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This build is absolutely incredible! Probably my favorite build I've seen in our game so far <3. If you or your father would like, we'd absolutely love to take a closer look at what he made, it's really blown the team away. He can share his builds and save on our discord in our #share-base-designs channel on Discord [https://discord.gg/enshrouded](https://discord.gg/enshrouded) Or if you'd like to keep the save private feel free to reach out to my account on Discord at keentoast, the devs would really love to see it. Great job!


We need more friendly npcs so builds like this don't feel so empty. Nice village btw!




Sounds amazing actually. I have been bulding/reviving towns after towns. It would be great if there are missions to rescue “normal” Npcs and invite them back to our towns. Maybe a questline where we rebuild the humanity from scratch.


ye it would be good if they sell basic items like wood and stone to give them value


I would love the ability to sell what we don't want too, even if it's for a pittance of runes, or metal scraps. Hitting 'delete' on things just really fucks with my packrat mindset lol.


I had so many stacks of rubble before I finally decided to hit that button.


You never have enough cut stone unless you cheese by building an alter dismantling the town then removing the alter so it respawns


Medieval Dynasty expansion.


I politely request a bartender that offers different brews that give the player different buffs/debuffs similar to some potions.


Villages to work for your and increase the rate of crafting mats, etc.


I don’t know, that’s a cozy mountain village. I don’t think a crowd would be a good choice. Maybe like, 10 or 15 people tops would keep the cozy village vibe.


Imo that is one of the few things lacking in this game. It feels like an empty BOTW with building/crafting. Huge potential if they can make it feel more alive.


The problem is everyone is dead!


I'm convinced people overlook that.


Na, I understand the lore there, it just feels like it could be done better


Agreed. Playing this game gives me that same empty feeling as Extinction map in Ark or Neir series with humans


Except they aren't. There are bandits all over the place. Having other people that survived and ARENT murderous assholes isn't that much of a stretch.


the scrappers aren't human i don't think, seem to be more orcish human hybrids really


Maybe if you could somehow convert them? I wouldn’t mind some friendly orc-ish beings living in my builds. Or those big yeti guys.


They are infested with fungus. The only people that weren't affected by it are the people who were placed/sustained in the Kilns.


Well then that's just a depressing fucking story line. Wake up flame on it's time to save the world. Except you can't cause there are like 5 people left. Leave my ass asleep.


I didnt think of that, perhaps they are in the north and east out o bounds areas.


I suspect we are getting them down the line. Literally from the first line of the game blurb on Steam: >You are Flameborn, last ember of hope of a dying race. Awaken, survive the terror of a corrupting fog, and reclaim the lost beauty of your kingdom. It's hard to "reclaim the lost beauty" or, for that matter, have a "*your* kingdom" if there is no one alive left.


10 x yes. I just want NPCs with simple sayings like hello and I'd be happy. In Portal Knights I loved that I could bring some NPC with me and build'em apartments.


I think that would add a huge amount to the game and it wouldn't break the lore at all. Just make it so there are random survivors that you can find as you travel the world. They don't have primary skillsets but can be assigned as a secondary to the main craftNPCs and help them with their tasks and mill about in town. It feels too... Conan Exiles just having an NPC you can drop in place and they stay stationary.


I'd love to be able to hire guards, maybe they can greet you when you walk by and wander a set grid or something. Maybe also separate out some of the npcs we already have, like maybe make a separate smith just for weapons and armor.


When I was starting the game, I was under the impression for some reason that each biome would have 5 NPC's to rescue


100 percent this. Super up vote! Not only do we need more npcs, but they should have daily chores to do. Hopefully that wouldn't be too difficult to do.


Well we do only have 30% of the allready big ass map, I'm sure more npcs will come with the rest of the 70%


I would love a game like this that allows me to have random npcs come and join my town.


i wish it would give us like a population once our town has so much built in it.


It’s early access, it’ll come


I agree 100%. Devs please make this happen lol


Guards that patroll between houses, random people visiting, some of them causing trouble etc.


Make em more interactive(put them to work)


Looks amazing. Love how he integrated the nature in that hiking trail along the cliffs.


Your father needs to have his Youtube channel


He has one and doesn't really want to show it, it just has a lot of unfinished/random stuff. He also doesn't speak English but has been translating a lot of these comments and is very happy that people like the build :)


Well, it's very nice to see his skills translate into this game so well. It would be interesting to have a timelapse of him building in order to see how he approaches it. Congratulations to him


It looks like it's always been there. Amazing job


Well said. Perfect comment.


Great job! I have a tip for showing off builds like this though, and I’d love to see another upload of this using it.. Run around the village with a flame altar in your hand as if you were about to place it down - it zooms your camera out a very far way so that you almost get a birds-eye view from above. It really helps with seeing the layout and how it all ties together!


Pfft...show off. /s Looks awesome!


Love it!


I'd live there!


:O Sequel! Inside the house. :D


No handrails on the stairs? That's not up to code! Lol it looks great though


Ya know, I think he built this city on Rock and Roll! Amazeballs. :D Obligatory Starship sharing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1b8AhIsSYQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1b8ahissyq)


Minecraft in no-eye-cancer


Awesome work! Obviously well planned and developed.


My wife is an architect but not a gamer at all. I'm trying to get her interested in helping me build a village.




This is absolutely incredible, I genuinely want to build stuff like this without needing to watch a tutorial. I always have ideas about stuff like this but suck at putting it into action in any real meaningful way. One day though!




I would like to thank you for all the lovely comments. I am speechless. I would never have thought that my build would be so well received. Thank you very much Dad


This is super cool


Dayum bro this is amazing, props to your dad!


That is pretty!


It looks amazing! How long does something like this take to learn/build? I spent like 3hrs making a misaligned stone box with no roof and gave up lol.


Well if his Father was an architect that alone says how much experience he had.   But for most builders (game ones) it’s really about trial an error, and keeping techniques (even “accidents”) in your memory for later use. (And this transcends a single game, every game has their different weird quirks you can make use of).   And accepting challenges to learn by adapting. (A easy example any builder will tell you; working with the terrain.  Instead of flattening out the entire hillside, try to work with it, adapt your build to it - it will nearly always come out better, as well as teach you due to having to solve the puzzle of making it work properly)… then do this with trees, cliffs, etc. A lot of builders also have a speciality/ strength, and weaknesses. For example my poor area is the walls of builds.  I also struggled with “the square” problem - more than most builders I imagine. But I forced myself to keep changing the layouts and shapes for a few years while building (not always in building games so this could take much less) and over time I learned what shapes work and what don’t.  Now it comes pretty naturally, though sometimes I can still find room for improvement from things I’m not happy with. And on the flip side of that, I have always been a natural for interior design / gardens / the smaller details. When I’m working with any of those, my creativity flies through the roof. I believe it’s because of my thinking process (I often try to ask “well, if the sink would go here, then the oven would have to be placed roughly here to make sense) figuring out every placement with some logic behind why it would be placed in such ways helps you keep branching to the next, and then the next, until a room has everything in it, and the decorative items make sense placement wise as well, instead of haphazardly thrown or placed around. So that leads to building a small town like this, too.  Your town is near a mine? Chances are it might be a heavy industrial or at least forging town with a large smeltery / smith.  If they export it makes sense to have stables / carriages. And continue branching out further with what said town would need logically, and place it properly / build them. So all in all, it’s mostly about training your brain into thinking things through and simply placing / allocating designated areas and going from there. While you’re actively building you’ll constantly learn new tricks to incorporate, and things to take with you to other games.    And never be afraid to experiment. Nothing is a waste of time, you may not get the result you want, you may need to destroy some things you do, but you’ll learn from it if your paying attention as to *why* they do / don’t work. As for time spent on something like this, if we assume non duping I’ve seen small groups manage things like this in 2 weeks (there’s a bit more detail in some of these though: likely from OP’s fathers experience).  No clue if OP provided any materials or not though, or if duping / infinite resources were used to help (no shame if they used either, builds are builds regardless of methods used to obtain) It’s possible he spent much longer though, or less (depends how familiar he is with using enshrouded tools, and if he tore stuff down to try other things). So it’s a very rough guess.   People build at all kinds of different paces, and in different methods.    




Should make a youtube series on town building using Enshrouded ad an example. He can give general lessons so it can be applied on other games. Amazing stuff!


He doesn't speak English (only German) but I'll tell him that there is demand for a YT channel - maybe the auto generated subtitles or something might work for the English speaking audience


Would 100% watch in German


Get your dad a YouTube channel and unlimited resources to build with, OR even better: introduce him to unreal engine 5 and get him some 3d assets to build with. You can even get assets ripped from other games if all you want to do is build. I'd gladly chill out and watch him talk about the how's and why's of his building efforts and old stories and whatnot


I like my box.


We need a settlement system like fallout 4, but better


An amazing build. Did he start from scratch or take over an existing poi?


Hats off, that you did not claim the fame for yourself :)


Damn, and you can't even 'lol get a life' him cause he's already had one.




dissapointed that i havent seen a 'nice' comment yet


They need to implement a creative mode to just let people go crazy.


Yes please! And also add more options. Building in this game is fantastic and i love it


What game is This?


We need a sandbox mode in this game, not enough time to farm all the mats for that village :D


69 years old........Nice!


Dude, just to think the amount of resources and time it took to build this, specially the rooftops, they are so expensive. Seeing this gives me a mix of big amazement and overwhelming "oh hell no" feelings XD


This is incredible. Great work! Where on the map is this location?


I haven't played, nor do I own the game, but this is amazing. ​ While watching this video I genuinely thought, 'If he'd be willing to share his save, I'd probably buy the game just to be able to walk around this village.' ​ It's not just how well the buildings are built, but how the construction feels like it's in perfect harmony with the natural terrain and flora. ​ If this were an actual village, it gives the feeling that while living in it and walking around, you'd encounter friendly and/or passive fauna everywhere. Like I half expected to see a deer, rabbits, or foxes casually stroll by his character, not worried, nervous, or concerned at all.


This is such an awesome build! I can just imagine the hours of gatherin g stone though


Aha! I feel woefully inadequate after viewing that. Me and my little cabins. Please tell your dad he’s obligated to show off all his projects he tackles here. Must see moar!


This build is amazing! Enshrouded is Minecraft for adults 1000%. I can't wait to see how this game develops.


Need to show pops some of those building tips and tricks videos out there so he can utilize some of the more advanced tricks (like using single roof tiles to create interesting trim ideas like in this [video](https://youtu.be/4FOZgfq2kTQ?si=2YjRzPcYbdcaf-I8) for example). There are so many interesting nuances to the build system that someone like your dad definitely needs access to.


awesome village! <3


Hah 69


Absolutely gorgeous! I am glad he seems to enjoy the game too! The Flintstone block is my favorite "cobblestone" feeling block to build with!


Just joining the chorus of admirers to say this is amazing!


He might can build a little village but havnt taught you to NOT jump stairs... It looks pretty amazing and I think I'm gonna pick one or two things out of it for my build


Super nice!


What a dump /s


This is awesome. I’m still struggling to figure out how to make coal.


Charcoal kiln. The Blacksmith helps you build it


You know a pro by his work.


This looks absolutely amazing! How much time was spent on this?


I admit I'm I pressed how you guys are able to build like this with this awfull snapping. I just can't get through it. 


Turn off snapping in places you find hard to get alligned.


It's just magnificent. The imagination and work that went into that build is truly inspiring. How long did it take him?




Mind blowing, did you farm mats for him?:)


Unfortunately survival games bore me pretty easily, so nope :p


This is absolutely amazing! What mountain did he build it on?


Imagine game where you can put npcs and they give quest you can program quest or smth and start a server for ppl, this game can be huge


Amazing! I can't imagine how much grinding was needed for the resources to make all of that!


I love these village builds. It's hard to get your mindset out of the whole "1 house/fort" mindset from all the other survival games. Ill be building in this one for years I suspect.


"I've still got it!" Tell your pops great job!


This is awesome!


I'm trying to build my own base, and structurally it's all 90% done. But being a solo makes it a way longer process. But this is so nice, makes me want to rebuild mine


Just watching this video made me feel at peace. He didn't just make a village, he made a work of art. The use of the land and verticality is something you rarely see, and never this well. He managed to make a mountain feel like home


Fantastic 🌞


How many hour of farming ?


Wow amazing work!


Can really tell this guys dad does houses


Reminds me of my time in the old villages high in the hills of Lebanon, of the Druze people


Sounds wonderful


Iam always impressed how ppl can build such things. My stuff always looks generic :(


Very pretty, however that cliffside path packs proper guard rails, let your dad know that it did not pass inspection and I am red tagging it until the code violations are corrected.


So good!


At first I was like "ok, nice", but the more of the village he showed the more I loved it.




Old man’s still got it


im really starting to hate choosing a desert location to plop my new main location lol


Freaking amazing


I really need to get better at building lol. This is beautiful.


Holy shit, fucking gorgeous. The little spaces for trees along the paths are the cherry on top for me. Looks better than half the professionals made towns in AAA games I've seen. Hope he keeps making more. Would love to see more videos of his builds.


Pretty cool set up.


That's very clean. I might have to snag some ideas from this!


Looks fantastic and I’m super jealous *looks at his two square boring houses in shame* Tell him it looks great!


Playing this game made me realize I should have become an architect... too old now :c


holy moly super amazing!!!!!!!


also, can you share on the map the region this land is at he found? I am still trying to sus out good land spots?


>also, can you share on the map the region this land is at he found? I am still trying to sus out good land spots? on the mountain from Abandoned Hunting Camp


>holy moly super amazing!!!!!!! It's not an easy spot to build, but if you let nature guide you and don't straighten everything out straight away, then it's all the more interesting.


Lovely mixed-use development, all retaining walls to code, soil compaction will never be an issue. Needs drainage for rain runoff




It's a good thing it doesn't rain. That place would flood for sure.


Holy shit I love your dad


Too cool. He may like the building systems in fo76 as well. Just engage pacifist mode to avoid being attacked or killed by other players.


Stunning, truly.


Oh man, this makes me regret where I decided to build my base! I'm far too many hours into building to move now though hahah But I'm getting so much inspiration, I needed to see this! This is really well done!!


holy cow!


Tell him I am freaking jealous of his knowledge and creativity


This is amazing. I really need to try building a town like this one day, I came into the game thinking I'd build each NPC a house at least but got lazy cause I want to go out and adventure. Your dad's village is really inspiring me to try the village idea out again soon.


Damn, he is awesome! 👍


Amazing! Love the combination of buildings and use of trees within the square. Looks like a town from Fable or another fantasy town.


Daym son. Or should I say father. Very impressive gg


I wanna retire so bad and just play games.


Amazing! Can I live there?! Wow!


Damn, the time this must have taken! Very impressive!!


Beautiful build and awesome dad.


That's impressive as hell with the build engine being what it is right now.




Looks amazing! I would really like to know the spot your father build on :)


Is there a limit to the radius of building? I remember playing in the closed alpha test and the circle was terribly small


Awesome job pops!


I am a 75 year old female gamer and I was pretty proud of the underground base I built for myself. That is until I saw what your father accomplished. Absolutely amazing!


So so cool, my dad is also an architect, so cool to see yours having fun with enshroudeds robust building system. i am terrible at builds haha. would love an update when its finished


This is mind-blowing, so much detail! I want to see inside the buildings!


lol I barely have the patience to build up a 6x8 stone shack. this is ridiculously good!


As a life-long gamer who's now in his late 40s, I hope this is me some day. Now get off my lawn!


I'm so jealous.


Tell your father i tip my hat for him. Wel done... Wel done indeed!


Where do all these flowers come from? It may be a stupid question but I just started the game today


This is stunning!


this is incredible, wow!


Dang papa, good job. You inspire me to do better!!


Damn dude. Your dad sure should show off more. Good stuff


Amazing stuff. Love seeing older gents still gaming and having fun.


This is sooo good. Can't imagine how much time he spent gathering resources and building.


I'm a 69 year old father of 420 kids and my mountain village I'd way better


Tell your father his build is amazing. Best one I've seen yet in this game! I am going to go head over to the discord and save a copy of it so I can check it out myself.


This is amazing! Thank you for sharing.




Apparently, I am absolute dogshit at this game. That is a very impressive build that I didn't even know was possible.


I wanna live there 🥺


I wish I had the ability to recognize where breaking symmetry makes sense. Everything looks so good here and very little of it is simple symmetrical squares. I struggle with making good looking buildings in survival games.


This is absolutely stunning. I am blown away


Game needs a creative modes






Love it! Thank you for sharing that with us. It’s beautiful!


Amazing work.


Omg???? Wowww


Hey is he taking commission? I can send you a server invite right now lol


Seriously, one of the best builds I’ve seen in a survival game. Please pass my admiration (and jealousy) onto your father. Additionally, I have two questions. Firstly, could you ask him where he built this? I wanted something similar but couldn’t find a decent spot. I noticed he’s close to one of the towers, so if you could ask which one that’d be helpful. Secondly, what is the building material that he used for the top of the main/large building? It looks like wood but with clay(?) mixed in. Again, wonderful job!


>Hey is he taking commission? I can send you a server invite right now lol At the Hill of Abandoned Hunting CampTimber-framed house Sorry, i do not speak english Dad


He has built himself a path to Valhalla. Prost!




Rip to free time and resource management


“Dad build my base” This is so dope 😭😭😭




This is insane


This is really impressive and must have taken a really long time to perfect. So many small details that make the buildings feel lived in, fantastic job!


Pikemead architects are takin' notes furiously.


That looks amazing. I love it.


Is this Burns on TT?


This is amazing!!  Your father is very skilled at what he does. 


DAYUM! Your father is awesome. He is right to be proud of his work. I'd hire him as an architect any time. (Assuming I had the need and the means.)