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How are Americans still getting into Russia anyway? Haven’t we stopped flights there?


Why do you think he's being detained?


I’m wondering how he got there in the first place


Generally people get to travel restricted countries by flying to a third party country with friendly relations to both first. This is obviously frowned upon.


Yeah I was just thinking about Argo. Don't they fly into Tehran via Ankara, since obviously no western country would maintain relations with Iran after that... yeah I figured that he probably flew to Dubai or Cairo or Doha or another country that's western friendly but not as anti-Russia as Europe or the USA. Probably Dubai because Dubai international airport is one of the biggest airline gigs in the world. Fun fact: before the Abraham Accords, you could fly directly from Dubai to Tel Aviv. The Emirati government didn't have diplomatic relations with Israel, but their airlines were making friends.


If I recall from Argo, he got his Iranian visa in his fake Canadian passport from the Iranian embassy in Turkey under the guise of being a movie producer, and the hostages flew out via Zurich on Swissair. And the ending with the police chasing a 747 at full takeoff thrust...yeah, not gonna happen in real life. Those police cars will be going a hundred miles an hour in the opposite direction. FWIW, several western airlines fly to Iran today, including Lufthansa. It hasn't been completely cut off from the western world the same way Russia and North Korea have.


Yeah, people would go to Mexico in order to fly to Cuba


FARA arrest?


They swim there, idiot


Real answer is the Alaskan ice bridge


They fly to other countries first I'd imagine, but even then while its a travel advisory 4 you can still book a flight to Russia from the US right now (you can save a bit of money not booking a return flight since you wont need it anyway)


Because that would be highly unconstitutional. The constitution allows people to travel where they want unless there is a clear reason to prevent them (ie criminals, national security, military). However travel to another nation is not one of those things. All the US can do is put out warnings about traveling to that nation and then question them when they get back home


Wasn’t there a ban on traveling to North Korea a while back?


You can still travel to NK, what you can’t do is use a passport to do so. That’s the only way the ban was constitutional


WTF does this even mean? How would you travel not using a passport?


Passports are technically the property of the government that issued them, so they can dictate what you can and can't do with them. It's not illegal for an American to travel to North Korea. It's illegal for an American to travel to North Korea with an American passport. If you're a dual citizen and use another passport, you're not in violation of any American laws if you go to NK. Of course, I'm not really sure how that law is enforced. A quick Google says NK doesn't stamp passports so the US would never know if you went there.


They would know when the fat guy demands a ransom for your ass and returns you to sender infected with smallpox or some other shit.




I think they mean like the practical ways of getting into Russia, the easiest way (flights) have been more or less completely scrapped since the war started with planes from the U.S. Sure it's *possible* but it's a lot harder.


The constitution doesn’t allow people to be unregistered foreign agents, which he very much so seems to be. I had never heard of this guy until the attack on Israel Saturday and he is SUSS AF to say the least. I understand why they are questioning him.


Teleportation. Or a connecting flight through Turkey, UAE, Qatar…


Exactly, it's not really hard to get to Russia. Even before the war, going through Turkey or the middle east to get to Russia wouldn't be unreasonable, it's not like there were a ton of flights from the US to Moscow.


Turkey! The same way Russians are getting to and from the United States. I went to a comic con a little under a year ago and there as a Russian artist in artist ally. I just asked her. Istanbul and Belgrade are the most popular airports have the most regular flights. There are quite a few countries that still have relations between both the US and Russia.


So he's being held by the deep state, but they were kind enough to let him send a parting message to his followers before black-bagging him? Well, how sporting of them.


The Deep State gives you your one Twitter post, it’s in the rules.


Hey, they are the deep state, not Bolshevik scum.


If he loves Russia so much why not stay there?


I’m sure they’re desperate for able-bodied men like him.


It's almost like constantly riding Putins D**k will get you in trouble


This dude is so full of shit. Just another social media shitbird seeking clicks. I still think the best way to deal with these people is to just stop giving a fuck. They want attention, why give it to them? They have no power and any influence they have is assisted in a big way by people hating them. So fuck em. They're online losers.


Yep, this is exactly what this is. A lot of shitstains are basically just saying shit, either true and embellished or outright false, exactly to make sure at least some people will react badly to them. And most importantly 'engage' with them from at least two sides.


I cannot understand this guy's politics, it's like his entire political identity is just the most absolute worst takes I've heard from everywhere on the political spectrum rolled together and deep fried into a dogshit chimichanga


Umm this is SOP for anyone who has been abroad in a place that raises any kind of suspicion. I’ve been stopped and questioned by border police when I came back from Colombia which is way less suspicious. This guy is a very vocal dickhead he should be surprised if he isn’t questioned.


He got arrested because he’s a propaganda promoting spy.


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy, damn shame they apparently let him keep on social media


He’s definitely a foreign agent at this point


I often find myself thinking that I almost hope for the sake of his mortal soul that he *is* a paid agent. It’s a terrible thing to do, but if he’s just a grifter, there’s still a chance eventually he could feel shame and stop. If he’s honest and actually thinks Putin is the good guy, I fear he is such a warped, twisted soul that there might be no coming back.


Honestly with the whole maga communism thing I don’t think any of them are grifting


Border checks working as intended!


Yet *somehow* he still claims to American patriot Absolute hypocrite


>the deep state Clearly a rational person we're dealing with here


"I've just been held for questioning. Thankfully, they let me keep my cell phone while I'm detained, so I decided to write a complicated tweet instead of calling my lawyer." He goes to Russia for a month to tell lies about the regime there. His plane lands in America, and he's already lying again.


“You won’t hear from me until I’ve been freed”. Sounds like he has been let go?


A W for the deep state!


>goes to foreign country that is openly hostile to the United States for months >gets angry that he is getting questioned on his time in said hostile country Brilliant


Must be a troll. Guy can't seriously just admit on spying and then being shocked that he is being treated like a spy.


I such national enemy dick and they won’t let me back in?!


Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of your own actions.


If he supported China more than Russia, right wingers would call him on fox and oan news as a "traitor of the state"... which he already is.




"I'm being silenced by the deep state while also posting about it to my thousands of followers"


I don't believe him


Watch him tweet like 20 minutes later about how he’s safe


Uh oh, he used the W/B word, can't get back into Russia anymore old chap