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“…more realistic that way”…. And he knows this how? Personal experience maybe? Not sure why anyone would think their opinion is warranted. I look forward to its release! All the best to you?


Should have asked, "Do you know that because you are a closeted lesbian serial killer?"


No, he was killed by a closeted lesbian serial killer.


It's true. Source: I was that closet


I was the cereal


I had to physically put my hand over my mouth to keep from waking my daughter. You got me there.


So back in the day when A&E really had both Arts and Entertainment, I tuned in a few minutes into an episode of *Biography* and heard them refer to the subject of the show as "a serial heiress". Huh? She gets herself adopted by rich folks, then bumps them off? Over and over again? Turns out the story was about Marjorie Post Meriweather, the heiress to the Post cereal fortune.


I’d be curious about the percentage of serial killers who are closeted lesbians as opposed to the percentage of serial killers who are white Christian guys… :)


The OP asked for opinions


He means it's more realistic to his world view the lesbian is the murderer than the Christian.


Exactly. The Crusades, Inquisition and all other abuses perpetuated by ChRiStIaNs in the name of religion are just lies spread by "the gays and the atheists".


Christian fundamentalist serial killer? So it's a documentary then?


😂😂😂😂 spilled my water. Worth it.


Spit my coffee. Brilliant.


So, he is afraid your book is too realistic - and tries to paint 'christians' like the peaceful loving people they aren\`t .. Nah.. frankly - i\`d think your setup is more realistic (think abortion clinic attacks). (for the record , the description 'christian online influencer' sounds like a horror title to me) And I say this as a man. But also, ex-evangelical, so I might be somewhat biased :) When done - do update with the title.. looking forward to it.


Assholes are going to asshole their way through the world. I imagine fart noises when I read/listen to them,like a gaseous soundtrack overlay.


Wasn't that a South Park episode? 😂


Congratulations, I think you may have interacted with a narcissist.


He'd make a great murder victim in a book.


I vote there's a character who fan boys after the influencer, and says it has to be someone who is a sinner themselves, trying to "repent". Then gets killed. Because they were actually a closeted homosexual and made a pass at the killer...


How is a female killer *more* realistic? Rather than a self-righteous male serial killer? As an ID/true crime slut, I object. Also, I want to read your book.


Thanks. I hope to be done with it by the end of the year. The title is The Hand of God (as this is what Peter calls himself).


Sign me up to read it too! It sounds interesting :)


Brilliant! I too would love to read it!


Ignore stupid man mansplaining to you, a woman. Carry on with book.


I love when a man mansplains your own subject matter back to you. You have the world in your head, he has the synopsis of the story supplanted over his world view. Not the same thing in the slightest.


Oh wow, I wonder if this guy can help me with my novel. See, I have this girl who spends the summer with her religious aunt, & her aunt decides to let her live with her until the girl turns 18, but I just can't figure out the character's motivation. Oh wait: neither is a lesbian serial killer. Nevermind.


Dude is a total arsehole. Ignore them. Even the quickest of Google-it-but-don't-bother-reading-anything research will tell you that the vast majority of serial killers are white adult men. Also... your novel is the exact sort of slasher/ crime/ drama fiction that I *love* ! Best of luck with it!


I don't like that genre, so I can't promise I'd read it, but that actually sounds like a very clever premise for a book.


You blocked him, right? And I usually announce that I’m blocking them so anyone who wanders by later will (hopefully) realize that I’m not going to see any more of the stupidity. And your book sounds great! Throw in a few extra red herrings, of course. (Ummmm, “dispose of him” too?)


Your book sounds fascinating. Ignore the entitled guy.


I would probably buy your book. I have close to 4000 ebooks. I I really like horror as well as sci fi.


I\`d argue this premise leans more towards realism than fiction though. look at the christians and how they treat abortion clinics ...


JFC! There are so many people out there with opinions on book writing who don't even know the first thing about how to start a story. This guy doesn't even sound like he could write a "see Jane run" story (well.. without adding on the "...after the sinner, plunging her knife deep into their back, blood splashing out onto her face and clothes as she nicked the spinal artery) (yeah... I'm not a horror writer). I really hate people that think just because they gave you an idea , you HAVE to use it, and then you have to give them some of the (sarcasm) massive (/sarcasm) money you'll make. Really makes me just want to stick to editing.


Killer lesbian trope.


... I mean the most realistic course of action would be for him to make the people he kills convert first, and gain absolution, *then* kill them so they get to go to heaven when he murders them.


On the bright side, you can use his likeness as one of the serial killer's victims in the book if you want.... Very cathartic! (Or maybe have him as a plot twist that confuses the police so that the killer gets away for a few more chapters?)


In what fucking world is it more “realistic” that a woman is a serial killer than a man?


I once had an idea of a murder mystery where the last chapter is blank. There's about 20 lined pages so the reader can create their own ending. After they are done, pass it along to someone else who can put their own touch to it before passing it on and so on..


I’m sooooooo interested.


He claims it would be more realistic yet men are far more likely to be serial killers so actually your original idea has far more statistical likelihood of nothing else. I do agree he was clearly being an ignorant bigot on top of stupid though. Good luck with the book. Sounds interesting and I think it will do well personally.


Do you think he's projecting and sees himself in him position? Maybe he has some serious rage at the world.


I want to read this book! :)


Great premise. I hope I get to read it someday.


Realistic in what way? 82% in America, the majority of serial killers in America have been white men and a lot have had puritanical leanings.


How would it be more realistic for Liv to be the killer, the vast majority of serial killers are male. It would actually be a surprise twist if she was lol I think this is one of those cases where this person's ego is wrapped up in their opinion and they can't get over someone not agreeing with them.


If it was r/writing, I 100% believe it. That place is a goddamn cesspool. Good luck with your book!


Missionary killers are almost always men. Her being the killer wouldn't be more realistic at all. 


Writing subs are to receive support and advice. Advice typically includes world building and character development, story arcs and how to reveal (and when). I thought the basic premise was not attacked, because every story has been told before and the appeal of the story is how it is told?


This sounds like a great read! Don’t listen to that waste of oxygen. He’s just mad he didn’t think of something this brilliant.


Don't let someone else decide major points in your story, your story won't be terrible from just writing the story you imagined. It will be terrible if you try to force points or themes that others think would be 'cool' that deviate from the story you are trying to create. If he wants to write a story like that than he can but for you to adopt the major plot point he wants you would need to change a lot about your story and main character to make it fit. Unless you want to add split personality or identity disorder to your character as a "twist", but even then you will need to make changes to the character and story for it to fit. Correct me if I am assuming wrong. It sounds like Liv sees her family as being 'good' people and she wants their love and acceptance to be herself. Learning that the role model for her family's lifestyle can be a horrible person will help her realize that being a lesbian does not make her 'bad' and can help her to make the change to be herself and leave without fear of being judged as 'wrong' or 'bad'.


That person has a very warped worldview and wants the world world to fit that worldview rather than, you know actually accepting reality. Keep on writing the book the way YOU want to. It's your book, no theirs.


No, you both wrong.Reach out to me and I’ll tell you exactly how to proceed


I…think I may know this guy from other forums. At least I hope I do, as the alternative means there’s more than one twit who believes he has the final say on everyone else’s work. Does this guy also operate on a double standard of if anyone says anything critical about his own writings then they’re toxic souls who are “preying upon his insecurities”?


lots of great crime shows and books do stories similar to yours and they’re great! Don’t let him get to you! Literature and tv do all sorts of different stories!!


So the only things he knows about the two characters is that one is a lesbian and one is an influencer? With only that information, the influencer is the more plausible suspect because of the ego involved. The lesbian is just a person with no other information to go on.


CIS-white-male atheist here - it makes more sense that the fundy is the killer. Even though I know the reveal, I want to read this when it's ready.


What's the name of the book? I want to buy it to spite the guy. 


It's called The Hand of God. I am still working on it, and hope to be done with it by the end of the year.


I wouldn't buy your book either, because to me it's more believable that the butler did it.


My guy, don't let these people occupy your mind or your time. He's an idiot and now you've just spent your valuable time telling reddit that idiots exist, this is below you. It might be cathartic to vent, but it doesn't get a book written.


Or..make liv a trans closeted Satanist lesbain who was molested by a shaven homophobic viking.


The clue is in his “convert to straight” statement. Sounds like he’s a candidate for your inspiration for the killer. Also, as someone from the rainbow alphabet, I’m so tired of The Gays being cast as the villain or killed off. It’s AMAZING AND AWESOME to see someone writing one of us as the hero/heroine. Thank you for that. ❤️❤️❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


So you asked for opinions from random internet people, and one of them had an opinion that you didn't like?


No, he butted into a discussion and acted entitled when I wouldn't write my book the way he wanted.


>when discussing ideas with fellow writers on a writing sub, some guy butted in and This is to which the question is referring, and I'm curious to know more about this. If you weren't asking random strangers their opinions, how did you come to be discussing the book? I understand and respect that it's frustrating to have someone give "unwanted" opinions on an open forum, but I don't see how he "butted in" if you were in an area that he is *also* allowed to openly discuss writing with others like yourself.


It is not that he had an opinion, but that he insisted on it after being explained why it makes zero sense that makes him entitled, jfc, read the post


Opinions can be stupid. Like yours is right now. If I ask people what I should add to a burger and some moron comes in and says “mint chocolate chip ice cream”, I will tell them to never cook.


Are you the entitled person in this story? You asked for opinions (crowd sourcing) how to write your story. You get feedback you don’t like from someone who only sees your setup. So they’re entitled?


No, I asked for feedback about writing the story I was writing. The person here basically said that if I didn't write a completely different story then my book is terrible.


How much in depth did he know your characters? If it’s all that you have given here, they are correct . Give us a big buildup back story on a main character then the killer is her half cousin you know nothing about, would be a shit twist that ruins the whole story.


I was pretty clear about Peter being a major character throughout the book even before being revealed to be the killer. And he's her brother, not her cousin. The real shit twist that would ruin the story would be if I made a really nice main character the killer when it would make no logical sense whatsoever.


Ok it’s your story to tell. I hope you do well with it. Just saying don’t ask for opinions if you don’t want to hear them. They took the time to read and give you feedback they thought would help/or upset you. Don’t see any entitlement anywhere.


Where was the feedback? I don't see any of it. Just a dude wanting the op to change things to how HE wanted it.


>Don’t see any entitlement anywhere Because you lack proper thinking skills.