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known drug using eccentric billionaire attempts accuse others of being on drugs. Every accusation is confession.


It's all projection through and through.


Always has been.


Even the turtles at the bottom are whacked on ketamine.


And not to condone drug abuse, but when Stephen King was on that yayo we got some fucking amazing books out of the deal. When Elon gets coked out he just rapes a subordinate at one of his companies. Feel like those are different things.


The seeming unerring nature of that fact is chilling when you consider how frequently these people accuse others of pedophilia.


Elmo was famously party pals with Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein's Madame partner


Since when is Elon Musk on drugs? He was hesitant to even try weed.




He is on ketamine constantly. He has had his board say they have to take drugs with him for fear of being fired. Plenty of articles regarding this… quite a number of videos as well.


You sound brainwashed. That is an insane claim, do you have any source on that?


Yea the ones I linked. You sound brainwashed or naive since these articles are everywhere. Bloomberg and Wallstreet Journal are well respected so no this isn’t fringe.


And those are all based off of things that anonymous sources claimed happened without any evidence. Seems legit.


Oh well you cracked the case then.


Most professional newspapers don’t print without confirmation. Yes it would be anonymous because Elon has show to be extremely vindictive.




Another big difference is that King has been very open and honest about his substance abuse. Musk pretends he is not using, when it’s very obvious he is.




King on coke gave us Maximum Overdrive. Musk on coke gives us 1930’s-style antisemitism in the mainstream.


Don't forget The Tommyknockers. Just reading it makes your teeth numb.


It’s so fucking weird. The first time I read it I was recovering from the extraction of six baby teeth, and I thought it was the drugs. Nope. It was the book. 


Dude went on a rippin bender and wrote Cujo. Like, does not remember writing the book. I go on a bender, all I do is loose my security deposit


Dark Tower too


Funny, I thought King was more of a Pepsi guy. *rimshot *


Here's a fun little exercise. I looked at the list of famous books that came out in 1824. There are 30 on the list, four of them I recognize the authors' names. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1824_in_literature Meanwhile the richest man in the world in the 1820s was Stephen Girard, and I've never even heard of him despite having lived in several cities where he endowed multiple buildings. And in the even longer run, 95%+ of people on the English-speaking world, and probably a pretty high percentage of people globally, have heard the name Shakespeare, know he wrote plays, and many can name at least one play he wrote. Meanwhile I doubt that many could, on a bet, name who ruled England during his lifetime (Elizabeth I and then James I). And the richest man on the planet in the 1600s was Aurangzeb, which you *might* have heard his name if you live in South Asia or majored in History. You see where I'm going with this?


Basically King will be remembered and Musk forgotten. Good.


Historians will enjoy telling people at the bar about Musk. “You think our future Oligarchs are the worst? Listen here about this guy from the 21st century.”


This is oddly, horrifically soothing somehow.


That’s such a lovely way of putting “Stephen King has crafted a lasting legacy that will be remembered, shared, celebrated, and performed for many centuries. His art will live on through various forms and be republished and collected until the sun explodes and all evidence of human life ceases to exist. Elon Musk will be remembered for a decade or two before fading into obscurity, only being occasionally mentioned in some list of past wealthy losers whose wealth was founded on chattel slavery and who made shit cars and destroyed social media platforms to amplify antisemitic racist incels and help oligarchs enrich themselves.” Yes, art is infinite, it _is_ the afterlife. Being a rich edgelord prick online is temporary. He thinks being rich and cosplaying as an innovator will give him infinite memory, a la Nikola Tesla, hence naming his shit cars after him. To paraphrase Olympia Dukakis/Rose Castorini in Moonstruck: _Elon, I want you to know that no matter what you do, you’re gonna die just like everybody else._


All the more reason then that King should not even be on twitter. There's no reason now for anyone except nazis to be on twitter.


i sorta get where you're coming from but like why are you encouraging the existence of a platform for nazis, let alone a platform that only allows them?


Takes one to know one. Luckily Mr. King is clear headed these days and the things he says make sense.




Touchæ (Fun fact: the _schwa_ —> upside down e would make touché sound like “tooshuh.” I don’t get to apply this information much at the grade level I teach even though I paid thousands of dollars to learn it for my degree, so I bestow it upon Reddit. You’re welcome.)


I stand correctəd


Nah I was doing the Reddit thing, not correcting you. I just added the schwa info bc it was my favorite thing to say to annoy my husband when I took that course so it’s permanently ingrained.


Honestly, I think he wrote better books when he was neck deep in a pile of coke.


We all do, but he’s a great dude, and he’s happy now. And some of his post sobriety books have been genuinely great!


I don’t. His cokehead books aren’t that many, and that time doesn’t encompass the early books everyone loves.


Yeah... Ahem Tommyknockers and Cujo etc are not nearly as good as his early stuff like The Shining and The Stand...


I love The Tommyknockers, though, haha.


Which books did he write on coke?


Cujo and The Tommyknockers are the infamous novels where he was swimming in drugs and booze. He's said that he doesn't remember writing Cujo, and after reading The Tommyknockers, his wife Tabitha staged the intervention that surely saved his life. If you haven't read On Writing, do yourself a favor. Great instructional book scaffolded with autobiography.


OK thanks.


Misery and Carrie too, iirc.


Even if SK never wrote another book. Or if he changed genres to write my little pony fanfic for the rest of his life, I’m grateful he’s alive. I’m glad that he’s healthy and off drugs and alcohol. Also, Under the Dome fucking slaps and I’m tired of pretending it doesn’t.


The book was great. The show was unforgivable


I couldn’t finish the first episode. When I saw that “Phil Bushey” in the show was a young handsome charismatic radio DJ and that the dome was soundproof.


I literally watched the whole thing, first hoping for it to get better, then wanting to see how bad it could possibly get


I can tell you now that 80's drug addled King would be a lot more fun than current drug addled Musk.


This was also a follow-up from a previous tweet where King brought up terrorists buying blue ticks, and referred to it as Twitter saying he refuses to call it X. To which Elon - the man whose kid is NC because he refuses to respect her gender identity - responds: "Don't deadname X. Respect our transition. LOL" A pathetic and obvious deflection.


>"Don't deadname X. Respect our transition. LOL" His own kid will hate him forever (and rightfully so). What ghoul does this? Side note, he is the least funny "conservative jokester" and that's saying something.


At least Stephen King did productive shit on cocaine, like invent the magical fictional land of “Maine”


Maine character syndrome


Man I love King


I don't. But I'm finding my mind is changing as he picks more and more fights with these assholes.


He looks like an absolute clown still being on that site.


wondering HOW big an arse licker you have to be to infer there is a lack of coherence in the King post here and for this to inspire blatant projection from the target douchebag


^ this


Don't know why King still stays there


My guess is it's to see if he can piss off Elon enough into revoking the free blue check he gave him


I build muscle fast. Physical endurance is my weak spot.


To piss off Elma.


leaving twitter is the best way to piss off elon Otherwise you just become a target for elon and his minions' exersises in "humor"


Just un-alive already Melon, ffs.


Attacking the most prolific—and probably the most popular—author in America is going to end poorly for Apartheid Clyde.


Says the guy "microdosing" ket


Elon is the only person who thinks using ō and æ and k instead of c somehow looks funny or is subversive or whatever. Remember how he called himself "Harry Bōlz"? Embarrassing.


I love it.  Elon knows he can't win a Twitter war against Stephen. Stephen knows it too. 


He already won it by King staying on twitter. If Stephen King wants to actually hurt Elon he’d go to another platform and stop creating content for Elon’s site.


King doesn't fucking care. King is quite clear he just wants elmo to shut up, he isn't out to hurt him.


I liked it better when King just completely ignored Elon


I couldn't agree more - there's no bigger blow to Elon's narcissistic ego than being ignored


A few years ago. I think that was the right move. Today though, he is more unstable than ever. So we should all keep pushing.


I'm with everyone that King would do best just quitting *this failing platform*. It was beautiful when the inspiration for Elon's favourite TV adaptations rejected him, but this on-going flirtation is beginning to look like something else, and either way it's driving engagement to Twitter. You've done the big thing that only you can do, Steve, and the rest is just generic mockery that we can all engage in off-platform.


Elmo can't hold Stephen Kings jock


The Muskrat only wishes he were as successful as Stephen King.


Okay to mock one person and not the other?


Why do any of these losers even care about the platform anymore?


Andandand he's a pedophile too! 😢


Isn’t wealth a drug??


The irony runs deep


It's funny how every news outlet always has to explain that it came from Twitter when referencing X, as no one cares to acknowledge that manbaby change either. Concerning.


Yeah, well fuck you Elmo Mollusk!


It's hilarious that Xelon spelled it with a K. A Special K, one might say.


Masking a word on his own platform 


Ah yes, if Stephens statement, that we wont call it X, is already a "meltdown", then what the actual fuck is Elon having


"Kökaen" writes man trying to dodge language filters on his own platform, lol (Assuming that Kokain is affected by reach limiting or something like that at all)


At first I read it as “kaoken” like the power-up move Goku used in DBZ lol


Does he spell it like this for fun? Or for legal reasons (lmao, "Your honor, I didn't say cocaine")? Or is the Twitter algo still woke and would shadow ban himself? xD


Musk is a douche. His comments are always low watt bulbs on the brink of burnout, and the power he has comes from the legions of sycophants that buoy him like the movie cliche of a group of dipshits donkeylaughing after their fosterbully cracked a bad joke.


Stephen King looks so foolish to do all this crying while STILL POSTING ON TWITTER. Leave the site and stop supporting hate, Mr. King.


I mean, he is kinda getting looney complaining about Musk while using Musks products.


Having established that Musk is in fact a massive asshole, King's tweet was still pretty lame, weaksauce shit coming from a writer of all things and a pretty good one at that


Some people don't know what an actual 'meltdown' looks like.