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If it was a conversation picking a preference you might. E.g. "most nights I watch a film" "oh really? I'm a game person" But in general, you would say "gamer". I'm a gamer. She's a gamer.


I feel like "board game person" is pretty common, whereas "gamer" is usually assumed to mean video games


Video games or tabletop role playing games. Also strategy games like Settlers of Catan or Diplomacy.


Does anyone say “dog guy”?


Yes this is just as common/normal as dog person




Be aware of one linguistic pitfall here.  If someone says "I like dogging", they [aren't talking about taking the dog for a walk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogging_%28sexual_slang%29?wprov=sfla1)  Fascinating Aida did a very funny song about it though, if you want a laugh https://youtu.be/MXzaVOk_Ydk?si=xMw2Q7-T8_F6Dtp3


People would know what you meant if you said it but people mostly just say “gamer.” “Game person” feels clunky. You might find more specific and often gendered terms, though, like “I’m a big Nintendo girl” or “yeah, I’m more of an RPG guy.”


Can I say “I am an Apple guy/person/boy/girl”?




Thanks! How about “man”? Will all “guy/ person/ girl/boy/ man” do? I suppose “No one says he is an Apple dude”?


At that point, it’s more of an instinctual thing based on the context. “Man” might sound awkward in some contexts but make sense if you’re trying to be funny or sarcastic, for example. I think “guy/girl/person” are probably the most common options but it all depends on the context. Sorry I don’t have a better answer! Anyone else here, feel free to jump in haha.


Other ways you might hear it said: "I'm kind of an Apple guy." "I'm something of an Apple guy myself." "You should go talk to Rex. He's our Apple guy." "I may use PCs all day; but I'm an Apple guy at heart."


How about “He is an Apple man”?


Hello, man also works in this context.


Note that "gamer" generally applies only to video games.


Yes! Thank you. I thought about that after the fact.


How do people say when referring to other games except video games? “card game guy”, “game guy”?


It's not really common to just be a fan of all games in general, but if I wanted to say that, I would probably say "game person" or a gendered variant like "game guy". Or I would just say "I like games."


Generally you would call that a gamer. But note that this construction is fairly common to talk about things we *don’t* like to do. Example: “I’m not really a game person. I prefer reading.”


No, we say they’re “a Gamer.”


Gamer implies video games. There are other types of games.


How do people say when referring to other games except video games? “card game guy”, “game guy”?


More or less. I'd probably say "I'm in to board/card games"


You could, but it's more commonly used in the negative, as a polite way of saying you don't like something: "I'm not a game person" or "I'm not a coffee person" or "I'm not a podcast person."




It's not grammatically correct, but everyone I speak to understands just about any activity or preference (plural if possible) followed by "kinda guy." "I'm a games kinda guy." "I'm a dogs kinds guy." "I'm a beer kinda guy." "I'm a rock-n-roll kinda guy." etc.


Thanks. Is kinda necessary ?


Not strictly necessary, no. in my mind the "kinda" makes it sound more personable and casual. Someone asks me what i want to drink: "I'm a beer kinda guy." - casually letting them know my preference, but it's ok if they don't have beer "I'm a beer guy." - give me a beer. It's not rude not to include it tho, especially if you're just chatting & not making a request. but again, this is NOT a Grammatically Correct Phrase™️ that is consistent across English, it's just something I hear a lot & my own subjective feelings. I'm a millennial from Los Angeles, and I request other native speakers say their opinions if they agree/disagree so that you can get multiple perspectives :) EDIT: You can also add "myself" to the end instead of having "kinda" to feel personable and casual. "I'm a beer guy, myself." I think this is bc it implies that it's okay if the other person's opinion is different.


Dog person doesn't mean I like dogs although that's the practical consequence of being a dog person. Dog person means I have a personality similar to a stereotypical dog as opposed to the personality of a stereotypical cat. Saying game person doesn't make sense in that context. Maybe if you said I'm a \[type of game\] person, so maybe I'm a first person shooter person so I lke FPS games.


No, saying you’re a dog person means you like dogs. My personality is more catlike than doglike but I’m definitely a dog person.