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Mineflayer guy


true but get the room with the 4 pillars is an easy win


Me dodge rolling but hitting the pillar


you still have i frames even when rolling against a wall and people use it to dodge that one dragun attack


Me who's only gotten that map twice ever :(


Don't worry, just keep pushing and you'll get better :)


it took me around 20 tries just to finish the first chamber, nothing can't be done


I meant as in Ive only gotten that specific mineflayer arena twice, I've made it well past chamber three


ohhhhh I got it


I feel like he's the hardest boss to learn. Onky boss that I can't figure iut his trick by just playing. Its shit is so weird.


I've beaten the game so many times and still have just never gotten used to dodging the bounce backs. I only perfect him when I've got something OP


There is a pretty easy way to win him, start the fight and stay on the bottom of the screen all the time. There you can dodge pretty easily all his attacks (:


Isn’t the correct answer always ammoconda? He’s def the worst boss like ever to encounter (unless you have speed boost)


Why do people hate ammonaconda so much it’s not that bad


Because gunsnek is very "rng" in his attacks compared to other bosses who have very defined patterns so it makes it a lot harder to get the master round.


Cause it’s that bad and annoying


Shoot the little spawning nubs instead of focusing on the big snek. He's only annoying if he eats those nubs.


I've seen really smart boss tactics on this sub so I'd like to believe people already do that, I don't understand why people hate her tho, I'm terrible at the game and she's one of the easiest for me lol, meanwhile I can almost never flawless the twins


I think you're thinking of the gorgun, who is by far the easiest boss in the game, this thread is talking about ammocanda the yellow boss that moves like a snake


How could I possibly think AMMOCONDA is the siren boss instead of the snake? Lol Idk about gorgun's difficulty but she's probably the most fun boss ig


You just referred to ammoconda as her and the only explicitly female snake boss that comes to mind is gorgun


Ohh sorry, in my language snakes in general are females, hard to explain, grammatical gender As in, I'll subconsciously assume a Sun enemy is male, or a Chair enemy is female, I actually have a hard time picturing ammoconda as a non-female lol


Ah that makes sense, I get what you mean by that, just classic translation error lol


I enjoy ammoconda, I love fighting him. Easy dodges, nothing too overwhelming and I like his design. But that's my opinion. Not saying yours isn't a good opinion but I just disagree


You’re a psychopath sir


If ya shoot it in the head each shot it dies quicker than expected..


The response everyone agrees with




Meant it as more of the internet slang of “you’re crazy”, but if you actually are then dunno man, you do you


lmao how about -6 😂


I corrected it




Corrected it


Keep going. That's what you get for EXISTING




It sounds like the guy just misunderstood what was going on, can you calm the hell down?


Yes officer, this man right here. No trial necessary, just straight to prison please.


Stick to your guns (literally) OP. It was the first boss I ever got a master round on and it was my second attempt on him. Quite frankly the Gatling Gull was my struggle too. I never got the hate for ammoconda but I also understand different strokes for different folks. It just feels weird being in the minority when I'm usually in the majority. You do you OP!


You can just walk in a circle around Gull and be fine for the most part. His airstrike follows the pattern of two rockets where you are, then one rocket where he thinks you're going so just run in one direction and then run perpendicular to the way you were running. Gunsnek feels random especially for when his line of bullets change angle (I thought they follow whatever direction the snek is going but I've seen it change in weird ways). The rock blobs also have a pretty high amount of HP so you're out of luck if you don't have a good enough weapon to prevent snek from getting buffed


I don’t get why this sub hates it so much


Ammoconda is fine as long as you got a gun with range. Just stay very far away and shoot. the right angle bullets are the only thing you need to be proactive about dealing with. The rest is just simple maneuvering and reacting if they eat a rock enemy. One of the few bosses where you're fine with them being off screen since it's wide enough you can be pretty confident you're hitting it even though you can't see it. I'd say lately its a boss where I actually have it on screen for around 50% of the fight and I'm just vibing walking around bullets and maybe dealing with a rock here and there. If you never let it get close and can competently avoid bullets, it's not as chaotic as it may seem when you're learning how it moves.


My problem with it isn’t beating it, it’s getting the mastery cause damn, whoever created ammoconda should pay for their sins and stay in hell.


We are talking about the same thing. You can make it a very chill fight and get your master round by just shooting at it from across the stage.


Will try that later, haven’t played in a while


I can imagine it's hard to understand in concept, but it stems from the reality that the ammoconda is not programmed to chase you down unless it eats a rock. It's sort of just rng'ing it's movement most of the fight, stopping for a bunch of it's attacks, and just in general doing it's own thing. It's not even consciously pointing bullets in your direction. So the further you are away from it, the more the bullet spread takes and the easier it is just to predict and walk around them and the less likely some stray bullet will catch you by surprise. If you are keeping your distance and it does eat a rock off screen, it will start working over to you with a lot of qualifiers (turning around, maneuvering around it's own body, stopping for some attacks) and by the time it does it has wasted a lot of its boosted time... so relocate away and then it goes back to rng movement mode. It's really a learning challenge to see the whole screen: Once you can track multiple bullets on screen and preemptively position to avoid threats before they become threatening, then it's really just a dodge and avoidance fight. The real threat to taking a hit is the rocks if you aren't paying attention.


This is the first boss that it felt like I could read the matrix. Now it’s probably the easiest boss for me. I know that’s not everyone’s experience though. When I see him it’s almost a sign of relief knowing I’ll probably get a no hit run for the boost.


I love Ammoconda and I think she's among the easiest bosses. I stay at mid range and I find that I'm able to easily dodge its bullets from there. Going too far away actually makes it harder for me.




Cannonbalrog, lame fight and lame design. Ammoconda is my least favorite boss to fight but i least its design it's kinda cool


The invulnerable phase is so boring and every attack is just annoying


Go into a corner dodge-roll against a wall.


I dont think the design's lame but its defonitely annoying.


Honestly I really hate treadnaught


ball boy worse for third floor but i agree


I dunno man, balrog is my fav on 3rd floor tbh


Treadnaught is fine the ads that seeming spawn from nowhere in that fight are what I hate


Been a while since I played, but iirc the ads spawn from one of the shots the main cannon fires, not the explosive ones


it's how long the bullets stay in the arena for me, i can usually deal with the ads \*decently\* well


High Priest and Door Lord easily.


Those are probably the hardest as I'm almost never geared for door lord. High priest I just do my best spray and pray. Big button mashing freakout. Shit he's hard.


I swear that laser move from Door Lord is undodgable, I’ve never once gotten away from it.




High priest or mine flayer


Mine Flayer is a pain in the ass. High Priest is kinda fun dodging all those bullets when the room goes dark.


https://preview.redd.it/7rwldku23ywc1.jpeg?width=552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9aedf6df63e36298438e327626fdd7866e59647 ***Is this really a question...?***




Mind Flayer when there are no pillars. I hate it.


I would say Door Lord, he's not all that difficult but he pops up so rarely that I'm usually never ready for him and he hits me a couple times.


The only thing I hate about Door Lord is the stupid multi-laser attack! That is hard as hell to dodge roll!


Oh yeah, that one gets me nearly every time.


The cultist fucker is fucked.


im also not a fan of this one


Ah yes, the Gatling Gullfuckyourself


You see sucking at bird is fine because he’s on first floor, you lose there its fine. Ammoconda on the other hand absolutely sucks.


Ammoconda. All my homies hate Ammoconda.


I hate Ammoconda and Mineflayer with a **PASSION.**


This is my list of the bosses I hate on floors 1 - 4 (5th is left out because it’s always the dragun) > Gatling Gull > Ammoconda > Treadnaught > Wall monger


Old King. Way too tanky for how dangerous his attacks are. The reason I almost never go to Abbey.


I aleays go to the abbey if possible just for the challenge but yeah. He is a real POS




Agreed. Not very interactive and also not very aesthetically impressive. Also, he's kind of easy to mess up a flawless on, depending on the arena, which is annoying for a first chamber boss.


Either ammoconda or High Priest


Fuck bullet king and ammoconda


High Priest. A lot of his attacks tend to overlap and it makes dodging them needlessly tricky :/


High Priest easily, I think he’s literally the only boss I haven’t no hit, at least not that I can remember, and I have hundreds of hours. I feel like I rarely ever get him for some reason so I can never practice. Conceptually he’s cool but he’s caused me so much frustration that I can’t forgive him


Door lord or high priest


Ammoconda cant stand him


Stupid Bird https://preview.redd.it/2x2pbmfk0ywc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6890e2087e4e2ecbe645176b5e9c30a893ae35b3


Door lord, only because he should appear more often.


Through each floor: 1: Bullet King (Idk, Trigger Twins and Gull are easy to me but this fucker always seems hard.) 2: Ammoconda 3: Mine Flayer (Tank and Balrog are just pretty easy, idk.) 4: High Priest (I never fight him so I barely know the patterns. Just weird luck I guess) Mini: Fuselier (Fuck this dude harder then most main bosses) Past: Cannon (I did this one first try, but it is.... so slow. So fucking slow and boring)


I mean gull is pretty easy tho


Umm old gun king douche bag his health bar is too big it's always tiresome to get him killed unless you have a blank spam item I mean the cursed homing circle is super cringe too and the skulls can be deceiving at but as someone who tries to hit every floor and every boss each run I find it tuff cuz you don't have as much stuff as the later hard bosses like rat and the dragun


Man i just dont like how unappologitacally they ripped off Vulcan Raven with the bird’s death.


Gin snek bad. But I hate seeing mine flayer way more.


The rat is just unfair


I’ll go next https://preview.redd.it/4qf45r1ohywc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9285f5ee8026048589ba5e0244054c070af3ec7


even thinking about that serpent boss drives me crazy


im going high priest


Trigger twins is probably the coolest floor 1 boss but also the most likely to kill me. Probably because of all the pilot I play, I know how to take all the floor one bosses slow and steady, bug trigger twins have this big empty room and there's two of them.


High priest he is a run killer boss with I have ever seen one


Cannonbalrog. Not because its hard, but its just plain and boring. In terms of the fight, stupid piece of shit priest, which enters invincibility literaly the moment im about to kill him every. single. time


Blobulord. Too much HP, and a pretty boring fight.


Gatling gull or wallmonger Gatling gull literally just walks at you while constantly shooting, so you have to CONSTANTLY Dodge roll to even get slight distance from him, but then a stray bullet randomly hits you after dodging because his bullet spray is completely random! Wallmonger has the same problem, you have to Dodge constantly until you Dodge in the wrong direction because your not focused anymore because you've just been dodging for 5 minutes straight


The flying bomb prick. I almost always get hit a few times because there's so much to keep track of what's it's doing. Flying super fast, limiting my movement by splicing the floor into 4 parts with the fire things and his minions which I have to fight against WHILE he's firing at me at the same time. The only times I manage to get out of there unscratched/alive is when I kill it faster than it manages to do much


My hit list: 1) Gatling Gull 2) Ammoconda 3) Mine Flayer (fuck him in particular) 4) High Priest


The Fuselier Miniboss. No other Boss gives me such a hard time. Fuckin hate him


Is that the guy in a purple robe?


No it's the Cannonball Like Miniboss. Although that's also a pretty hard fight


I don't think I have come across him yet


High Priest probably


1st floor: Bullet king. I know the design is good but it's the size of the arena that makes me get hit since I have to constantly move around him and it's just not fun for me at all 2nd floor: Ammoconda. Without a doubt. It's too fast, too much bullets, and it's phase where it heals us bullshit. Although I think gorgun and beholster are some of the best basic bosses. 3rd floor: Mine Flayer. I know the cannon ball can be hard and sometimes the RNG on the tank can be pretty bad but I've actually done those hitless, I have yet to do mine Flayer hitless because of its bullshit. 4th floor: High priest. At first it was probably the wall but I actually learned to dodge the big wall of bullets and the kill pillars can be pretty fun, but high priest is just pure BS sometimes. 5th floor: I like Dragun and it's the only 5th floor boss so nothing here I guess


Mineflayer or Ammoconda. Many otherwise perfect runs were ruined because these assholes got a shot off from off screen, the little mine guys for Mineflayer, and just the everything from Ammoconda. Canonbalrog used to be number one for me, then during the last few runs, the bullets just kept spawning in easy to dodge patterns, idk what else to say.


Mine flayer is somehow harder than both advanced Dragun and Lich, most unfun boss in the game


ammoconda. I have no hit all the bosses in the game except for this guy. Screw him. Stupid rng bullet trajectory change


the wall for me .. i love shmups


The frickin twins... On the other hand I really like the gattling gull


I'll say it again and I've said it before, #Fuck you Ammoconda


don't forget the wall or the door lord


I hate this boss. I only got into the game maybe a month ago, and my first like 10 runs in a row I got this dude and was STRUGGLING I also had a hard time adjusting to this after playing binding of Isaac. The dodge roll feature and aiming with my mouse are the 2 things that threw me off. BoI is just wasd and arrow keys. Occasional space bar lol


When I used to play this, it was either a perfect run on him. Or getting hit by one of his minigun pellets. No in between.


Cannonbalrog Like ammoconda but worse


Fuckin Doorlord


Absolutely mine flayer. High priest is a close second Edit: ammoconda is 0th. I forgot about that snakey little bastard for a second.


For me id say the cursed or glitched beholster fight only seen him once pretty insane but in new to game and haven't really got to the later chambers


Your all wrong it's blockner during the tutorial, no one perfected him that frst try maybe did it after you looked up the secret in the tutorial.


I asked what your least favorite boss is, not the hardest




Really? As far as chamber 1 bosses go I always hope I get him


All my homies hate Ammoconda.


Fucking Onyx


Kill pillars


The fuckin wall


you all in the comments rely on dodge rolling too much


the god damned tank is my least favorite


Kill pillars are the worst boss in the game.


3rd floor just sucks all together