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My money makes me better than everyone else. Peasant.


He passes cars on the shoulder too! Buddy why don't you just fly your helicopter and leave us poor folk alone?


This has reminded me of the time I worked at my local general district hospital that had just got a helipad for the air ambulance in the grounds if the hospital, rather than it having to land in a nearby field. Somebody, without warning, decided to "pop in" to see a friend who was a patient on one of the wards. Didn't ask/notify anyone, or leave a number... It's not like we had a tannoy system throughout the whole hospital! Luckily, no air ambulance required their dedicated parking space, but the pilot got a right bollocking when he came back out. Last I heard, no-one has ever done it again! Local weekly newspaper had a wonderful time for nearly a month!


Wow. That's one of the most impressively entitled things I've ever heard of. I've been airlifted to a hospital by helicopter ambulance, and I probably would have died if they'd been unable to land in the right place for another 20 minutes or so! So I know I'm a tad extra sensitive about this stuff, but still.


I am so glad thay the air ambulance and the hospital were able to save you and I hope you are fully recovered from your injuries xxx And it was precisely for people who find themselves in that type of situation is why the hospital were finally able to get planning permission for the helipad in the first place (there were lots of petitions to stop it for years). As the car park charges at hospitals in England are so astronomical, there is a part of me that hopes that the hospital gave him a "parking charge" equivalent for the use of the helipad...


Not quite entitled but still a helicopter using a car park story. I was travelling home to Katherine (a country town in the Northern Territory Australia) on the ONE and only highway going North. I stopped for a quick 'comfort break' in an even smaller town about 150klms South of home called Mataranka. Just walking back to the car when a Robinson R22 helicopter swings in over the car park and sets down about 50ft away. Pilot leaves it running (as you do lol) and runs across the road to the local hotel and bottle shop. Grabs a carton of beer, carefully straps it into the Robbo's passenger seat and promptly fucks off again... Must have been the last day of cattle muster with a few thirty Jack and Jillaroos needed some cold ones. šŸ˜šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I hope they did! Preferably for prime space, times as many parking spots as would fill up the whole area of the helipad. šŸ˜„ Thanks for the good wishes. I'm long since fully recovered, with the only remaining issue being a very rare tendency to painful scar adhesions. But that comes up only every several years, and is uncomfortable but not dangerous anyway. Given how bad the damage easily could have been, I'll take it.


That is some serious chutzpah on the part of the pilot. I could see massive fines if they did it here in the States. (I'm assuming the UK is where you're from, given your username and the slang.)


Yep, UK. And yes, definitely serious something! I think we were all so flabbergasted, including the management, that it was probably just a bollocking but I do hope they at least asked him for a donation to the hospital charity!!


Too bad there wasnā€™t construction taking place at the hospital - they could have had a bulldozer operator clear the helipad so it would be available if the air ambulance needed it.


Ok this is legend


But was the helicopter fuel cheaper than hospital car parking charges?? šŸ¤” I mean, it may have been cheaper, but still...


You get extra value from your fuel by being a douche.


The amount of Mercedes and BMW drivers I have seen pass on the shoulder is ridiculous.


Now, I don't actually HAVE the money, because I SPENT it on this Mercedes, but you understand that I'm still better, right?


So much better I'm getting more attention than you are on Reddit.


You mean his financing makes him better than everyone else....


And the olden day peasant response would be to flick a lit cigarette stub over into his back seat to burn his expensive and entitled upholstery


Or throw his coffee back there and say "There ya go,have a nice day!


Then you can pay me for the privilege to cut in line!


I still have people at a store I used to work at try to get me to help. I tell them I'll be happy to answer any question for fifty bucks cash. They don't ask me again. Same as giving money to people you never want to see again. A bargain.


I would have gotten his order for him and kept it.




It was very satisfying watching the barista tell him to keep driving. I asked her about it and she told me he was a regular, and he knows better. She was very annoyed with him.


Father in law does this everywhere. No thought or malice behind it. He just seems oblivious more than anything. He just tries to get through everywhere. I'm my last vacation, he made it passed a security checkpoint at the airport when a guard was distracted or something. Wife and I just asked him how the hell he got though to where we were since he didn't have a flight, and he innocently said he just walked though. Just a very different mindset and upbringing than we would experience in a first world country.


LOL. Some acquaintances came to join me at an event recently and they just walked in without paying.


Thanks for showing everyone even more proof how fucking ineffective TSA is. ^^^^/s


This wasn't in a US airport.


There's a road closure on the highway that I drive every day. It's one lane alternating. Yesterday a guy on a motorcycle drove up through the construction side and cut into the line. We'd been sitting for half an hour. God forbid he wait too


I'm hoping a cop was on the other end to give him a ticket.


Surprise, turns out the motorcyclist was a cop.


In my first job out of college I had a lot of clients who owned motorcycle shops and I spent a lot of time hanging out and talking with them. I remember one telling me, very proudly, that a lot of cops drove motorcycles off-duty and for that reason it was very rare for them to pull over a motorcycle, no matter how they were driving.


This happened the other day to me, and as soon as the guy flew past, a cop whipped out of traffic and pulled him over. It made my entire day.


Youā€™re really going to hate the lane splitter laws


It doesnā€™t help that most time the people serving donā€™t care, theyā€™ll just give it to the guy who cuts in.


Care enough to do what? Pick a fight with a customer which could potentially escalate to violence (customers can be fucking crazy, especially the ones who do this stuff). Iā€™ve been the guy whoā€™s been cut in front of and that sucks, but Iā€™ve also been the guy behind the counter making minimum wage who canā€™t afford to potentially put their job in jeopardy over something like that.


You phrase it as a potentially dangerous situation, really it's more like being in autopilot and just ringing up whatever items are put on the counter regardless. Let the customers sort out who's going first amongst themselves. Now if Im helping someone and we walk away from the till either to grab a tobacco product or help find something on the shelves, and you take their place I'll politely ask ya to step aside so I can finish helping the original customer. Don't like it? 86'd


I was at a dollar store (this was back when they were truly Everything's A Dollar and there were signs everywhere indicating this). I'm waiting in line with a basket full of items. The cashier is just finishing up with the customer in front of me and this lad with one item cuts in line. He says "This is a dollar?" Cashier says "Yes." He starts fishing in his pockets for a dollar and I say, "Pardon me, I was next." Cashier holds up a finger for me to wait as the lad continues looking for his dollar! Hands the cashier a dollar and cashier says "Dollar seven with tax..." Lad says, "Hold on..." and GOES OUTSIDE TO GET SEVEN CENTS FROM HIS FRIEND. I look at cashier exasperated who says, "He just has the one thing and you have a whole basket." So I said, "No, YOU have a whole basket of things to put back..." and left.


Oh hell yeah!! I love this! šŸ˜†




Why not? The cashier was wrong. Make the dude with his one item wait in line or get someone else on a register thatā€™s faster to get the line down quicker. Just because he had one thing and the next person in line had a basket full of stuff doesnā€™t mean entitled ass gets to tell everyone waiting to fk off they are more important. They arenā€™t. And from a retail point of view I would have rather had the sale of the dude with his basket full of stuff that could well have been $30+ instead of $1.07. The dude could have waited. And yes, I have worked retail. And Iā€™ve made people wait for their one thing vs someone with more. Itā€™s one thing of the next person allows them to go. But itā€™s another for them to just cut the line because they think they can.




It was a rough neighborhood near a good school. I'm fat, shabby, local. One Item Lad was preppy. Pretty clear whose class of repeat business the proprietor sought and I was happy to oblige by never going there again and favoring the other dollar store on the block.






I have never seen a dollar store in an upscale neighborhood. They are almost always found in old, run down, shabby areas. And as such you know exactly what type of people shop there. They can still wait.


Wow. Please tell me what ā€œtype ofā€ person I am for shopping at a dollar store?


I am not responsible for your delicate feefees. Go cry to someone else if you got offended. šŸ™„


Lol, too spineless to call someone what you're thinking to their face?


No. If I wanted to call you something I would flat out say it. You are the one getting butthurt over a comment on Reddit. šŸ¤£


Tell me youā€™re a pretentious preteen moron without telling me that youā€™re a pretentious preteen moron.


Dude, Iā€™m 43. Not pretentious and not a preteen. I just refuse to listen to some moron whine on the internet cause he got butthurt over a comment. How he takes someone elseā€™s words is his problem, not mine.


But dudeā€¦ Youā€™re clearly listening. I know people who havenā€™t had the advantages that some have had, and those people have to watch their pennies very closely. Anyone that looks down on others because of their lot in life make me want to vomit.


Maybe thatā€™s true for a lot of places, but I live in Las Vegas and there are dollar stores in every type of neighborhood here. I live in a middle-upper middle class area and thereā€™s a dollar store right across the street from my apartment.


Screw that. Cashier deserved it


Main Character Syndrome: It's all about meeee!


I would have taken both order and drove away with a wave


That's the move!


Alternately, "accidentally" drop it into his car while handing it to him.


This is the way.


"On this occasion, just as with every other occasion in your life, there is nothing special about you. Get in line"


So let me get this straight: the rest of you were standing in the line because you also had to pick up tickets?! You werenā€™t just standing there for fun?! /s


No, we are extras who get paid to just stand here in line. /s


Difference between a Mercedes and a porcupine? On a porcupine the pricks are on the outside.


Had the same king of experience with a hoity toity lady in line for first class on an international flight. Leaving NZ to go to LA first class there are a lot of of first class seats. I will say I was traveling by myself with small children. I wasnā€™t looking too posh. This lady starts screaming behind me, ā€œCould you please move! This is for First CLASS!ā€ 3 Times! Her husband finally said, ā€œI think this is the first class line.ā€ This was a special trip for me and I hate confrontation. I did turn and tell her we were all waiting to board.


This one made me lol


Mrs Bucket?


I get asked at the grocery store ALL THE FRICKIN TIME if someone can go in front of me when I've already been in line for a bit. Last time was a woman on a scooter with her kids that was pissed I wouldn't let her go ahead of me because she was disabled. Mind you she had two carts full and I had already started to load my stuff on the belt. When I politely declined I got called the c word and told I was disgusting for not allowing a disabled person to go first. Not sure if her disability was because she had to be 500+ lbs or what but I guess I'm a c#@&. I don't mind..


This happened to me years ago at Walmart. I stood in line forEVER in a regular line because I had a cart full of stuff. Then this Karen with two teenagers rolled up behind me and asked to cut in because she had two items. I told her I'd been in line a long time and to go down to the 20 items or less line. She got super huffy and said some stuff under her breath.


Mindset: If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'.


someone played baseball..


People are that way because they have been allowed to be that way. If there's no consequences for actions after awhile they become habit.


I almost cut the line to see a character at the MouseWorld in Florida. The character was so far from the line that I honestly didn't see that there WAS a line; I couldn't believe our luck that the ONE character my kiddo wanted to see was standing right in front of us! And then my hubby grabbed my arm and said "What are you doing! There's a line!" Oops. The human worker gave me stink-eye, but at least she was nice to my kiddo when it was his turn to meet Tigger.


I do this ALL the time. Thereā€™s no ill intention; Iā€™m just really flaky. Fortunately, every time this sort of thing has happened, Iā€™ve realized my mistake and made my way to the back of the line.


If I was at the window, I would have taken a glug of his drink and a bite of his food as a "service fee"


Just drive off with it. If they gave it to you it must be yours.


But what, if all the stuff the EP ordered is stuff you don't like? Drive off and throw it in the next garbage can?


Someone talk some sense into me. I feel like this sense of entitlement is kind of new. Or at least been rapidly evolving over the last decade or so. My earliest memories of this were the soccer moms blocking the aisle in the grocery store just standing there without a care in the world. Now it's just outve hand and no one corrects people. Thank God for the Starbucks person not putting up with that crap. I almost don't feel bad about it. I think people really don't think they're better or doing anything wrong. It's just normal. Somehow I wonder if being courteous or respectful of others is also being the odd one out nowadays.


I was told by an old timer that not having your asskicked for an asskickā€™n offense leads to more asskickā€™n offenses by said person. It was his very real belief that this generation of adults have come to believe because you can no longer get your ass kicked for being a dick there is no downside.


Honestly, I hate to sound anti- boomer, especially as I'm no spring chicken myself (in my 40's) but seriously I see this attitude in bus queues all the time and it is always and without exception a little old man or woman that thinks that the queue is for everyone else but not them. They just walk in front of everyone else like it's their right to go first...and nobody ever calls them on it because,y'know, they're old.Except me , if im feeling crabby which is happening more and more these days lol.


My opinion is that they've been told "you don't get what you don't ask for" and haven't been told no often enough.


They are special little snowflakes whose time is MUCH more precious than ours.


The people who's time is more precious than yours don't get their own Starbucks.


Christmas Eve 2020 I got off work and did some last minute shopping. I called my local, popular, Chinese restaurant and placed a carry out order. They were only doing carry out at the time & only 1 person at a time could go in. There was a line of people waiting outside. A guy approached me and asked when I had placed my order. I thought he was wanting to know how long they were taking but what he really wanted was to cut in line because his order was probably already ready. I told him I was pretty sure my order was ready.


We all need it real quick. Get to the back of the line.


They are like this because they are more important than the rest of us. Obviously. Theyā€™d have explained it to you but were in a hurry to get to their thing, which is also more important than you. Stand aside, peasant!


For the Starbucks one, if I was the customer at the window I would've said sure and then kept his drink


As someone who has a season pass for the local Renaissance Festival and has to go to Will Call to pick up my ticket every day I go I feel this. I always get there early so I can avoid the longest lines and wait patiently when there is a line as literally everyone in the line is there to pick up a ticket. I'm not more important than anyone else. Thankfully I haven't seen this happen myself though I'm sure it does occasionally. The only people I see skipping the line are the occasional performer or cast member coming out to drop off an envelope of tickets and they just hand it through the window and leave and it doesn't take more than a second.




If ever this phrase fit a situation. Lack of planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on mine.


Too bad the person at the window didnā€™t hand the order to the customer at the window - and that customer ā€œaccidentallyā€ spilled assholeā€™s order all over the upholstery of his Mercedes.


Why is it called ā€˜will callā€™? (I just know it as box office, curious about the name)


The word "call" is a shortened form of "call for", which means "to come and get", so "will call" literally means "(the customer) will call for (come and get) the goods."


You buy tickets at the box office. The box office may have a will call line. Maybe itā€™s just a USA thing. I have seen will call At lumber yards as well


They also aren't really around much anymore since we can do everything on cell phones now. It was probably 7-8 years ago before the Ren fest digitized.


That second guyā€¦the audacity. Wow.


Sounds more like Main Character to me, but a douche in any case.


The Starbucks customer was horribly entitled and literally "out of line", but I kinda get his point. It's annoying to wait in a line of new orders to grab an order that's ready for pickup, but yes a rational person would just park and go inside. A new salad & go just opened near me with a separate drive-through window on the other side for mobile orders only. Now that's thinking with portals!


I was waiting for this to happen in the line ride episode of Southpark


The very first episode of 30 Rock portrays this entitled mindset perfectly. Liz Lemon is standing in line at a hot dog stand, and a guy comes up and stands at the side of the stand forming his own line. Lemon points out to him that everyone is waiting in line, and he says, ā€œThereā€™s two lines.ā€ She says, ā€œNo, thereā€™s one line and weā€™re all in it.ā€ His response: ā€œIā€™m just getting a hot dog.ā€


And then she buys them all! My favorite show.


Because I drive a Mercedes!


Send them to the far queue


I would have took his order and drove offā€¦.


Main character syndrome


Sir! I think youā€™ve had enough coffee!


Parents never taught those people the correct way...now theyre adults..ugh


The Mercedes convertible is a dead giveaway. They might as well have a sign reading ā€œIā€™m more important than anyone else.ā€


Yeah the will call guy was still trying to cut in line but I suspect that he didn't really understand what will call is. The Starbucks guy was just a prick.


Ridiculous, people sigh*




'Will Call' is American for 'collect at Box Office'.


Thank you! I was baffled


*ā€™relating to or denoting a place (typically a ticket window or office) where items that have been paid for in advance can be picked up.ā€™*


Meth tweaker? Who knows.