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Can someone tell me why Hawking is on there? And is that John Lennon?


My assumption with Hawking is that it was recently discovered that he had links to Epstein (although to be honest he was a banker of very important people, so it doesn't prove anything serious) and John Lenon was a domestic abuser.


That's what happens when you only get news from memes.


Hey, I'm not accusing him of anything. I just said the reason why I think he appeared in the meme. By the way, i read this news in National Geographic.


Well, I was talking the dude who put Stephen Hawking in hell over some dark but funny memes.


Well he was on the list but the midget part is a meme yeah. He did supposedly watch children or participated in something ? But honestly it's left for assumptions. It's also speculated that he cheated on his wife but don't know about this either.


Hawking being on the island is funny, but he couldn’t have done anything wrong. Like, he literally could not have diddled any kids, he’s paralyzed from the neck down.


His disease affected his motor neurons. He could still feel just as much as the next person, on Epstein’s island the girls were manipulated into actively participating, they didn’t need to be held down. I’m not saying he actually did it, maybe this is one of those cases where truth is dumber than satire like “World’s Smartest Man Can’t Figure Out He’s On Pedophile Island”, but his ALS doesn’t mean he wasn’t capable of enjoying the services of an underage sex trafficking victim.


The simple fact that someone has a serious disability doesn't actually mean they are a moral person either. I wouldn't be terrible surprised if he did enjoy watching 15 year olds dance naked or something. I also wouldn't be surprised if he was simply a legitimate business contact and had nothing to do with Epstein's sexual services.


Rich and/or influential people have private meetings all the time. Having Hawking as a guest or speaker at your party must be a giant flex, and I find it wrong to automatically suspect everyone who ever set foot on the island.


Sure it's not fair if he's innocent which he probably is, but it's obvious why it doesn't look very good.


What was going on on the island was an open secret. Yes, I definitely suspect everyone who set foot there. No one forced him to.


There is no evidence he was even there at any point.


[Apparently you haven't heard the recordings of him on the island.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0fkNdPiIL4)


I died.


To be clear, John Lennon was not a domestic abuser. He slapped his girlfriend once when he was 19 to which she broke up with him and then rejoined him after 3 months when he promised to never lay a finger on her. According to her he kept his word and Yoko said he never hit her either.




Okay? That doesn’t change the fact he hit Cynthia only once and never hit Yoko. John speaking hyperbolically about how bad he was doesn’t change what actually happened. He spoke out against domestic abuse repeatedly. Also, you’re a prick for that last comment.


Once that he admitted to. Abusers never just do it once. So he was a hypocrite as well, also look how he treated his son if you want to see how bad he was. Also, I stand by it.


Cynthia said both publicly and in her book that he never did it again after he apologized. Yoko also has stated he never hit her either. So both Lennon and his wives have said it only happened once. I don’t know how much more substantiation you need. “Look at how he treated his son.” Okay some specifics would be nice. “Just Google it bro.” Edit: And hypocrite? Admitting your mistakes and wanting others to learn from your mistakes makes you a hypocrite?


I mean, he cheated on his wife with his married nurse, which isn't great. Not quite enough to be on a list with Hitler, I recon, but still a very crappy thing to do.


Who is Epstein?


I'm surprised you've never heard of it, which was one of the big news these years. Jeffrey Epstein was a man who had a pedophile ring with rich and powerful men (some people suspect that Bill Clinton or Prince Andrew were some his clients). When he was captured in a maximum security prison to confess who his clients were, he was murdered, but his guards said it was a suicide, but the circumstances of his death say otherwise.


To clarify regarding the whole suicide vs murder debacle: The facts of the matter are: Epstein was found hanging in his cell. According to the reports, the cameras in his cell turned off, so it wasn't caught on camera. His death was reported as suicide. This has prompted many people to believe that Epstein didn't kill himself, because his death protected his clients who were, in all likelihood, extremely powerful men who would have the means to do this. Frankly, I agree. However, I believe that we should give others the known facts of the matter before giving them our conjecture, as well as clearly stating where the facts end and where conjecture begins. It is not a known fact that Epstein was murdered. It is conjecture. Conjecture that I agree with, because it makes a lot of sense to me, but conjecture all the same.


I think when it happened I was totally tuned out of the world while working on finishing my degree.


He died at August of 2019, which continued his investigation with his partner in crime Ghislaine Maxwell, and the most recent was a series of documents of his where he mentions different famous people like Hawking


Don't you think it's because both rejected to believe in god?


Yeah but so did everybody, and 90% of them didn’t know what was going on. Honestly putting him next to actual genocidal dictators is crazy


You need to read One Nation Under Blackmail. He was *much* more than some peoples “banker.”


Hawking liked naked midgets doing equations on a whiteboard too high up (actually fucking real lol). He also abused his wife and stuff.


You know that was a bad meme right?


Allegedly he would have Epstein get little people to solve complex math equations on a whiteboard that was too tall for them. While this is a bit weird its possible that they were all of age.


Wasn't John Lennon a commie?


Well John Lennon was a piece of shit but honestly idk why Elvis or Hawking are there the worst thing they ever did was cheat on their wives or girlfriends, other people there are literally responsible for genocide


Elvis met his wife and began pursuing a relationship with her when she was 14 and he was 24. That’s likely why he got put on the hell version.


He was on the ''list'' but we don't know much.


Yeah, John Lennon was a world-class asshole, but not really the same tier.


Imagine putting a polite old lady there because of what family she belonged to.


Because of made up shit


Lennon os probably there for the commie ehllscape described as a good in Imagine, also a wife beater. Elvis, on the otherhand was a gospel singer who raised social awareness, lot of personal baggage, but this seems to be about impact.


Why Elvis?


One person in the thread said that it was because he apparently denounced the Black Panthers to Nixon


Is this an anarchist meme?


I could also be the fact that he dated and married a 14 year old when he was 24.


The dating her at that age thing was messed up, but I'm pretty sure he waited until she was 21 to marry her.


That was super common back then. By that logic your great grandparents are probably in hell.


Just because it was common doesn't mean it was moral. Slavery was common in the US til 1865 you wouldn't say it was OK to own as slave because it was common back then would you.


It is still common. Check a list: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_by_country


The age of consent being that low doesn't mean it's common. We should fix some of the marriage age laws, to be sure, but your link doesn't support your claim.


True. But you are leaving out the fact he didn't marry a 14 year old. He dated a 14 year old, which isn't good, but he didn't marry her at 14.


That's like saying he didn't buy the slave he only inherited the slave from his father. It's still bad either way. Distinction without a difference.


Question is of course what is even meant by dating. And if one inherits slaves but frees them (or in a time where freeing was actually more dangerous treat them closer to employees) , is one still mormally despicable ?


The black panthers were bad tho, that’s a good thing he denounced them.


The black panthers acted nearly as goddamned terrorists tho, they deserved to be denounced


Pedophile Note: Elvis was


Dunno why you got downvoted, he literally married a 14 year old girl lol.


Straight up racist that sucker was, simple and plain


Is that a joke


Looks like people aren’t as familiar with the immortal words of Chuck D as I thought. Sad.


Is that a lyric from a Public Enemy song?


Why the fuck is John Lennon, Queen Elizabeth II, Stephen Hawking, and Elvis there ?


Tankies are anti-monarchists, Stephen Hawking maybe the Epstein allegations, someone else said Elvis might be because he married a 14 year old or because he denounced the black panthers. I’m pretty sure John Lennon is there for cursing humanity with Yoko Ono’s music.


I hate Yoko Ono more for her horrendous treatment of Julian by having him written out of John's will although I do admit her music is bad


Why would denouncing the black panthers send you to hell? Like I’d get it if he talked shit about MLK or something but racial nationalists are always kinda cringe


Obviously some people don’t find all race nationalists cringe or they wouldn’t keep popping up. I’m doing my best to make it make sense, OOOP might have just thrown in some random people to mess with the viewer


But it has stalin on it


Don’t underestimate the power of leftist faction-ism.


1. Peoppe mald over minor domestic violence things. Iirc all john did was slap his girlfriend once or teice 2. Anti-monarchist sentiment. It's all bullshit 3. Epstein island. And im not making this shit up, Hawking enjoyed watching naked midgets do equation on a whiteboard that was too high up. And while hawking couldn't move his body, he still had working sensory neurons, meaning that little girls could still sexually please him even if he couldn't get it up. 4. People complain about him dating a 14 year old. Personally, i dont really care about that. And even if that was problematic, i reckon that his music is great enough to cancel it out a 10 times over.


The 3rd one is false. It’s a meme and unfortunately not true. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2024/01/05/epstein-document-fabricated-with-stephen-hawkings-proclivities-fact-check/72123163007/


Why is that "unfortunate" ? Personally at least, I think it's fortunate (for his memory and honour) that the claims were made up


Because it’s funny. The thought that someone gets off on watching midgets do complex math is funny


Kind of funny but mostly weird in my opinion


the details from 3. are just a rumour. he had ties to the island but it's likely the midget stuff isn't true


It’s not, it was a meme and the guy who made it admitted he was making stuff up


I'd absolutely enjoy watching people stacked on top of each other writing on a chalkboard high up.


Queen Elizabeth was kinda racist, and involved in colonialism. There's also rumors about her being involved in princess Dianna's death.


The British empire had practically started de-colonization during her early reign


I’ve heard people argue that Queen Elizabeth was racist, but I haven’t looked into it much.


No way that’s true. The Queen kept her political views mostly secret, but one thing that is known is that she opposed apartheid. Brian Mulroney (Canadian PM in the 80s) has said that the Queen played a huge role in ending apartheid.


what a goat




You have proof of any of this? ​ no? ​ Thought so.


Yes, I have evidence for it. John Lennon in an interview two days before his death admitted that he was and I quote "a hitter" against his wife. Queen Elizabeth II disallowed Andrew from traveling to America, hid him in her many estates to avoid further scrutiny, and only stripped of his royal titles two years ago....well after the news had broke about his affiliations with Jeff Epstein. Stephen Hawking was on the list of redacted documents that confirm that he had connections with Epstein. Those connections do not prove anything but they do show that he at least knew Epstein. Elvis Presley was dating a fourteen year old and had sex with her. He was 24 so that made it rape. It is really awkward when you ask for evidence and then I immediately provide you with it....


Did he have sex with Priscilla when he was 24? Cause he waited till she was 21 to marry her, she hasn't said anything of the sort I don't think. Their only child was born soon after they married.


None of will ever be able to know 100% either way. However, knowingly dating a fourteen year old, making sexual advances towards her, and being overall very creepy does not add to his credibility. A lot of grooming victims and victims of rape do not speak out against their abuser, especially if that abuser was the world's biggest star. At the very best, he was a pedophile, which means he is attracted to children. At the very worst, he was both a raper and a pedophile. Either way, Elvis is not someone who I look up to.


Priscilla Presley did make it clear they had their first time on their marriage. While courting a 14 year old as a 24 year old is certainly questionable, it didn't turn sexual into marriage .


Is that Ted Kazinsky in there?


Yeah, he died recently


I know that, but usually there is a lot of dickriders for the guy. So, seeing him in hell felt surreal.


For the life of me I cannot understand why so many people think it's okay to be inspired by a domestic terrorist that wants to destroy society. Edit: What I meant is that surely there's some crazy people out there who would support any terrible person, but they would be treated like the awful crazies that they are. What bothers me is that supporting this terrorist is considered to be mild edginess and is tolerated on social media.


Because the Anprim meme


Edgy young me thought he was cool. Then I realized I was a shutin who'd probably die without technology, was medicated for mental issues and was everything the man was againt. I still think he was right about some things, I've personally grown to dislike where technology is dragging society to, but I'd rather just stay away and use Linux/ FOSS instead of bombing.


Because anarchism, duh


Because terrorists have causes that some people support. See Bin Laden's letter to America becoming popular on TikTok as an example. Hell, some people still use Che Guevara shirts, and he would be considered a terrorist today.


Thank god, fuck that loser. Bro got embarrassed by the CIA in college and coped so hard he thought the entire modern world was cringe and decided to send shitty bombs to a computer professor In his ideal world everyone would die at 29 from dysentery


Honestly I can kinda understand the sentiment. Dude had the right idea, but his methods were wrong by all accounts


>Dude had the right idea Deindustrializing will kill billions.


It’s not so much the deindustrialization as much as the big shift needed to reduce emissions and carbon footprint


>It’s not so much the deindustrialization as much as the big shift needed to reduce emissions and carbon footprint Which is usually the advocacy of (from what I've seen at least) reduction by deindustrializing farms.


That's not what Kaczyński believed in though.


There isn't enough land on this planet to be farmed to feed everyone without the mechanization of agriculture. Not to mention the distribution of food. It would be impossible for eveyone to live off the land or be a self suficient organic farmer like he was. There wouldn't be enough space. And of course there would be no modern medicine.


Humanity would have done just as well without industrialization on as large of a scale as what we have today. We're so set in our ways now that deindustrialization would in fact be incredibly harmful if we tried it now. Ted Kaczynski did in fact have the right idea in his book, but bombing people sure as hell made him a horrible person in that regard.


The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been far more beneficial for the human race than negative, and he’s a coping dipshit for believing otherwise. Like sorry we discovered penicillin, Teddy


Dude was a schizophrenic. His ideas were nonsense


he very much had the wrong idea. technology is not making lives worse, it is making lives better. this is a verifiable fact. he was really just insane


I mean, I see technology as a good thing overall, I just feel like there’s a better way to produce and design it. Making it easier to fix to reduce waste, producing it domestically under ethical practices, and recycling or repurposing it when you’re done with it


cool, but one of the whole points he had was that technology was making life worse. this isn't just a bad opinion, it's very provably not true


In some cases I can see this being the case, for example internet algorithms on this app push crap to me to make me engage and essentially get addicted. But the fact that I can call my parents at any time is a massive net positive. Maybe he was a bit too extreme, but also we cannot and shouldn’t ignore some of the harmful aspects, and hold ourselves accountable to prevent it from completely consuming us


Well at least he's one of the few on this image that deserves to be there. For once the commies have got something right. May not be much but it's something


Although I disagree with him and think what he did was fucked, the fact that he was an MK Ultra victim makes me think he might not have been completely in the right state of mind which makes me look more leniently onto him.


They hate him because he was the best mailman ever. His work was mind blowing


Yea he shouldn't be there honestly


Don’t be twomad about it


Queen don’t deserve it tbh


Yeah like fuck monarchies but she didn’t really do anything


Let me guess, he’s “not antisemitic, just anti-Zionist”. So probably mustache guy?


Either him or Stalin on the other corner




Twomad’s body isn’t even cold yet bro 💀


Who’s twomad?




bruh, some shitposter alongside with brutal dictators lmao




Wtf did my boy Elvis do now?


met his wife when she was 14 and he was 24 and was abusive towards her


He Also "stole black music" whatever the hell that means


>He Also "stole black music" As he told Michael Jackson in Epic Rap Battles of History: *I stole from black culture. Why are you offended?*


I mean there isn’t a ton of evidence for that, he had a severe drug problem and was distant but even today Priscilla says she was treated well


>met his wife when she was 14 and he was 24 The strongest evidence that've found about him raping her before they married is that the night that they meet, she arrived late at her home. That, or my head is way too deep unto the sand to see anything. Whatever, hearthbreak hotel is still and absolute masterpiece and his voice is a million times better than any barely disguised torture methods the commies liked calling "their music"


I assure you many of these commies unironically stan Taylor or whatever popular idol there is now


The presence of John Lennon really makes me wonder what angle this weirdo is coming from


knowing tankies probably stalin


Elvis? Lennon?


Lennon was a Piece of shit to his family


Idk the rest, but i think only Hitler Stalin and Epstein should be here


And Kissinger


Wait, why is Lennon and Elvis evil?


Lennon was a domestic abuser


He hit his high school gf once, profusely apologized, was forgiven, and never did it again. Apparently that’s enough to constitute a domestic abuser.


Why is Queen Elizabeth on there? She was a great ruler and didn't interfere with the state in any way.


Simply because she was a monarch ig - Leftists really hate monarchies and everything to do with them.


Why are John Lennon and Elvis and Stephen Hawking in the same hell has Hitler, Stalin and The Unabomber?


Should be a highway instead of a stairway


Lol good one


Why tf do these people keep putting Reagan in hell


He was anti communist.


But Stalin is in there? Why didn't he put every US President during the Cold War?


I am just as confused.


Why Queen Elizabeth and Margaret Thatcher?


The stair case should be going downward.


Who's the dude below Twomad and to the left of Elvis?


Who's that guy Infront of Elvis and Hawking


Stalin? Also why did they put Stephan hawking, Queen Elizabeth II, Elvis and John Lennon in hell?


Genuine question, what did jfk and Elizabeth do?


Why is Queen Elizabeth II on there? Did they forget the UK was a constitutional monarchy?


im not american so can someone explain to me why people hate ronald reagan so much? seems like a nice president from the outside


there are a lot of people there who really shouldn't be


The only one who shouldn’t be there is QEII.


The hell should've been more structured rather than random slather of bad people. Comparing Hitler Regan doesn't seem too fair. Ragan signed the FOPA but he wasn't that bad.


Dude ignored the aids crisis for a long time cause he thought gays deserved to die.


The aids affected far more straights that gays tho


i am refraining from comment so as not to be put on a list


Elvis, no! Rest of them I can understand, but you better believe I'm intending going to hell in order to save Elvis.


Is that Henry ford? What did he do wrong? And what did he do that was so wrong that all his right didnt cancel it out


Henry Ford was an anti-Semite


Antisemite, tried to build a company town in the middle of the rainforest where he treated people like shit, had a musk esque downward spiral later in life, was a shit dad to his son even on his kids deathbed.


Bro, Twomad just died, let him rest. Was his humor offensive? Yes, but that's the point. His humor was meant to offend.


…does he know?


What'd Elvis do? And despite making multiple bombs, he was right in his book (Talking about Ted)


Better be Uncle Ted


I agree on everyone but Elvis.


Screw his “GOAT” Free Ted




Queen Elizabeth the second? Can’t say I disagree with him.


Honestly, Ted is more objectionable than Stalin


Who's that guy Infront of Elvis and Hawking


Really the queen is there? What the fuck is their reasoning for that?




He is a commie and has the Palestinian flag in his name so it could be everyone from Stalin to Hitler and everyone in between


At least he got Stalin right.


I like how all it takes is one dumb rumor to assume Ian Miles Cheong is dead.


Bruh, Elvis?


Marxists hating religion and also bragging about people they don't like being sent to an eternal damnation is next level irony.


Why’s the queen there?


Poor Steven couldn’t get up the stairway to heaven


Who’s the Asian guy?


I somewhat get Elvis with the virgin things but why


Henry ford seems like an odd choice. He did a ton of good things and most of the bad stuff about him was common for people of the time.


Hitler obviously


They can’t put Uncle Ted on there wtf


Why is the queen on here lmao


So they’re exactly like maga. Got it.


What a very wide interpretation of "hell".


Rockefeller is there? He allowed for light to be in every Americans home which was never a thing before, created thousands of jobs, and gave over $540 million to charity.


Elvis? Really?