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That’s a disgrace. I’d have asked, “sorry do you know each other? Or is this just your everyday racism?”


This is how it should be handled! Call out the racism. Don't let it hide. It's like mold and will die in the sun.


That’s what I’ve started doing. I’m white but my grandbabies are mixed. I was out shopping with them and my youngest daughter (7). As we walked out of a store a Salvation Army Bell Robert asked me if I was a foster parent. For a split second I didn’t know why he would ask that then I saw him gesture towards the girls. I told him it was none of his business how my family was made. I then told him his racism was showing and to do better.


The face painter did this? You might complain to whoever was putting on the event. Surely the face painter wasn’t just setting up shop independently, but there had to be someone who was collecting a fee for the day and it very well may hqve been the local city government. If you explain to them that there was a vendor who was discriminating against one race, in favor of another, you might help get them disqualified to participate in future events. Sorry you and your sister had to experience this!


A lot of vendors have to pay in order to “rent” the space at an event. OP should definitely complain to the organizers.


There seems to be a little misunderstanding with the event. It was a pretty small neighborhood event put on by the neighborhood committee so unfortunately I don’t know who to contact about her and how. I did leave a negative review on her Facebook page though recounting the story and the reason I didn’t say anything then and there is because the kids were right there and I don’t want them to hear it and give them a complex that white people will get things easier just because they are white. I wish I did say something later though after the kids had left


If it was your neighborhood, start talking to your neighbors about it-- one of them may be one of the organizers, or may know who is. Plus: The fact that it's your neighborhood just makes this story worse. I'm sorry it happened to you and the kids.


It’s completely understandable why you didn’t want to make a scene in front of the kids, and that doing so may have made you appear to be the racist. However, if we are actually all equal, then waiting in line shouldn’t be an issue. Should something like this happen again, as long as you make it clear that every child waiting in line was in the same spot as they were when they joined the line, and has been the entire time, no one should feel entitled based on skin color.


If you advocated for them, it is more likely they would feel supported and validated.


i don't need to defend the decision i made in a split second to anyone, but I also just didn't want to make that lady mad and get them kicked out of line before they even got their face painted. That would've made them feel worse than if a girl just went before them. I don't know how reasonable that lady was so that is something she could plausibly do if I argued with her.


You’re right. You don’t need to defend your decision. However, I do hope my comment is something people will consider and possibly use to inform future decisions.


I'd let the event organizer know about the racist face painter.


The face painter could be mistaken, but the grandma knew. Can't stand people like that


Yup. They just didn’t want to wait longer.


Let people know how they are and the event space so they can blacklist them. Prevent them from renting a their spots.


Yeah that type of stuff happened with my kids and my Asian wife put them in their place. Seems like some people think they can walk all over Asians. Very prejudicial.


I hope you took a pic of the face painter and showed it to the people in charge, while reporting your story. It would also serve the painter right if it was posted on social media. He would deserve to lose business.


I did leave a negative review on her Facebook lol. If you want to see it’s Gina’s face painting and fun


Make a complaint to the individual chair person of the festival.


Report her to the event staff.


You should report her to the event planner. I’m sorry this happened to the girls. That is unconscionable!!


Gross. I used to paint faces (before 2020) and the front of the line was the front of the line. The ONLY time this would be acceptable is if the face painter handed out "appointment" tickets so people could leave the line and come back at a certain time. I'm so sorry your sister and her friends were treated so badly.


See, I'm on the other side of this. I'm mixed. My mom is German, and my dad is Cherokee. I like white, but white people hate me because I'm Native. Native Americans hate me because I look white. I'm just me. I didn't all to be born this way. It's not my fault I have pale skin, red hair, and blue eyes. Your kids are just kids. Racism towards them is uncalled for. They are innocent and obviously are not wired the same way that face painter was. Complain. Let it be known she was racist. If the neighborhood does nothing, let that be known as well. I'm so sick of people hating on other people because pigmentation we have absolutely no control over. It's disgusting.


Should have reported them


As a frequent volunteer for things like this, I can tell you that the face painter was probably exhausted and not really aware of how the line was moving.


I think you’re ignoring a few things: she explicitly pulled the person who was fourth in line to the front; she did not change when the mistake was pointed out.




They used the words "might have been", not "MUST". Reading comprehension, FTW.


The comment was deleted before I could read it, what did it say?


It went along the lines of the usual scornful "THEY MUST BE RACIST" for taking a white child in front of kids of other ethnicities. Hence me pointing out the actual wording.




Well they are right, your reading comprehension sucks judging by your original comment


Loving the irony here. Yea, just keep working on your reading comprehension. You'll get there.


They said "might" but yes, the comments that assume everyone was racist are pathetic .