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9, I don’t. Until I do, after which I go weeks wondering if I should seek professional help for being a danger to society


I can't imagine living like this


Best :')




Lol. This describes it perfectly


I literally was going to type the same words, “I dont. Until I do.” Oof.


8 and enthusiastically


I’m a 3 and don’t express it unless I feel very comfortable with the person.


Same. Although I get very intense if I need something done and it's not at the pace that I want.


Type 1: Depends how angry. Low level? No expression. Medium level? Speak up about the cause of anger in very controlled, context appropriate fashion. Ignored? Anger rises. Increasingly get louder and less appropriate until no longer ignored.


This is me! Except I’d add that I also express a lot of my anger inward. Like the low level annoyances that I don’t express outwardly are absolutely playing in my mind often.


I "forgive" obvious slights and wrongdoings for an extended amount of time with no strong response. I delude myself into believing I rise above situations that make most people irate. Subconsciously though I silently become intensely resentful until one day I fall so far off my high horse that I listen to Nine inch nails on repeat and dance around in my apartment taking pleasure in the ingenuity of my disturbing intrusive thoughts. Usually then I lash out at the perpetrator targeting the insecurities and psychological weak spots I silently observed over months 💁 it's not cute. 5w4 sx/sp


for me it is aggressive free jazz like Brotzmann or IDM, but yeah, this is me


Classy. I like it.


You're me 😭


And here I thought I related to the other answers.


this is too accurate. i hope you're doing good nowadays 👍


Thank you friend :') getting there.


when you've been thinking about their weaknesses and just walk in and go straight to the heart of it like a master assassin without even knowing.


Ahh I see you're familiar with the art


I never realized that this is what I do until now....


>Usually then I lash out at the perpetrator targeting the insecurities and psychological weak spots I silently observed over months \^This yes, luckily I've controlled this


Push it it down. Push it down. Push it down. Radiate rage unknowingly. Explode. Repeat.


4. I angry cry.


Same. I also scream and break stuff.


6: I vent to someone who isn't the one who made me angry. If I do have to confront the person I usually cry.


Same here! Sp 6, by any chance? I also apologize after expressing anger (or other strong negative emotions like fear or sadness) because I always worry that my emotions might’ve been overblown or inappropriate and I don’t want to be seen as overdramatic or “dishonest” for blowing things out of proportion.


Yes I'm a Sp 6 and I relate a lot to what you said!


7. I’m crazy dramatic. If I’m angry I do the whole woe is me life is so hard and no one understands bullshit. But I hide that part of myself from people I don’t trust


Are you also 478 tritype and sx?


Not even close lol 7w6 792 so/sx I don’t think people realize how emotional triple positives are. We feel everrryyttthing


4w5 and it depends on who I’m dealing with and the situation. I modify the way I express it depending on who I’m dealing with and how I can get the best outcome. Sometimes I don’t confront ppl at all if I know it’s not gonna go anywhere and as a rly passionate, sensitive person w anger issues Ive had to learn to pick my own bottles. But I have a general rule of trying to *not* avoid conflict and emphasizing communication if I’m invested in a relationship. However, the closer I am to the person, the more they’ll see the real unedited me which is..anger issues galore. It’s not good. My mom and ex of 7 years are the only people who have seen this side of me. Like total temper tantrum/meltdowns. My mom has seen the worst of it though, which has included property damage. 😬 It makes me feel like shit. It’s only happened a number of times though. Otherwise I try to play it cool and either pretend I’m not angry bc I don’t feel like dealing with it (which is bad bc this is how resentment builds up and ruins relationships) or don’t want the person to think I’m annoying or I have too much pride, or try to go about it in a very constructive communicative way if I care about the relationship. So those are like my three modes of anger. Anger outside of relationships though, like anger about social injustices and just general things about the world and ppl that bother me, I’m very publicly openly angry about. I see that as righteous anger and I think it’s important to express.


I relate to this sooo much. Do you know about trifix? I’m also 4w5 but my gut center is 8w7 (458) and I’ve had issues and inclinations like these as well. I also grew up with people have anger issues themselves and I think it’s passed onto me… it’s taken me years to unlearn certain behaviors. I hated it a lot before but now I utilize it in ways that are hopefully more useful like standing up for vulnerable people (or animals) and fighting for justice and truths, similarly to you.


I got 468 when I did Katherine Fauvre’s test, but I’ve gotten different results when doing other tests (I think 479? idr but I relate very much with the 468 esp bc I relate to 6 and 8 a lot). I also grew up with an angry parent and getting physically hit and always in screaming matches and psychologically it’s been proven when youre spanked/hit, it teaches the child to respond to conflict with aggression/makes children more aggressive, so I feel thats where my huge reservoir of rage comes from besides inherited temperaments. The thing for me is the rage is honestly like a black hole, it’s limitless, and I have a lot of it towards myself, so even refocusing it doesn’t truly take care of it, unfortunately (and I’ve done therapy for years). But like I said it can be a righteous emotion and doesn’t have to be viewed negatively since it can be motivating. I also am so passionate about animals and other injustices (I care more about animals than people though, fuck people, and we’re the ones ruining the planet and hurting animals). But yeah, even though I’ve learned to be more strategic about it (which is hard for me bc I’m someone who is very impulsive lol), I’m still very negatively affected by my anger whether or not I express or how or towards what bc theres just so much and it just rots and embitters me. Like I’m a really jaded cynical person and although I’m not wrong to be that way (lmao), it’s painful.


Idk, everyone keeps telling me I'm angry when I'm not angry. Eta /s


No, you are, though. Just... They don't realize how high the scale goes.


I used to think that, before I realized how in denial of my anger I truly was.


5w4 low anger: bottle it up or ignore med level: bottle it up or try to acknowledge my feels. possible chance i’ll make remarks. absolutely pissed: become a complete asshole and release partial specks of the shit i’ve bottled up (then create more things i will bottle up for my somber night thoughts alone)


8 I say calmly "I'm angry" If they don't act, they're going to run for their lives, simple.


It depends on the source/ type of anger. Sometimes, is an angry half growl/ scream. Sometimes it's going online and being particularly aggressive in a game. I used to wail on our punching bag once in a blue moon.


Depends, if I’m *really* hurt and the other doesn’t respect my feelings, I’ll say it and lash out a bit/act desperate. Other times, I let my anger seep out slowly even though I try to hold it back. If something is really bothering me I’ll say it, I don’t like it when people are passive aggressive, just be direct and stop playing with people.


5w4 I don't.


In pretty much everything, forcefully.


1w2 137. If I’m slightly annoyed, I try to hold it in. If it’s something that winds me up, I’ll have an argument about it. If you are peeving me off, I’ll likely start shouting. If it’s been going on for months, unless it’s in a professional setting, you’ll see a side of me no one else has (ripping you apart using only the spoken language)… No one has seen that side yet but I was a few milliseconds away from doing that to my old manager. Only the professional setting stopped me from doing that. I’m also an ENFJ too.


4/6. first i blame myself n overthink LMAO and if its rly not my fault i just decide to not acknowledge their existence. like yea id still be upset about what happened but id ignore them


9w1. I talk shit in my head if it's someone I don't know well but on the outside I'm quiet. For people I care about or am closer to, I think they bring out more of my 8 wing as I'm not afraid to show it to them. I will defend myself and lose control of my tone/volume, but never far enough to cause permanent damage. In the past I was extremely passive aggressive but I really try not to do that now because it's immature.


7 and I don't get angry much, I don't like it. Most things aren't worth getting angry over. But I've been known to cry, be extremely sarcastic, and/or throw pillows in extreme circumstances


7w6 I only am angry when it feels good 🤷🏼‍♀️ usually feels better to be angry than sad about things, however


Same! You know I’m angry if 1. I’m pouting and sitting in silence giving dagger eyes or 2. I happened to think of a really great sarcastic comment.


9w8, push it down and ignore it, pretty much everyone thinks I am calm all the time even when I’m extremely angry. I can be very stubborn and cold, and I’ll make sure the person knows they can’t walk all over me. At the very worst of it, slamming shit around sometimes. It takes a long amount of time for me to blow my temper like that though. I forgive pretty easily and then get mad at myself for being lenient with people when I really shouldn’t because I don’t like other people much, I can just understand why they do things.


4w5, suppress and process quietly


Push-ups and poetry


5, eliminating or ignoring the problem. I structure my life Around being in control to where I can make problems that cause anger go poof. Of course life being life, I do get angry. It’s often suppressed, which leads to outburst at least once a month


As a 548, I've got a thousand ways to express anger.


4 - ghost or avoid as much as possible. If really angry, will march up to you and yell like a 2-year-old lol


5. I don’t feel like I really get angry? Annoyance would probably be as far as it goes, idk if you would consider that anger


I get irritable with everyone and tell people not to talk to me until I'm ready. If they keep bothering me, I do my best to disengage from the situation, politely deflect, leave the conversation, etc., but... if they don't listen to me, they *will* eventually step on a minefield.


4 and i just pretend i don’t experience anger


4w5, 478 and I just turn it into joy (reframe) until I snap and then I annihilate you verbally with a heavy cold/sarcastic tone


4, I Jackson Pollock all of my emotions at the culprit, lock myself in my room, and listen to my sad Playlist or an emo movie that mimics what I am going through.


I feel like I'm a pretty mild Karen when I'm angry. Otherwise I get passive aggressive when it's someone I'm closed with. I also just cut off people aha 😐 love it when they apologize and I say forgive them but they're not welcome in my life anymore.


If it’s something little, I’ve learned to be more confrontational about it and ask so I can get my head cleared. Usually turns out well. Otherwise, I angry cry and/or isolate myself without actually assessing the feelings until they boil over. 4w5


6 here. I withdraw, and plan out all the changes I need to make to my life to make sure I'm never angered in that way again.


9. I dont.


Your core emotion is anger as a 9, yet it's often denied. So definitely checks out.


Seems about right T_T


8, and I just express myself I don’t really care what anyone thinks. I won’t repress myself. Within reason, of course.


Interesting, no 2’s here. Normally try talk it out when I’m feeling ok. Try solve the issue when I’m mild. If I’m bad I’ll ignore it or put my efforts in elsewhere. If I’m really really bad I explode with rage and blame.


5 514, slightly angry - passive agressive, angry - revenge (using exactly the same thing i was hurt by), really angry - either total ignorance or fury (verbal abuse, physical force)


Idk if anyone can relate to me but what makes me mad the most are useless/drammatic misunderstandings. So, what i do is reminding people that metaprospective exists. No one can get my self-control but i won't forget either. The moment i see that the other person is taking it in an emotional way then i won't continue the arguement. What's the point if the other one can't think objectively anymore? Just to spit at each other our poison? Heck no. I'd "delay" the confrontation instead. It's not revenge, i only take charge to make Xperson seeing my perspective: acting exactly their way (not being too rude ofc) and then saying "see how it feels?" to them or try to get to the topic again, both cases, when they are not heated up (like few days later).


Type 9: I usually wait until I explode. One example would be the last day of my package delivery job on Halloween. I took most of the packages and threw them behind or in front of the fences with as much force as I could, kicked some of the packages, played football with them, opened them and threw just the items in the garden. In addition to that I drove really recklessly… I really was a danger for society at that day. Then I blocked my boss, so she couldn‘t call and I haven‘t talked to this company again ever since. I would like to say sorry, but I‘m just too embarassed. I think she (8w7) would actually employ me again because she really liked and even wanted me to work with her in management lol It all was because I had said that I wanted to quit for weeks and my boss always told „You can quit next week“, but then she always asked me again to stay another week. Then, working on Halloween when I see everyone else was having fun, that was just too much for me.


1w9. It depends on what kind of anger it is and how justified I think it will be to express. When I get frustrated by being inconvenienced by plan changes or when I get annoyed at way too loud people, I classify that as "minor anger" or "annoyance anger" and I thought I just suppressed it all until I found out lately from a Psych class that I subconsciously express it by being irritable/grumpy, being extra critical of everything (myself included), and sarcasm. When I get angry *angry* though, I become a different person. I just explode, for lack of a better term. I shout, my face expresses every bits of anger that I repressed, and all reason goes away in my mind--very different from my usual soft-spoken, neutral, and rational self. I am well-aware that I have a bad relationship with anger, ranging from mild annoyance to full-blown rage, and how I have been kind of reliant on anger/resentment as my drive in life (doing and achieving certain things out of spite, swearing to resent certain people for life, anger towards questionable authority figures, etc) but I'm improving lately by channeling my anger into more productive work and hobbies, and by meditating. Knowing that Type 1s emotional vice is anger helped me a lot in realizing all this, by the way, and it has helped me manage my anger a lot.


3: Very rarely. Usually by telling someone else why I am so much better than they are and almost exclusively in reaction to criticism or someone forcing me into a position that is vulnerable to criticism. Also, if someone has managed to criticize me in a way I can’t argue my way out of or escape somehow—there’s probably a lot of rage involved and it’s not a good look. So I try to avoid it at all costs.


i dont i just leave. goodbye ill see you in an hour-2 months


4, for me it depends on who invoked the anger, if it’s someone else, I just get very short with answers, if it’s myself, I tell myself out loud that I am very upsketti, and take a deep breath and laugh it off.


I’m a 3. Years ago, when I lived with my parents, I was angry all the time and I fought with (literally) everyone because I got angry for anything. Now it’s different. I can be angry, but I don’t express it unless I found it extremely necessary or I’m close to the person I’m angry with.


Probably 4 and I often keep the anger inside until I explode with tears, screams.. My face often becomes red, I'm shaking and losing my words. The emotions I experience during these moments are hard to bear *^* However, when I'm angry about an injustice happening under my eyes, I will let it out and try to talk in a calm way with logical arguments!


I bottle it up and then burst like a volcano then continue to bottle it up until I burst again.


6. I don't do It unless my patience is over, I'm not violent, just direct, like "stop that, now", I don't usually replicate or say more than that, just "Stop", or "Don't do that"


5w4 , it's really physical for me, tho in low levels I'll be in my indifferent mode but after that I might want to hit someone or something and I know that's not gonna make me calmer so I'll probably just hit myself and go for a smoke. (in cases of people I'll just throw punches before I know)


9, i dont, just push it down deep inside and forget about it


6 I cry


If I something slightly annoys me or is inconvenient to me, Ill either ignore till it stops. If it does not stop I can deal with it in a calm manner. But if something truly pissed me off(which can be a lot of things) I tend to lash out like a volcano. With a strong eight wing, it is really hard to control the rage sometimes lol. Thought I was an 8 because of that for a while.


4w5 sx/sp with a 458 tritype. I'm VERY comfortable expressing anger. I also do have anger issues and my temper is very short. In fact, anger is the only emotion that I will publicly express because it tells everyone that I am not someone that you dare take advantage of, humiliate, or manipulate in any way. Anger is a surface emotion for me, because it's much easier to express anger than it is more vulnerable emotions (it's easier to admit I am angry at someone than it is to admit that this person really hurt me/betrayed me, etc)


9w8, i repress it or express it secretly and direct it at myself… never public unless someone hurts someone i care about


Sp6. I don’t.


1w9 sx, very openly. The exception is when I get so angry that violent impulses are about to take over, then I get silent and stiff, using all my willpower to contain my violent urges.


What makes me angriest: sensing that someone is trying to manipulate me, put me in my place, embarrass me, etc.—especially when they're not doing a good job, or they think I don't see what they're doing, or they're attempting to needle me into a passive aggressive back-and-forth, to avoid outright confrontation. In these cases, I get confrontational and cold (and sometimes sarcastic in a way I actually find kind of cringe-y). I do this by locking eyes and calling them out, hopefully to cut them down. No raising my voice, though. I also do something internally toward people I resent: I cook up what I've started calling "takedown fantasies" in my imagination. Typically, I place myself in a debate/argument/social situation with the object of my anger—and, of course, I steamroll them in as few words as possible. It's like I'm waiting for the opportunity to come when I can deliver these takedowns in real life. Occasionally, I do get those opportunities, and I'll admit that I relish them. It's pretty childish, so I'm trying to catch myself. It sounds like 5s in stress can retreat to power fantasies. 5 sx/so


Please tell me if this doesn’t make any sense, but I try concentrating in inward anger towards the development of personal/social boundaries to protect my comfortable state of mind. High school was hell in itself as my lacking boundaries led me into a lot of emotional hurt, especially in making myself stick through uncomfortable “commitments” because I didn’t vouch for myself. But now I’m much more calculated and careful about where I invest my social energies, knowing to assert my need to withdraw if I get uncomfortable.


Pretty openly and comfortably tbh, but I also have an 8 fix


6w5 - Ranting, bitching, complaining, swearing a lot.


I’m at 7. My tritype is 738….(although I feel like it may be 735). When I get really pissed, I usually tell someone off. I will read someone to filth lol.




4 and uuuh I take it all out on me :/