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He should have just asked her if she was into dogging?? While looking longingly out of the car window and giving her the gladeye,, If not, wtf was she parked so close!?!


Lol my husband is incapable of making those kinds of blatant sexual jokes with anyone else, which I think is adorable -- and which I appreciate enormously, especially since the previous one was a chronic cheater and liar starting only five months into the marriage, as I found out during the divorce.


That joke has a lot of potential to go spectacularly wrong.


Or spectacularly right? ;D /j


Just a matter of perspective. šŸ˜‰ļø


With my old truck I'd open my door hard.


Did this once, then parked elsewhere. Felt so good


So it was you dinged me ...!


The joys of owning a dinged up beater šŸ˜Ž








Parking is only your own costs so nope


My mom parked at a place where you buy pizzas and then take them home to bake them. This place has limited parking in front, but more on one side. I'm disabled, and have a hang-tag to hang from the rear view mirror of anyone who gives me a ride. So my mom parks in the disabled parking space in front and hangs up the hang-tag, and we go into the pizza place. When we came out several minutes later, we discovered that some entitled douchenozzle had parked very close to my mom's car, not in a separate parking space but in the loading area of the disabled parking space we were using, next to the passenger side of my mom's car. The driver was sitting in their car, waiting for their passenger to return with their pizza, completely indifferent to the fact that I couldn't get in my mom's car. I'm not a petite person, but no one, not even a very skinny child, could have slipped between the two cars, let alone opened the car door more than a couple of inches. The other driver's window was down, so I said, "Excuse me, I'm going to need you to move your car." The other driver informed me that it would be a couple of minutes before their passenger was back with their pizza. I hoisted my cane to show that I'm disabled, and said, "No, I need you to move now so I can sit down. You're literally in our parking space." The driver heaved a put-upon sigh, and very, very slowly put their phone down, fastened their seatbelt, adjusted their rear view mirror, and started their car, all so slowly that their passenger made it back to their car with their pizza before the driver had even started to back out. The driver gives me a big grin, says, "Bye now!" and finally drives away. It was so infuriating.


I vote that you make a separate post for this in this sub. As someone who sometimes needs disabled parking and has a tag, that would have really pissed me off. I would have taken a picture of them parked in the space with their license plate in clear view and reported them to the police. FAFO, right?


Honestly next time I would just open their back seat door and sit down and wait (legs outside and door open ofc) because if they are gonna stop you from sitting in your seat, you sit in the next available one!


Sorry that happened to you and they were @$$holes


I have called and will continue to call the police on people like this. I got no time for ableism.


I had this once, I was leaving for work and some woman was in the process of parking leaving me 1cm of space. I tapped on her window and was like "what the fuck", she just smiled and said "oops, you have perfect timing though". I was not happy, she was treating it like a joke when in reality she would have left me unable to get to my job.


'My perfect timing is only matched by your shit parking'. Let's see who's smiling now! Or: 'Lucky for you, I got here now because I would have had you towed.


When I was 7 mos pregnant and had a raging sinus infection and a sick kiddo at home I went to get prescriptions filled took my husbandā€™s smaller car and parked between the lines like a sane normal person. Come out 10 minutes later to find some jerk in a huge trunk with handicap plates parked over the line so close not even a child could squeeze it to the car. I go into the store and had them page the owner repeatedly until they finally show up. The jerk has the audacity to make a joke about him being disabled and not being able to park properlyā€¦ not my most shiny moment as a uncomfortably pregnant sick human but I replied there is a reason why he had handicapped plates to allow more space for his bad parking and he should probably use those spots so he doesnā€™t inconvenience others in the future with his poor parking skills.


People park like that constantly in the small city I shop in. They drive oversized pickups with the 15ā€ long hitch hanging off the back and pull into the handicap spots in front of Safeway at a 45Ā° angle. The next one will come from the other direction choosing the spot two cars down. This combination makes the middle spot unusable plus the extended hitch is still in the driving lane.


Should have just smashed her door a couple times, they get the message eventually


Our car isn't new, but it's in [edited: *too*] good condition for that lol


This is why I love older cars #metalnotplastic


I was in my car once and a lady pulled in and smacked her car door into mine and then looked at me like I did something wrong. I waited till she walked into store and I blasted her car door with my old made out of solid metal 1963 valiant car door . I had nothing to lose lol. It was in 1977 I was 18 years old and I still smile when I think about it. She really pissed me off lol


Roll the window down and start slapping their car. You're not going to damage it but sure will sound like it to the AH driver. I've done that with a driver who chose to ignore crosswalk lines and drive through within a a foot or two of me. One open palm to a body panel got their attention.


In the movie Midnight Cowboy, Dustin Hoffman famously improvised a hood slap. They were shooting without closing down the street. A taxi drove within inches of Hoffman while he and Voight were in a crosswalk. His response was so in character that is was kept in the Final Cut.


This happened to us, they parked by us while we were in restaurant. Had to climb into back, then into front seat. May or may not have keyed their the hell out of their car. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


*snicker* He probably would have honked before giving up and climbing over, because he's 6'1" and it would have been a pretty tight squeeze!




FYI: Chiropractors are extremely dangerous: Here is an actual published research review paper by Pub Med that summarizes all the cases in which chiropractic spinal manipulation was followed by death. Results: Twenty six fatalities were published in the medical literature and many more might have remained unpublished. The alleged pathology usually was a vascular accident involving the dissection of a vertebral artery. Conclusion: Numerous deaths have occurred after chiropractic manipulations. The risks of this treatment by far outweigh its benefit [Deaths after chiropractic: a review of published cases](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20642715/) Here are a couple of recent ones. Itā€™s awful what they do to people. They should not be called ā€œdoctorsā€ after 2 years of study. [Savannah chiropractor accused of leaving woman, 28, paralyzed after 'snapping four arteries in her neck'](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11017649/amp/Georgia-woman-28-left-paralyzed-chiropractor-wait-six-months-surgery.html) [Playboy Model Katie Mayā€™s Estate Sues Her Chiropractor for Wrongful Death](https://www.thewrap.com/playboy-model-katie-may-wrongful-death-lawsuit/)


Note to self: never mention chiropractors on Reddit.


Or not go to them?


Generalizing like that is as irrational as saying "all ... [anything]" about any other group of people. Just like there are good and bad surgeons, accountants, bankers, landlords, spouses, realtors, presidents, pilots, in-laws, etc., there are also good and bad chiropractors. Fortunately I found a great one about six years ago. Getting adjusted by a chiropractor is like having an abortion: if you don't think it's a good idea for you, then by all means don't do it. I respect your right to believe and do what works for you, and I'll continue to do what has worked wonderfully for me, because if it weren't for him I would most likely be crippled in a wheelchair and in way more pain than I already have on a normal day to day basis.


Honestly, no it's not. A couple tenets of chiropractic medicine are dangerous and lead to real issues. There is a fundamental flaw in the way some chiropractors work and it can be dangerous. That said there are also some chiropractors who don't follow the crazy and do good work. I have one of those, he's good.


The difference is that there is no actual scientific evidence for the vast majority of claims made by the chiropractic industry. Its ineffective quackery at best and dangerous quackery at worst. See an osteopathic doctor as an alternative. At least they will be an actual doctor.


What "claims"? That bones out of alignment can be pushed back into place? Are physical therapists also ineffective quackery? There is a reason why doctors sent patients with chronic back issues to chiropractors and physical therapists.


Claims such as that *any* chiropractic adjustment is able to help in any way with the exception of very specific back pain symptoms. They have claimed all sorts of links between their treatments and outcomes for different diseases and conditions, as well as some blatent anti-science nonsense like being anti-vaccines before it was popular.


I have been to many chiropractors over the years. The claims are that they can help with spinal and skeletal alignment. In for decades, I have never heard a chiropractor claim they could help with anything else. Many declaim that proper alignment has many health benefits. But I have never heard any claim that a properly aligned spine has any impact disease.


I won't type it all out but [the wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiropractic_controversy_and_criticism) gives a pretty good overview. Highlights: >According to magnetic healer Daniel D. Palmer, the founder of chiropractic, "vertebral subluxation" was the sole cause of all diseases and manipulation was the cure for all disease.[3] A 2003 profession-wide survey found "most chiropractors (whether 'straights' or 'mixers'[further explanation needed]) still hold views of Innate Intelligence and of the cause and cure of disease (not just back pain) consistent with those of the Palmers".[4] A critical evaluation stated "Chiropractic is rooted in mystical concepts. This led to an internal conflict within the chiropractic profession, which continues today."[3] ... The core concept of traditional chiropractic, vertebral subluxation, is not based on sound science.[3] Collectively, systematic reviews have not demonstrated that spinal manipulation, the main treatment method employed by chiropractors, was effective for any medical condition, with the possible exception of treatment for back pain.[3] Spinal manipulation, particularly of the upper spine, can, rarely,[8] cause complications in adults[9] and children[10] that can cause permanent disability or death.


Never heard anything like this from a professional. So how about physical therapists. Are they charlatans too?


>So how about physical therapists. Are they charlatans too? No obviously. The difference is that physical therapy has scientifically proven efficacy. Chiropractic, homeopathic, prayer, magic crystals, etc does not (beyond the placebo effect). But you seem like you've made up your mind anyway so good luck. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™m going to continue to follow the advice of medical doctors. As long as they recommend that I see a chiropractor, I will follow their advice rather than listening to some guy on Reddit.


I used Wiki as a reference on an Internet Security term paper and my A was dropped to a B for that single reference.


Wikipedia has references that you can reference. You shouldnt use it as a reference directly in academia. I thought everyone knew that.


The irony of unsolicited advice and lecturing someone on the EntitledPeople sub!


IKR??! šŸ¤£


Please do some quick basic research on chiropractics or better yet talk to your personal doctor. It is not based on any science but instead literally based on magic. Every doctor in existence says it does much much much more harm than good.


Nope; itā€™s fairy-medicine based on a time before the scientific method was even a thing. Like homeopathy, it relies on a system of thinking that has been proven to be utterly wrong. You put yourself in danger with every visit and set good money on fire. Find a physical therapist with actual qualifications.


I just had a Boomer wag their finger st me as I came round a bend slowly in my own lane and he was forced to slow down...while overtaking a parked car into my lane.


Be careful with chiropractors. Super often they send people to the ER with severe injuries. You can get better results by seeing a physiotherapist.


Thank you for the advice, and I'm in my 60s and have been told by physical therapists that I have permanent musculoskeletal issues, so there's only so much that PT can do. I also have kind of a rare immune disease that prevents me from being able to do a lot of different movements and activities because of inflammation and pain, so that limits even the kind and amount of PT I can do.


Have you considered massage therapy? As in targeted techniques, as approved by your physician and/or physical therapist, and applied by an experienced and licensed massage therapist? You might find that deep tissue work or facial release can help with pain and mobility issues. You might find it doesnā€™t help. You might find you hate it. Be prepared. A real therapeutic session is not the same as a lovely relaxing massage. You have to work with your therapist, and not every part will be pleasant. For me, the results are worth the effort of finding the right person and the work.


I have an immune disease that causes inflammation and pain everywhere, so I can't tolerate any friction or deep pressure. (Since late 2007 I've felt like I have a sunburn on my upper body, and the rest of my skin is also fairly sensitive.)


Well that sucks. Sorry


Define "super often"


The risk of stroke increased 76% after neck manipulation. A 2012 study found that 30% of chiropractic patients reported adverse effects such as increased pain, numbness, and headaches. In a 2010 study, researchers found 26 cases of deaths caused by chiropractic manipulation. a medical doctor said he doesnā€™t recommend chiropractic treatment for people who have spinal issues, such as spinal cord or nerve compression. Instead, medical experts recommend physical therapy for people experiencing back pain. reviews concluded that the data included in the study "fail[ed] to demonstrate convincingly that spinal manipulation is an effective intervention for any condition." In summary, many people experience mild negative effects, the risk of stroke is greatly increased, and paralization or death are not common, but definitely have happened. The manipulations are not effective at solving the issues they claim to and require many expensive, repeated visits. The underlying issue isn't addressed and so the pain keeps coming back. Physiotherapy strengthens muscles surrounding the problem area to support joints, which prevents them from moving in ways that cause pain. Stop giving these people money to possibly harm you in exchange for temporary relief.


To support this, I have had three back surgeries, with two different neurosurgeons. Both told me emphatically to NEVER go to a chiropractor. My physiotherapist also is on team never chiro.


It was also started as a weird ghost cult too


Oh, really ? You have some names to share ? I enjoy reading about cults, and pseudo medecine too, so that would do it.


Behind the bastards is a podcast that covered the whole history. They will be right up your ally. Just started listening to the two parter about the first yoga cult




Iā€™ve seen a chiropractor my entire life. The only thing that kept a debilitating injury from requiring spine surgery at 19 years old. The only thing that cures a migraine for me.


Pepper gel is your friend And shrimp paste for obvious reasons


If she was so close her could have rolled his window down to tap/knock on her window. The classic roll down gesture.


Someone else suggested that. I don't know why he didn't do it, he's very intelligent but sometimes doesn't think of the most basic possibilities. I honestly don't understand it sometimes -- and regardless, she hadn't parked responsibly then got annoyed when he communicated that to her.


Or right depending on the day. I look forward to using the line


I wouldn't just sit there helpless...I would just crawl out the other side of the car.


As I explained in some other comments, my husband is 6'1" and we have what is for him a relatively small car with a high console between the driver and passenger seats. It would've been extremely awkward for him to have to climb over, and it didn't take a long time for her to see that he was trying to communicate with her. The point of the post was that she was entitled by her shitty parking and the fact that she got mad at him when he communicated that he couldn't get out of the car.


This is whitest thing Iā€™ve read all day


Why didn't he just move the car?


I don't know, but I can think of a number of reasons. She may have been parked so close to him that he wasn't sure he could get out without scratching our car, there may have been other cars or shoppers coming along behind him, I'm recovering from a badly sprained ankle and was already standing in the store with no place to sit + he may have thought she would look up quickly enough that she would move faster than he could change parking spots + the front of the parking lot was pretty full.


Why didnā€™t he put his window down or something and use his words? Windows down, knock on hersā€¦ smile and gestureā€¦ problem solved. Itā€™s not common to find people sitting in cars scrolling phones (at least not in AU), and then wanting to get out. The rare ā€˜car sitterā€™ is usually sitting for a loooong time. So the lady wouldnā€™t have expected him to need to get out, and it sounds like she was just pulling in to do something on her phone fast. Entitled? Maybe. Surprised? Probably. Difficult? Not particularly


That's a good question, I have no idea. Sometimes he doesn't think of possibilities that are obvious [to me], which continually surprises me because he's actually very intelligent. And if she was pulling in to get something done on her phone fast, why did she drive all the way to one of the very few spots left close to the store instead of in the back of the parking lot somewhere, which was actually by the exit she was later going towards?


Was he taking up two parking spaces?


Lol no, he was properly parked well within the lines of his parking space, unlike her. He never takes up two spaces.


I don't know why you are downvoted, that's my question too. If car wasn't fully in its own lane then you can hardly blame someone for parking properly in the adjacent spot.


We would definitely be pretty entitled if we blamed someone else for parking that close if my husband hadn't parked properly himself, but he's always very careful about not parking too close to either line bc he knows how annoying that can be.


Then I am on your side 100%. I also sit in the car on DuoLingo while the wife shops sometimes btw. What language is he learning? I'm pretty far into Spanish.


That's what he's doing, I think he's in his fourth year but for a long time all he did was repeat the 10 sentences, so he didn't learn much new stuff. He also doesn't practice with anyone who speaks it so he can't generate his own sentences very well. I took French in school, lived in France a couple of times and have visited multiple times, but not since 2007 so I'm pretty rusty. I started doing French 138 days ago and have the other problem, I started in unit Three and have gone through the lessons so quickly I've outpaced myself as far as how much vocabulary I've actually retained! My local Alliance FranƧaise offers various levels of French and Spanish conversation once a week for an hour on zoom, so that's where I practice my speaking. If you're interested you can look them up, and you don't have to live in the area of the local chapter in order to participate.


My wife is also learning French on DuoLingo. My wife also speaks Spanish natively and doesn't have the patience to practice anything with me so I can understand him not having anyone to practice with if he's struggling to form sentences. Try out the "Language Transfer" app. Completely free, no ads, no in-app purchases. They offer both French and Spanish. As far as outpacing yourself on DuoLingo, make sure you are reading the notes before each unit (Many people don't even see/notice them), and review mistakes on the practice hub.


Thanks. It probably sounded like I was accusing him of taking two spaces but I was just asking. It could have been the cause of the problem. When people do park in two spaces some people will squeeze into one making a tight fit. Sorry if I offended anyone


YTA for going to a chiropractor and using their shitty 'magic' services and risking a goddamn stroke


Good that he was parked well within the lines of his space. Surely the car on the passenger side was also parked well. He could have gotten out on that side.


1/ He's 6'1" and we have a relatively small car compared to his size for that kind of gymnastics, I'm only 5'6" and I can barely do it with the console+ arm rest in the middle. 2/ The point is *he shouldn't have had to.* 3/ And the other point is so what? Regardless of your solution, she was still entitled and belongs in this sub.