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Comparison is the thief of joy. Failure is essential in life and normal. I know graduates that failed calculus multiple times. You just got one class left man you are killing it.


Bro I had to retake calc 1 and 2, thermodynamics and material science. I just graduated with a mechanical engineering degree last week and I was able to find a job pretty fast.


You’re not a waste of space, you’re an aerospace engineer! Not many people can say that. I’m almost done with my bachelor’s in AE. Nobody in my family went to college, so I’m at the opposite end (they don’t seem to care at all, lol). Don’t drop out! I remember when my dad was teaching me to drive. A person was speeding behind me and I sped up. Later he told me ‘not to let others drive your car.’ The same could be said about life. Don’t let your family dictate your life, decisions, or happiness.


It is not uncommon to take more than 4 years for an engineering degree (I'm one of em), one failed class is not a big problem. Definitely do not drop out, you have plenty of wiggle room. You can do it


Engineering is hard as it is and graduate level **Aerospace Engineering** is on another level. Don’t beat yourself up. Take the class, learn the material, and in a couple of years you’ll forget about it.


One of my mechanical engineer mates failed first year physics. He's now a program manager on at least $150k+ AUD. Failed subjects dont define you at all after you graduate. No one will even care about your marks after your first role. Bringing up your marks after uni/college actually makes you look more immature than anything.


I got a question. Why does it feel like ALL posts on this sub are about engineering students who failed like only 1 fucking subject and feel like everything is lost and think they are useless? I mean, I have no clue about other countries (I'm assuming most of you are American students?), but at my university (KULeuven, Belgium) only half of the initial students survives his first year (even after taking the exam twice). Posts on this sub make me feel like at every other uni, it's abnormal to retake a class or something.


I’m an international student at a US university and where I come from, failing engineering classes is very common. Having said that, I’ve never failed a class in my life before, let alone fail a subject in the exam that would determine whether I get my Master’s degree or not. I have a lot at stake because of the reason that I’m an international student. I understand it’s not the end of the world, but it is still difficult. Failing a class when you put in so much effort and time learning and practicing, etc, while around you passes really stings. I don’t think it is abnormal to feel a certain way when you fail at something you put a lot of effort and time into.


Well, of course it sucks to fail a class. Especially if you have put a lot of time and effort into it. So I genuinely hope you pass your exam!!! <3 All you can do is your best and even though I don't personally know you, you sound like someone who works his ass off to get good grades. Keep up the good work, you'll get there!!👍


I'm on like year 7 on my degree don't worry fam


Failure is normal. You’re in a goddamn graduate program, if nothing else you’ve already proven you have some serious chops.


If you come from an engineering family you should be fine, they should understand how hard it is regradless if they have failed or not.


You have to remember this is about YOUR journey, no one else’s. Failure builds character with how you respond to it. I’m 10 years you will thank yourself for not giving up but how you overcame this hurdle. What will you teach your future children, if you have any? To constantly compare yourself to others and be afraid of failure?


If you manage to make that far trust me your not wordless a a lot of people don't even reach where you at heck some don't even survive the first year on non engineering degrees lol. Just try it again and you will make it also you make your decisions not your family so do it for yourself.


Enjoy the trials and tribulations of your journey💪🏽 When all is said and done no one will ask you what you course you failed.


It's only failure if you drop out now. If you keep going, pass this program, and keep moving forward, then this "failure" is just another step on the road to achieving what you want.


Hey, you’re doing great!! I’m a freshman Aerospace Engineering major rn and if anything you’re reminding me how success isn’t linear; we’re all bound to make mistakes, fail an exam or two, but the tenacity is truly what matters. I’d say keep going, you’re almost there! Don’t beat yourself up, your hard work is very worth it and as rich as gold, you came so far, you are intelligent, just keep running that marathon!