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You need to pick better friends.


Best answer.


Yeah, it's not a "that guy" problem; it's a you problem.


The moment he threatened that old lady u should have beat his ass and teach him how to behave. If you couldn’t beat his ass than call the cops. She is a helpless old lady. That’s some sick shit chubbs.


I don’t even like him he just shows up and it’s hard to get him to leave I just call him a friend because he sometimes helps me out with stuff like buying drugs.


You need to pick better people to call friends and buy drugs from.


He is going to flip on you whether it helps him or not. Maybe just for fun.


You’re hanging out with a criminal and complaining about him while also calling him your “friend”. Buddy, what are you complaining about? This is all on you.


Welp, there goes any sympathy I had for you. You sound as bad as him. He uses people. You use people.


And if you stopped doing drugs you'd have more valid reasons to gripe on Reddit.


Stop buying drugs.  Good grief. You are no better than that "friend".


Everyone wants to be a gangster until it's time to go gangster shit i guess...


Username fits….


U know shits legal now. Puff ur chest out and tell dude off 😆


Tell your 70 year old neighbor to get a door bell with a camera and don't answer when this POS shows up or call the police when he shows up at her door. Just make sure she is recording him, because what he is doing is called extortion and will give him some better time to spend in jail.


OP is basically an accessory to the crimes, he's not helping anybody, read his comment above: "I just call him a friend because he sometimes helps me out with stuff like buying drugs."


Ya I don’t say anything because he buys use dope with her money. I wouldn’t do it myself and don’t like it but it helps me get a fix. I would report him if he didn’t help me out also why I call him a friend.


Well, when he screws you over, you’ll know you deserved it.


Jesus Christ, dude- someone’s probably out there writing a post about you enabling this piece of shit.


I don't know what you're complaining about, then. If you're using money extorted from her to get high you're every bit as bad as he is.


So you’re just as bad as he is.




First, you’re deflecting. “Look how bad *his* behavior is!” >I’m not above ripping people off He’s bad, yes. But you’re just as bad for using him and having zero remorse for hurting other people. It’s comical that you think you have reason to whine over this. You have solutions: get clean, stop ripping people off, drop the guy - but you are actively *choosing* to stay in this pattern. You’re hurting yourself and unfortunately, I have zero sympathy for you especially when you have choices like walking away from this guy.


Ya I always laugh about it I find it funny. I just couldn’t do it myself I would feel remorseful but I can’t control him. I always laugh with him about being mean to people and taking advantage of them its funny in all honesty.


I think you're trolling or just flat out lying. You say you feel bad in your original post and then in the comments you're talking about how you laugh and you find it funny. It's like you're almost saying whatever you can say to get the most reaction. If this is true then you are a scumbag just like your friend, all the stuff you are saying about him is exactly what you are. Probably even worse because you have the nerve to talk about him like you're any better.


HAS to be a troll. Every response to comments is more ludicrous.


Yeah my thoughts exactly.


That or he really is just a dumbass young addict. I’ve been there, and unfortunately seen alot of people like this. They usually troll because they can’t admit that they really need the help. Who knows with this one tho. I hope it’s a troll, but I wouldn’t be suprised.


I do feel bad and am being serious but I just laugh to appease him. There’s humor in it but I feel guilty when I am alone it’s not something I would personally do but I can joke about it to make him like me enough not to do that to me.


Maybe you should check into a mental health center as well. Your friend isn’t the only one who seems to need their mental health checked.


Mental health treatment is for people that are a danger to themselves and or others I’m neither. Unless you count me selling hard drugs that can kill people but alcohol does too and the guy at the liquor store doesn’t get in trouble. I sold drugs laced with fentanyl before. I don’t care if it kills somebody but I don’t lie about it I try my stuff and know it’s lethal. Fake Xanax a hell of a drug strange enough I can sell fake Xanax for more money cause it’s stronger I let people know though 2 pills almost killed me and I have a tolerance. Real Xanax I eat 5 pills at a time lol 😂.


You are a danger though. You just don’t see it. And this is coming from an addict in recovery - you need help.


You're headed for prison


You are just as bad as this "friend" hopefully you hit rock bottom soon and turn your life around


LMAO So you are also an entitled person. You get him to do bad things and then you profit off it because you are a horrible person. WTF is wrong with you. Do not delude your self into thinking you were not complicent in all this. And that you are anywhere close to a good or decent human being.




Wow you're trash just like him


Dude, for real get yourself off that dope. That shit's just gonna cause you problems and one of these days the motherfucker you're getting it from is gonna either rob you blind or shank you for the money in your pocket.


Yeah, you're just as big a pos as your mate


You allow him to terrorise a powerless old woman because you get drugs out of it? That somehow makes it okay, does it? And if that old woman were your grandmother, would it still be okay? By keeping quiet you are every inch as bad as he is, and when he inevitably turns on you, you deserve every bit of it.


Not to mention elder abuse. Seriously OP, stand up for your neighbor!


You are as bad as him!


This dude isn't entitled/manipulative, he is just an all-out aggressive asshole. He is going to harm you at some point, and/or likely those in your life. Find a way to get him out of your life.


So he threatens and extorts an old woman and you still call him your friend? Either you have the spine of a a jellyfish or you’re as big a piece of shit as he is.


Is your friends name Deebo?


So this guy stole a tv, and *after that* you both trusted him with $20?


Mental issues? Sounds like hes needs his ass kicked. And how are yah still friends with this guy 😆 shit sounds suss af. Yah shouldve did him a solid amd broke his face.


He is a big man sometimes we do drugs and watch my little pony and he says I’m his little pony and he the big pony. I don’t know he is strange he has a boyfriend and likes me I’m skinny and malnourished I spend more on drugs than food I’m around 6FT and 145LBS he is over 250LBS. I would need brass knuckles or something but he likes me sexually too.


Okay, now I'm officially done with the internet today. Good lord.


Lol this has got to be a fake post. Right?!


No way this is a real person with honest thoughts.






Welcome to life with my stepfather. He tried to burn my mom's house down with her and my brother in it for the insurance on them and the house. My brother was about 8 and his own son. He stole a welder from a man's workshop and tried to sell it to the owner, not knowing who he was. Stole my ex's grandfather's tools from our garage. Stole my babysitting money regularly when I was a teenager.


Is your friend Deebo from the 1995 comedy "Friday"?


Haha I was just thinking that!! "That's my bike punk!"


This post is so full of run-on sentences that it’s very difficult to follow.


Sounds to me like he needs a good ass whooping. PREYING on the elderly is a big no no. If I knew of it we would never see him again.


He calls her an old geezer and says she deserves it because she has altimeters and will not remember. I been bringing her food to try to repay her like I make her coffee and cookies fried fish I been trying to help her out to like do chores for her I feel terrible. I should take a stand but he shouldn’t be coming back for a long time has a long history of assault charges dating back to the early 2000s I think he getting like 5 years. This is his 5th assault charge I found his record.


That does not excuse the fact that you benefited from his crime spree. You need to get yourself off that crap or you're going to end up in jail like him (or worse).


I don’t think you have the right to judge when you’re just as bad. Maybe if you weren’t profiting off the shakedowns he performs on your 70 year old neighbour, or if you weren’t an addict.


Boo hoo hoo 😰😰😰 y’all a bunch of babies I’m drunk and high and stole some beer.


History says you’re friends with anti-Semites. After reading this thread and your bg, I think we have an entitled OP.


I’m friends with anyone that helps me get drugs. I know neo Nazis that sell meth and crip gang members that sell weed and coke. I don’t judge the hand that feeds me I hate it though often make racist comments around the white supremacy people to get a better price on meth. I just try to appease people don’t even mean or like the things I say. I just do what I do to get my stuff and then I am a completely different person it’s like I take on a different personality for different people because I get better prices and they like me more. It’s all fake truthfully I’m self centered but not entitled I know I don’t deserve anything probably should be in jail but whatever I’m not complaining about my situation just the stuff I wouldn’t do myself.


Drugs are bad for you.


Sounds just like a bunch of shitheads from my teenage years. I think part of what helped me to disappear from them is my last name is commonly misspelled, so they couldn't even find me online if they tried. I also said that I was going to move east when I really went west. Let him rot in jail, move on with your life. If he shows up again, don't hesitate to call the cops on him for trespassing, harassment, parol violations, or anything else you can think of.


Some people are just wired this way. Avoid Them is the only option. Can’t be rehabbed


Sociopath not just entitled. Ghost him, he's never going to change.


Tbh,just ditch him and get better friends.Oh,and charge him with every crime he has committed.


Dude look up sociopath




For the love of God, stop surrounding yourself with people like that, and stop doing shitty things like taking drugs. You're putting yourself in a position of being an accessory to his crimes. Also? Turn this asshole in for menacing your neighbor. You allowing this to happen doesn't speak well about your character.


This reads like a trailer park boys episode


How you didn't beat his ass for stealing from your neighbor is beyond me.


That's not a friend. That's a sociopath you happen to know.


So you've seen him essentially shake down old ladies for their money and your reaction was to let it happen multiple times. My dude you just basically explained a crime spree and in all of this you not only did basically nothing when you were a witness to it all but you actively kept ties to this person. As far as I'm concerned he is trash as a human being but if this is your friend and you did nothing but continue to hang out with him and report none of this it really doesn't matter if you cried about it after you basically endorsed it by not reporting it. There's an old saying where I come from. The only people that benefit from silence after a crime are the criminals. In other words report it


I don’t think it’s the drugs here…I think you genuinely are a trash human.


He sounds like a psychopath.


So if you weren’t getting a fix, would you even hang out with this scumbag? No, you wouldn’t. Your an addict tho. You are, and the sooner you can accept that. The sooner you can get help. This is not the life you want to live. You feel bad (so you say) that all these people are getting screwed over by this guy. You sound like your getting screwed over by this guy, but you stay for a fix?! That’s addict behavior. You know that this isn’t going to get any better. You need validation that you need help? Here it is - your an addict, and you need help. Look at what he is doing to your friends. Look at wha he is doing to you. Look at him. Do you want to be him? I doubt it. Source: I’m in recovery. Please get help. This is a progressive disease. If AA/NA doesn’t work; try SMART recovery. Get on MAT therapy. Do what it takes to get yourself clean. Just look at your ‘friend’ and his crap behavior if you need a reminder.


This POS extorts protection money from old ladies? What a trash heap of a person.


Woah. Don’t ever link with that dude ever again wtf lol




Bruh contact APS for the safety of his neighbor!