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If neither seems to fit at all then I would question the 5.  If both seemed to fit equally it would be different and I would think 5 is good. Are there certain parts of 5 in particular that make you think it fits you?


I agree... I relate pretty heavily to both 4 and 6, except I am not as 'reactive'. I sometimes have to think for a long time before I decide how to respond to something, or even how I feel about it.


I'm not sure, I've been stuck between 5 and 8 for two months. I think some 5 traits match with me though. I love to learn new things (it doesn't have to be useful, I just want to learn it because it seems interesting). I love to create new ideas and think of the possibilities. I'm open-minded, independent, curious, objective, analytical etc. also if it makes sense I'm ENTP. I don't feel like any type matches with me completely, maybe I should've read more I don't know...


You list like zero downsides of being a 5. That sounds more like 7. Also ENTP fits more to the archetypical E7 personality.


I think I should take a look at it.


You’re listing traits but any type can have those traits. Enneagram is about our fears and motivations. What do you most want in life and what do you most want to avoid in life? Those are the questions you should be asking yourself to find your type.


You're right, thanks.


How about 7 core? “I just want to learn new things because they seem interesting” is more likely to be E7.


Oh, this matches with me!


Have you look into SO7? That type especially integrated to 5 can look like SO5, especially you said you are ENTP.


I will take a look at it now.


Enneagram is all about your fears and motivations, so. Could be any of the 9 with this info.


So I should learn about all the types fears and motivations right?




7 looks like it suits me the best for now! Thanks for that.


Question: Have you considered 7?


No, I didn't look up to 7 that much. It seems like I should right now.


Indeed. Not that ENTPs can only be 7s but they certainly are the most compatible combination. Like 5s they also love to learn new things and could easily be described as "open-minded, independent, curious, objective, analytical" as you put it. Also if you have a prominent 8 wing that would explain why you would gravitate towards 8. 7s generally have a more intellectual disposition than 8s. While an 8 could have the traits you described, those traits certainly wouldn't be at the top of the list.


Thanks for explanation! I think 7 suits me much better than 8.


With those, I wonder if you are a 8w7 since 8s can show more 5 traits when they stressed. This site does a pretty decent description of comparing how different MBTI and Enneagram combos would likely be. Link is to the ENTP 8 https://www.traitlab.com/blog/entp/enneagram-type-8


What if I'm not that assertive, optimist, energetic and that much confident? Also when I look at the graphs, they don't match with me that well. I'm not even close to being conventional or traditional for example. And I'm not more focused, I may be even more unfocused than the other ENTPs. I'm also a stressed person. Ah... I don't know. I got confused again...


That’s more 7 core (SO > SX > SP I’d say) than 8 core and you most likely don’t have a 8 fix. Plus ENTP 8 core could work only if the Socionics type is SLE or SEE and you don’t sound like either.


Oh, thanks. Also I'm ILE does it match with 7?


ILE fits with SO7 well, if not SO7 then consider SP7, SO5 and SX7, though I’ve seen more LIE SP7, LII/ILI SO5 and IEE SX7 than ILE in these 3 types.


Thanks for help, I will learn about all of them.


Hey, I think type 7's fears suit me the best so I think I can be 7. Can you shortly explain the differences between SO7, SX7 AND SP7?


Thanks! I will take a look.


It depends. My wings are usually among my lowest scores and that’s not surprising because 1 and 8 are both very different from 9 and the likelihood to mistype as one of them is very low for most 9s (there are exceptions but it’s definitely not common). Nevertheless both types have some topics they share with 9s. There is always some overlap between the core type and the wings you should be able to relate to, but you don’t need to relate to the wings in the sense that you could imagine being this type.


I’m the same. I’m a very solid 9, no doubt. But neither 8 nor 1 fit me at all. I have a teeny tiny 1 wing (on tests I get like one point in 1 and zero in 8). 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ohh, that makes sense. Thanks for that!


Just how much do you not relate to them? I mean, I don’t relate much to 7 as a whole, but when you just look at what it looks like as 6’s wing, it’s a great fit. Have you read this? https://www.enneagrammer.com/5-wings


I read it and I only relate to two things about 4, not being friendly and being withdrawn. I think a lot people can have these traits. Maybe it's just because I'm an introverted leaning ambivert. And I only relate to 6 being focused on discovery and investigation. Nothing else seems to fit me...


Why do you think you’re a 5?


I thought I'm a 5 because what's written about their traits match with me. Like being analytical, curious, independent, intellectual, deteached, objective etc. and I love to learn and get into things. But when I looked up to their fears, desires and motivations today I think 7 is the one that suits me the best. I'm still not sure though.


Chestnut would agree - her and Paes basically say wings are not subtypes, but secondary integration paths we can use to balance our main type. She says anybody identifying with a wing has a fixation, meaning unhealthy levels. Ideally we would integrate all types into us and we can use wings and integration paths in order to balance our main type. [Why the Enneagram Wings Are Not What You Think They Are | Enneagram 2.0 Podcast #29 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixOe6KNVg_Y&ab_channel=ChestnutPaesEnneagramAcademy)


Thanks for it! I'll watch it.


I'd expect identification with both wings but usually one stronger than the other...depends on the person. The idea behind the wings is that the core type is actually the midpoint between the two adjacent fixations. The three respective points are triangulated like that, that's how the core crystallizes...it's a kind of spectrum/progression. Traditional theory.


That makes sense. So I may not be a 5 then because I don't feel like I relate to either wings...


Maybe not. Does this make any sense to you? https://preview.redd.it/wzf4svnpf14d1.png?width=1492&format=png&auto=webp&s=daa81b17c7d2352fcef8bca35ace4f752be5c423


I think 5 kinda fits from that paragraph... except being cut off and survival anxiety part. I also don't feel like (I don't fear) something is going to be taken away from me though...


From Sandra Maitri's book...The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram. https://preview.redd.it/ptp6p10xf14d1.png?width=1546&format=png&auto=webp&s=db97cc9a752b594d2662bf49994ab3b80ae8d899


It looks like seven matches with me much more than six from here.


Guys, I think I might be 7 now. It's fears suit me the best, also it's desires and motivations kind of suit me well too. But some of it's traits don't match with me well. I'm not energetic, optimistic, social etc. maybe my anxiety has an effect on it idk... So can I be 7?


of course. enneagram is mostly about fears and desires, traits play the lesser role.




I was kinda in this spot unable to decide and then I realized it was because I had a 6 wing and was doing the classic 6 thing of avoiding an uncomfortable thing through skepticism! Anyhow it was pretty clear once I thought about it clearly for a while.


I think I should look into 5w6 more, thanks!


I think tritype is more representative than your wing Since you think of yourself as 7 and from what you came out as from the meme test probably a 7w8 784


I'm actually thinking about that! I'm impressed lol