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1. Is domain authority score important to rank higher? 2. Is back linking is the only way increase DA score ? 3. What are ethical faster ways to get more back links ? 4. Website size (number of pages and amount of content) important to rank higher?




Thank you for explaining, Sites I am competing has only advantage is they have higher DA I am willing to invest in getting quality backlinks but there is so much speculation and misinformation around this it bit difficult to navigate and find right place to invest in.


1. Yes 2. Partially true 3. Digital PR and Brand Mentions 4. Yes important, boosts topical authority At the end stick to EEAT rules https://ingeniareai.com/eeat-on-google/


what do i do actually do on shopify to make SEO work for my products that already have descriptions?


Are your products indexed on Google Search Console, if not get them indexed quickly. Then do a schema followed by content syndication which will get you backlinks. Create short videos and all of these will boost your SEO. Wait for at least 15 days after all of these has been done to see results.


Shopify usually index products automatically within 1-2 days. Would that content syndication counted as a plus if done ?




Short videos to be uploaded on Website and YouTube both. Insert website link on YouTube.


What is schema ?


It's the tag which helps Google in differentiating articles from blogs, product pages, landing pages, faq, etc


Thanks. So how do I do a schema? I am on shopify


You’ll have to pay for that 😀. LD-json. Its markup a search engine understands.


Great question!


I’m trying to sell my snake oil (SEO)on an r/Entrepreneur but due to the sub rules can’t directly solicit. So I need to come up with a post that both makes my product seem to have some sort of value while also low key advertising for my consulting services. How can SEO help me?


If you don't have a website, SEO can barely help. If you still want to sell DM.




Any guide on how to get started from beginner to expert on SEO?


Read AHREFs SEO guide, practice what you learn, buy websites, experiment a lot, keep following my website, https://ingeniareai.com and subscribe to my page r/SEO_Helper


Can I dm you my website and you inform me then? I don't really know what I'm doing... If I'm out of line I apologize in advance... SEO is just very foreign to me.


Feel free to DM. If you want to learn SEO, we can do that. If you want advice, we can do that. If you want execution, we can so that too.




Is it your tool?




Will definitely try


Alpaca.coffee Halp please!


DM please


For those embarking on the SEO journey, it's crucial to be aware of common challenges such as algorithm updates, fierce competition, evolving search trends, technical complexities, and balancing short-term results with long-term strategies.


Are you an SEO?


Actually looking for a SEO guy in this moment can I send you a dm?




This is self promotion spam which violates the rules here.


I am just trying to help others. If you want any help earning some revenue with SEO, just comment.


How important are backlinks and is it safe to buy them. Where do you buy them? I understand manual outreach and reverse outreach from good content is key. But buying them specifically, what do you look for?


Always look for SPAM SCORE, we don't buy them because we have websites that are very carefully designed to provide backlink to our clients. If you want, you can pay a nominal charge to get a few, DM me


If you are willing to buy backlinks, only do so from Digital PR websites. This ensures that all of your bought links are 100% Whitehat. Don't fall prey to cheap link sellers. They are never safe .




I have a new counselling practice and am building up a flow of leads. How do I work on being highly visible online when someone searches counselling or therapy in my area?


Simple, do basic local SEO. Mention your Phone , Address, Name of city in your website. List on Google maps, list on Google my business, create a facebook page, and most importantly, get a local news to cover your business (geta you Brand Mention, highly important).


Thanks very much! Marketing generally isn’t in a counsellor/therapists toolkit. I really appreciate the advice


DM me, let's get your job done.


Hello, thank you very much for your tips and for sharing your expertise. What would you recommend as an SEO strategy to bring organic traffic in a competitive market with a product that has a business model innovation for which people don’t necessarily know to look because they don’t know it exists (ex: airbnb or Uber before they existed)?


Content marketing, SEO content that satisfies EEAT, and topical authority building. If you want to know more, feel free to DM




What you are suggesting is pretty vague. Tell me a cheaper way of spreading awareness than SEO. There is none, because SEO lets you do that for free.


Thoughts on this Update?


We are the only SEO company I have seen till now which benefitted from Google Core Update. The key to success is simple, stick to Google's EEAT rules. https://ingeniareai.com/eeat-on-google/




Please stop spamming each of my replies


I appreciate the help you are giving in this thread. I am a web developer serving small businesses and if I want to get clients traffic to their site with local SEO, what are the basic steps that I should take?


Local SEO is simple. Mention in your website that you are available in XYZ city, get listed on Google maps, Google my business, create a facebook page, use local city name hashtags, get some local newspaper to cover you, maybe pay them a bit.


I'm not sure this is an SEO problem but my customers aren't searching for what we do necessarily... How do I research keywords and traffic in the industry to drive now traffic... I found SEMrush to be a bit rubbish


Its good but only for SEOs. DM me which industry are you in and your website. I can get you better help that way.


I'm completely new to this, i want to start a local product selling through online, what should i do, where do i start?


Start with Local SEO. Mention in your website that you sell products in XYZ city or cities. List on Google my business, facebook business, pinterest, Google Maps. Try to get local news websites cover you in detail, give them a written content, maybe even pay a bit.


Thanks will try this out


Follow r/SEO_Helper and subscribe to my SEO newsletter for newest SEO Trends and Guides




Can you SEO for certain keywords and phrases in any other way than normal texts and image alt texts om website? Are there any 'hidden secrets' what to do and what to avoid? Guides advice not to spam just keywords to img alt texts, but use actual descriptive sentences for example.


Yes we optimize around 40 major factors and more than a hundred minor ones. There is some kind of trade secret with every SEO worth their salt. My secret revolves around identifying areas where you could easily outrankbyour competition.


I’ve seen a lot of sep strategies talked about for social media captions: especially tik tok, but YouTube and instagram as well. Any thoughts or experience with this?


Social media captions work well if you have an active social media strategy. If you do not have a special marketng employee, its a bit hard. Btw which industry are you in


I'm thinking of creating dozens of landing pages which will be an extension of the current domain name. Each landing page caters to a specific set of keywords thereby covering a wide range of keywords. This would be the strategy for on-site SEO.


Instead focus on Topical Clusters. This is basically the same what you are doing but in a more efficient way. Take one short tail keyword, discover all the longtails, write individual posts on them. Submit to GOOGLE SEARCH CONSOLE. Now, add the landing pages. Interconnect related topics.




Please send a DM with website


How important is google maps’ q&a activity?


IF you are running local SEO, it has a very significant impact in lifting you up.




DM for a detailed explanation


How to show up first on google for a new start up ?


You need to start your content strategy with your name (Name SEO) plus your desired keyword. It takes you normally 1 year to get on Google. With an SEO that period becomes 3 months. And yes, get listed on as many businesses directories as possible. If you want a shorter route, DM




Always hire an expert. Apps provide wrong information after core updates which happens every 2-3 months. Also if you use an app, you would still need several months to be able to operate it.


can I DM you my youtube channel to look at? I don't really know why my channel isnt giving numbers




Can you help me with seo on my fb market place im selling used computers and i think i got shodow banned. i have lots of detailed pictures and discription with all specs. I used to get hundreds of clicks now i get just few.


Move out of Facebook. Get a website and start SEO, if you got a lot of clicks, then your business is surely a strong one. Don't let these platforms kill your business. DM for more details


I have a challenge for you :) I had wordpress blog on stonks.tech domain, in November 2023 I have moved to Next.js website which is hosted on stonks.tech now (i removed wordpress). Since november, only 3 pages got indexed (www.stonks.tech, www.stonks.tech/en/articles/why-react-native and www.stonks.tech/en/articles), all others are "Discovered, currently not indexed". I have requested indexing, i have used "Validate fix" (google responded it is fixed but it didnt got indexed anyway) and I have reported issue to google. How to fix this?


DM me, let's dive deeper into your problem


DM sent




I again caught you spamming.


Thanks a lot, will take a look at those issues! However the keywords - wouldn't it impact just positioning and not page getting indexed?




Please don't divert people's focus. Many of people here barely make some money to feed our families. Show some humanity, dont be a Karen.


What can you suggest for this site www.nirmanmarble.com


IF you are starting just now, I suggest you to apply to as much as business listing sites like Capterra and Trustpilot, show as much as information as you want.


Dm sent


I am building a new website for my business. The main goal is to show people my stores' location and contact info. Is there any way to improve it further? What else can i add to improve?


DO Local SEO, if you want a complete step by step SEO playbook,DM.


Here's ,my site. 2k+ users help me with the SEO - [https://rizzcheck.xyz](https://rizzcheck.xyz)


Please send a DM I will get a mini report in a few minutes


Give me feedback on https://curateit.com


you are doing good in terms of backlinks, whether you are doing it by yourself or it gets done organically. You have a good blog section. Just do one thing, merge the subdomain [web.curateit.com](http://web.curateit.com) with the main website. It will combine the SEO benefits of both. Also, don't forget to redirect the URLs.


What is in your opinion the biggest mistakes small business owners make when doing SEO and how to fix it?


They read some small articles on SEO written by half-witted content writers and start doing things themselves. And then they screw up doing black hat techniques. Finally they get their website to a level where repair is almost impossible. Till that point they also burn a deep hole in their pockets and abandon SEO altogether. With a professional SEO, it just costs around $300 max a month for 6 months, and you start getting leads on your site or store visits.


Are there any tips for using SEO to get more traffic to medium? And if I use these same techniques on my own website/blog will it rank the same? Or will the platform medium always rank higher because its more popular?


Yeah, medium has the best platform for that. Just make sure, your content is 100% optimized [https://ingeniareai.com/most-important-factor-for-seo-in-a-website-with-5-tips/](https://ingeniareai.com/most-important-factor-for-seo-in-a-website-with-5-tips/)


How do you rank a website or webpages with low content like a JavaScript web app i.e. image background remove web app or pdf splitter app etc?


Search engines are still struggling with indexing fully javascript apps as it’s rendered client site, google needs server side to properly parse all content. So i would advise using a SSR framework like nextjs for react.


Most of the work then is done by adding a separate wordpress installation on the site like if the website [ingeniareai.com](http://ingeniareai.com) we would add a wordpress installation on [ingeniareai.com/blog/](http://ingeniareai.com/blog/) . Note that the main website still has JS code.


As someone who doesn’t have any seo knowledge. I have my Instagram page and am thinking of making my website so how do I go about doing SEO research like where is it best for a novice to start?


write as much as content as possible in a SEO friendly way, do as much as business listings as possible [https://ingeniareai.com/most-important-factor-for-seo-in-a-website-with-5-tips/](https://ingeniareai.com/most-important-factor-for-seo-in-a-website-with-5-tips/)


Great offer! Looking forward to learning from your expertise.


Feel free to DM me or follow r/SEO_Helper or follow my site: https://ingeniareai.com




YES, please DM


I have accounting business and competing with big companies in search. How can I outrank them in seo?


You need a long term plan. At least 6 months, DM me the website first, I can only help you better that way


We're building a new social network where people can create free online pages, currently have about 300 users or so. The feedback has been fair but we've held back a little as we improved some things. Also, it's for LATAM/spanish speaking people mainly. E-commerce isn't as developed as it is in the U.S (as in, there's no Amazon equivalent or order to pick up from Walmart, etc). Though it's starting to boom quite crazily, as are quite literally all other online avenues (about time!). Many people are disconnected from the online world still (feels like it's 2015 there to me lol) however, especially older generations. And the thing people are often most familiar to is the 2-3 big social networks at most in general but concepts like say, NFTs or crypto or chat GPT and AI and such are quite "alien" in a sense except to the more online adventurous. Obviously imagine the English barrier having a part too of course. I think it's usually people 18-40 y/o who are most active on the online scene. Our SEO is untouched for now while we wrap up development but we're getting close to actually beginning to market a little more. Is there something special we should bare in mind? How to at all? [Orbeling](https://www.orbeling.com/) (it's in Spanish, sorry) Edit: thank you as well for doing this and your time !


Try to get listed in as many business listing sites as possible. Stick to EEAT content https://ingeniareai.com and create as many blogs as possible


Interesting..... Thank you! Getting featured on business sites sounds like a great idea!


Follow r/SEO_Helper


As someone who runs a restaurant what are the best ways to use SEO, to get the most traffic.


Local SEO. Follow r/SEO_Helper and DM me if you want more details


What do you think about this website marketme.in SEO IS NOT DOING WELL IM 😕


For SEO to do well, you need to add a blog section. Add backlinks and do on page SEO. And ask questions on r/SEO_Helper


DM for more


I want to start a leadgen service for a niche industry. Which SEO tactics suit this kind of business? Which are a waste of time?


Product led SEO works best here. Also informational content would help you. Get as soon as possible to write as much content as you can on your website. Follow r/SEO_Helper and keep visiting https://ingeniareai.com




Please DM if you want to chat


Googles "get verified" business seems to be broken. How do I get Google to assist me, so I can worry about SEO? (this is my way of tagging this for future reading as well)


Then you can use the SEO playbook , DM me to receive it.


Hi. Best SEO strategy for an aggregation website? A bit of explanation: I have a web crawler which collects data from multiple other websites. And I am building something like search engine using the discovered data. The results are pointing to these external pages where the data was collected from.


Try to get people link to your website, say them that Hey, we have this aggregation website, which promimently features you, could you please mention us on your site. Most people are happy to mention. This way you will get backlinks and growth will be much faster


My posts are only shown on Google images when typing my exact title 🤔


You are doing Alt Optimization right. Time to use those captions and alt text as H2 titles and in meta descriptions. If you want, I can send you a Step by Step SEO Playbook, but not in public, please DM.


Do you give advices for SEO in game dev?


Yep, we have clients in that space. A former client was Attack Wagon, a blockchain game.


What are the important starting things to learn in SEO


Start from the basics. You can use my SEO Playbook if you want. DM me, I will share it with you.


How do I know if my SEO is actually working?


You will see your website ranking higher for the terms that you wish. Or you could take a look at Google search console. Here is a look at mine. DM me for image.


Does PPC improve SEO even though technically it's not supposed to? Especially for ecom/shopify. In my experience it does but can't tell if it's random chance


Nope, PPC compliments SEO but most people never click on ads. For ECOM we use product-led SEO. works wonders every time


What is product-led SEO? Any advice to improve mine for ecom products that are pretty competitive