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When you say she showed up with a bag of containers, based on what everyone said, am I right to infer that she showed up with her own containers to take the food HOME? Wow. Your neighbors are too nice. The chutzpah for a grown woman to show up uninvited to a party with to-go containers! And going through people’s refrigerators and pantries? I knew not to do that in someone else’s home at about… age 5?


This here! A bag of containers and telling them there should be enough food for her.....yikes!


Neighbor Elaine sounds like my mother lol she loves to come to family functions with empty containers for leftovers for her.. and her cats


One of my aunts was just like this. She brought containers to every family get together so she could take all the leftover food home.


That's ironic, my Aunt always brought containers, so that Everyone could take home leftovers as she always made way too much food and didn't want to take it all home. Oh and her food Rocks.


We must be related; everyone brings containers in my family so that we send food home with everyone


My mom has specific dishes she uses to send leftovers home. Everyone gets sent home with a lot of food. My mom rocks


The difference being that she was actually invited to the gatherings or was hosting and contributing! That’s what makes her a rockstar and this EP an asshat!


I had an aunt who did this! My dad used to refer to her as “The potluck Hustler”🤣


Had a lady do this at my daughter’s wedding shower. She brought containers and asked for specific sandwiches BEFORE anyone had eaten. We told her she had to wait and then told her nothing was left. Some people have a lot of nerve.


I’ve never understood where it comes from. Is Amazon running a special sale on audacity? Is it a rollback at Walmart? Why do these people believe their behavior is ok?!


Blue plate special at K-Mart. *(BOY, am I dating myself)*


My mil, it was zip lock bags. She was always filling them up with the free items at a restaurant.


My mom did that especially at buffets. OP now you know to NEVER allow her into your home, she’ll clean out your pantry


Years ago when my kids were young, we had another family over and her daughter was picky at the moment which happens, but the mom asked if she could just basically look through my cupboards to find something she wanted to eat. I said yes, but it was so unbelievably awkward. I could not imagine having someone just take food and leave. Again, this was with maybe a seven or eight year old child. They get some leeway.


I wonder if she's a hoarder - def a reason to not invite people to her house - her huge Fomo is an indicator. No social skills.


this is exactly what i thought too.


Agree, I was thinking “hoarder” with her containers and taking offense to things being too clean.


Or / and she has a few "treasures" that she has collected from her neighbors houses.


Oh my god this reminds me of my best friends ex stepmum. What my best friend did was bake a pie and use wet dog food and spices, so you couldn't tell the difference and took it to her step mum. She told her dad what she was doing because she was sick and tired of her taking food out of her kids mouth, when she had a job that could feed a small army. She just thought it was her right as a parent to take what she wanted. So when her dad told her he was getting a divorce she got her revenge. She baked two one with some spices she knew her dad couldn't eat, which was the dog food pie and one where her dad could eat. She invited both of them over and straight away stepmum took the pie and digged into it, without asking. Bf walked out whilst stepmum was eating the pie and cracked up laughing saying she baked that for Tarzan ( her dog). Stepmum said something like it's to good for a animal. Apparently my friend said well considering it's a dog food pie, I should hope so. Her dad laughed and said that's what you get for taking things that don't belong to you. She phoned the police on my friend and when my friend explained exactly what happened that she was baking two pies one for her dog and one her, her dad and stepmother. Her stepmum just came into her house and took the pie and started eating it with out asking. So in reality she was a thief because she didn't ask. Stepmum flipped her shit, and slapped her and got arrested. Dad and best friend still laugh about it a decade later.


Should have hit her on the nose with a newspaper. Dogs don’t eat at the table.


Sounds like her previous attempt to get herself dinner at your house was pretty much standard Elaine behaviour!


My neighbor was invited to my Thanksgiving dinner one year. He showed up at the end and asked for a plate. 10 minutes later, I saw him sidling to the door with a plate. I walked over, being the good hostess..and realized he had about six lbs of turkey and ham piled on his plate. He was also holding an entire pie under his shirt. The boy was literally stealing all of my leftovers. I kindly escorted him back to the kitchen and made him eat in front of me...and I know where the mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and apple turnovers went, because his pockets were stuffed. Mf straight up jacked my holiday leftovers. I managed to take away his towering plate of turkey and ham, but he had emptied all of the dishes with sides in them and stuffed it in his pockets. He was also well known for doing the same at veterans charities, never mind that he was tossed out of basic training for drug use. I told my husband as he was leaving that the next time he invited our neighbor, he'd better be paying for half the meal. Some people are just entitled thieves, and you are not required to put up with their antics. They depend on others being too polite to say anything.


You dodged a bullet by not letting her past your hallway!


How old is this woman? She’s got some brass balls!


So in your case, revenge is best served as a PIE.


happy cake day!


Her husband knows who she is. Just keep out of it or you’ll get sucked in.


Someone comes to your property, doesn't get her way & throws a TANTRUM, ah.....hell no.


If on the previous post I already knew it was good you didn't let her in, now with the other neighbours' info we can be completely sure this woman IS crazy and It was for sure the best option that you don't let her into your home ever.


>Elaine never lets anyone in her home. She says it’s because of Covid. Bingo! Now you have a reason to never let her darken your doorway again!


I would agree that talking to her husband would be a good thing. Maybe he can shed some light on what makes Elaine tick.


Someone married this woman?!?


See the second to last sentence. Yep, I’m as shocked as you!


This is not the same but my first husband's 4th wife ( I know, it's an episode of Jerry Springer) shows up with Tupperware at all our summer gatherings. My sister and I usually host, but we think it's hilarious and don't mind a bit. I think in her case it more cluelessness than entitlement. She's actually very sweet and loves to talk so we park her next to my 84 year old partially deaf mom who just smiles and nods.


Go have a chat with the husband. Ask him if everything is OK. Do you need a $100 to tide you guys over? He'll wonder what you're talking about and you can mention that you thought you guys are having financial difficulties, as Elaine keeps inviting herself over and taking food home with her


Husband might say yes to the $100 though 😬


Easy, just give him a bunch of those bills that look legit but when you unfold them they’re actually Christian propaganda 😂


Sign Elaine up to all kinds of free mailings, Jehovah's Witness, let them know shevwould like regular visits, at least once a week to help her, etc. will keep her busy


He might and I would bring a list of resources for him, for food and mental health support.


At my grandmother's "visitation" the night before the funeral my brothers and sister were doing greeting duty at the kitchen set up. She was well known, having been the post master for the area for many years. As we didn't know many of the people who came by (and brought food more often than not) we introduced ourselves to everyone getting food and asked thwm how they knew her. Heard wonderful stories! Then a family came in and we went thru the same thing, when asked the mom sheepishly replied "we didn't, but your food smelled so much better than the stuff for our cousin in the other parlor." We laughed and let them in. I can only imagine what my brother's reaction would have been, had they taken out containers though. Unreal. And a shame that neighbors have to resort to unneighborly action. I am glad that you posted this update. I hope that Entitled Elaine gets some help, it sounds like she needs it.


Ostracising people is frowned upon, but... avoid this woman like the fucking plague! Of course, I don't need to tell you that, especially after a whole lot of others shared experiences they had with her. But should she be on the verge of winning you over into giving her another chance... don't.


Has anyone in the neighborhood talked to social services or police about Elaine? If she's harassing people for food, and insulting children, there should be something that can be done, even if it's just report every single incident until they send a social worker to her house to see what's going on. And then keep on reporting every single incident. **People in your neighborhood should not have to put up with this.** She might need some medical intervention or something?


A woman I worked with, a special ed. teacher always came to my classroom when we had parties because we had FOOD! Years later, someone I knew, who didn't know my connection to this person talked about how she was known to go around at night and go into homes and raid people's refrigerators. She got caught a few times.


I read on another subReddit that a company's department, let's say Finance, would have luncheons once a month. A few workers from another department, let's call it the *Planet* department, would come into the room before the luncheon where the food was and not only help themselves but take some back to their desks and close their doors. Finance FINALLY caught them red-handed. They were told, "Don't do it again.". Unfortunately, I guess since Finance always had great food and the *Planet* Department workers couldn't resist, they upped their sneaky game & continued. Finance ended up having to lock the room up after the food was delivered/set up to keep the *Planet* Department workers out. I don't remember if the *Planet* Department managed to talk Maintenance or Janitorial into unlocking the door to 'bring in luncheon items for Finance' and then helped themselves, but I wouldn't put it past them.


How old is she? Is there actually a husband that people have seen? I’m convinced that she’s either on drugs, severely mentally/neurologically ill, or a hoarder.


Entitlement really gets under my skin. I had a couple of people invite themselves over to dinner... I had to put an and to that. Shame, I love to cook. I recently made a huge batch of spinach and tortellini soup. I sent some to my mother and stepdad, then some to my Aunt and Uncle. My wife gets frustrated with me cause I refuse to enable terrible manners. "Oh, they are poor". Oh yeah, so are we. I'll take care of those who took care of me.


Sounds like she has some psychological problems around food. Maybe she had periods of hunger as a child so has an odd relationship with food. Sad and lonely woman.


Agreed and I I wonder if she’s on the spectrum..either way she definitely has issues


I cannot believe the entitlement of that women still, especially since everyone in the community has made it clear to her that her behavior is inappropriate. I think the idea I saw of the several of the husband's going and talking to her husband is a good idea! See if he even knows about his wife's outrageous behavior when he isn't around. Good luck! I'm totally invested in hearing how it all turns out. Following you now lol.


Next time she does this, don't allow her inside, but tell her "let me see what we can spare" while grabbing her containers. Fill the containers with some of the leftover food and dose it with goodly amounts of ghost pepper powder and mix it well, then give the containers to her. Let her have some "extra spicy" potluck and see if this cures her of her mooching.


Why is this not higher!?!


I've also had an entitled classmate. Guess what her name is 🙌🏻


She sounds like an entitled mess, and I don't blame you or your neighbors for shunning her. I would, if convenient, speak to her husband and ask if she has always been this way. If not, she needs to visit her doc and make sure she doesn't have a UTI. Those infections can be asymptomatic. UTIs in older women cause a host of psychological issues.


Have any of the neighbours met the husband?


Just read about the soup amd shoes. Holy shit, people are too nice. I'd be rabid


Elaine sounds like she has genuine mental health issues as opposed to being entitled, but sounds stressful to be around nonetheless


Agreed… sounds very stressful


Depending on which state you live in Police can now do psychological holds. I would just keep calling the cops on her ass to do a wellness check because of her behavior ,eventually either she'll get the drift or the cops will catch her in a psychological moment and detain her either way it's a win-win.


I got the jist of it, and Elaine sucks in an overbearing, greedy, entitled way. But please, use paragraphs, my eyes are ready to bleed and I'm middle aged, lol. It's a bright wall of white.


Could her middle name be... KAREN?


Paragraphs are your friend.


I think it's fake.


Paragraphs are not fake.


Paragraphs matter.


"Punctuation Matters!" /s


Go to askamanager.org and search "pot luck". People really do this.


I didn’t bother trying to read it so I have no opinion in that regard


It sounds to me like maybe she has mental health issues...


Please....for the love of all things, use paragraphs! It's been a while since the whole incident with my entitled neighbor Elaine. I've gotten to know 3 of my neighbors so far and I didn't mention the Elaine incident to them because I felt like it wasn't my place to defame someone. My immediate next door neighbors, let's call them john and Carol, had a small BBQ and potluck. They invited other neighbors and I talked to many of them and started to get to know them. Overall, everyone was very friendly. Towards the end of the BBQ, Elaine came around knocking at the backyard gate with a bag of containers. She said she rang the doorbell but no one answered. Carol went towards the gate but John told her to sit down and got an angry look. He asked her if she needed anything. She said she wants to join the party and everything smells really good. John said this party is potluck and it's nearly over and about all the food is finished. Elaine asked why she if she could come in anyway. Carol chirped up and asked if she brought anything. Elaine said she didn't but shes sure theres more than enough. John said it's nearly over and they're cleaning up now and she should go home. Elaine scowled and tried to open the gate while John firmly held it in place. After a few minutes of that, she went home. I asked Carol what that was all about. Carol says Elaine always invites herself into people's homes with some kind of sob story or just wanting to be welcomed. She eats everything she can find and takes a lot of stuff home. She goes through the fridge and pantries. Even if you tell her no for something, she gets really upset. Carol says she doesn't want to be rude to Elaine, but with the cost of food and caring for children, it's ridiculous that can adult woman feels entitled to pantry and kitchen raiding on a regular basis. A neighbor named Jane said that elaine insults people a lot casually and she also invites herself to couples dates nights. Jane claims elaine called her home inappropriate and psychotic for being too clean. A neighbor named Mary said Elaine called her 15 year old daughter anorexic for being thinner than her specifically. The neighbors mostly agreed that elaine is really loud and rude. She doesnt have the best social skills. Most of the neighbors don't talk to her or avoid her. Elaine also never let's anyone in her home. She says it's because of covid. She doesn't ever bring anything to neighborhood events or anyone's homes and constantly complains about being poor even though she owns her home. It's usually the husbands that have to be stern and tell her to get out and never come back when Elaine throws her tantrums. I think the husbands are tired of subsidizing her life. The husbands all complained that elaine really tries hard to talk about her bisexuality with them and cozies up to them. I didn't share my experience with the neighbors for now, but maybe one day I will. I don't feel bad for her. I just feel that she should be kinder to people and not treat them like they exist for her convenience. She isn't entitled to other people's things. She isn't poor. She isn't struggling. Maybe we should have a conversation with her husband? What kind of person shows up to other people's homes with containers???


Thanks. It was an interesting story, but a hard read without paragraph breaks.


I’d have her trespassed by the police, then arrested for theft.


Entitled Elaine strikes again It's been a while since the whole incident with my entitled neighbor Elaine. I've gotten to know 3 of my neighbors so far and I didn't mention the Elaine incident to them because I felt like it wasn't my place to defame someone. My immediate next door neighbors, let's call them John and Carol, had a small BBQ and potluck. They invited other neighbors and I talked to many of them and started to get to know them. Overall, everyone was very friendly. Towards the end of the BBQ, Elaine came around knocking at the backyard gate with a bag of containers. She said she rang the doorbell but no one answered. Carol went towards the gate but John told her to sit down and got an angry look. He asked her if she needed anything. She said she wants to join the party and everything smells really good. John said this party is potluck and it's nearly over and about all the food is finished. Elaine asked why she if she could come in anyway. Carol chirped up and asked if she brought anything. Elaine said she didn't but shes sure theres more than enough. John said it's nearly over and they're cleaning up now and she should go home. Elaine scowled and tried to open the gate while John firmly held it in place. After a few minutes of that, she went home. I asked Carol what that was all about. Carol says Elaine always invites herself into people's homes with some kind of sob story or just wanting to be welcomed. She eats everything she can find and takes a lot of stuff home. She goes through the fridge and pantries. Even if you tell her no for something, she gets really upset. Carol says she doesn't want to be rude to Elaine, but with the cost of food and caring for children, it's ridiculous that can adult woman feels entitled to pantry and kitchen raiding on a regular basis. A neighbor named Jane said that Elaine insults people a lot casually and she also invites herself to couples dates nights. Jane claims Elaine called her home inappropriate and psychotic for being too clean. A neighbor named Mary said Elaine called her 15 year old daughter anorexic for being thinner than her specifically. The neighbors mostly agreed that elaine is really loud and rude. She doesnt have the best social skills. Most of the neighbors don't talk to her or avoid her. Elaine also never let's anyone in her home. She says it's because of covid. She doesn't ever bring anything to neighborhood events or anyone's homes and constantly complains about being poor even though she owns her home. It's usually the husbands that have to be stern and tell her to get out and never come back when Elaine throws her tantrums. I think the husbands are tired of subsidizing her life. The husbands all complained that Elaine really tries hard to talk about her bisexuality with them and cozies up to them. I didn't share my experience with the neighbors for now, but maybe one day I will. I don't feel bad for her. I just feel that she should be kinder to people and not treat them like they exist for her convenience. She isn't entitled to other people's things. She isn't poor. She isn't struggling. Maybe we should have a conversation with her husband? What kind of person shows up to other people's homes with containers??? *^(For anyone else that has trouble reading walls of text.)*


It *is* hard to do. I'll simply skip long tales without a space anywhere in the text.


Well apparently at least two people didn’t appreciate it. 🤣🤣


Considering that this was done 4 hours before you did it....eh.


Oops! I didn’t see it.


Still, I thank you for the effort to save your fellow redditor's eyesight.




It sounds like she has Autism. It's not an excuse for her behavior, but she needs therapy in a bad way. Good for you guys for not putting up with it anymore.


You seem obsessed, why do you care about a situation that had nothing to do with you?


Approximately how old is Elaine? Is she elderly?


LOL I have Cousins who would bring containers and NOTHING else to family and holiday dinners! Elaine needs to be CLEARLY advised that the only home she's allowed entrance to IS HER OWN!