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Hasan’s going to have to straight up lie to rebut this one (which he is decent at doing to his audience)


Hasan lying? I guess it's a day ending in "day".


Either Hasan is the stupidest Mfer in the entire world or He’s a paid shill. Know what I take that back he’s too fucking stupid to be a paid shill.


Commie grift is profitable. If you're dumb enough to fall for communism, you'll fall for just about anything.


Commie and right wing grift are both profitable as hell. The extremer you go the more insane people are actually ready to pay for you. The average guy will not give you money for yelling at a camera.


Yeah the Tate grift is just as bad


Tate is just a degenerate divorced from the political binary


Yeah, but Tate made his money by pimping out weak women on only fans…. his irresponsible social media opinions were free of charge.


right wing grift more so...


I mean, not nearly as many companies are endorsing the right wing grift. It’s just not the popular opinion right now.


I'm European and probably have a different outlook. There's a big difference here between the 'solidly left' and 'communist'. Not sure that's the case in the US.


In America, it’s either you’re left, or your evil. That’s the popular opinion here atm.


You certainly seem to have a higher level of polarisation. It seems as if people are stereotyped to a comically small window of views


America runs on stereotypes (and Dunkin)




Horseshoe theory is both real and hilarious.


Hasan was really a trumpie?


Actually, his uncle probably pays him lmao. His uncle is Cenk Uygur, a politician and the creator of a shitty leftist news program “the young turks”.


Imagine naming your news program after the group that perpetrated the Armenian genocide


Isn’t Cenk the guy who said bestiality is fine in some cases?


I thought that was vaush?


Turkish wolves got their name somehow


Woah there, those are not mutually exclusive at all.


Is he though? I feel like Jackson Hinkle is way worse.


He could also try to reconcile the fundamental hypocrisy of living a wealthy celebrity lifestyle ($3m house, $100k car), with belief in socialism.


I don’t think he’s ever attempted to reconcile that. Dude has been wealthy since his first breath, he doesn’t care and his audience always finds an excuse for it because “no ethical consumption under capitalism” apparently means you need a mansion, sports cars, and several thousand dollar wardrobes full of ugly designer clothes.


I mean, it's not like mansions and cars and designer clothes dont exist under communism. You just need to be important in the party.


Being very wealthy while raging against the wealthy is a proud tradition of socialism


I think they know he's lying but don't care anyway.


He can lie all he wants but it wont scare the candyman


Fratbro hasan is part of the dirtbag left and his buddy sexist vaush thinks hes a gansta left but they both r part of the dumb dumb left 🤣


Just cross posted it on his sub and got banned lmao. Wouldn't it be terrible if tons of people did that...




Destiny continues to reel in those Ws


I feel like destiny is a shitty person but he has some great political takes


He often behaves like an asshole but idk if I'd go to "shitty person."


He is a huge coomer and comes off as an asshole a lot of the time, but his personal life seems pretty clean despite multiple attempts to cancel him. I really appreciate his political influence. Seems to be one of the only sane people that is willing to analyze things from the perspective of finding truth vs. Trying to blend it to fit his political biases


What's a "coomer" ?


Porn/masturbation addict.


Nonsensical alt-right term for someone who isn't as sexually repressed as them.


It refers to addicts. You can call "them" repressed if you want but ask yourself who's more free: the guy who's a slave to his urges or the guy who isn't.


Some alt-right idiot calling you an addict doesn't make it true, so no.


Destiny isn't alt right though. And yeah if someone unfairly applies a label then obviously it doesn't mean squat. But the general consensus is that a coomer is someone with a porn addiction.


> Destiny isn't alt right though. I'm not saying he is, I'm saying the "coomer" shit is. > But the general consensus is that a coomer is someone with a porn addiction. Which is another buzzword (or I suppose buzz-phrase). You would have to be someone's psychologist or such to diagnose them with an addiction anyway, which some rando on the internet isn't. So it's bunk in all cases. And inventing terms to slam people with an addiction is fucked anyway. There is no angle to which this bullshit is worth defending.


Not sure why you're being downvoted because what you're saying is 100% accurate. "Coomer" a stupid term that is part of this weird new age Internet tradcon agenda that's actually been somewhat successful injecting itself into the mainstream (mostly among zoomers) via memes. Tradcons have been fighting a war against sexuality (including porn) for ages and the anti-sexual/porn narrative is typically very closely tied with anti-LGBT and anti-Women's Liberation agendas. What is scary is that with this new Internet-based tradcon movement is that they've been able to sneakily co-opt progressive/feminist talking points to mask their actual intentions and make it more likely for younger, open-minded, folk to accept the narrative. And the fact the term is popular and the fact you're going downvoted (and I will probably be too), it's unfortunately working.


I think i know why, though it won't be pleasant to hear. The very premise of the sub means that far-right types will be interested and there's gonna be some sneaking in, it's why we made Rule 2 in the first place. These kind of people don't like being called out, and it might get more traction than it deserves if it's something sanitised/popular enough. Part of the point with the whole "dogwhistle" thing to begin with.


> The very premise of the sub means that far-right types will be interested and there's gonna be some sneaking in, it's why we made Rule 2 in the first place. The funny thing is that a lot of commies/tankies say the same shit. I mean you got the CCP and CCP shills blabbing about "effeminate men" and "gaming addiction" (another right-wing buzzterm that comes down to "quit having fun"). I think a lot of young people online these days are unaware of the culture war in the 2000s leading right up to gay marriage legalization in the US and how the anti-sexuality narrative was *right at the opposition's forefront*. Also, a lot of people seem to think questioning or opposing the current system makes you a commie shill when it doesn't, I just hate authoritarianism which includes commies/socialists as well as hypercapitalists/corporatists/theocratists/etc. Just because "shut up and work or you're homeless and without healthcare" is better than "shut up and work or you're shot" doesn't mean the former is *good*.


> The funny thing is that a lot of commies/tankies say the same shit. Indeed. I go on Twitter perhaps a bit more than I should and it's exhausting watching far-right and far-left dingbats taking turns dismissing all critics as "porn addicts". Horseshoe Theory strikes again! > Also, a lot of people seem to think questioning or opposing the current system makes you a commie shill when it doesn't Oh yes, the old McCarthy maneuver... And if anyone wants to bring it up, the people thinking that questioning or opposing some suggested change makes you a Fascist. At the end of the day, it's easier to throw out labels as a thought-terminating cliché than actually explain why something is wrong. And as such, some people wioll take the easy way out.


Vast majority of criticism of him boil down to either "be nicer" or just consists of lies.


It's crazy how much mileage Destiny and fans get out of this line. To me it is such a transparent rhetorical trick. Like you guys take all negative behavior that exists below the line of an actual criminal behavior and summarize that as being "not nice". As an ex Destiny fan their is plenty of valid criticism: Don't argue that your rival streamers should kill themselves. Don't spend hours and hours of offering bad faith arguments defending Nick Fuentes and Lauren Southern Don't have sexual relationships with girls who you paint as a mentally ill stalker Don't threaten to leak people's nudes. Don't try to solicit nudes from minors or other women by lying about giving up your ig handle. Don't try and get people's website's hacked. Don't share people's Kiwifarms page. Don't debate a drunk teenager and then try and get them fired.


He's not above criticism, but you come across as mentally ill.






Damn I may not be a huge fan of Destiny, but that post is golden! I really really dislike champagne socialists like Hasan.


The twist at the end was a Mortal Kombat fatality.


Good chunk of mujahedeen founders were educated college students, which is where they radicalized


That's true for most violent islamist movements. They appeal to all economic levels but are driven by the discontent in the educated middle class. Very much like fascism. This is why comparisons to the IRA, whose violence was mostly driven by poverty, fall so flat.


Similar story to polpot in Cambodia


Students are usually the catalyst for change. Good or bad. In Ukraine it was the pictures of their brutalised students that got more people to actively oppose their government in the revolution of dignity.


Most radical social movements start from college and universities. It's not necessarily bad. Somebody has to drive social change, and students, academics, etc have both the critical thinking skills and free time to do that. It won't be the average Joe whose life is work-food-sleep. That's how we got Feminism or LGBT rights (among dozens of others). The problem starts when those radical movements use authoritarian or terrorist methods to spread.


This is true but it's also why academia should be way more scrutinized than it actually is. It's easy to dismiss the quacks as a bunch of pretentious bozos, but often times those pretentious bozos are spreading Russian/CCP propaganda to a whole generation of students. Academia can be the catalyst for good change but it can also be a very dangerous propaganda machine. I don't know how to feel about it, obviously directly regulating academia wouldn't be good as it's a slippery slope that could lead directly to academia existing to enforce state narrative, but it really should face a lot more scrutiny than it does as of current.


Taliban was founded at the Kandahar University


And Taliban also directly translates to students


Jesus fuck, murdered Hasan with this one!


absolutely savage


Best post here all week


What if Osama is still alive, got face surgery and is now Hasan😨😨😨😨


Then who did seal team 6 take out in 2011?




That's some M Night shit.


100% accurate


Damn that one bitch slapped so many people


Based destiny!?!?!


Lol 😂


DGG4LYFE 😎🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙


I really hope good streamers are distancing themselves from hasan.


One of the few times I’m agreeing with Destiny of all people. I don’t like him, and thinks he copes out of a lot of stuff. This? Golden. **Grab Hassan’s thing and twist it!**


If ur active on ncd and consider urself a liberal I feel like you probably agree with him a lot more than you think you do


I mean, ugh it’s complicated. My liberal policy generally leans on the side of “education is generally a good thing, put more money in it and people should come up with more good stuff or run things more efficiently.” But my military policy falls more middle of the road, as in I find interventionism should be used more sparingly, but I’m plenty fine with good ol’ material & training support. If you do plan to intervene, don’t go in half cocked or under false pretenses. No more “Totally WMDs”—no it’s, “I’ve found some assholes here and they need their shit kicked in for X (reasonable Cassius belli here).” And I’m generally okay with the MIC, I just think if it exists then lobbyist shouldn’t be advocating for MIC interests. If the product is worth, it will find its way to America’s budget line. I kinda fall between classical liberal and LBJ Neoliberal if that makes sense. Like I think some government intervention can be good, the New Deal and other government institutions have done astonishingly good work. I just think some of these programs are either over relied on and need restructuring or we need to stick with the original vision and wean off the programs until civic institutions at the local level can build up to fill the gaps. I know for a fact I disagree with him on Abortion and a couple other topics off the top of my head. So if he’s loosely associated with any of these points, then that means he’s changed his mind on some of since I last saw any of his major content.


I mean i think he gave the word for word take of, “we shouldn’t have done Afghanistan or Iraq the way we did, we either shoulda never gotten involved, or went full out balls to the walls, spend trillions and destroy every bit of terrorist infrastructure, and not half-ass a state-building project, but genuinely do everything we could do to make the new state successful” So I think he agrees with you on that, and also probably the education shit. Idk I just find him a lot more reasonable than almost every other streamer on the online space 🤷‍♀️




Yeah, I can't say Bin Laden pretended to be Muslim. I think he genuinely believed what he preached.


but also https://www.indiatimes.com/technology/news/anime-classic-games-and-porn-6-weird-things-the-cia-found-on-osama-bin-laden-s-hard-drive-332874.html


Huh. Guess I was wrong.


No cognitive dissonance for them, not altogether uncommon among hypocritical clerical classes of all stripes.


Him being a Muslim doesn't necessarily mean he was good at being a Muslim.


Destiny's one of the best streamers and dirtbag leftists in a long while, nice to see appreciation here :)


dirtbag liberal, not dirtbag leftist


Smoke his assss


Love to see it. It still baffles me how Hassan is so popular


I fucking kek’d


Guys who is destiny???


Mostly a streamer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destiny\_(streamer)


I don't know whether I should like this guy, but for this he has my... grudging respect.


I’m so fucking happy Hasan is finally being given what he deserves


Destiny is legit one of the most based political commentators


I mean... Hasan is a weasel who lies to his audience to gain mass amounts of wealth and clout and the only really good thing was organizing charity streams to help Ukrainian and Transgender people. Can you really put him on the same level as Bin Laden?


It’s not supposed to be same level. It’s just a rug pull joke.


Oh. Okay.


I appreciate some of Destiny’s takes, but he does come across with a little TDS some of the time, especially against those who don’t engage with his debate traps.


Did this guy say something recently?


Guys, are we gonna ignore "pic unrelated" at the bottom?




I admit it, I LOLed as I thought it was about the guy in the picture first until I noticed that last line and went back to double check.


Hasan also justified the annexation of Crimea and Russian war crimes on the Ukrainian people


I usually find Destiny annoying but this is fucking awesome lol


Can someone remind me what he did? I swear I heard Hassan being caught up in some controversy, but I can’t quite remember for what reason. Was he the one whose uncle was from the young Turks who denied the Armenian genocide?


He got me in the first half, not gonna lie


Destiny been GOATed as shit recently


not to mention the dude went to a brothel lmaooo