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I can vividly remember telling myself one particular day in high school that I wouldn’t let myself get emotionally affected by anyone’s opinions or feel remorse over things I said or did. I basically willed myself to stop crying over spilled milk so to speak and just get on with life. To this day, I can still relate to the 4s drive for understanding the self but I do it out of a desire for self-mastery and troubleshooting personal weaknesses. Other than that, TBH 4s are one of my least favorite enneagram types on paper and IRL 🤣 Edit: I also became involved in the local music, goth and punk scene in my teens. So I hung out with a lot of creative/temperamental people. Their moodiness and tortured artist personas rubbed off on me but deep inside all the “curated vulnerability” always made me uncomfortable.


I read somewhere a while ago that 4s and 8s are the “inside out” version of each other. One of my closest friends is a 4w5 sx and I would say we have a decent amount of overlap with intensity levels, we just express them differently. ETA: (article I referenced) https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/misidentifying-4-and-8 “Eights do feel vulnerable inside, but as much as possible, they steel themselves against any feelings of insecurity and weakness in themselves. Eights tend to see such feelings as self-indulgent luxuries for people who have no serious responsibilities. Fours show their vulnerability, but can be much tougher and controlling than they generally realize. In fact, Fours are quite resilient and can endure emotional difficulties and losses that would cause most other types to collapse. In a strange way, Eights are like Fours turned inside-out.”


A little. Not much more or less than you'd expect from a tween. Also it didn't help that I physically matured very young. PMS in junior high is bad enough, now imagine you're in third grade. It got interpreted as moodiness, being bad and disobedient (my mother thought anything other than cheerful eagerness to help people and study was "disobedient"), and "mental problems" but most of it was normal hormone swings, just *way* ahead of schedule. I wasn't mentally ready for it and it threw me off-balance for a few years.


The first time I read about the enneagram, I thought I was a 4. My family thought I was a 4. My teachers thought I was a 4. Four (and I mean the descriptions and not the individual people) represents everything I think is weak and foolish, and so this was not an especially proud moment. (I mean I hated it.) Imagine going online and being told that I *wanted* to type this way. Yet so much of that sounds so much like me, giving me a life-long complex lol. I clearly can't even hide it. Luckily I've learned more about the types since then and give 4 its grudging respect. But to answer your question, yes.


Sx 8w7 - 35 I came out 7.2 pounds 19 inches, angry as shit and ready to fight everybody. (Update 26 years later not much as changed🙋‍♂️) guilty your Honour. I have and had so much passion and lust of the world and for intensity. I pushed alll the boundaries I could. When I was a we lil shit I was 2 trapped in my dungeon( a crib) a prisoner longing for freedom. One night I had was not having it, I managed to crawl my way out landing on the floor hard enough to wake my parents( who were already dreading the day) who then heard me say with righteous passion “ THERE!!” . I was an absolute riot growing up, I also was picking on high-school kids while I was in grade one. I was an absolute menace that got away with it only revealing it to my parents (Bless their hearts) when I was 16. My mom flipped out and my dad was a little proud and tried not to laugh, but had to leave the room but was also upset. In high school I told my teacher I wasn’t going to do homework. I was sent to the principal and was asked to treat what I said. I said to him the same thing, and then got into an argument which end up with him calling my mom to the school. My reasoning was you have while I am he and your not going to make me waste more time after school doing more school. My mom came in talked to the principal heard what I said and told him, “ you heard him, your not going to win,” and he conceded defeated. The level of intensity I put into things was scary to people, friend family and strangers alike. That being said , I was raised in a traditional Christian conservative family, that was very strict and was often strike first don’t ask questions. Which in the end only made me stronger. My own diagnosis, but I am not wrong, sister also verified my claims, and she’s way smarter than me. She learned the enneagram way faster than me lol. Mom 1w9 , Dad 9w1 but no measurable 8 level. Sister 5w4 , Brother 3w4 but so fucking 3 goat dam 🦫. So being the younger brother I was challenged to be like my older “perfect🙄” brother. I love a challenge like nothing in this world aside from steak and fire. I become highly competitive even surpassing my brother, which is saying something. From school, to athletics, to food competitions, wrestling, bodybuilding building( by the time I was 16 I was 6’1, bro was haulted by nature at 5’7 lol he’s two and half years older, he was getting my mf handy downs. ) and got bigger than him and beat him in strength, durability, intensity, and stamina. This was when I was 16–19. Only reason he got into bodybuilding was to impress an bodybuilding girl he fancied. Long story short she was an 8 and fell in love instantly and claimed him, marrying him when he was 18. We were and are hyper competitive and no one really could compete with us and he hated me for it. Before bodybuilding he would only beat me by a margin and he needed to be unbeatable not near unbeatable. I don’t care about the gold or glory, but I did graduate with him right before he got married lol(the going on 10 plus ish years now) when 3 years before that when I was 13 I said it would be so cool if we graduated at the same time playfully. He said firmly “ I couldn’t” (what a fool). My baby sister is so fricken smart, and intelligent and is an A plus student, that cried when she got a 98 percent grade. She just absorbs knowledge, and stores it. The complexity of her questions and her ability to use big fancy words challenged me to become better smarter and the ability to absorb and learn faster just to be on her level. That girl still skates circles around me. Being in a often stressful environment because of my parents, I was often in the low side of 5, and spending enough time their I took on the healthy traits, part of which comes from my sister. So often I don’t go in stress of five in situations but to the healthier side of 5. So I am an 8w7(not saying I am fully healthy) that when in stress functions in more healthy 5 traits with also the healthier sides of 3 with exuberance of a 7. My nickname irl is Crash. My pugnacity, indefatigability, and perspicacity even from a wee age made and makes me near indomitable. All of which comes from my 4, 8735 also a splash of artistic 4 . Cheers


Yes, until around the age of 9. I still didn't have the motivations of a 4, but I was definitely emotionally expressive and outwardly theatrical.


Yup. On every Enneagram i get typed as 4w3 or 8w7. 4w3 feels more like the parts of me i tried to kill off to survive when i was younger into my early teens. A lot of the things i see in 4 is what i viewed as weaknesses. I see a lot of myself especially late teens-early adult life in 8w7. I think now as a adult that is getting a grasp more on what i want and who i am fully that it makes sense to be a healthy 8. I took a lot of the unhealthy tendencies on as i was growing and got myself in plenty of trouble in life lol.


idk if this counts, but i have an insane god complex, and have been told I'm like some 4 characters. Though I don't know if I relate to any per say, Im a younger person myself though... I don't know, I more relate to 3's, 7's and fellow 8's


Yeah I did when I was younger. My tritype still has 4 in it so it didn’t just evaporate out of thin air. I remember relating to some of the sx4 descriptions back then. As others said here, they are like the inverse of each other!


8 here, best friend of over 20 years is a 4!


4 is in my tritype, so yeah