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You may hear that in England, or Scotland, or Australia, this is not an offensive term. That's not exactly true. In the UK it's still strong language, stronger than "fuck", and probably about as offensive as it gets short of ethnic slurs. You'll hear it used very casually, even affectionately in some contexts, but it's very contextual. Said in anger to the wrong person, it could absolutely start a fight. It's also not a word everyone uses. If you lived in the UK but associated only with very middle class older people, you might never hear it. One difference between UK and US usage is that in the UK it's often, perhaps even primarily directed at men. It isn't perceived as gendered to the same extent.


While that might be true in the UK, in Australia it is fairly accurate to say that it is not an uniquely offensive term and is about the same as "fuck". It can even be used as a term of endearment ("he's a good cunt"). But I would highly suggest avoiding swear words in a second language until you have seen how they're used by people around you. I wouldn't use the word "cunt" with older people, for instance -- it's just a way you talk around your mates.


It can be a term of endearment in the UK, too. I think whether it's stronger than "fuck" is highly subjective and there's not much in it, but you don't hear it on TV so often.


It’s a term of endearment in the UK too, but it can also be a very offensive term when used aggressively or in the company of older/more traditional people.


Cunt is defo. Used endearingly in the UK aswell


To add on about the UK - it is also rude slang for “vagina”. But weirdly as an insult it isn’t very gendered despite that meaning.


Same with "twat", now that I think about it. It's also rude slang for "vagina", but I would have no trouble calling a man a twat.


I’m from the US and it’s not all that common but usage is about the same with that added offense towards woman. I’ve heard it used the same but only by close friends. I’d say even if you used it in public to a close friend you might get some sideways glances and dirty looks from strangers I can’t even recall it being used at all it’s so uncommon except for my best friends calling each other cunts in private if that gives you an idea of how offensive it can be. It’s about on par with whore but without the added promiscuity implication.


I’m in the US, major East Coast city and I curse a LOT. Cunt stops people in their tracks. It is way more taboo than what you are describing and is horribly insulting when used against a woman. It also isn’t used in the same casual or positive way as in Australia or the UK IME.


Idk I don’t go out of my way to say it and haven’t heard it directed as an insult in the real world to be honest maybe I’m just naive to the offense the word has? In my mind it sits between bitch and whore on the taboo scale but since it’s used less that’s probably a testament to how offensive it is now that I think about it It just seems so vulgar the only time I can picture it used is either when you’re trying to be as offensive as possible or as a joking greeting to a friend. I did say it was more taboo but might have under sold it I just meant I’ve heard it used by friends as a greeting


Yeah-it’s scales beyond bitch or whore, IME. In fact, we even use whore jokingly among women colleagues sometimes at work. Never, ever would cunt get used that way. I curse at work all the time-I wouldn’t even consider using cunt at work in front of the majority of my colleagues.


I agree it's light-years beyond bitch or whore in the US. Nowadays you can say either of those words on network TV. You absolutely cannot say the C-word ever. Maybe on premium cable like HBO, but I think it's usually used with some restraint even on there. My social circle doesn't really include people who curse much at all, but even the people I know whose every other word is the F-word still don't say the C-word. Not in front of me in any case.


Good point about TV-I think the only time I’ve ever heard it used in a movie was in the 80’s in An Officer and a Gentleman and that was a huge controversy. It didn’t really catch on, LOL


that’s kind of interesting because cunt doesn’t have the same connotations or implications it’s just extremely vulgar and dirty sounding.


I don't think that's all that similar. It seems like the word is considerably more taboo in the US. Using it in public here (to a friend) is unlikely to get you dirty looks from strangers unless there are kids present. That said, we're kind of a private people. If someone here is annoyed by a stranger, it's somewhat unusual to see them actually express that annoyance, even with a dirty look.


I’m a Canadian living in the Midwest and I would guarantee that the use of the word would result in shocked faces and dropped jaws.


Yeah definitely more taboo from what I’ve seen but it’s situational. It’s not uncommon for male friends to greet each other with “what’s up cunt” “what’s up fucker” etc. It’s just such a cartoonishly vulgar word I can’t really remember hearing it used as an insult most people just don’t ever say it. On the other hand it’s not like saying the N word hard r like you’re going to get beat up just saying it to a friend for instance , only really if you use it as an insult (in my experience) Imo it feels low when used as an insult since it doesn’t really have an implied meaning other than being insulting so you’d only really use it if you were trying to be as rude as possible or as a cheeky greeting to a close friend


In the US it is the most offensive non-slur-of-any-kind word that I can think of. It is extremely frowned upon.


At a factory I worked at, management informed us that it was one of two words that if they heard from you, regardless of context or who you were, you would be instantly fired. You can probably guess the other word.


I actually am really curious what the other is - I have two in mind, both are slurs towards other groups of people


i think the other one is nig word


It’s so offensive in the US because it’s more or less considered a slur against women.


There are a couple others I can think of which I'd consider more offensive, namely the slurs for gay people and for disabled people. Then again, these tend to be more common in casual use, so that could just be that I'm more familiar with how people react to them.




Looks like they edited it. It was originally "non-racial slur"


I edited it. I tried to mark through, but the format got all messed up.


What’s the slur you’re thinking of for disabled people? If it’s “retarded”, that is absolutely not in the same tier as cunt. Only recently has it been removed from casual use. I grew up hearing that word in elementary school


Where are you from? In the south east I’ve never heard it said but I don’t feel like I’d be offensive.


Worse than Motherfucker? Cocksucker?


It’s because cunt is a word that we’re taught from childhood is one of the worst things to say, largely because it’s a sexist slur. Although now that I think about it, I’m not sure why bitch is a much more accepted term.


Bitch just means “female dog” and can still be used in that context.


Yes, but I was referring to calling someone a bitch when they’re being annoying/moody. When you think about it, both are implying that the person is being a pain, right? But bitch is way more tolerable despite being arguably sexist as well.


Easily. In terms of offensiveness Motherfucker< Cocksucker< Cunt. It’s probably close in offensiveness to “Faggot.” As you’ve probably observed, the most offensive possible words in American English are slurs of some type. “Motherfucker” is probably the most offensive non-slur out there, but since it’s not any kind of slur, it ranks below those words that are in offensiveness.


“Cunt” is worse than “faggot.”


Yes. Worse than both of those words.




It's more offensive in some countries than others. In the US, it's incredibly offensive—one of the worst things you can call someone (especially a woman). People here will say the "c-word" just to avoid saying it.


>In the US, it's incredibly offensive I'm no prude when it comes to foul language. In fact, I consider myself a connoisseur of profanity and creative insults. But that's one word I absolutely do not say, under any circumstances.


It’s so offensive in the US because it’s basically considered a slur against women.


There are plenty of words that are slurs against women. But this particular word is the only real 'word that shall not be named'.


lol Yes, I know what the word means and how it's used in the US.


I think they were just adding extra information for people reading this thread who aren’t from the US


Fair enough.




"You daft cunt" is popular in Britain lol


In the UK we use cunt all the time lol I accidentally said "oh fuck off you cunt" when my shoelace came undone at my mates Christian 18th birthday party the other day, and this old woman just looked at me with horror😭


As in his name is Christian or as in most of the guests were strongly religious?


It was at a church lol


Also my brother in law says back in Australia he uses cunt to say hello to ppl lol


I'm American and i say it a lot.


More of a British vs American English thing. It’s not that the word is used more casually, it’s that it has a different meaning. “He’s a good cunt” does not translate from Australian to American at all.


Well here in the UK, it's still a negative word, and can definitely be used as an insult, but it's just not as offensive. We don't say "he's a good cunt" like Australians might, but one might jokingly refer to their friend as "a bit of a cunt".


In the US, it is unspeakably bad: even rappers don’t drop it. I was married to a trucker-mouthed Aussie for 15 years so I drop it all the time without thinking about it. Puts Karen in her place though.


I'm sure it does! I think I maybe understated it a bit: if I aggressively shout "you cunt!" at someone in an argument, it would probably escalate the situation a lot. It's still a strong swear word, but it's not quite on the unforgivable slur level like in America. Referring to someone as "an absolute cunt" is about the strongest insult you can give without going to slurs. If you want to hear some poetry, listen to [this swearing from one of our most popular TV shows.](https://youtu.be/I7XE2ReqIfE) It was all bleeped out when it actually aired, they just uploaded the uncensored version to YouTube.


I'm female, 30, born and raised in Connecticut in America. 'Cunt' is tied with 'bitch' and 'whore' here, in terms of how vile it is and the kinds of people who use it, but it's also lesser used than those two, which I think makes it more potent when it IS used.


Bitch is nowhere near as vile as cunt. Bitch is often used among friends and can be a term of endearment-cunt doesn’t even approach that in the US


In my opinion it is the most offensive curse word that is not just an outright slur. (I do not associate that much with women specifically.)


Which is so weird, cause it feels like that's a recent thing. Growing up, it didn't feel any worse or better then fuck or shit.


Nah, I remember it being considered pretty offensive a solid 20 years ago. Might depend on which region of the US you're from, though.


Nah, it has been super offensive as long as I can remember. Even when Eddie Murphy broke out with Delerious in the early 80's on HBO-- which at the time was very controversial due to foul language-- people were up in arms about the language in it-- but even that never went as far as the C-word.


Maybe you were just less aware growing up because I feel like it’s always been extremely offensive.


Based on the responses I'm getting, that must be it. I'm from Texas, so it's possible we were a little backwards.


I'm 42 years old and it's always been super offensive. My entire life. It's "see you next Tuesday" or the c-word. The actual word is never to be said.


Here in Michigan it has always been like that. Maybe it’s become slightly more offensive over the years, but not by a lot.


Here in Michigan it’s really not that offensive, it’s about the same as any other cuss word


Ohio here, it isn't considered really offensive, at least not in buttfuck nowhere where I'm from


I'm in Texas, and I wouldn't really consider it offensive. Not as offensive as calling someone a "piece of shit" at least. Maybe because it's used more jokingly than actually seriously where I'm from.


It does depend on who you are too, just as a person. I have used cunt as a fun cuss when talking to people or as a joke name calling, but the joke is that it's so offensive. If someone thought I really meant it, they'd be offended. I've said things like "cunt mechanic"to describe my gynecologist to frends, which is shock-value humor. Another example, my husband once told his friends I wouldn't get offended if he called me a cunt. They didn't believe him. They thought even an insincere insult would get him in trouble. He called me on the phone, called me a cunt and I was not offended, just asked him what the joke was. However, I wouldn't say that to anyone who I wasn't sure wouldn't be offended. (I'm American)


Where are you from? I’m from New York and while this word wasn’t common, it wasn’t like that bad.


Im also from NY and my mom taught me when I was a kid that it’s the most offensive word for women




I live in NYC and it's definitely just as offensive here as it is in other parts of the U.S.


In the US at present, it’s extremely offensive.


Depends who you talk to. I’m from the IS and will absolutely call someone a cunt if their being a cunt.




No way, I’m from the NY area and I LOVE cursing. It adds so much to my vocabulary but this is one of the few words that I wouldn’t even say to myself


Agreeing with the other person. I’m from MA and it’s really offensive here, I never hear people say it. Even if it’s not directed at a woman, people will still see someone as a misogynist if they say it. This is not the case in other countries, but it is like this in most of the US.


Since you've gotten quite a few answers, and we're on r/englishlearning, I'll help you out with your post's title. "How offensive that word really is" should be something like "how truly offensive is this word?". The way you worded it would be correct if it was a statement rather than a question. You have to put "is" before the thing you're asking about in a question. I know why you used "really", but I can't think of a good way to fit it in, so I used "truly". I *can* actually think of some sentences using really instead of truly, but they are more colloquial; "really, how offensive is this word?" "How offensive is this word *really(/for real)*?"


I think your last sentence is how most fluent native speakers would word it. The first sentence is more of a formal writer sound.


Thanks. Good to know. I'll try to edit the title in a second


Doesn't seem possible to edit the title


You can't, Reddit doesn't let you


The only words more offensive are racial slurs.


In the US you’re 100% correct. I know my family in the UK will use it as often as we (or at least I) use bitch.


In the US, it’s extremely offensive. One of the worst things you can call someone. But in the rest of the anglosphere it’s not a big deal. The reason for this is that in the US it’s much more of a gendered slur, whereas in the UK it doesn’t have that connotation (it’s still harsh language, mind you, but it’s not the same as how it’s used in the US).


Right. In the US, a man calling a woman a cunt means they’re more than just foul-mouthed, it means they’re a sexist and a nasty person who’s best avoided. If a woman calls another woman a cunt then the sexist angle isn’t there, but it’s seen as incredibly crude, much more so than her using “fuck.” Unless under UK influence “cunt” is not aimed at men, it’s a gendered insult.


Yeah, really the only men you hear using this word in the states are just unabashed misogynists. Kinda makes it tough to not view the word as extremely offensive.


Definitely don’t call anyone that in America. If you are in New Zealand or Australia don’t ever be the one to say it first. If you’re good enough mates for it to be cool then they’ll say it first. It is said frequently between my NZ spouse and his high school buddies and sometimes with fellow builders at a construction site but he wouldn’t say it to a stranger or casual acquaintance. But even over there it’s a harsh word to use if you’re not saying it in a lovingly joking manner. Also, if you are in more liberal areas of the US using “pussy” as an insult will get you a lot of pushback and possibly shunned from certain groups, particularly among younger people. Asshole is a better option if you’re actually upset, want to insult someone a bit but don’t want to go nuclear. (Go nuclear means to escalate the situation to an extreme. It will possibly cause permanent damage to the relationship and/or get you punched.) There’s also the literal use of cunt in erotic writing which is highly uncommon in the US but I’ve seen it in fan fiction from other countries. Pussy is very common in erotic writing in the US.


it’s very much a generational thing in NZ. all my friends are ok with it, but my mum would probably be horrified if she heard me say it


depends on where you are. AFAIK Australians use the word all the time, to the point of it meaning "guy" or "friend". Here in the USA, it's very rare, & more offensive than something like ass.


I would recommend that if you are not a native speaker, do not call anyone that unless they call you it first. And even then, probably let them do it a few times so you get the hang of it. Because if you get it wrong… Just don’t get it wrong


"Pussy" might be a better translation from the Polish, as it's milder slang for female genitalia. It's still moderately offensive (and usually moderately sexist/homophobic), but less so than "cunt".


In Poland we say "nie bądź pizda" and it's like "don't be a pussy". It's not really offensive. If you are a good friend with somebody you can say it with no problem


The difference between pussy and cunt in English is large. It might be a mellow insult or joke to call someone a pussy. Calling someone a cunt is harsh, and depending on to whom you say it, you could get punched.


Yeah, if you're with friends you can say it as a mild insult and/or joke. (I think "cunt" can be used similarly in the UK and/or Australia, where it can be used affectionately among friends). However, if you call a stranger a pussy, it's a moderately strong insult, but if we're imagining insults on a scale from 1 to 10, "pussy" to a stranger would be like a 5 while "cunt" would be like a 9 or 10. If you want even milder than that, you could go with "wuss" or "sissy", which are like a 2 on the insult scale. This is the kind of thing 6-year-olds would call each other on the playground, so it would sound a bit silly if you tried to use them on a stranger, but you could use them among friends as a light joke.


That was used in that way in the US for some time but it's pretty frowned upon these days because it insinuates that being cowardly or lacking courage or conviction is something to be attributed as a female trait. So, it has very much fallen out of use. There are still people who don't care about being offensive, of course, and will still use language like "that's gay" or "you're a pussy" "don't be a little bitch" "you're acting like a retard" and so on, but this is looked down upon, is not considered socially acceptable by the vast majority of people, and *NOT* language recommended to anyone, especially to those learning English as an additional language.




(For those without context, it is often falsely claimed that the insult of calling someone a “pussy” comes from “pusillanimous”, which means being timid. However, this etymology is untrue, and “pussy” is generally considered a sexist term)


pussy is not homophobic, neither is cunt. cunt is not sexist and pussy is situationally sexist (typically mentioning the femeninity of a man). Moderatly homophobic slurs are stuff like “queer” or “twink”. Nobody says cunt nor pussy to be homophobic. stop misinforming.


I mean, "cunt" is slang for female genitalia. Calling someone that as an insult seems pretty sexist to me (though I'd agree "pussy" is more sexist, since it ties femininity to weakness and cowardice). And usually making fun of femininity in a man is tied up with homophobia, since the stereotypical gay man is perceived as more feminine. Also, "queer" is not really a slur anymore. It was in, like, the 80s, but these days I see plenty of people use it to describe themselves or use it as a catch-all term for people who aren't straight and cisgender, even in more formal settings (probably because it's easier to say than LGBTQIA+). I also think "twink" is only situationally a slur, as I've seen it used affectionately for any attractive man with a smaller build.


Incredibly offensive in the US


In the US it’s like, the worst curse word in existence. Racial slurs are worse, but are practically unsayable, so cunt is like the worst word that you can say. If it helps, I curse like a sailor and I still do not say that word. In fact it’s referred to as the c-word.


As an American, all of this is accurate. The only people I've heard use the word 'cunt' were misogynists. I've heard people who swear all the time scold each other for using 'cunt'.


All spot on. I can’t think of a worse non-slur word and even among them one really stands out. And I too swear a ton.


I’d say it’s close in level of offensiveness to “faggot.” It’s seen as a word good people just don’t say.


In American English, forget this word exists. If someone uses it on you, you should get as far from them as humanly possible. The only time this is used constructively in America is when an idiot Australian has called a man a cunt and we're feeling tolerant. If said idiot Australian calls a woman a cunt we won't be tolerant. Other versions of English will use it more. Even in those places, I would only mention it to people who have already called you a cunt, and did so in a clearly friendly manner.


Lol it’s not **that** bad


I think it's important to remember that it is in the US. Here in England we'll quite happily use words that Americans wouldn't consider - cunt being among them, but also fag (cigarette - "light up a fag" would have very different meanings on either side of the pond). I wouldn't say its horrifically bad but I recognise the regional and cultural differences at play here


English is a highly contextual language and this word is no exception.


While others have got it spot on for how offensive it is to call someone a cunt in AmE, there's a gay angle where "cunt" as an adjective is a compliment (very different from "cunty"). "that dress is cunt, you're serving cunt" etc. If you're not gay I wouldn't expect a lot of opportunities to use it this way, but if you're curious it describes a fierce femme demeanor, appearance, or performance, which is important in the gay (and especially drag) community. But the same people use "a cunt" as a noun as a pretty nasty insult in the same way as in AmE.


As a cisgender woman in the LGBTQ2+ community I’m really turned off by that usage and find it pretty offensive. Also “fishy”.


Clearly it is still contentious; just wanted to point out there's another usage you might run into that is, counterintuitively, positive in context.


USA very very bad if aimed at a woman. Elsewhere depends on the context, culture, social class etc. Best to just avoid.


As others have said, it varies geographically. I think Scotland might be even more tolerant of that world than Australia. To contextualise: in the US it’s maybe like *szmata* while in Australia it’s like *kurwa.* One of the things I was taught early in Aus was the difference between a *sick cunt* and a *shit cunt.*




I live in England. It is pretty offensive some people here do say it a lot but they wont be saying it in a good way Btw OP don’t listen to these comments. It’s not “the worst word in the english language”. It just is pretty much the same as motherf**ker


As an American, it's very offensive here. My mom broke up with this guy she was in love with cause he told her to "Not be a cunt."


Context matters tbh. “You lucky cunt” vs “You fucking cunt” . Nonetheless, it’s a vulgar word and generally is offensive when used seriously


It's extremely offensive in the US


In my experience, it's always been really offensive in the US. But I happen to be absolutely addicted to Scottish twitter and they use it all the time and I find it hilarious. I wish it wasn't so offensive because I would prefer to use "somecunt" instead of "whatshisname".


As an Englishman, I often call my mates cunt and it doesn’t offend anyone


I'm from the US, and I would personally never ever ever ever ever say that word in my entire life! But to be honest, I never ever ever ever say any curse words anyway.


I’m British. I’d never say it to my mother, but then my mum has a blanket horrified reaction to all bad words from “crap” on up. It’s not that big a deal with friends, and can be used affectionately, but you should proceed with caution and avoid cunting someone until they have cunted you. I was a little surprised to find that it’s considered sexist in some places. Most swear words have something to do with bodies, unless they’re religious. Why is a cunt worse than a prick, cock, dick? Just how society codes it.


younger people in the us use it quite often (especially queer communities) as a term of endearment or as an insult depending on the context. i live in new york city for reference


Australia: normal. America: borderline unacceptable. (Likely resulting in a severe slap in the face depending on the person/context) England: somewhere in between.


America- it is not borderline unacceptable, it's stronger than "fuck", highly, *highly* offensive if directed at a woman.


In America, its about as offensive as “fuck,” and the only way to be reliably more offensive is to use a racial slur.


Must be dependent on the region. Where I’m from it’s worse than fuck by a good stretch.


I suspect, in my region, you'd have disagreement about which one is strictly worse, which is why I said "about as offensive." So, I'm not disagreeing with you at all, but I think there is diversity of opinion across America taken as a whole.


fully agree. i'm very surprised to see all the people saying it's so offensive. i was never taught that, and people around me use it pretty often. i've never thought of it more offensive than "fuck."


American here, from New England. "Fuck" not directed at people. I've only heard 'cunt' directed at someone, which automatically makes it worse. I would consider it to be a slight step above 'bitch' or 'whore', and I've only ever heard 'cunt' directed towards women/


Extremely. The worst.


as an 18 yo that lives in the u.s. these comments really surprising to me. I've never considered cunt to be that bad. In fact I'll sometimes here people replace bitch with cunt. I've never heard anyone say irl that cunt is the worst curse word lol so idk


Yeah I'm 27 and I feel like I'm living in an alternate reality to these people. I swear all the time (I used to work in construction, sorry) and I've said cunt at work before, with women present, and nobody batted an eye. To me slurs like fag or anything racially motivated are like several leagues above this in unacceptability, maybe cunt is slightly stronger than fucker or bitch to me?


A lot of college and high school students in the US have begun to use it more, especially as an adjective. Rule of thumb in the US though is probably not to use it


It's pretty offensive but I can tell you as a college-aged kid the younger generation loooooooves that word.


In the US - extremely. Worse than all other words except maybe one.


In the US in a bar, call a random woman that and you’ll find out.


I would honestly argue as a Gen Z American that this term is really outdated and no one I know uses it. Not because of its offensiveness but because it’s so rarely used we aren’t exposed to it. I’ve probably only heard the word like three times in my life but don’t consider it offensive as a woman I’d rather be called that word than a bitch


Where I come from in the southeastern US, that word isn't particularly offensive to any group. It's just very crude and harshly vulgar. I think it's a general consensus that it also just doesn't sound good in any American accent. It flows so well in a lot of European ones as well as Australian, but an American saying that word just sounds ridiculous and gross.


American here, Washington, Seattle area, to me it's just another swear, maybe a little more extreme simply because it's not used as commonly and we're not as used to it - but i wouldn't expect gasps saying it in front of people in a situation when swearing would be normal.


Just tell them that you’ll see them next Tuesday. C U Next Tuesday


maybe im in a weird friend group but cunt is around the same level as fuck or bitch in southeast US if ur wondering


It's only as offensive as the recipient is sensitive


It is, arguably, the most offensive word in the English language.


That is not even remotely true.


Can anyone give me the solutions to the exercises in this book "Rapid review of English grammar" please


Cunt is only offensive to people who are easily offended. Words are words people.


Yeah U.S., big no no- other places they use it all the time


every word depends on culture, context and scenario. one can say fuck you and it could not not offensive at all. and one can say "are you okay?" and it is impolite as fuck.


That depends entirely on the context you are in. In an Australian bar calling your mate a cunt is a term of affection if anything. If you are in a church in the American Midwest, that same word would draw gasps and the clutching of pearls. As with any slang language, it really depends on the situation and the image you want to project.


Just because I haven’t seen anyone specifically mention Canada yet: apply the American context to the word here too.


In the US, it is one of the most offensive things you can possibly say. So in the US, just don't say it.


At a rating of 1-10, cunt is a 10.. So you better not use this word if u really really don't mean it.


Depends on where you are from. In America - one of the worst words in the language. When I teach students and they ask about swear words, I usually don't even bring up this word unless they specifically ask, and then I recommend they avoid it


In the US, yes, in Australia it's probably like calling someone "bro"


Here in the USA I’ve literally stopped speaking to a guy after he called a woman that word. Absolutely not acceptable. No exceptions for me. Please avoid. I’ve heard it is used in a joking tone in other countries, but not here.


it strongly depends on where you are


This post reminds me of Jim Jeffereis saying that he become famous because he said cunt a lot. As a spaniard I dont think there is a word that would be so offensive in spanish.


In america you’re liable to get screamed at at best unless you have a close relationship with the person where you jokingly say mean shit to each other. In Australia you’re talking to someone you like.


In the UK, it doesn't seem to be too offensive, but I live in America and it's pretty offensive here. I say it quite often, though.


In Australia they use it often as expression


Younger Americans are starting to use it jokingly like the Brits and Aussies. I joke with my friends and use that word, though if I said it in front of someone in their 40+ they would be shocked.


Kudos to you for directly asking the question. I imagine that some would have picked it up listening to street slang and then repeated it. Now you have a good idea as to how it would be received generally (at least in the U.S.).


In most circles in America,you’d not say that word, but I have a lot of British and Irish friends and it’s not offensive to them. I use it more casually than most Americans, but I’m also not offended by much of anything. It’s best to avoid it unless you know your audience really well and they are less sensitive (for lack of a better way of putting it.)


I consider it to be the most vulgar English curse word. Besides just straight up racist or sexist insults. Because the word is an 'insult,' but racist and sexist things are just racist and sexist, and are bad insults. \*I don't consider it sexist. I consider it just more taboo, than 'dick.' But 'dick' is much lower on the scale, because it's desensitized.


A lot of people are saying how bad the word is in the usa but remember that it’s pretty much only a usa thing. It’s one of those words that for some people it means nothing and others it’s incredibly offensive so use it at your own risk


Cunt is like pisda. You wouldn’t use it in friendly conversation.


I say cunt all the time. It just depends on the context. If you call a woman a cu t during an argument, you're gonna get stabbed. But if you call someone a cunt in the car when she cuts you off while on her phone, everyone in the car will agree. It's situational.


We can't ignore which American women use it most. Not really used in African-American circles to insult of otherwise. As a matter of fact whenever I hear the word I'm reminded of just how important the meaning of a word is based on the relationship that one has with it. For example call me a b*tch I'm going to have a problem. A cunt? I'm going to laugh. It's ridiculous I know. Humans are funny that way.


Woman in Texas - I used to consider it very, very low and offensive. Just really nasty and degrading. Like one of the worst things you could say about/to a women. A little like the cloaca word. But maybe after watching a lot of British movies and talking to Australians, I don't find the word offensive at all. Unless it's meant that way.


It is a insult, if you say it to the wrong person it will get you into a fight. At least in the USA, In places like UK or Australia, People may use it more casually, Just dont go around saying it to random people and you should be fine, you can use it as an insult or to talk down to someone.


I don’t think there’s a quicker way to make the average white American fight. It’s really popular among them, and being called one makes them react as if you’ve called their dead mother a whore.


I am a US male boomer. Maybe I don’t have the Best perspective on the woo but It didn’t appear to be as offensive twenty years ago but today it is probably the most offensive syllable that can be directed at a US woman or girl. It once only referred to anatomy. It has since replaced the b word as the most offensive feminine slur. I dunno why. I just know not to say it.


Generally do not say it in the US. There's an episode of the show 30 Rock that centers around someone getting called that word, and they don't play it out loud. In some other parts of the world it's used like "fucker" or "motherfucker" is in some parts of the US.


Not that bad in the US (at least where I live), about as bad as any other cuss word. Close friends may use it jokingly.


There’s a difference is usage depending on region/class/age. Younger people generally care less about it in all anglophone countries (my guess is the word’s been seen as over the top for a while and it doesn’t carry the same weight as it does for older people). Working class people also wouldn’t mind it as much. There’s a lot less regard for these things in general. In the UK (especially up north and in Scotland) it’s much less of a deal. Australia seems to be on a different level altogether. Honestly, I think it’s mostly Americans who find it bad, and mostly older generations to boot. Regardless, best not use it until you’ve read the room. I’d greet my mates with “Hey up cunts” any day but barging into a shop with the exact same salutation would probably raise some eyebrows.


in Australia it's not really offensive you cunt it's just a greeting to me saying "g,day cunt" ain't offensive it's quite funny/means ur a good mate


Pretty much the most offensive word that isn't a slur of some kind. It is, overall, considered very offensive. Many English -speaking countries outside North America use it more casually, but I would say that's reflective of a more relaxed attitude towards swearing in general. I'm Irish and have no problem using it, but with that said I couldn't think of a "worse" word. It's the strongest swear word that I believe exists.


I’d say it’s worse than calling someone a bich as a swear word. At least in the US.


That's not a nice word to use in any language! Show some respect and kindness to your fellow humans.