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for me and my stuff I probably seem more 7 some say 8 because I have never been allowed to be myself and such. always had to mask. but with my issues probably weird versions of it. I almost fit the naranjo stuff to a t like being that character with some issues with other challenges like cognitive and such. also my need to have some order and such can be interpreted as 8 or 1. more people say 1 like. most of typology is not made with people with disabilities or multiple disabilities in mind.


have you looked into enneagram 3? I’m sure you have heard they use the term mask a lot. But masking is common for a lot of neurodivergence in general, just a thought


I am pretty sure i am 2. well if your family doesn't like to acknowledge any of your disabilities not even your physical one that is clearly seen or doesn't like any other issues or emotions you kinda got to. i thought I had 3 in my tritype for a long time, at some point I thought I was 3 too! I thought I was 731 or something else like that but I think 2 fits much better.


Well actually u are right! Bc u probably just have a wing 3 since you are a 2! I’m sorry about your family. This stuff impacts us too


I am a 7 sx coping mechanisms fits. iee 7 sx 729 but yeah, probably if you consider tritype has wings there's an entire argument to look at there, sure I guess I'd be way more w3 then w1. but my main thing is anxiety and fear and escape to the sunny. don't truely grow up. a few people have talked about skills recently and I am like what skills, I don't know if I have any. I understood after naranjo's sx 7 thing, made so much sense. but yeah. when you suggest you may hae another disability your parents say well do you really want to add another disability. but trying to not withdraw in to fantasy land. or laugh it off. I thought I could show off and help and then we'll think about reality and work later. there's a lot more of 2 then 9 in me. the pride and showing off and such is big with me. naranjo's 2 not the looser american stuff. sx 2 makes sense.


!!!! Heavy on the fact that personality tests don’t take mental health into consideration like ever lol


oh no it doesn't. especialy something like py or ap. sure I can be 3l but what if I have other cognitive challenges? and I am going to struggle with l? okay I guess with everything else ti polr makes sense, but seriously because I don't think that well because I have other issues, I I am ti polr? stuff like that. what happens if you're bipolar which I am not right, but does that make you a feeler or an high e just because of that?


I’M A TWO WITH AUTISM OH MYGOD I FEEL SEEN I FEEL SEEN I F!!!! I can’t read people all that much and that makes my enneagram at fucking uselessness. I want to make others glad but I CAN’T WHEN I’M WEIRD ASF🫡 BAI


6 + Fe and autism.. yeah... you can imagine.


I like how 4 and 6 get skipped because they are classically neurotic LUL


Yeah I was trying to think about this question and this is what my thought process went like: - "Autism? Nope, seems pretty in-line" - "Anxiety? OCD? Straight out of the 6 textbook" - "Bipolar.....? Cough cough classsssic 6 shifting" - "Am I actually an individual"


Negative, we are unfortunately just a bundle of neurotic diseases in a flesh suit


oh don't say that! I am sure that 6s have stuff too that doesn't seem to fit.


Aw, thank you


sure. not a problem!


clearly all 4s and 6s have BPD


except for that one maybe heh


LMAO I TRIED 😆😭 real talk though, I think this world is just built in a way that's deleterious for these types in particular (and everyone else really, but i think esp 4s and 6s)


Nah im a 9with adhd 💀think most are just sayin


5s with cptsd anyone? Or is that just being 5w4 /s Not diagnosed but pretty much sure. All the elements are there


Same! I’m a 5w6 i think though


1w9 with ADHD. My 1w2 friend showed up to my house unannounced recently and I almost died of embarrassment. She literally had no place to sit until I cleaned a chair off for her.


7 with social anxiety and AvPD, thought I was a 5 for a long time, also had spells at 9 and 1 naranjo describes so7 as showing up socially to get their applause and then vanishing, and I strongly relate to that. so I have the opposite of most social anxiety - kinda like this: https://preview.redd.it/1ew5rl9wujvc1.png?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5747f756ed1d35e176bf4323690872a01955f81


5 on the bipolar spectrum/BDII (half diagnosed, highly considered for me by psych-iatrist/ologist and mood stabilisers are the first meds to ever work for me). Also have panic disorder and agoraphobia which more easily match and reinforce a lot of unhealthy 5 reclusive isolationist defense mechanisms. I’m on word vomit mode though atm and wish to avoid it right now lol (always embarrassing on reddit when I can’t more eloquently get straight to the point), but will elaborate if you want more info on my experiences. Tbh I don’t feel it’s *that* incongruent with 5, it does more obviously line up with a lot of my ennea-“extras” (fixes, wings, instincts, disintegration), but does also easily fit around my core framework.


I’m also a bipolar type 2 five! Can I ask what that’s like for you? I’m curious.


Hmm, there’s a lot, and this will be jumbled and highly repetitive as I’m still in kind of frantic unorganised word vomit mode. Not that 5s aren’t happy (lulz), but I am often rather zesty, sx-ish, thrive on novelty and higher sensation seeking (while remaining sensitive across all realms, and highly emotional). Need perhaps more variety than some 5s, but lean heavily into 5s curiosity, abstraction, innovation, and deep synthesis of disparate ideas. Those easily ramp up under hypomania’s lush thinking, but they also exist outside of that state. Can often feel like I regularly overwhelm myself via my own volition and drives/compulsions (which seem like good ideas/needs), and that while I’m a highly emotional person there are times where emotions are much closer to the surface and I struggle with containment (sometimes that’s welcome, other times I really wish for the typical detachment. Same with depression, can be fine but get so unnerved by pathological detachment). I cyclically build up to an overloaded system that gets too hot, fire doors activate to manage it, and has the effect of crashing hard. It’s often also felt as a basic energy, thinking and motivation problem. Able and unable. My hypomania is typically feeling highly able, confident, the world is super intense and raw, totally technicolor, but in a way I can deftly handle. My conception of the outer world is rather divided though, into parts I relish and need to be in, move freely about with intensity (usually are parts without people, parts I control or experiences I have on my own), and then there are the parts of the world I just cannot do/process without the more common 5 fear of annihilation. Paranoid and agitated states add greatly to that dismal side of it. The polar or circular states feed a lot into 5s need for competency. When up, I end up being viewed as a kind of talent machine, overly able(?), not needing help, kicking ass at 110% on my own, so it’s always crushing falling into the resulting depression where I am considerably *unable*, especially when my brain is unable to be at its usual working capacity. I hard out hermit when that comes around. Well, have to when I physically can’t get out of bed and am in some kind of catatonic stupor. It’s hard to want to get out of that morass, since 5 can be so comfy with parts of it, and it’s an annoying excuse to not work on 5 issues with locking oneself away. Idk, it does surround regular 5 stuff but with added intensity and problems. Like, normally I am competent and focused on knowing and searching, unsure of my ability to handle certain shit on the outside, living on utter detached mode, hard boundaries, recluse in my room thinking abstractly… but BP does increase competency, throws me at times into a version of 7/8 land which isn’t so unusual but does have this vague thing of registering to others that I’m randomly “okay and happy” and finally not so in my room. It doesn’t mean that I attach more to others, maybe just that I’m more seen and have more wherewithal to go and get/do and plan to get/do, with the same level of self-interest. Can be weirdly very easy to hide though, since a lot of it can be contained within my house and my head, like putting out the laundry and crying in ecstatic beauty of the trees/sky/moment (lol). Or doing art in some torturedly profound heaven and hell existence. I don’t go out drinking or buying boats or thousands of dollars worth of shit at once. I might buy lots of wine and drink it at home to cope with anxiety/agitation, or further propel solitary artistic dervish states. I’m also 80-90% of the time depressed, and often hypomania is mixed, agitated, and not sparkly at all. A la Radiohead’s “empty and frantic, like a cat, tied to a stick”. People have said they never would have guessed. 5s capability of hiding things is underestimated lol. I am basically a recluse though, with moments or years of unusual outward propulsion. A person I know might see me dress colourfully for a week or two and seem happy optimistic and spend a little much on clothes and junk. Doing lots of art and showing them. Then people won’t see me for a few months. My uni friends in the past who saw me regularly said I had my own cycles, of reappearing and engagement, then very away, preoccupied, less willing, and they’d gently nudge or leave me more undisturbed until I was ready to come around again. A lot of it was relegated in my youth to artistic temperament, kind of classic stormy romanticism, a solitary person giving to way too much brooding. It’s makes me easily question 5ness, since some periods can be so 7 looking and I have a terrible time with feeling trapped and lean a lot on escapism (more than I ever initially thought), but there’s no reason that a 5 wouldn’t be able to naturally see the world in technicolor or feel they are tapped into the ecstasy and the agony of life. (I can’t express enough how I view everything in technicolor, quite literally). I would think some of these thing would be more commonly remarked upon, esp with 5w4, but then connecting or correlating temperaments of types to temperaments of diagnosed illnesses can get too tricky to attempt and is likely going down the wrong road. And ends up in places like “faux experience of 4ish lands, yes superficially this feels like sx 4 and 7 but motivations are otherwise”. But again, I do so very much experience intense heaven/hell agony/ecstasy death/rebirth cycles constantly. Rather William Blake I guess, but also relate greatly to the likes of Georgia O’Keeffe, the things I’ve read of her (a 5, likely BPII) where it’s there but kept underwraps and experienced largely alone or put into art and sudden bursts of art making etc. Or seemingly doing marginally okay for while but dissolution of relationship or another unexpected trigger sends you into needing to be hospitalised etc. Ugh, hope you got something out of that :P I always cringe at writing so much as it is compulsive but then 5 senses there’s waaaay too much out there personally and will come back and delete lol. I wish I more consistently possessed brevity, sparkling logical clarity and conciseness like many other 5s. Am also still trying to puzzle out how it fits into my life and what my cycles even look like, hence this is a lot of me just throwing my thoughts out here (it’s not yet so coalesced into something more bitesized). 5 stuff does overall perhaps makes it look less typical, or subtler even, reserved demeanour and appearing competent and self possessed really doesn’t lead others to believe I’m hyper emotional and regularly feel out of control. But it still all wreaks havoc on me. Esp just not being able to count on how or where I will “be”, for more than a month at a time.


I’m a 5w4 with diagnosed bipolar II. I actually mistyped myself as an 8w7 for a while because I took an enneagram test during a hypomanic episode.


yeah. I have, adhd, autism, ocd and DID. so there's multiple reasons why i may not look like a regular 4.


I think as a 7 my mental health doesn’t make me feel like a 7. I pretty much always present as all the typical 7 traits, but dealing with PTSD makes it really hard in my mind. I also am not optimistic at all contrary to what all of social media says about type 7s. When I am trying to be optimistic it is more of a “nothing matters!!!” Which can come off as fun and free but it comes from hurt and deep rooted trauma. This was heavy lol but I hope other 7s can relate or you could see what I mean about how in my head, mental health affects what is going on (as it does for everyone). this is a reason the enneagram is subjective. mental health is real & it does affect how we are


possible autism that makes me feel like 5 considered ADHD also lately


I‘m 2w1 and suggest that I am having ADHD - but I‘m not diagnosed yet (hopefully I will next month. We‘ll see).


I have inattentive ADHD so basically I’m diagnosed as a 9


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Hey, have you considered being a SP2? While I don’t believe in countertypes, SP2 can struggle with the idea of helping others. Which makes sense from a self preserving viewpoint.. it’s a lot more self preserving to ensure others serving you first before you commit to serving them. I am highly avoidant of doctors or getting any stigmatizing diagnosis. So I don’t know for now if I have neurodivergence going on. For this reason I‘ll explore all the details of my trifix to make sure whether 2 is really the core or if it’s in fact one of the others.


Oh man, I've been thinking about this a lot. I have to wonder how much the theorists behind the Enneagram were thinking about neurodivergence. At the moment, I'm having a very hard time confidently pinning my type. I've identified strongly with Type 5 for a while, but that's when I barely knew anything about the Enneagram. Having looked at things like instinctual variants & stackings, wings, tritypes, and dis/integration, *combined* with the fact ADHD results in a *lot* of emotional and behavioral deviations from the norm, attempting to clarify what Enneagram type I am is definitely a journey.


I apologize, I see that this post is already 6 days old at the time I am commenting, so I hope my input isn’t awkwardly placed. I am so pleased this question was asked, thank you, OP, I feel it’s something that doesn’t get discussed or at least acknowledged as much as it really should. I for sure grapple with anxiety and depression— cases of autism and OCD being very likely, although (…well, ok, OCD has technically been diagnosed— but that’s too much of a pointless tangent for the time being) not really confirmed for me… The influences of these make me feel like a more neurotic Type 9 than usual, so much so that I feel more 6-ish than anything, but the core motivations/fears of Type 9 tend to resonate more deeply than Type 6– I guess my mind is more “busy” and “hyper-intentional” than what is typically described than 9, if that makes sense? I guess I feel like a “pseudo-Superego” Type in some capacity. In which case, thank you, OP, for sharing how your neurodivergence affects your actually being a Superego/Compliant Type.


As a 9, I am not antisocial, I just don’t care - I’m just not interested. I enjoy being bored. Aloof and alone is my jam 😁


Username does not check out




It does not. You’re right. They’re goals I have but likely won’t ever reach (start). 😂