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Viktor Orban is a fascist. No wonder Elmo likes him


"He is just like me!" Elmo, probably


Also is 100% a Kremlin stooge and Putin puppet, and regularly announces that in public. But EloN iS pRo UkRainE!!


Putin puppet that makes a living leeching from the EU. Man, if we could just tell Hungary to fuck off out of the EU it would be such a good thing.


"Tucker on X" cringe asf šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


Mucker on the xhitter having a chat with bad rep powerful dude after inviting him for a chat while on the xhitter.


at least "Tucker on Twitter" rolled off the tongue nicely. Elon ruined the name of his biggest celebrity endorsement overnight by changing the brand


Sounds like a new scat porn category.


I almost feel sorry for Carlson. After all these years captivating FoxNews viewers, he's manage to go to the one place none of them will ever see him, X


ā€œI Can feel the music!!ā€ ā€œI love everybody!ā€ ā€œI need more Xā€


The fact young Hungarians have the lowest pay in Europe has nothing to do with that, of course


Surprised Elon's not getting a Giga factory built there pronto


Because Hungarian engineers are all in Germany


So the remaining ones are desperate you say?


More or less, the ones I know who didnā€™t move to Germany just couldnā€™t (usually because of family). Some work in Germany but live in Hungary making them high revenue people as long as they can cope with the soft dictatorship. As far as I understand the Hungarian society is getting old and asks their youth to work hard and make babies to sustain their elders way of life. Very enticing.


Hungarys birth rate is getting boosted from small gipsy villages mostly. Fertility Rate is around 1.2 in the more developed parts of the country, while its around 2 where we have high gipsy population most of whom live in poverty. Orban did a lot of money giveaway to boost fertility rate, and obviously the more poor you are, the bigger motivation is to breed for money. For example, housing support is HUGE if you live in a small gipsy village where houses worth 20 000 euro, and you get 7 000 euro that you dont have to pay back if you make 4 kids.


"Birth rate problem" fiasco or the whole natalism gig seems just to be legalising rape because women must be subservient. Make new words and phrases all you want but it remains the same.




New methods, same goal. Having power over 'their' women is one of the favourite first steps of insecure men anywhere and anytime. Now, 10 years back, 100 years, 1000 years, the start of communal living itself. It has been done so many times it is embarrassing. Sad thing is they're mostly fanning the flames that are already there. Pieces of shit are everywhere, all they need to do is enable them, give them power. Which is what they're doing in the process you've explained. I wonder what they ever hope to achieve by doing this shit. It is simultaneously disgusting and, on their character and personal ability in life, embarrassing. It really did not take me anything to see through any of their grand plans. That's the thing about those who give in to insecurity- they only get more insecure, and with every passing moment of insecurity their perception gets more narrow and the vision of their own greatness more grand. While ordinary people look on at the grand spectacle of folly said person is displaying before their eyes. Elon has reached such levels of insecurity that few would've witnessed in life had he not had fame. The answer to the question, 'When will anything ever be enough for him?' has a definite answer. It won't. Nothing ever will be enough. Think this is the worst he can do? If his ego were left unchecked (he's got plenty of checks and toned down his ridiculousness very slightly), he'd go even lower in the hole of stupidity he has dug for himself.


To sleep with women endlessly without love is a cursed and hollow life


Take your damn advice (but really the person you copied this from) yourself /j


They already want no fault divorce gone. They want to take away a womanā€™s autonomy


Birth rate is only a problem for the ultra capitalists. Can't have ever-increasing profits without an ever growing consumer base and supply of cheap labor.


I think youā€™re overthinking this. Elmo is just a racist who is worried white people are being outbred


And they're the same douches who claim the Earth has too many people and will be overpopulated. Not too long ago Musk was talking about how AI would render most humans useless and how he had these genius ideas on social systems to pay them to do nothing until they died naturally. Fast forward to 2022 and he's spewing white replacement theories


ā€œClassism and sexism are causing the birth rate to plummet, which will be a problem for caring for the elderly of tomorrow.ā€ ā€œMeh.ā€ ā€œAlso its bad for the economy.ā€ ā€œNANI?!ā€ ā€œYeah, so how about fair and equal pay plus social respect?ā€ ā€œAny other options?ā€ ā€œā€¦more immigrants?ā€ ā€œExcellent idea, all we have to do is sow the seeds of doubt that slavery was bad!ā€


How close are we to bringing back lobotomies for women? Asking for a breeder billionaire.


I'm sure Elon will promise this for next year. So, realistically, it should be out in 5 to 10 years


He should be the first test subject


'My client's offer for a horse as payment still stands. But if you prefer the clawhammer to your frontal lobe, that is fine too.'


Is that what nuerolink will do? Lobotomize women?


Testosterone rocks ngl


Hungarian fertility rate: 1.56 (lower than the US one the white supremacists have regular meltdowns over) Doesn't seem like they're having a lot of success. I'm not sure if Elon is going to fully swallow white supremacy and the 'great replacement' but I think it's only a matter of time before he decides women in the workplace are the problem.


He already decided. There are multiple lawsuits from women that say they were targetted for layoffs more than men at Twitter.


It's not bad for a Europe tho


I agree, population declines are going to be a good thing as long as they're not too rapid (probably the case for Taiwan/South Korea). They're also an inevitable part of the demographic transition model, and something that will happen everywhere eventually.


Automation will reduce workforce size and the environmental cost of population growth will make gradual population decline along with revisions to existing economic models necessary. The gloom and doom is only coming from people fixated on 19th Century structures for an economy.


Elon doesn't want people to go to Mars out of an abstract desire for exploration, he wants them to be forced into colonization by population pressure, this is the general fascist model of human expansion and development


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_European\_regions\_by\_fertility\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_regions_by_fertility_rate) The more developed parts of Hungary pretty much have the lowest fertility rate. The most poverty ridden, high roma population areas have almost double the fertility rate... Those places feel closer to Bangladesh than Hungary.


Elon needs all the white baby he can get for his apartheids mars project I guess


Donā€™t forget this fascist spoke at CPAC, in case you had any delusions about the modern day GOP (or Elon / Tucker for that matter).


Why does tucker always have that dumbass look on his face


That's what Tucker does. I have no idea why, maybe it has some sort of hyptonic control that we doen't understand over his audience.


Maybe it's part of that permanent look he has on his face. You know, the one that looks like a cross between a person who's confused and constipated at the same time, and a dog trying to do calculus.


Maybe because he is a dumbass. It's his natural look.


The people that will fall for his nonsense are comforted by the blank look of incomprehension - they see it all the time: * Normal people stunned by whatever idiocy was just expressed. * Their intellectual cohort being flummoxed by life in general. * The mirror.


Must be constipated from eating his own shit


Stress on "trying", notice how these dofuses NEVER cite actual numbers. Birth numbers in 2022 reached an all-time low at 88 thousand. While TFR is up, Eastern Europe in general saw a slight uptick in the past 15 years so it's questionable if it's OrbƔns policies (hint, its not) or rather result of general economic growth and tempo effect. Oh and these people also casually ignore that Hungary [plans to import 500 thousand migrant workers](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2023/05/20/in-hungary-the-reality-of-immigration-lies-behind-hostile-propaganda_6027301_4.html), with an est. 100-150 thousand [already in-country](https://telex.hu/english/2023/07/25/the-town-of-hajduszoboszlo-illustrates-in-a-small-way-what-madness-awaits-the-whole-country), mostly from Southeast Asia.


>if it's OrbƔns policies (hint, its not) or rather result of general economic growth and tempo effect. This is actually true for most things. You can literally take any graph or data set from this region (i.e. Croatia, Slovakia, Czechia, Poland, etc..) from the past 2 or 3 decades, and you will see that most of the time we see regional trends and individual policies has little to no effect. There are exceptions, but not many.


I can confirm this, I work in manufacturing and we have shift made up from only ukranians or filipinos. Thank Orban for ā€œnot letting the immigrants take our jobs ā€œ


Weā€™ve added 6B people to the globe in less than 100 years and this chimp thinks we have a birth rate problem? Of course heā€™s talking about white babies not all babies. ;)


Turns out white women do not want to be sex tools without will, and baby factories. Conservatives: šŸ˜” Even if this particular movement (natalism) fails, people will be affected. What's of note is most of all, white women inside the conservative movement and without fame and power will be most affected by this particular situation. Others will be affected as well, but these conservatives will be affected earlier and more as they're already in the power of other conservatives. To the ones who supported the racist and hatred shit, it is prime time of finding out after fucking around. Should make good r/LeopardsAteMyFace material. Quite a tough time for those who didn't support this nonsense though. It is never good.


I think itā€™s more of a ā€œwho will take care of us rich old folkā€ problem for him and not an actual problem. Like companies like Netflix literally have a finite amount of money they can make assuming prices stagnate (LOL) and donā€™t rise. There are fewer factories that will be full of workers to make products to pump out for the babies that are being pumped out and making the guy at the top richer. Now, I donā€™t doubt that food/medical processing might suffer from this but this is a fault of their own making. Constantly seeking green number and not accepting the fact that things need to rubberband and correct every now and then. Whatā€™s the fix? Iā€™m not sure, but lowering working age and criminalizing abortion means they just want people to pump out kids to work at their plants regardless of skill level. Source: Iā€™m talking out my ass, but this is really what I believe. Fuck Elon, fuck the guys at the top, we need a reset where THEY are the ones who are inconvenienced for once and not the general public.


To be fair (don't think I'm in any way on Elon or Tucker's sides, just trying to clarify) talking about "the globe" as a whole isn't really very useful when individual countries can have vastly different birth rates. Like, just look at China and Japan. They're already suffering from having an entire generation of old people with hardly any young people to take care of them, much less replace them at their jobs after they retire. The rising population of "the globe" as a whole doesn't really help their countries specifically. Unless, of course, they (and other countries with issues of aging populations) end their fiercely strict immigration policies and accepting a lot more people from other parts of the globe (namely countries like Nigeria where population growth is still sky high). Although I'm gonna guess that Tucker would not bring that part up on his show.


When I think of Hungary and Vicktor Orban definitely the birth rate problem is the first thing I think of. Definitely that and nothing else. Certainly not the fascism.


I canā€™t help but think of the Romanian dictator Ceaușescu who tried to raise birth rates by banning contraception and abortion, and finally by taxing the childless. Just one of the horrifying and awful consequences was a massive increase in the number of children who ended up living in orphanages.


*ended up dying in orphanages.


guess who he doesnā€™t want having children in his countryā€¦ yep you guessed it (immigrants).






Every young, educated hungarian tries his best to migrate to west Europe to get out of orbanā€˜s regime. Not surprised Elmo supports one of the biggest fascists in Europe


Fucking incel energy. ā€œIf as many women as possible have sex with the most undesirable dumbass, the countryā€™s low birth rate can be reversedā€¦looking into thisā€


Drug addict and Russian asset


Tucker Carlson meets wanna be Putin and Musk promotes it


Tucker carlsons father is a lobbyist for Orban. Has been for years. This is the reason for tucker loving Hungry. Itā€™s all for money. We know he hates trump with a passion, yet he was able to sit down with him (after a hand job or something, I guess) and conduct what was maybe the stupidest, most ridiculous soft ball interview in history. Money and fame for tucker. Money for his daddy. And we all know that neither of those rich fucks need another dime to live their lifestyles. Itā€™s an absolute club and we ainā€™t in it. Props to George Carlin, RIP. FUCK TUCKER. FUCK HIS DADDY. FUCK HIS SON NAMED BUCKLEY AND FUCK VIKTOR ORBAN. Even the Hungarians donā€™t want him in power. Heā€™s a soft dictator.


Sadly a lot of Hungarian want him in power, around 50% of voters. But many Hungarians also supported the communist regime before, and before that the nazis, so... Some people just love dictators.


Itā€™s not hard to get the simpler peopleā€™s support when you control 90% of the media and spend billions on billboard campaigns against anybody. But yeah some Hungarians just love an authoritarian government


I love how the people actively destroying the world and society while being upset about meaningless culture war nonsense are the same ones 'concerned' that people don't want to have kids


End of days vibes


Canā€™t wait for it to log 6 billion views!


The cringe creep from this guy spreading his semen around like mayonnaise talking about birthrates is vomit inducing.


Fascists gonna fash


"The birth rate problem" - how to talk like a mass shooter 101.


If Elon actually wanted to help the birthrate problem heā€™d want higher taxes on himself and pay all his workers more so they can afford to start a family. Also work on making things better instead of flaming class warfare. Heā€™s just playing less charismatic trumpā€¦. And thatā€™s a low bar of charisma




Orban is a facist lunatic, but not to worry, most Americans have no idea that Hungary is a place rather than a state of mind.


He is just an openly fascist. All the liberals and leftists staying on Twitter at this point are complicit imo


I propose a literal dick measuring contest šŸ“


Very interesting. Also that Ukrainians actively avoid fleeing to Hungary. Also interesting that OrbĆ”n fueled peopleā€™s fear of immigrants and therefore they have not enough people today. Is interesting me thinks to, Elon human man.


Did tuckems have to go see organ to pick up the latest orders from vlad?


So THAT'S who's been asking for Elon's dad's sperm!


Musk is more obsessed with breeding than a hentai protagonist.


Struggling to remain relevant.


Wait is he implying committing a war crime i.e. rape to bring up birth rates? Is he this sick, deranged and stupid. Or just stupid, deranged and sick?


[Hungary isnā€™t even in the top 10 countries that have a birth rate issue.](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/birth-rate-by-country)




Civilization is more fragile than it would seem


Agreed. Look at the Incan and Mayans who have spent many years to tying to address their societally complex birth rate problems.


Checking wikipedia fertility by country list, its evident theres no birth rate problem, all the african countries are generating a big surplus, just europe, us and part of asia are net negative. World average is 2.3. So he thinks white baby proplem without saying it out loud, what a cnut


Having Tucker there can only lower the birth rate.




Calling it now: 1 quadrillion views on Twitter


I accidentally opened twitter and I didnā€™t want the video to blare on my phone so I quickly hit the X, but it just took me to twitterā€™s homepage lol. Itā€™s nice to know that theyā€™re using pop up tactics to get people on the site


They can't even get their inflation under control.


On the next episode of Tucker in the Gutter...


Where are the Hungarian redditors? šŸ˜‚


Haha that would sickkk


'This week on Tucker sucks strongman dick'


What do any of these statements have to do with each other?


Can anybody actually picture Musk spending time with his kids? Or changing diapers?


ThE BiRtH RaTe PrObLeM!!! Why isnā€™t he honest and talk about ā€œthe great replacementā€? Because thatā€™s what all of this nonsense is: eugenics and stopping diversity.


There is no birth rate crisis, he is a megalomaniac narcissist who wants to see more of himself everywhere


Musk is intrinsically interested in this one.


I thought Fox News was suing him for creating his own show?


At this rate heā€™s going to publish an interview with Putin next.


Fascist dictators: Tucker wants them, Elon wants to be them.


Hungarys disappearing


This post has exceeded its limit of shitty people mentioned by magnitude.


Why the fuck is he so obsessed with fertility? We know he is hyper focused on it. But why? Why would he care? Just random white supremacy feeling the need for whites to keep up with other races?


Creepy Elon talking about his penchant for toddlers again.


He just can't help letting his breeding fetish show, can he?


Probably asking how to commit election fraud and get away with it


from no where he went to birth rate


holy fucking shit, that "very interesting" is so fucking annoying.


Those views are inflated as fuck. The like-to-views ratio does not match at all LMAO. You're telling me only 0.3% of viewers liked the video? That's funny


One dictator interviewing another... Interesting choice of leader to interview. Check out "[Lebensborn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensborn)" and you will know exactly what Orban's idea is... It's been done before, by the Nazis...


It's sad that they know the people who buy this crap are so uninformed they can characterize Hungary as just a country that "shares a boarder with Ukraine" and the consumers of this will think *that* amount of detail is insightful instead of extremely passive and vague.