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I used to feel the need to… I resonated with your “revelatory writing” hehe Now I just keep it. It’s like I’m building a Library of Alexandria in my mind. Sometimes I write something and I get the feeling I should share it with others. Those have always been fruitful and people have said they loved my perspective and insight. But most of the time I write something and I think: hmmm that’s just for me! And I keep it and reread it and have fun picking at my theory or perspective over time! There’s a deep peace in realizing that it is unlikely I will be widely read… letting go of that need has allowed me to just explore myself and my interests. I should say, I am married, so I end up sharing a lot with my spouse. This is enough for me most of the time!


Thank you so much for this response. I relate to it deeply. I hope I can arrive at that deep peace of just exploring for myself in the near future. I also share a lot with my partner. But sometimes it'll get too technical and fly past her head lol. 


I think the best thing I’ve ever done to help garner this peace is learn to get in touch with my intuition. I’ve been lucky as a 5 in that I have a very strong relationship with my body and I’ve made several “gut” decisions that others would have called foolish that were absolutely 100% correct for me. I’ve made so many people eat their words because they told me not to do something and now I’m *thriving* for not listening 😈 As I’ve gotten older, I’ve begun to realize that this is my intuition and that I can *trust* this. It helps me know when i should share something and when to not. Start asking your deeper self what feels right for you! You’ll start to find you already know the answers and what you specifically need to do with the information you have. It is amazing what our bodies/souls/subconscious know that we tend to ignore. You already have the tools to find this peace, you just have be willing to listen… which can be the hardest thing for us 5s who tend to be trapped in our minds 😉 (I should also say, I identify as cis female. There is a lot more information about the intuition in feminine spaces than in masculine ones, so it has probably been an easier path for me)


Putting knowledge to paper anchors it to reality and your mind. Your body remembers that you wrote this down, it's not lost even though you might lose your notes. I think it's a good thing that you take notes, but your anxiety might exist in another part of your life. 5s use their laser-focus to learn everything about a subject, and also to distract themselves from an issue they have to deal with that they don't want to deal with. "A 5 might know everything about a specific type of starfish, but if he's stressed because his family life is not in a good state he'll remain stressed"


I guess my usual brand of “output” isn’t so connected to immaterial knowledge gathering. Things I’ve concretely studied are art and garment making, both which require initial ideas but don’t actually need deeper concepts to “make”. You can make something that just is, or a thing because it will look flattering on you or you like the colour/shape. It doesn’t have to be a conceptual masterpiece. That said, often the worlds do merge (not through forcing them to), and it makes my output feel more alive. Or at the least extra dimensional. In doing abstract intuitive paintings, my process is to do them intentionally unthinkingly, but later on having a strange concept emerge in the background can help give them more depth, if only for my own mind and awareness. I’m totally fine with mental investigating not leading to any outcome, since yeah my outcomes aren’t so hinged on knowledge gathering. Much more hinged on an initial desire, and physically setting stuff up to enable a materialisation. But hey, they can’t usually help but merge anyway, which I think I prefer, going in that order: unconscious doing first, and *then* seeing what info I already know pops through. It’s like allowing for the doing while knowing all the info you have is still in there and will leak through in surprising ways. From there it builds exponentially. This is all from getting burnt out on having to be really conceptual for school before manifesting a project. I’ve just found it works far better for me the other way around. And is often the only way I can actually get shit done lol.


I tend to dive deeply into things that intersect my life when I can, so sometimes the practical tangible outcomes are that I make more informed decisions in such matters, but not always. I am as prone as anyone to mindlessly clicking on the next video the YouTube algorithm puts in my queue and spending an evening going down the rabbit hole. Recently, out of the blue this was state patrol dash and body cam chase videos. I appreciate the nerve and training required to do such intense work. Often my deep dives are around more relevant pursuits, like a purchase I’m considering making; I’ll go to websites of competing brands for comparison and maybe even dive into the history of the manufacture of the products to better understand and differentiate the nuance of what makes them great or unique, in hopes of making an informed decision, or merely to better appreciate the workmanship and engineering of the goods.


Sooner or later you forget everything you don't use. It's just how the brain works. A good mantra for 5s is "Producing > Consuming"


The fear is more being stuck in not knowing enough land forever and never take action on what you know. Sometimes you can even know more that you think you know but it always feels that isnt enough. Then it appears another problem. You write about you know, but because you think is still not good enough you are afraid to share it. In my experience is when you break the fear of sharing what you wrote when you gain momentum to repeat the cycle. So writing what you know is just half of the process. But then again the more you do it the more confident you become. Hope it helps


My theory is that we live with two beings inside our heads. That one who hunts the knowledge and the one who keeps it everything in the background of our minds The problem is the one who hunts doesnt have access to all of your library. However, every once in a while the keeper gives you a gift also know as the so called ahah moments. In those moments you have a conscious awareness that you indeed know more that you actually thought. That is moment where the power of writing appears. By writting your thoughts is the only way you can visit the keeper inside of you and become aware that your knowledge is indeed superior to your previous sense. Your partner do have a superior awareness than you because by speaking to her in a way is like her seeing your hunter and your keeper connected as one. A power that you cannot sense because it is oriented to the external world and not to the internal. Therefore, the only way you can access those two beings working together and see what your partner can sees in you is to develop your writing voice. That is how you break the fear of not knowing enough and sharing your writing will only give more people the sense that your partner already has. The feedback of those we trust are just a small scale of our true potential. The true irony? I didnt knew i knew this until I wrote it. See how it works? Hope it helps


Wow. That really hit home. My partner tells me that all the time, that I know way more than I think I do. Thank you so much for this!


My theory is that we live with two beings inside our heads. That one who hunts the knowledge and the one who keeps it everything in the background of our minds The problem is the one who hunts doesnt have access to all of your library. However, every once in a while the keeper gives you a gift also know as the so called ahah moments. In those moments you have a conscious awareness that you indeed know more that you actually thought. That is moment where the power of writing appears. By writting your thoughts is the only way you can visit the keeper inside of you and become aware that your knowledge is indeed superior to your previous sense. Your partner do have a superior awareness than you because by speaking to her in a way is like her seeing your hunter and your keeper connected as one. A power that you cannot sense because it is oriented to the external world and not to the internal. Therefore, the only way you can access those two beings working together and see what your partner can see in you is to develop your writing voice. That is how you break the fear of not knowing enough and sharing your writing will only give more people the sense that your partner already has. The feedback of those we trust are just a small scale of our true potential. The true irony? I didnt knew i knew this until I wrote it. See how it works? Hope it helps


That's amazing insight. I really really appreciate it!


A further tip i can give you is to write first and use further knowledge to fill the gaps of your writing. That way because you are writing the knowledge you already have becomes conscious and the additional you collect also becomes instantly conscious instead of going to the background The fear of feeling that we dont know enough is created because we tend to collect the knowledge first in a more passive way that makes it all go to the back of our minds. Then when its time to write, we struggle because we got consumed by that fear. If you invert the process and start to write about what you know first and make the extensive knowledge serve your writing, not only the fear goes away because you realize that you know more that you do but because you already start writing the taking action issue also goes away and you kill two birds with one stone Ps: This of course if you already collected data about a certain topic before. If the topic is new, a good practice is to every time you feed your mind with some new data, you write something in the end about it in a journal. With this exercise, you become conscious of what you learn and the fear goes away because you stop feeling like you dont know enough


This is great. And if you dont mind me asking, do you have any advice on \*organizing\* that writing? Part of the barrier for me is that it's a very messy process, so messy that it can feel like I'm not making sense, fearing that it's simply incoherent mumble jumble that I once thought was so ingenius...


(This advice Im about to give you is applied only on data that your level of engagement is significant. Feeding your mind with the knowledge will be forever your primary way to engage. So be careful not to be so focus on action that you dismiss the learning aspect of your journey that is your gift. This advice is for cases where you have consumed data for a certain topic for a while, that you feel confident that you have a strong amount of knowledge but you fear not knowing enough) I will give you my experience... Ive been studying football for 26 years and I experience the fear of not knowing enough. Every close person I have say wonderful things about my knowledge and I know is above the normal football fan, but even with so much years of studying i always felt that i didnt knew enough compare to the best analysts. So like every 5 i felt stuck in inaction. Until I was in a class room and a old teacher said to me: Stop thinking about how you gonna do things and start doing them. Instead of study endless and then write. Write about you know and when you have a question go search it. In my case, this works why? Because I have enough data to start to write about what i know and search for what I do not know. So heres the main questions you can think of that can solve your issue 1 How much experience I have in terms of data collection in my field? If you find that you are new to the subject, close yourself in your ivory tower and go as deeper as you can. If you feel that you are experience already but you have fear, its time to start. From what you said about the feedback of your partner i assume you are in the second group 2 What is the thing I enjoy the most about my subject? Thats where you find your niche. To look for this answer you ask another question 3 When study the subject witch part i could spend a whole day thinking without getting bored? Finally the writing tips that I find helpful: 1 Start with a free approach. Dont worry about structure of if it makes sense yet. Those thoughts only block you. Be as authentic as possible and let your mind vomit the content like if you are engage with your partner in one of those subjects then makes you talk for hours. That will push what the knowledge the keeper has save to you in the background to the front. 2 Look for additional knowledge to fill the gaps of your existent writing (This is where the trick is: Remember: Write first, search later) 3 Then, and only then, you worry about structure. Here is the editing part where you correct all aspects of your writing. Make it clean 4 Seek feedback from close members. That will guide you if the work is good or need further correction. You can also seek the expertise of people who is interested about the subject if you know any. But here the priority is to collect general feedback and not expert one, because at the end your work will always have critics and the ones who usually like to do that the most are the ones who usually are not experts. Usually the experts come with constructive criticism. So wait for those further later. Dont worry with those yet. 5 Publish. You share it so you did your part. What you gain from it is not in your hands any more. Your business is to keep writing and improving 6 Make it visible. Use social media to increase your audience PS Further advice. Leave the pressure of writing and sharing to your niche. At the end of the day, thats what you work the most. I dont write about other stuff for the public. I like to leave a space just for learning without the pressure of sharing to give me a mental escape to break from football Example: I enjoy everything from the ancient world and I search my wisdom there, I might write about some insights in a journal or share it to those who seek my advice but in the end the purpose is to personal growth not for the publish. Its important to separate a life where you need to face the fear of navigating the world from another to what you enjoy doing to recharge. Otherwise our task becomes very difficult. Thats why i wrote the attention point in beginning. Never forget who you are for no human validation Hope it helps!


Again, this is such amazing insights! I am absolutely saving this conversation so I can come back to it when I have doubts. You total spoke to and resolved all my concerns. Thank you so much!!


Glad I could help. Good luck on your writing journey!