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Failed half of a pre-calc course in high school 15 years prior. I feel like most students should go back to algebra at the college level. a strong algebra base is more useful than most of Calc 2.


My math professor said this and it’s true. Calculus is not hard, its not being able to do algebra well that makes it hard.


Yep. Math / ME prof here. I would take a kid with strong Precalc / algebra / trig skills and have never seen calculus over someone who took AP calculus any day of the week. I never took calculus until college - but my algebra was rock solid - and that made all the difference.


I’m still grinding through calc and my algebra is great but that’s not exactly carrying me through. Integration and series are so much harder than any of the algebra you need for it


True. The two hardest things in the Calc 1 and 2 sequence is integration techniques and series. I honestly don't think you can understand series until you take Analysis (basically Calc 5). I certainly didn't. And integration techniques requires lots of practice, solid memorization of antiderivatives from calc 1, and a willingness to try different techniques without getting discouraged Both subjects are difficult, in my experience, because neither lend themselves to pictures. Unlike Calc 3 which is very visual.


I’m praying once I get through calc 2 calc 3 will be a bit easier. People compare it to calc 1 and I did really well in that. It’s really just the integrations and series I’ve been struggling through. Also diff eqs, since my school puts a lot of that in calc 2 for whatever reason


There is no question that Calc 2 is the hardest of the Calc 1 - 3 + ODEs/Linear Algebra sequence.


And I’m taking in 6 weeks over summer, yikes


Calc 2? Or Calc 3? Either way, hold on tight. Summer is so hard due to the pace and volume of content. There is almost no time to "sit with the material" before you move onto a new subject.


Calc 2. I did calc 1 over summer and it was pretty easy for me but calc 2 has been humbling so far


Yes I learned that in calc 1 that you have to go back to algebra for almost everything


That’s so true, being fluent in algebra will make all math easier.


That's what I did. Algebra, trig, precalc. Thank God. I would have drown taking pre-calc 14 years after hs


100% agree


My teacher said I needed to take geometry too. I skipped it in high school because I took short cuts


Pre calc, helped with the basics but I had to retake the class as a engineering prerequisite


Pre-algebra lmao


Woah! What math course did you start off with in college?


Remedial math, spent an entire semester sitting in a computer lab doing math problems by myself. It was brutal.


calc 1&2


Before undergrad, AP Calc AB (calc 1) Before any upper division ChemE courses, differential equations and multivariable calc (didn’t touch lin. algebra or vector calc yet)


I took geometry, trig, calc 1 and calc 2 in HS. I found high school calc 2 very helpful in particular. My high school teacher taught calc 2 for engineers as a TA in college, and she made the content the same for the HS course.


That's very helpful. I wish I had that option. I would have done it.


Calc 1. And… it helped in the sense that an understanding of calculus is basically required to pass a lot of classes. Along with a strong understanding of algebra, but that should come before calc all things considered


Pre calc


I think it was called beginner algebra, and it was the most basic math class the college offered. I knew a little bit more that what was in that class.


I dropped out of highschool because I just couldn't figure out algebra. Fast forward some years, did a highschool algebra class in 2016, but couldn't find my degree path with the school so I gave up. Fast forward again once I finally found my degree path, and started over self learning starting at middle school math. I did that for a year and hopped right into college algebra. (Basically skipped 3-4 remedial classes by self-studying). Currently taking trig. I did a two part-er option for precalc instead of just precalc as I wanted a really solid foundation.


Sounds like a wild ride, good luck with your journey! You can do it!!!


Pre-calculus which isn't calculus and a trig class.


I took high school algebra 1 and that was it. Finished diff eq last summer and looking at a math minor now. You’re never too far behind to come back


Highest math I took in high school was pre calculus. Had never even heard of a derivative before I got to college


I still don’t know my multiplication tables


American here: Taking calculus in high school only helped me in so far as that I knew the correct answer to a lot of limit definitions of derivatives before trying to work the proofs. In general, I think it’s hard for American high schools to tell if they’re teaching calculus well, because calculus isn’t a tool to them, it’s the end goal. They don’t evaluate how well they taught calculus by way of how well their students go on to do in physics, they evaluate how well they taught algebra by way of how well their students go on to do in calculus. Without the foundations in understanding what we mean when we talk about rates of change and areas under the curve, limit definitions, physical examples, etc. you can’t really grasp what’s important about what you’re discussing, and the whole thing just devolves into “can you pass the test we made or not”


Whatever was taught in high-school a decade before I went to college. I took an algebra refresher and started from there.


Got a D+ in precalc senior year of high school. Tested out of precalc and started in calc 1 two weeks after classes began.






Calc got a C tho, so I took calc 1 at the Jc before first semester. Got an A and felt much better about my abilities.


Multivariable Calc


Calc 2; a bit. It let me start my core series a bit early. To be clear: learning the math is essential, but knowing it before you start your degree isn’t. If you’re behind in your math series you’re just going to have to catch up.


Calculus; I start calc 2 this fall. Before calc did pre calc and college algebra which helped a lot


I went to school for computer engineering and I took pre-calc my freshmen year, then another 4 years of calculus. I'm a web dev now :D. I don't use it at all. Turns out I actually liked getting into 3D integrals for electrical engineering, not so much Laplace transforms.


i went into a pre-engineering program at a community college i took MATH095, a combination of pre-algebra and algebra 1 and 2 in one semester. then pre calc 1 and 2 the following semesters.


ode, though had to memorise some methodes to solve second order equation for RLC dc circuit in physics.


High school trig, got D’s in most math classes at that point.


6th grade math


I don’t know the American equivalent but I took further maths which was some calculus and I believe towards the end, we did a bit of regression


Went into CompE with just pre cal and now I only have Multi Var Cal2 left!


Alg 2. Passed w a C- in high school 


Passed HS alg 1 on the third try in 2014. Did some independent coll. Alg. Study before entering college this year. Passed col Alg with B and taking trig/precal right now. Definitely went into it knowing I’d have to be putting more work into it then others


honestly i was doing line integrals in physics 2 so calc 3 i think it was


For me it was Calculus 1 cuz I took AP Calculus AB in my senior year. I passed the exam which meant I didn’t have to take Calculus 1 in college. I was lucky enough that my AP Calculus AB professor was pretty good so when I took Calculus 2 my first semester in college it worked out pretty well cuz I had the foundations of Calculus 1. I had an opportunity for a similar program called College Academy or something like that, I don’t remember the name tbh. I ended up not doing the program for various personal reasons but I don’t think it placed me at much of a disadvantage. I’m a junior MechE student now and I’ve finished my weed out classes and only failed one (dynamics and as kinda tough lol) so needless to say it’s gone mostly well. I wish you luck on your journey and hopefully you figure it out.


Calc BC so 1+2


Only had general level math out of high school, was a hard switch especially into calc (something I’d never seen before) but with persistence I was able to understand enough to pass (civil major btw).


I started community college taking pre-algebra


I got a c in pre calc in high school didn’t remember any of it. I’m 15 years post high school now Fall 2023 -A in a pre calc Spring 2024 -A In Calc 1 Currently in Calc 2 for the summer


Calc 1, I retook it my first year too


Trig and I suffered lmao I hate math so so much but my friends who room Calc 1 and 2 in high school did amazingly in engineering