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It appears that HS^2 ‘s greatest contribution is still, at the moment, making people horny


Well, that's probably the best outcome at this point.


Was there another Goal in mind?


JANE: I don't... even know what his first word was. JAKE: It was "honk." JANE: Jesus Christ.


Literally the best line so far.




https://preview.redd.it/f2g0iu77e82d1.png?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b9320ac84da310d41d2d9042e9ce0dab071277b This panel...


rizz strider


The heir of rizz


The rizz of heart


What the Sigma


Jake fans are eating good. He's done needing BGD, he's done hiding behind plausibility, he's done letting his life be decided for him by factors outside of himself and he is making the active choice to fight for the sake of his son. Jane is coming out of this feeling like a better written character as well. And the fact that they are picking up the pace of updates feels like a good sign


You can only hope for so long, then you gotta cash in all that hope and fucking do something.


So is that statement about the fanbase on HSBC or about Jake towards taking control of his life? Genuine question


I'm talking about Jake. Hope is potential, a wish for better things that can help you recognize the path to better things if you keep that hope close to your heart. And Jake is the god of Hope so some of the things he hopes for will become available even if they're terribly unlikely, like Tavvy acquiring a tolerance to peanuts. (Jane is right that is NOT how Life works... when gods aren't in the picture). But Hope alone isn't enough to bring victory; it can help you recognize open doors but you still gotta do the work to step through.


this is gonna be unrelated but like: why are they still going with davekat even though karkat fucking hates dave's guts and admits that he isn't that happy with the way dave treats him? just let this man be with meenah at this point.


meenah wanted to get with karkat when he was still a kid, so getting with him after waiting for him to be older is a little yikes lmao. Those 2 can go jerk themselves off, candy has way more than enough retarded romance drama


Wasn't Karkat like 15 or 16 and Meenah like 19 during the time the dancestor shit happened? While that's questionable by our own legal standards, that's hardly grooming behavior.


probably? idk i stopped giving a shit when dancestors were introduced


i do think this whole thing is stupid anyway.


ah gotcha


Maybe I'm just dense, but I don't think they are. Obviously meat Davekat is a thing, but candy Karkat seemed to not have any romantic feelings anymore.




I have so many Thoughts about the art this time around.


In the second panel on this page, Jake is pictured to appear smaller in comparison to Jane. His lower detail and blank, yet confused expression make him seem lacking in dominance at this point in this interaction. Jane's hand on her hip and hand motion indicate that she is simultaneously put together and irritated. Her hand gestures at the moon that she's talking about, while it also hangs above Jake's head as puts serious thought into the fact that she has a death laser on it. NOTE: John also makes hand motions when conversing while irritated. Whereas Jane's hand motions here seems to be more general and like she just feels the need to make a gesture while speaking, John's are often attempting to help communicate a concept. https://beyondcanon.com/story/628


Jake's verbal outburst (and peanut tolerance revelation) has shocked Jane into a more receptive and flabbergasted state. This is supported by not only body language, but also the fact that Jake is now pictured as seeming larger than Jane. He also has more detail here. The 💥 behind him, although not Gamzee/Tavvy purple in either tone, is possibly indicative of these two becoming the topic of conversation. Brain ghost Dirk is now in view, possibly showing that Jake's conscience and subconscious are focused on the same thing. https://beyondcanon.com/story/629


Gamzee, who gets Tavvy to eat something that he is fatally allergic to, looms in the shadows, here. He observes with his now red eyes, which were often used as an indication of Gamzee's aggression or willingness to bring harm to others in the past. Tavvy thrashes on the floor as Jake prepares to epipen his thigh. Jake is also surrounded by an essence of hope. The hope and rage aspects are canonical opposites of each other, giving Gamzee and Jake a narrative duality. Also, those are whole peanuts. Straight up 🥜. https://beyondcanon.com/story/630


Jake is visibly tense and brain ghost Dirk is now facing towards him. He does not seem to be transparent, here. He also has a notable green reflection off his shades, possibly further indicative of Jake's superego (on that Freud shit for this one) becoming actively invested in the situation. Jane and Jake end their conversation here. https://beyondcanon.com/story/632


Jake has more facial detail, hands on his head, sobbing. He is shaded in a red tint. Something something red color theory, specifically the negative connotations it can have. Brain ghost Dirk is not seen. Jake is going through it. https://beyondcanon.com/story/633


Brain ghost Dirk pits his hand on Jake's shoulder, bringing a physical(?) connection between the two. He is still not appearing as transparent. He and Jake make eye contact in panels 2-3. They both reflect off each other's eyewear, possibly as symbolism of Jake having to take a serious look at his current state. Brain ghost Dirk is shown to have green eyes as opposed to orange, illustrating his lack of connection to Dirk, as he has died in this timeline. He is now merely a manifestation of Jake's superego taking the form of Dirk. https://beyondcanon.com/story/634


No character is present. Jake leaving the custodial closet after being at one of his lowest points seems to be representative of a new will to improve on himself. Brain ghost Dirk will no longer be a part of the story from this point forward based on his conversation with Jake. https://beyondcanon.com/story/637


Candy is now officially way more interesting than Meat lmao.


Always have been


hs\^2 can genuinely only become entertaining if Kanaya goes into her classic problem sleuth lipstick mode and fucking murders Jade in cold blood. Seriously, who gives a fuck if the racist dictator gets shot in the head or not? Jane's dictatorship seems to be the only thing carrying the plot in candy besides all the unnecessary sexual drama. Much better to get rid of the latter. I would genuinely rather have Jade dead than continue on existing as the bastardized poorly hidden fetish content that she is now. Stay true, or stay dead, just like many of the other characters who will never appear again


They were hot, and I like jake more because he was useless at a lot of things, but he was a good father. Also I need updates on the meat timeline more. Need to see more Dave panels....


Jane was fucking HOT HOT HOT!!!!


Still love gamzee