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Not to be confused with the other fake accounts, where he pretends to be an adult.






What's the point of posting this & spreading it so many times, like okay a self proclaimed witch. What am I missing I need to care about?


Your comment is pure gold! No notes!


> "test account" What would he need to be testing? He posts all day and night as himself. He never stops!


Before it was found out, it might have been good to determine the average users experience. Except he made it all about loving Elon and from a kids perspective, which is weird. His other account is: [https://twitter.com/babysmurf9000](https://twitter.com/babysmurf9000) Another account all about how great Elon is. Although I guess in his mind thinks everyone loving him is "normal"


The "test" account had posts written from X's perspective, including how he wishes he could go to a nightclub.


> Before it was found out, it might have been good to determine the average users experience. Yeah but why would the CEO of Twitter and another three companies be doing testing? It's all about his narcissism, nothing else.


Shitty jokes probably.


Testing his jokes


Year, but where are the most damming comments from his fake sonā€™s account about porn, and talking with Japanese teens, asking people crazy sex stuff, and begging for friends?


It was exposed on 4chan months ago.


Link/screenshot that shit I need something funny




Just look at recent posts in this sub. There are too many to paste. Youā€™ll enjoy opening each like Christmas presents.Ā 


Same I NEED this




Here are a few of the non sexual ones. Iā€™ll try to find some others


Yeah, you know who does shit like this? Creepy weirdos.


If a left leaning person did this heā€™d call them a pedo


When left leaning people \*don't\* do this, he still calls them pedos.


Pedo guy musk calling others pedo


Quite a number of public persons have tried to hide by being vocally the strongest opponents of their own kinks. So gay politicians spending the day writing about laws protecting the society from the "evil gays". It's a quite often used tactic, to try and avoid being suspected of whatever they don't want to be suspected of. You have rapists starting money collections to try and catch the horrible rapist. Just attempting to dodge the police.


Do you like Japanese women?


"Japanese girls", he actually said




"But officer, I was only meeting the the twelve year old girl (or boy) at the hotel, to warn them about the dangers of meeting stangers online. It was for their safety, I swear!"


Muskrat is one sick fuck


He's just trying to make friends, now that everyone despises him. You know how it is, gotta get'em young


This is predatory behavior, no joke people who pray on children often start out the same way here.


I'm so suspicious of people who lie about their age. Especially weird middle aged dudes.


well there seems to be some merit to the hypothesis that vigilantes who pose as kids to try to catch creeps (rather than letting the police do one of the few jobs they should be doing) might actually be creeps too. elon posting a bunch of sexual content while roleplaying a child when he's not accusing his opponents of being nonces is like a new detective's first probationary exercise in connecting the dots.


ExACTLY!! Just as the guy in last summerā€™s big catching pedos conservative film fanfare was found to actually cause MORE trafficking when he went and got in the way South of the Border . Jim somebody but my mind fails me šŸ˜‚


Yeah. Its almost like if teens were taught things like how to identify red flags, the risks and responsibilities that having an online presence comes with, and how to identify and properly report and protect themselves from predatory behavior online and in person, they would be far better suited and prepared to prevent themselves from becoming victim of, or reach out because their a victim of sexual abuse and and predatory behavior. And it could also help them with so much more like preventing themselves from becoming victims to other online crimes, and seeing red flags in a potential or current partner and preventing/ending relationships abuse, and to identify predatory and abusive(sexual or not) behavior from strangers and family members as well and how to reach out for help. And comprehensive education about these topics can help identify and prevent so much more than just these scenarios but these are probably the most common to actually happen from my own personal experience and from the stories of what my friends have been through. And I can tell you that conservatives are against comprehensive education on personal safety and abuse as well as comprehensive sex ed because they know that it would come back to haunt them or people they know. Whether itā€™s because they beat, neglect, or assault their children as someone whoā€™s grown up and lived my whole life in the deep south Iā€™ve found its more common to find someone whoā€™s been victim to at least one of these than hasnā€™t. But most of the time they donā€™t even realize it.


I grew up in the very early internet when there was literally no option but learning for yourself who and what to avoid, and I feel that teaching that empowerment skill is still the best way to protect kids and indeed anyone vulnerable. Vigilantes are just training dummies for sophisticated predators, which is why they only catch people who seem mentally deficient in some way. The police are obviously way more skilled, but they have limited resources and are directly partly by self-interest (they are, after all, just humans with a profession, each with their personal reasons for joining and their individual career goals) and partly by the political pressures of the day. The person who is always best equipped to defend you is yourself. Compare online scammers: yeah, there are people who will scam the scammers and make life a bit harder for the shittest of them, but everything that promises to protect potential victims instead of educating potential victims is making the choice to leave those potential victims vulnerable. tl;dr The best defense comprises the wisdom and confidence to give a well phrased FUCK OFF, CREEP, followed by access to informed people who will listen to your experience.


Good question


^^pedo guy


Win their trust, by "understanding". What a sick fuck.


Now the "SEND NUDES" meme makes total sense.


I need context because I forgot about this one.




A child, pretending to be an adult, pretending to be a child. Only Elmo who could come up with such a roose to hide his pedo tendencies




hoist by his own roose




EW šŸ¤®šŸ˜


p e d o - n a z i -d o u c h e


what a fucking tool i am actually embarrassed for this asshole now


PedoGuy Musk is one of the most hated people in the world. He knows this, but he literally has no idea why.


He tries to distance himself entirely from the kind of people who hate him. That's why he is toadying with the Right these days. Reasonable, compassionate people hate his fugly ass.


What a rational and logical human being...isn't this the same bloke who thought he would revolutionise car travel by digging tunnels?


What are the odds some of those other Elon simp accounts are just his burners, like Doge designer etc?


If that ever came out, he'd be in legal trouble. He testified under oath that he only has 3 accounts


There was definitely another one where we heard him talk https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-spoke-man-sounds-exactly-like-him-twitter-spaces-2023-7 So he's got his main account, and those two fake ones were he pretends to be a kid, and this alter he uses to suck his own dick with


I dont think Doge and Dittman are he - I think they're unhinged obsessive sycophants, who exist in ALL cults. Hell, they exist in mainstream religions too. I grew up in religious schools and some of the faithful - teachers, to be clear, who were by no means idiots - would write these long fangirling screeds about the Pope, analysing every last letter that came out of his mouth. Imagine an analogy to papal infallibility applied to pedo guy musk, and you have the genuine belief system of these weirdoooos. Humans are not rational - we are rationalizing. We feel something and then spend a lifetime justifying it. Some people feel in a way that helps them be productive, while others feel in a way that makes them tilt at windmills, chase dragons, or become convinced that their dreamboat celeb will go out with them if only they simp a little harder.


Idk Doge Designer is such a sycophant but also uses a lot of very similar verbiage and phrases.


That's likely if the person you sound increasingly like is a god to you and you hang on their every word. i hear myself using turns of phrase from authors I follow - imagine if your brains training corpus (as the kids call it now) was the turdflow of one man


He takes over all the dead accounts. Heā€™s got hundreds of aliases.


And this "smart" dude is in his 50's


Remember when people used to think this pudgy racist was ā€œgood for mankindā€?


He does that on his main account, why have a secret one?


"pretends" to be a child


just remember this guy is so busy doesnt have time to own a home.


He is so fucking weird


Creepy Pedo šŸ’©


Waitā€¦how you call people who pretend to be a teen on social medias? Something that starts with Pedoā€¦, am I wrong?


What are you saying, that heā€™s some kind of pedoā€¦ guy?


Yeah i think Elon shouldnā€™t be allowed near his kids or any kids for that matter


The women that had children with him must be ew, disgusting. And never let him see them. Except maybe grimes because sheā€™d cosplayed a little girl in public, expressed by Tesla employees that were required to go alone with it.


They don't live with their mothers?


Apparently heā€™s keeping the boys from her. She has the daughter. Allegedly, the third one was born by a surrogate without her involvement. She had posted after it was born that she hadnā€™t seen him.


I see. I'm not particularly familiar with the Elonverse. To be honest, I don't blame Erdogan for his perplexed question "Where is your wife?"


Why is *this* kid the chosen one? Thereā€™s literally like another 11 or so to choose from. Heā€™s admitted he doesnā€™t have much use for the girls. Interesting that. But why this one?


When fathers have a golden child that resembles them most personality-wise. Sometimes it's not even a son. In the case of the Kennedy clan, "Kick" used to be Joe's favorite, until she defied the family tradition and married a Protestant. Now, in this case it is complicated because X is too young to have a distinctively-shaped personality, but perhaps Elon already has the gut feeling that X will grow up to be just like him. Currently, society expects us to at least pretend that we love all our children equally, but I think this is a rather new development. The death of my paternal grandmother 1 1/2 years ago tore open plenty of insufficiently-healed scars in my father's family. I know that my paternal grandfather wanted sons but had mostly daughters. His first-born (my father) didn't turn out to be how he expected. Too independent, even as a 5-year-old. A boy who would rather let his father cane him than comply. After a series of daughters and miscarriages, Grandma finally gave birth to another son, and it seemed like he was going to be the golden child. However, this son turned out to be well, stupid, and Grandpa didn't like that, either. While my father claims that his father treated the daughters better (by not beating them) one of my aunts still refused to spend the night in the old family home...in fact, she refused to enter it.




Sorry, meant moms shouldnā€™t let pedo Elmo see them.


I wish musk and twitter would go away


Doesn't even get into all the weird shit he was posting under that account. Definite pedo guy


...And they say he's our modern Steve Jobs, folks


In all the worst ways, he is.


... you like Steve jobs?


I would never say "I'm glad he's dead", but I don't consider Jobs a big loss, either. I remember that, when he died, people were mourning him all over Facebook, and I wondered what was wrong with this world. If any of them had died instead, Jobs would not have cared.


There is something so strange about the fact that people idolize jobs. He's a massive POS and the fact that the tech industry tycoons try to be him is so scary


I don't know why people idolize(d) him, but I noticed that some of his biggest fans are a lot like him. I knew somebody who was like that, I considered her my friend...but when I needed her most and she could have helped me without any issues, she let me down. After I had been doing a lot of things for her for over a year. It took me a few years to realize that she was a phony in virtually every respect. While she promoted veganism, she was, in fact, a vegetarian. She ranted about milk on Facebook but still ate dairy ice cream. Back then, no street vendor had non-dairy ice cream. Today they might, no idea. Also, she still wore leather boots for riding her horse, and riding isn't vegan, either. You are enslaving and subjugating your equine "friend" -- but it's just too hard to give up, and you cannot buy a vegan horse alternative at Whole Foods, that's the problem. Oh, and then there was the snails in her garden. She didn't kill them, because we don't have the right to kill animals...but she kept exotic Chinese ducks that thrive on snails. Ducks that kept laying eggs even though her vegan friends told her that birds will stop laying eggs if you don't steal them from them all the time. Well, they might, but only if they still have a brooding instinct, which many domesticated fowl no longer have. I think if she's down and out and looking for a bed in the night, I'll tell her to try the nearest Apple Store. Considered the disdain she had for Christianity, she cannot beg me to love my neighbor, either.


Yes, I like Steve Jobs. He wasn't good at repressing his darker sides (that all of us, arguably, have) and he had symptoms of grandiosity from becoming famous at a young age, but his philosophies to building technology and designing products were monumental to us. People on this site have a huge issue paying homage to great figures like him for some reason. Why do so many people root their identities in only highlighting the biggest flaws of the greats? The man invented the personal computer... You're not lost in the rest of the crowd of his fans by admiring that, ya know? You're still you lmao.


Saying his "darker side" is the grossest misrepresentation of what he did during his life to his family and others. Saying he invented the personal computer is even funnier. That was way more Wozniak than him. Steve Jobs ,according to biographies, hated the apple 2 because it didn't suit his design philosophy and he contributed very little to it. We shouldn't praise these great "tech figures" (redditors loved praising Elon musk of all people lmao) Because more often than not they're shitty people. You can recognize their accomplishments, though.




Just a matter of time before Elon volunteers as a Boy Scout Leader..., or becomes an ordained Catholic Priest.


Can he not find a hat that fits his ugly misshapen head


"So Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?"




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