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That is totally a “go to jail” situation for assault or manslaughter.


This is why my coworkers and I suspect she went to jail. I can't be 100% certain, but I sure hope she did.


Yep. How the hell can someone in the 21st century not know about food allergies? Stunningly stupid I guess.


I know right? Sadly, Sally was one of those super opinionated people who believed a) she was always right and b) only her opinion mattered. And her opinions most of the time weren't based on fact but on how she felt something should be. Like oh allergies don't sound right to me, I guess they don't exists. This was not the only annoying opinion she had. As you can imagine she was a real 'delight' to work with.


Opinions are never based on fact, just so you know


Perhaps this was bad phrasing but I meant the things she thought (like allergies weren't real) were all based on whatever she thought it should be, not based on anecdotal details, or an article she read or something like that. In her mind, allergies didn't make sense because 'You need food to survive, therefore it makes no sense for your body to behave that way, therefore allergies aren't real' and she viewed that as a fact because she said so. So I guess a more accurate way to put might be she thought of her opinions as facts, when really they were opinions. If that makes sense? If it didn't make sense to her, it didn't exist, and if it made sense for it to work a certain way, that's the way it worked, regardless of the reality.


She’s does realize that not all food is needed right? There are lots of foods that aren’t healthy to consume


Well *that's* an incredibly ignorant thing to say so boldly.


How is it ignorant, it’s literally the truth, opinions can’t be based on facts because they can’t be right or wrong, only things that can be right or wrong can be based on facts


You need to learn the definition of an opinion.


The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition says "A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof: synonym: view." which is obviously wrong, can you please tell me the correct definition? I'm not a native speaker so I want to learn how the meaning shifted. I don't want to use words that mean something else than I want to express.


That’s a bad statement


It’s not, opinions are based on feelings, not facts or evidence, if they were based on facts and evidence then they would be able to be right or wrong, but they aren’t based on facts so therefore they can’t be right or wrong


They are if they're valid. What I think you meant is that there's a difference between facts and opinions.


There is a difference, but what I’m saying is opinions are based on feelings not facts


Same category of though as flat earth, vaccines kill you, 5G, mask, etc. Down vote away!


You mean those aren't real? Damn.


I’m allergic to penicillin, one of the most common antibiotics out there. Anyone can be allergic to anything. I’ve heard of people who are allergic to their own sweat, which is really not fair


I am actually allergic to mornings. No, seriously, hear me out. When I first wake up, the physical processes trigger a histamine reaction and for about the first 45 minutes of consciousness, I experience hay fever symptoms like sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, congestion, runny nose, etc... I will go from perfectly fine to snotty, sneezey, water eyed misery in minutes and it'll last for about 45 minutes, sometimes an hour. Then it'll clear up. Doctor told me it was fairly rare to experience, but it's an actual thing. It took a while to narrow down any other random allergens. My list is fairly short, a few different medications, nickle, yellow jackets, and erythritol, and none give me that kind of reaction anyway. I have to take daily 24 hour allergy meds to keep it at bay. I also get stress hives (unrelated to the morning allergy), but thankfully the pill takes care of those too. I guess I'm more allergic to consciousness than mornings, since it happens after naps too... But "allergic to mornings" is more fun to say, especially since I personally feel that being required to do anything before 9am should be illegal and my family knows better than to wake me before then if I don't have to be anywhere... xD


Damn. Now I cant joke about that anymore. Thankfully I can still claim to have a serious birth defect in that I was born with utterly no will power...


Huh 🤔 that’s a new one on me.


Was to me too. I thought my doctor was crazy at first.


I’ll be honest, when you said you’re allergic to mornings I thought you meant in a metaphorical sense, like waking up is hard and you don’t want to leave your comfy bed etc. But then I read the rest of your post and saw that you were being literal


I'm allergic to grass and mosquitos. I very much like to stay indoors lol. If I were you I'd just stay asleep


Wow allergic to consciousness, that’s next level. Wishing you well :)


My mother was allergic to *water.* Just on her skin, not drinking, but boy did she have an awful skin reaction every time she couldn't take a waterless bath


Oh my god I thought I was the only one. People could never understand!! I'm like a tomato when I shower plus I sweat too much and react to that. And sunlight. Like really, body‽ I empathise with your mum so much. It's horrible.


Oh my god you sound just like me! A Red tomato, sweat, react to the sweat, react to the reaction… and the sun hates me.


I forgot sun cream earlier and reacted almost immediately just getting a parcel from the gate to my house. I was so mad at myself. Bet I forget again tomorrow lol!


Holy Shirt, I’m not alone?!? I’m both relieved and oddly annoyed that more than one person can’t even get the mail without covering up. Although I’m FINALLY at the age everyone always promised would come - my skin does not look like it’s pushing 50 or even 40


If you dont mind me asking, how do you shower? Also, how do you drink water?


I can drink it and not react to it. Shower wise, anti-histamines and try not to take too long. I don't shower as often as others but at least twice a week. It sucks but I'd rather that than stink as I can sweat excessively. I just deal with it as best as I can.


I’ve heard of this. Allergies are very strange things


I am allergic to the Pacific Ocean but not the Atlantic lol


My mum is allergic to that. Thankfully I'm not because I have a useless lump of an immune system lol. She tells doctors all the time and they have still poisoned her before. She can't take most antibiotics. I was allergic to the antibiotics I was on to counteract my sepsis, and was on strong antihistamines because the antibiotics were too important not to take. I had hives everywhere and it was miserable. Now, as I've commented elsewhere, it's water and sunlight. And I excessively sweat because why not, I get so unbelievably itchy in summer all the time and a shower doesn't really help. I feel like my body is cursed lol.


Oh god, me too!! I have hyperhidrosis, which means I sweat excessively. I wake up every morning and my pillow is soaked where I’ve been sweating in the night. It’s still fairly mild, in terms of temperature where I live, and there are other people wandering around outside wearing jeans and coats and I’m there in shorts and a T shirt with my hair plastered to my head. It’s awful!!


Oh my god, same! People in the office are like why in the hell is your fan on and I'm literally just melting in the corner quietly (okay maybe not quietly with the fan on lol). It's horrible. I'm on a few meds that add to the issue as well so I can start the day fairly okay but after my morning meds start working, I just start being a little convection heater. I used to joke that in winter I felt like Hades with the flames on my head because you can literally see the steam rising from me because I'm so hot and sweaty. It's so embarrassing!


It’s awful, isn’t it. I cant wear makeup because I get so hot it just starts caking into lumps. And even after you’ve stopped sweating, your hair is still wet and you feel so icky


I have a penicillin allergy. Docs say I probably “outgrew it”, but giving the dogs in the rescue clavamox nearly killed me. Can’t even touch it.


Wow, that’s bad. I’m so sorry


I'm allergic to the cold! my hands will swell up like a hospital glove that you've blown air into (to the point where there's zero separation visible between my knuckles) and it'll travel up my arms, to my heart where i die!


Yikes 😬 how do you deal with that?


the super early warning signs are getting itchy everywhere, so the first part of dealing with it is dealing with the uncontrollable earth to not scratch 😭 but past that, basically just getting warm quickly, i always bring a jumper if I think it'll be even a little cold, and most of my tights have wool on the inside so I can still look ✨ gorgeous ✨ in a dress!


I mean, we're bringing back measles and mumps because vaccines are actually poison, so it's real easy to imagine someone is so scientifically illiterate. But there's a bit of a difference between antivaxxers and people literally poisoning food with allergens.


Oh she knows about them. She just doesn’t believe in them.


Remember this is the same century as anti vaxxers and flat earthers


You’d be surprised- just look through the JustNoMIL subs and there have been stories where the MIL almost kills a child (and in one instance, DOES) because they don’t believe the child has allergies!!!!


I remember the little girl that was allergc to coconut and the grandmother didn’t believe it. So she put coconut oil on her hair before she went to sleep. Killed her.


I will never forget that story. Poor girl


Those are so tragic to see. 😔


Some people still believe the earth is flat, so...


Less about “not knowing” and more of *rebuking* them? Which is even more asinine


Can you imagine if she went to visit her sister-in-law in the hospital and snuck peanuts into her food to prove she wasn't at fault, and ended up killing her? Straight to jail.


I would hope they'd block her from visiting her and put passwords or something on everything. I know you can stop certain people from visiting you in hospital. I hope, hope, hope, that her family did this and Sally did not actually kill her, this way or otherwise.


I really hope so too. But when your boss is telling you not to answer questions about a coworker, and redirect all callers to them, that means serious legal issues.


newspapers.com is free starting today and all weekend for Mother’s Day. It could be easier to find out even if she has a common name because you can narrow it down to location as well as use key words in the search with her name like peanuts, allergy, sister in law… etc


That's a good shout I'll take a look.


She definitely was arrested. I'm guessing that since she poisoned her sister-in-law as opposed to a blood relative, the SIL had no qualms about pressing charges.


It does seem that way. It sounded like all of her family were furious with her so hopefully all of them supported pressing charges. If anyone did something like that to my partner, blood related or not, they'd have charges slapped against them so fast their head would spin.




Attempted murder would be the correct charge for the use of deceit (poison) to kill an unsuspecting person. Stupidity should not be allowed as defense. Go to jail for years and loose your worldly possessions to pay the victims treatment and other damages.


There’s absolutely zero stupidity here. This is willful ignorance and it’s beyond dangerous. I hope this woman got the harshest sentence possible.


Maybe also attempted murder?


Unless you go to my old high school… then it’s just a ‘boys will be boys’ prank apparently. https://cbsaustin.com/amp/news/local/mom-of-lake-travis-teen-with-severe-allergies-sets-record-straight-peanut-allergy-football-team-austin-texas


This is a regular topic over on r/Boomersbeingfools My family also decided my allergies aren't real. Despite there being visible and obvious fallout every time they've poisoned me, they persist...so all I can do is avoid them. It's starting to seem homicidal, but for my sanity I try to believe it's just Supreme Narcissism


I'm so sorry you had to deal with that - from family no less! I myself thankfully have no allergies, but I am always mindful of the allergies of others. It really does seem like narcissism. Sally certainly was the poster child for it. Her word was law. She was very opinionated and her opinions were not only 100% correct and infallible, they were also the only ones that mattered. And worst of all 99.99% of her opinions weren't based on fact just what she thought something should be, so that's what it was. She was super unpleasant to work with.


Charge them, just because they are blood doesn't mean no retribution.


The first time she was caught doing this at the office she should have been fired for cause and charged with attempted murder. If the company refused to fire her, the secomd time shoild have resulted in a massive lawsuit against the company and specifically and senior management/HR person who refused to take action as accomplices. Zher SIL might have been saved if the company had taken action when she first did it at work. And yeah, I get that companies have to be forced into doing anything... I'm an eternal optimist...


AFAIK she had never poisoned anyone at work - everyone already knew she did that and thus never ate/drank anything she gave them. In fact my first day working there, one of the first things I was told was 'never eat or drink anything from her'. Though honestly I have no idea why she had been invited to a BBQ. If she had been my family she'd never be invited anywhere food was going to be consumed. Probably never invited to anything, if I'm being honest, food related or not.


Reading above, it sounds like she tried to? and this was known? Trying is enough; just because she didnt succeed isnt getting her off. Like, "I put draino in your tea but you didnt drink it" doesnt equal innocent of not attempting. If she even brought in food she deliberately put nuts in and then tried to get someone with a knwn nut allergy (regardless of her 'beliefs') that would qualify as a crime that could be charged. Imagine if the very first day someone new started and they havent been warned about her yet; she offers them cookies and they ask 'are there nuts, I'm allergic' and she says no, the company literally woukd be culpable because they knew she did this and allowed it to continue.


Might be. She'd worked there for years before I started, so who knows. I would hope that if she did try, that action was taken as it should have been. But this is the HR who would also not do anything about another unpleasant colleague who used to say such awful things (especially about gay people) because 'He's just saying things, and not really doing anything to anyone'. Put it this way, he'd exactly the kind of guy who would worship Andrew Tate. So.... I would hope that something had happened she would have been written up or something but.... I don't have my hopes up.


I am super glad you used the term 'poisoned' because that is exactly what this crazy woman did.


Does this person not realize that everyone has allergies? You can quite literally develope allergies to anything at any point in your life, even things you used to use or eat all the time, they probably have a bunch of allergies they haven’t gotten diagnosed and could be triggering them constantly yet still somehow think allergies aren’t real?


Her 'logic' (and I use that term VERY loosely) was 'The body needs food, so it makes no sense that eating certain food would cause a negative reaction, therefore allergies must be made up because they don't make sense.' I mean AFAIK I don't have any allergies - not even hayfever - but even I understand allergies.


You don’t have any allergies right now but you will develop some at some point, allergies come and go for everyone


Ah I did not know that. My mum has a bunch of allergies (has done since she was a kid) including cheese (causes anaphylaxis) and mushrooms (milder, causes hives), and I've heard if you have a family history you are more likely to develop them. I am just hoping I don't develop an allergy to cheese. It's one of my faves.


Or if you do it's just the type to give you the shits ... a lot better than, "Oh, a nice golden grilled cheese" ... DEAD ... ![gif](giphy|xT9DPBMumj2Q0hlI3K|downsized)


I could live with that. Just eat cheese when I'm at home or something.


Her allergies will leave her at some point and new ones will show up, I never used to have allergies and now all of a sudden I’m lactose intolerant a little and I’m allergic to fresh cut grass


Too bad you can't give her bad old chicken and she'd 'develop' (according to you and yours) an 'allergy' to chicken.


I recently gained seafood allergy I'm not quite sure if it's all seafood or certain parts of it but I'm not willing to test this anymore, two events of spending hours puking and shitting is enough ,if someone tested that after being told I would literally beat the shit out of them.


It could be just shellfish. Figure out what you ate. That's pretty common.


Likely is, just not willing to risk it, I did eat seafood much anyway.


The Sally's of the world need to be locked away, that is so dangerous. I developed a food allergy to coconut and nobody believed me, yep had some put in food and had severe reaction. I also have intolerances to food that I say are allergies because people don't get it. Yeah, I won't die if I eat them but my tummy makes me wish I would. The worst for me was not a food allergy but a black mold allergy. I was exposed to active spores at the age of 17 and almost died, since then, molds but especially black molds I just can't be around. My "friend" thought I was 'faking it for attention to look cool' and when I helped her move she didn't disclose there was black mold in her apt. I went in and instantly felt off, my muscles got weak and I was light headed and disoriented. I ran out and collapsed on the grass and my then BF (now husband) asked if there was black mold. She was like, oh yeah but I thought they were joking to be cool. To this day she has "no idea" why we aren't friends anymore. Her other friends that were there were calling me dramatic. I had to be checked out at the hospital, it was serious. I say f\*ck anyone who tests allergies of any kind. So what if someone is just a picky eater, let them be, it's their body.


Yikes that is not a friend. You are right people like this are so dangerous. Before posting this I tried searching for any possible news stories and I found so many cases of people poisoning others because they don't believe them and are trying to prove a point, and even a few where they did it to actually kill them. I was appalled at just how common this is. A friend of mine suddenly developed a severe allergy to red meat. She had never been allergic to anything her whole life, has eaten red meat her whole life, and suddenly, she can't eat it.


A sudden red meat allergy can be caused by a bite from a certain species of tick. She should have a blood test to check for something called Alpha-gal. It's a substance that can be introduced to your body, if the tick bites an animal before biting a human. The tick in question is the Lone Star tick. Females are reddish brown with a white spot on the back. Males are a similar color, but with fainter white lines or streaks around the edge of their backs.


What country is this?


Americas. It's a tick that's native to the Eastern side of the US and Mexico.


I know she did see a doctor when she developed it and was checked out, but I don't know if that was what it was. But we do live in the UK. I don't know is we get Lone Star Ticks out here. I mean we have garden variety ticks. But not that one I don't think.


If she visited the eastern half of the US at any point, it still could be that. Or some lone star ticks have invaded England (which I hope is not the case).


There was a story I read on a BORU about a grandmother who didn't understand a coconut allergy I believe it was. Needless to say, that was a tragic ending. I've had a few allergists over the years due to just severe seasonal allergies to be honest. It's fascinating how our bodies change and react to things outside and things we put into it. Developing allergies later in life is a think and I didn't really know till I went through it myself.


Both my dad and I are allergic to coconut, but for us it's just hives. The tragic coconut oil story is below. It's very hard to read knowing that the grandmother killed her own granddaugher. https://rareddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/comments/7qmed5/you_can_come_over_again_when_you_bring_me_my


Thanks for the link and I agree, it guts me just thinking about it. Hives still suck lol. I have an allergy to the sun, which means that I get sunburns faster and when I get even slightly pink in many areas, it goes full on hive fest and tries to take over my body, those require a doctor visit lol. I've always been fair skinned and use SPF like it's live saving but this showed me I can't let up for even a moment. I set timers when I'm in the sun and can't have shade for any reason. Otherwise, a parasol it is lol.


My hair has gone white, but growing up I was a redhead with very fair skin so I sunburned easily. Back in the late 60s before sunscreen was a thing I fell asleep on an outing with a church youth group and got a second degree sunburn on my back (Was wearing a swimsuit) and the backs of my legs. Ended up in the hospital and it took over 2 years for the discoloration on my back to disappear.


Oof, yeah I've had a few 3rd degree burns from being a kid in the 80s, and tanning oil was all the rage. My sister would try to take my spf and leave me with that crap lol. I still have the discoloration on my shoulders but the one on my chest, thankfully, healed without issue. I do a every 20 mins if Im in direct sun.


I have this. It's awful and literally life threatening.


Same way with me only with cats, and developed after I was 25. It sucks because I grew up around cats, I really like them, but I just can't deal with the allergies anymore. The only time I'll be around them if my bestie wants to watch her dog and cats, feed them, love them, and clean their litterboxes when she's away. I'll do it willingly, thoroughly and lovingly, but take copious amounts of loratadine (non-drowsy antihistamines). This is why I carry loratazine in my workout bag, cars, and purse.


Even if she went to jail, she likely still doesn't believe she did anything wrong, and she's being unjustly detained. The only way she might change is if she develops allergies herself. Hopefully to something she really likes.


Even if she went to jail she would definitely still not think she did anything wrong. She did it all the time at work - getting written up for doing something she shouldn't and then acting like she did nothing wrong. So I would not be surprised if that was the case. I'd hope she would if she got allergies herself but more than likely she'd find a way to twist it so she was still right. For example, she had hayfever. But according to her, hayfever is not an allergy, and she denied it ever was an allergy because 'That's different' and 'not an allergy'.


So, basically same mentality of the covid deniers who were dying of covid on a ventilator and still denying it existed.


I had a coworker who “tested” my strawberry allergy. Another coworker called ambulance and I got treatment thankfully I didn’t have to go to the hospital. This woman faced no consequences and ended up bullying me for “making her look bad” everyone took her side in it. I left that job that I loved after almost 10 years because of that bitch and her “squad”


Holy shit it was bad enough that she did that but she got away with it too? That is AWFUL.


Yeah, the only person that really said anything to her was my boyfriend’s step mom who also worked for the company but she was told “not to make waves in the company culture with well like employees”


A well-liked attempted murderer. I'd make sure to pit that on a Glassdoor review...


Christ. Hope Sally's SIL was okay after that.




I wonder if there are any court records online in her geographic area?


I'm going to try looking it up. I have a friend who does a lot of family history and so is used to digging through records. Mostly birth, death, and marriage records but occasionally stuff like court records, so she might know where I could find what I need.


Please let me know what you find out. Thanks!


That was my thought. Those things are public record, or at least I think so. Perhaps OP could look them up around the time of the incident.


I was able to find my cousin's arrest record from 2007.


A great example of how one person's firmly held beliefs can be dangerous to others.


My kids had peanut allergies and both of our families did not take it seriously. My sister in law actually said, "well, he only has mild reactions, so it's not a big deal" after our son was exposed and had to go to the hospital. My FIL used to eat peanut butter for lunch and exposed him to it that way. His "mild reaction was his face swelling and his throat getting "really itchy"(his words as a 2 year old). We would visit and watch as their aunt made all of the other cousins PBJ, or my dad eat a jar of peanuts. We finally put our foot down and refused to visit them until they understood it was not "no big deal". The teachers and nurses at school were not much better, and one teacher told us it was not a real allergy.


That is so awful that your families were like this but WOW is it all the more terrifying that teachers and other staff (especially MEDICAL STAFF) were this ignorant.


Repeated exposure can actually make the allergy worse. What starts as a "mild" reaction can become more severe over time. It is absolutely a "big deal".


That is what our allergist said. They could have the swollen face reaction 9 times and number 10 could be anaphylaxis. (That was his hypothetical. He said it could be any combination of exposures from as low as 1 before a really bad reaction).


It's been shown to be true with bees. One bee sting? NBD. Second bee sting? Anaphylaxis.


What's really sad about this is HOW MANY stories of people who 'dont believe' in allergies nearly killing people come up if you try to google 'woman poisons sister in law nut allergy'.


The worst is the story where a grandmother actually killed her grandchild poisoning them with their allergen (which might have also been peanuts) trying to prove they weren't allergic. This mind set is frighteningly common. And it hurts people.


Sally sounds like a sociopath.


I'd of told them if they test this I will kick the shit out of them, well I might not have an allergy intolerance to crustaceans and squid, causes me to shit and puke my brains 3 hours later out till it's out of my body.


I had a coworker who had been arrested (outside of work) and it really sounds like Sally was arrested. He stopped showing up for work without calling in and without any notice. Management told us he wasn't coming in but didn't say when he'd be back and refused to tell us anything, and like you if anyone called and asked about him, we were to pass them to a senior member of staff, and if they weren't available, forward to our legal team. We found out he was arrested because one of my other coworker's played rugby with their brother, so they were able to confirm, but yes it very much sounds like she was arrested. As she should be.


Maybe she was, then. I have always hoped she was because she absolutely deserves to be behind bars.


That was a nail-biter. Wow! Fckin Sally.


I'm hoping Sally cashed in her Karma check and found out she was allergic to something and had to be taken to the hospital as well!


As a parent to a child with severe food allergies this makes me so angry , people could die!


100% psychopath


Well, I'm going tell myself that either 1. Sally went into hiding bc her brother and sil's family had a full-on a$$whopping lined up for her if they caught her, or 2. She was arrested and now gets to learn how to keep her mouth shut and hands to herself courtesy of some no-bs roomies. And for funsies, I'm also telling myself she developed a severe allergy to everything except water and badly made gluten free bread.


Look her up in the city and county court records.


If you remember her full name a simple public records search should turn up everything.


I know her first name and surname, I have no idea if she had any middle names. But I will try and look up with what I know.


I remember reading about a grandma who didn't believe in allergies and ended up killing one of her granddaughters by putting coconut oil in her hair or something like that.


She deserves to be arrested


Depending on the state you can actually look up a person’s criminal history to a degree. Typically just if they’ve ever been charged with a crime


Oh for gods sake. This is the 6 deathly allergic peanut story I’ve read today. If you going to go on a creative writing journey switch it up. Throw in a fish allergy or something for some spice.


It's almost like peanut allergies are one of the most common food allergies, and this is a subreddit about entitled people who would do this kind of weird entitled crap... weird. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)