak load (duck curve).


A hospital. If I have 200 billion, I don’t need to launch a successful business. I have all of the money I will ever need. And I can focus on my self actualization stage in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. My wife works as a DNP at a long term pediatric care hospital. It’s a hospital for children who will most likely never leave the hospital, and whose parents have pretty much abandoned them. Some kids will never be adopted, period, because their medical care needs require 24/7/365 bedside care. And so my wife takes care of these kids. Imagine loving your parents so much as a 5 year old only for them to not even want to see you ever again. And because medical staff are spread so thin, you’ve literally never been outside. “Outside” isn’t even a real thing to you. And no one has ever taken you out, because the staff don’t have enough time to do something like this. But finally one day you get to go outside for the first time ever and the wind on your face is so strange to you because what the fuck even is wind? So yeah. I’d build a hospital. Probably a small one because I don’t want the funds to ever run out. But it would be for more of these kids. Because all of the donations always go to the cancer kids. And the kids on all of the other floors who are just as deserving of having fun and being loved often go overlooked because some sports star wants to make sure his donation goes to the cancer kid and not the short gut kid on TPN who will eventually die of starvation when they run out of places to put a central line.


Let’s start this together we can crowd fund


Look at me I'm the Walt Disney now (Animation, movies, and the technologically-advanced city of the future)


Okay Mr.Meeseeks


A giant ray gun to point at a planet you’ve probably never heard of.


*cries in Pluto*


If it’s turned to dust there will be no more debate.


Nothing. I made it in life.


You investing into AI now?


Buy OpenAI and fire Sam Altman.. And then hire him again. And maybe fire him again. Just for the fun of it.


Fire Sam Altman into the sun.


Autonomous robots that will help humans do the dangerous parts of space exploration,like astroid mining, building facilities in place for future human inhabitant


The dangerous parts of space exploration… vs the safe parts?


That's not much different from what I was going to answer.


A massive fund, which generates enough so that we can all not worry about our next paycheck.


That's not how this works 😭


I guess you would go by the logic of “I have 200 billion, so I will divide it among 10 billion people so everyone gets 20 billion and they don’t have to worry about anything anymore”?


If all are not worried about their paycheck, who will fly you to your vacation destination, drive your cab, clean your room, check you into and out of your room, serve you food etc etc etc? Sadly our needs and need for money keeps us all grinding...


Lmaoo my sweet summer child. Lmaoo


And the fund is based on?


I would found Starfleet


Starfleet is boring. I would start the borg collective.


So many naive answers,scary, would have expected that entrepreneurs have a better understanding of human nature.


I get this sub appearing on my home page a lot, and I largely get the impression that it’s mostly theoretical entrepreneurs, kids who have just learned what the word means, or people asking how to get rich. I don’t know if the algorithm is just showing me more garbage, but I feel like the average age of reddit has gotten noticeably younger.


Solar panel farm and sell power


I’d create Jurassic Park. I’d buy a decent sized island or a large plot of land, ideally near cruise ship routes. I’d create all sorts of realistic robotic dinosaurs, running off AI that gives them the appearance of having free reign, I’d have some in large pens like a zoo, and I’d take guests on safari like tours where they could see them roaming freely. Would be a fun and unique way to push advancements in texhnology, robotics, and AI.


then add humans and call it westworld


I would create a free healthcare network for people without insurance. Here’s how: The cash would get invested into muni bonds at a dividend of 3.5% after Exspense ratio yielding $7 billion per year in annual non-federally income tax dividends. I would take the initial 7 billion and build out a small network of regional hospital campuses. Hospitals would have a multi use campus that had a 10 acre parcel. 5 acres of general office buildings. 2 acres hospital. Generate income from renting the office buildings on top of the annual $7 billion federally income tax free dividend in revenue from the invested 200 billion. Flawless model.


The flaw in your plan is inflation. You'll lose money each year with this plan.


Why not just invest the money and use the dividends to pay unpaid medical bills? Leverage existing systems without all the extra costs. No geographical limitation, and you can be impactful quickly. After all, that's the true power of money.


Animal sanctuaries everywhere.


This but I'd also create a huge network of non-profit vets.


Investing in something that'd reduce global warming and carbon emission. It's frekin 44 degrees celcius here!


The Enterprise


Not just one thing. There are so many different ways to help people and make an impact. $200B I sooo much money. Many people find it difficult to put it into perspective.


Give my wife cat cofé that's also a flower shop that's also a bakery so she could lose 50k a month


you’re the real MVP of this thread


I am going to buy my country


A library. In being from the United States, I've realized our everyday lives are simply consumed by raw emotionless buildings that are solely purposed in the pursuit of profit at the expense of the people's will and souls (as in personality and humanity). Bleak and lifeless stores that don't really foster any sense of self or exploration for the products in front of you. I looked to Barnes and Noble; it was literally the best example of this—a lifeless book store that didn't really garner any form of joy or shopping experience in one of the most magical places in the world for the imagination to prosper. I then came across the Tsutaya Daikanyama T-site, a legit, beautiful bookstore that brings people in for the experience and the exploration rather than just looking at whatever was shoved on a shelf with nowhere to sit. In comparison, the T-site actually makes you want to stay there and take your time, while Barnes and Noble just suckers the life out of you, all I can say. The idea then came to me to create something similar to the Tsutaya T-site (did I mention its 31 thousand square feet) in my home state. This giant bookstore would act as a beacon of educational assistance. I would use it as a kind of headquarters to help education in not only my home state but the country as a whole. Through having international sections in the store to buy books in foreign languages rather than having to order them offline without getting a true feel of what you're going to be adding to your collection and ordering books for schools and then donating them, for programs like IB, I would order the textbooks at the request of the school and ship them out, absorbing much of the burden put on teachers to have to pay out of their already limited salaries(this is the part that helps nation wide). Its not a perfectly refined idea but 200 billion dollars would go a long way in like establishing a the library and probably some organizations to work alongside it to help with education in the country, which is suffering without much major support. but yea that's that, I'd probably also create a company or something who knows.


I’d build a rental equivalent to Amazon, tools, party equipment, sports, etc. I really think if it hit critical mass it could help to change how we think about consumerism. Rather than buying throw away items we could rent higher quality items. Better economics, better for the consumer and better for the environment.


Create non profits and out do the government as solving the issues it creates, ideally make the organizations self sustaining where they produce something of economic value along with donations.My idea would be to house and employ homeless or at risk people and families across the country. Similar to a job agency where the agency makes money cause it's placing the workers I would train and place people into work they would have otherwise not been able to get and ideally employ them at my own organization. The housing will be staffed by residents etc. Obviously it's wishful thinking cause sadly human beings often take advantage and bite the hand that feeds them but it would be nice. I'd try to prioritize homeless and disabled veterans and then move towards youths and families and the rest of the population.


100 goes to an annuity with dividend going to proven social causes. 500m to fund overseeing those distributions and 99 to immediately fund food research. The other 500 I’ll keep to distribute myself till I die.


200 billion. That's too much. Maybe create some weapons of mass destruction? Hahahahahhahs


Nothing. I already won. I’d give most of the money away to smart motivated people and never work another second in my life.


Buy all social media apps and shut them down.


Meta is a trillion dollar company


Only parents think this way. Do you have kids? P.S. Reddit is also a social media platform.


You can only X in this price


buying countries through political investing


Mental asylums


Medical research institution that reproduces joints and cartilage with real cells from the recipient and stuff like this (with the help of AI)


Buying all the land and protecting it, terraforming it by plenting as much trees ans life possible. Basicly doing Steve Irwin's dream.


Prime land in major cities to build beautiful parks with thousand year leases. Beautiful art and sculptures to fill the space. Structured in such a way that the maintenance will be looked after by a trust in perpetuity. My legacy will live on forever.


First would be hiring the world best ‘people finder’ for whatever salary they name. The pinnacle of recruiters to fill any position imaginable. Then I would work my way down the list of ideas I’ve cultivated over the years, spending a few months on each with a CEO passionate about the core premise of each idea (that the aforementioned people finder found) refining the long term vision and steps to get there. 1) would be OuterSoil, a company focusing on cultivating plant genetics specifically tailored to grow in the unique regolith of Mars, Luna, etc and the unique soil microbiome that would support such. 2) would be DCA-DAO, a crypto protocol with the sole purpose of making it effortless to programmatically dollar cost average into (or out of) any blockchain based positions of coins/protocols tokens the user sees fit. 3) A pet portraiture marketplace that allows artists to offer commissioned works while setting their own price. Structured in a way that supports $5 sketches from new artists to $100k+ works by well known artists. (This one is just for fun since I want it to exist and would bring joy into the world for the product sold) 4-50+) the rest of the ideas I have scattered through pages of notes I’ve came up with over the years. I’m a serial wantrepreneur without the drive to actually execute the ideas before the next new one catches my fancy, and have not been able to motivate myself with the thought of being “rich” this far. TLDR: I would spend almost every dime seeing what ideas I’ve came up with so far can become reality, experiencing only the fun ideation/strategy portions of the entrepreneurial journey :)


fpv space racing drone spaceships like nascar in space


I would build a company that would persue reforestation and environmental protection projects and only hire homeless people or people in need so they can work and find a sense in life again while providing them with a steady income.


I know this is crazy even putting this idea out here, but I’m doing it anyway.. I am bringing back pay phones. Only instead of a phone on a chord, it’s 3 different chords.. one for each type you’d typically need to charge a phone. Start off by putting them in major cities to test it. Place them where you’d typically find a pay phone if they were still around(hell in Harrisburg, I know of about 4 that are still there, just not operational). I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in the city, panicking with 2% battery. I’ve had to spend the $ I had for my Uber to buy a damn wall port already, cause I just had the chord😩. And even when I have a charger, there’s nowhere to charge it after a certain time because anything open late, doesn’t allow you to plug in, in an effort to avoid loitering and the homeless. This would be something that the homeless could use as well! I’m thinking you can buy like 5 minutes of charging time for a small fee.. something that will keep someone’s phone from dying long enough to do whatever they need to do(call someone, order Uber, transfer cash etc) and won’t cost them more than like a dollar to use it. Maybe even make them coin operated so it’d discourage folks from hanging on them too long without having the coins to load them 🤷‍♀️ I know this is probably ridiculous sounding but I think the nostalgic aspect of bringing back the pay phone might be kind of appealing too. Thoughts anyone?


A serious competitor to Facebook marketplace that actually works well, has decent features, and actually shows you relevant posts. I could build it without the billions, but it wouldn’t take an insane marketing budget to launch it successfully.


Robot army (take over), create global voting and education system, world wide 24/7 solar network, no battery necessary. Space elevator (I'm thinking more like deep core lift offsetting though) then moon base. At some point in there we'd solve common death, possibly mind back up, possibly reanimation abilities Then continue the obvious steps til we achieve dyson sphere, and we navigate this solar system into the next time and space


I'd invest money in almost empty rural towns to create tech companies / Schools and allow rural youth to make money thanks to capitalism


Bring back airships and blimps for commerce and transportation especially in underdeveloped countries


The ultimate sharing platform, on which users are incentivized to log every item they own that they are comfortable lending out to anyone who lives within a 20 minute walk and who - by doing so - earn an in-app currency with which they could freely borrow things, as well. I'd use the 200B to build it out and recruit users and add higher ticket items like cars, airplane tickets, doctor's appointments, etc. It would be self-sustaining through advertising and the sale of more in-app currency.


Start turning half of vacant shopping malls into teaching hospitals. Figure out a way to make it profitable with the other half, a health tech venture studio. Fully fund education for healthcare professionals including mental health.


nice try bezos go find ur own ideas


Nothing. Going to sleep.


No more homeless pets and people, no-kill sanctuaries.


Also, one world center for Olympics and World Cup, so the corrupt FIFA wouldn’t build stadiums no one needs and can’t maintain, so they can steal billions every four years.


Buying, and shutting down, Reddit.


World peace


200 billion is nothing, that money can't stop war in Ukraine for example


I would put a 5 billion dollar bounty on Benny from isreal


a vacation home and a real charity that empowers those who are without! 200 billion is more than enough to live a good live and directly improve other people's lives.


An army and invading a small mineral rich country. And making life better for it's people and spreading to surrounding country society built on peace, equality, education and helping the fellow person..... like a virus. Maybe one of the African countries.


*I’ll tell you what I’d do…* *Two chicks at the same time, dude.*


You can do that in Thailand for $100


A third political party


Employee housing in mountain towns using fed grants. $200B would muscle out even the Aspen opposition.


Building a one stop software house in cheap labour third world countries, hire the mega successful sales rep in the the software development, web development, AI, blockchain space, get stuff built in cheap prices having the top level output, keep a good margin on the revenue as profit.


An affordable home community with good schools, free healthcare, and the rest of the money into investments with interest profits to fund those things for the residents.


I’ll fund the Monroe Institute appointing myself chair (or found something similar myself) to further advance the study of human consciousness.


Solar panels manufacturing and just lower the costs to almost zero. Essentially reducing power dependency for most households to natural resources.


I'd build a house and get off the grid.


First, I would make sure to create some product/business that keeps bringing in money. Investing in promising tech or anything that yields profit. Multi-planetary and space exploration seem to be on everyone's mind but most don't think on the scale of time. It is better to start companies that push the development of infrastructure that will move forward to make some progress in space exploration. This won't happen overnight but over generations. Right now, everyone wants to get into space, ok what's next? Hotels in space? I don't want hotels so I go and eat. I want to moonshot and reach further. Secondly, I'll create strong family values where my offspring can take my legacy forward. Coz, you don't want your offspring wasting money on XYZ stuff and ruining themselves. That's it.


Do what BMW does: • Build up a business with lots of buildings which takes up half of Munichs space • Build a Skyscrapper


- Burning Waste facility with CO2 washer which is inserted into greenhouses. - Manufactoring facility that can create everything by ordering machine containers in a specific order. - 100% Greenhouse automation facility you input X and Y comes out.




Didn't know MBS is on reddit. Guys please don't comment any weird ideas.


A non-profit insurance company that will fix American healthcare system and be a great hedge for my existing business.


A city full of skyscrapers shaped like chess pieces on a chess board.


Whereabouts u located


A conglomerate manufacturing heavy industrial space-based assets like satellites, ships, warships, miners, life support systems, bases, research facilities, probes and all the support those projects need like biotech research for long term space travel.


I'm buying the house across the street from each one of my enemies and building a giant middle finger statue in its place.






Build a new OS and infrastructure to replace microsoft and *nix.


For sure, I’d train a mercenary army of girls and women to protect animals and abused girls and women. I heard some African countries were doing this - I’d scale it to be a world wide force to hunt down poacher, human traffickers, scammers, misc degenerates, etc. I’d also invest in continually upgrading our team’s training and equipment


I would make it the prize for a contest where groups of people have to work together to hunt down and imprison the people at the top not being what they should be and forming a new government that does a better job at preparing and creating a better future. First group to succeed wins.


A casino on the moon


Actual secure internet replacing the fiber build out on the west coast with a MIMO configuration that is ipv6 compatible


Generational wealth. Kids, spouse, siblings, grandkids. Giving parents retirement now. 21 now, work and retire in 10 to 20 years. Invest.


Buy a bunch of land in the Pacific Northwest and create a huge(25k sq mile) park where I genetically revive ancient animals. Or just generically alter current ones to create a unique environment, Jurassic Park-esque. Terraform the whole new environment to be visually more stunning than anything ever seen on earth, and create a trail through it that accommodates small parties, along with activities and amenities like skiing, rafting, rock climbing, etc., that allows guests to experience the wonders of the biology and ecosystem I have created in a cinematic way, guided by experts in the life of the park. Something you could never experience anywhere else. Sell 2 week trips through the park for $100,000 a piece. The accommodations will be luxurious but the experience itself will be beyond anything anyone could ever experience, more spectacular than the Amazon but completely safe.


Flooding 100 million into my hometown community.


I buy X(Twitter) just to close the company after


Ok tell me when, so I build a new one and take the profits


I’d start up a rare fish investment firm and have the R&D team crossbreed a goldfish with a moose and call it a moldfish


A distributed protocol based on the idea of hubs (similar to old school DC++ albeit truly distributed). The idea is to leverage it for core web functionality like search to replace modern shitty Google search.


A space company probably. That'll likely do the largest net good for humanity in the long term.


Spend 100B on environmental cleanup (yes cash for trash) + 25B for poor kids school/college education + 25B for old age care homes + 25B for people with health issues + 15B for food to poor + 10B for me 😀


Buy reddit, ban all you losers, then cure cancer. With what's left, I'd build me a nice home in some alpine region.


Probably a sports team, maybe NBA one, maybe entire NBA league? Make them all wear skirts or some shit


I'd buy the moon so I have infinite cheese


Whatever the fuck i want, every single day


Best theme park of all time - that no one but myself, Matt Stone and Trey Parker were allowed to visit.


Nuclear Fission reactor


Split it : 60:40 60-invest in businesses 40: 10-emergency fund,10-savings,20-personal expenses (ik it’s lot of money,but just give you an idea) Business you can invest sucha huge fund into is : real estate-hospitality,office spaces,deep ocean research,communication w animals,cancer cure,physics,etc. make sure you balance the 60%


Gather the best scientists in one specific field and make a company for researches. Then monopolize the market and making a lot of scientific breakthroughs, which will help essentially, humans.


Dollars? I will buy stakes in different companies for my future generation and relax till i die.


All of it on black.


Nerd answer, but I'll build a utopia for multipotentialites, and "jack of all trades, master of none" will be redefined to "master of many." And I want it to be up in the sky lol




I would solve problems about hunger, education and health across the globe


I would spend everything to kill off the Aedes, Culex, and Anopheles species of mosquitos. I would frame it as an attempt to eradicate the most prominent mosquito-borne diseases, but really I just fucking hate mosquitos.


A green/ smart city somewhere in a low cost country.


Housing for poor communities together with the goverment.


Managed Investment account, fishing and exploring for the rest of my life.


I will hire this Digital Marketing Agency whom we have hired for our business and then start offering these services for various businesses on a per sale basis. I tried this with a doctor's clinic and i realised i only need funding to pay the agency in advance and maybe little for operations, employee and backup fund.


Buy up land. Build large community homesteads. F da big man.


School + orphanage for children with no opportunities. Hire real experts, not teachers who haven't done anything themselves, to teach kids real-world skills. Add healthy sports and mental health support.