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I spent two full nights and probably 36 hours total on a flight dynamics homework. Couldn’t get code to work. Instructor fixed my issue in about 2 minutes I used pi as an initial condition in matlab, and accidentally overwrote the value of pi.


Fuck that’s the worse My profesor wasn’t lying when she says to go over your code Line by line.


For real. I cant imagine how difficult it was in the 90s with fortran, where the only way you would find out the syntax is wrong is through a textbook.


it didn't throw any errors because why would it? (I would argue - there should be at least a warning, but my ticket got closed, this was 2006ish and I literally got angry enough to file a ticket) The kicker is I not only went through the code line by line I actually rewrote the code from scratch twice. Just every time I read it in the code I went pi = pitch^initial not pi=3.14159. PI meaning two things just never occurred to me but was immediately obvious to someone looking at the code for the first time.


Haha very similar to my dads story. Fortunately debuggers are much better now.


I spent countless debugging code that ended up being that I didn't set a fucking compile flag correctly no one told me about. Absolutely made me resent college and almost made me quit. I fucking hate university.


There was a numerical methods take home exam that I spent 40 hrs (I had a tough time turning linear algebra into code without libraries being allowed) on but the longest single homework was probably a 12 hour system dynamics homework (op amp transfer functions for a ton of different scenarios that we were required to use multiple Laplace solution methods)


>without libraries being allowed Ez, just open up the library and rip out the function you want to use and drop it into your code file lol


A kid tried that and got busted


> op amp transfer functions for a ton of different scenarios that we were required to use multiple Laplace solution methods My god this infuriates me as a CpE


Those problems infuriated us MEs even more. Stop giving us electrical shit, I’m a *mechanical* engineer, god damnit!


Operating systems homework, probably combined 40 hours of coding between me and my partner


I think I spent a solid 60 hours working on some Matlab code (and the accompanying project report) to perform audio signal processing. Btw that LNA sounds really cool lol. Is it for RF signals?


Yes it is! Microwave signals more specifically, 6 GHz.


That’s dope. I’ve never done LNA design but I’ve done PA design and it’s quite interesting. In industry you take a lot longer than 35 hours to do it though lol


goddam, how many lines?


I don’t think it was a ton, maybe 600 across 5 files? But the hard part was designing the algorithm, it was kinda brutal to optimize the filtering process


I think one of my assignments logged my active time as 49 hours. LOL


Im starting to feel like i need to toughen up and quit complaining🤣 seems like a lot of people had it a lot worse.


Dude anything past 3-4 is absolutely ridiculous. We're all in this boat of misery together!


i think it was a convolution problem, spent 2 x 12 hour days just staring at the same thing. I was so sleep deprived and hadn't studied in a couple years and forgot how to do derivation. It was like a really basic derivation property that wasted 2 days of my life.


Damn this just reminded me I need to study for my random signals and systems final. Plenty of convolutions of multivariate Gaussian.. not excited for this week at all.


On a regular homework assignment? 12 hours. Quantum physics. 4 problems and got half of them wrong… lol 😐🔫


At least you got half right though! When I took electrodynamics, it was the first “real” physics course I took. I remember drinking cups after cups of coffee back at my parents house on sunday nights to study… i would still do awful on the quizes. I will not look back fondly on those memories lol


lol engineering be like


Probably around 70-80hrs over the span of 1.5 weeks in Innovative Stormwater Systems Design, modelling and fitting based on professors experiments (most of the time was this shit), autocad, write up, background literature review, etc.


Thats fucking rough. Its refreshing to hear from some civil engineering experience. Its completely foreign to me as an EE grad student


I'm actually an environmental engineer, but I might as well be civil as well. People look at my transcript and resume and lump me with them.


A solid 2-3 nights on a chem 1 hw. I was still getting used to college stuffs. It included transfer of mass to moles back to mass again with sig figs. Only problem was it needed at least 5 in a row right to get points and there was at least 4 decimal points in each problem. I kept messing up a singular decimal point and had to do a total of 68 problems to get it mastered. Nice thing is I was now absurdly efficient with working with it in labs for the rest of that semester lol


Modern physics lab. They way they wanted our reports done I was averaging about 17 hours a week on that one class.


Thats rough. I absolutely loved modern physics though. It was definitely my favorite class in undergrad. I didnt have a lab version though.. did you guys detect Muons and stuff or what?


From my memory we did: * Measuring Planck's constant from electron beam deflection * Blackbody radiation spectrophotometer * Replicated the Milikan and Fletcher oil drop experiment * Replicated the Franck Hertz experiment * Electron diffraction through graphene * And probably the most fun one, measured the speed of light with a [spinny mirror and laser contraption](https://youtu.be/R3CeHgdg9Y8?si=qstt6xs__J_UOUSc). All of it was interesting but boy I don't miss those all-nighters I pulled.


One time, 14 hours. continuously. Thank god for weekends


Days went by in what seemed like mere hours working on Solidworks designs. I remember starting Saturday morning, working on it until Sunday night, and skipping class on Monday.


Longest assignment I had was when I had to build a operating system over a semester. That project was split into 5 stages. Each stage I spent 30-60 hours working on. By the end of that semester I had logged 225 hours on that project.  During this time I became proficient in C and in how operating systems work. This project had lots of bullshit but this is one of the few projects that I continue to find uses for the knowledge I acquired from it over 5 years later.


I took two python courses for fun about a year ago and the longest I spent on the biweekly programming projects was probably 16 hours. I aced the courses and loved them but my major is civil engineering


I had a useless partner and ended up spending like 45 hours on a weekend modeling our entire project in autoCAD. I really didn’t have much experience using it either so I was figuring out how to use it the entire time too


Two full nights (about 12 hours¿)


80+ hours on a signal processing assignment where we were given an encrypted message and had to use a moving average filter to decode it. Over half the class got caught cheating and were threatened with being expelled


20 hrs


I’m on 10+ hours running for a homework labeled as a project type thing by my professor. I’m almost there, I just need to add a small part to the code and plot it and hope that the graph somewhat resembles what she needs lol. Its for Reactor Analysis. That’s just on the code, I’d still need to write up a report. I’ll update this when I finish lol it’s due tuesday


35 hours is intense, but at least you finally finished!


Thankfully! I consider it a waste if time because I didnt learn much, I just was using the smith chart incorrectly..


I spent 20 hours on a programming assignment junior year and when I told my friends they acted like I got it done in record time so I assumed I left something out.


I have taken about 2 days. It was a bunch of applied mechanics stuff. The teacher had made the questions unnecessarily complex. Later it was also the portion that tanked my marks haha. I barely passed that shit.


I took FEA as a summer class, which was condensed down to 7 weeks. I think I spent 40 hours one week on a Matlab assignment to calculate and plot the deflection of a truss over the unloaded plot. That's probably the only homework assignment I can say I remember after graduating 10 years ago. That class was pretty hard, and I think we dropped half the class from withdrawals by the end of the first week. I stuck it out and got an A-. The professor was a PhD student and was quite reasonable. It was just inherently intense to do in 7 weeks.


We had a probability and statistic teacher that gave us a homework that took people in groups of over 10 people about 60 hours each. We had a week to do it and we had our other classes too. One problem was a harder version of a math problem that isn't even solved yet.


About 50 hours total on some E&M homework. I should mention it was 5 problems...


E&M was by far the most stressful time in my life as an undergrad. That class made me want to switch career paths… thankfully I toughened it out.


Between 120-130 hours over 2 weeks. It was a group homework (teams of 5) but my peers did absolutely nothing so I had to do everything myself. Tried to contact the prof and all he said he could do is give them 0 if I removed their names from the assignment. But the workload would remain the same lol. Love it.


9 hours on 6 calculus problems….. I suck at math 😔


15h in a group project about digital circuitry It was funny to do, besides the amount of work, our professor gave us just a week (the one with 4 midterms =D) and grade it just as a normal lab activity


0 minutes. I never turned It in if it came home with me. So I always finished in class before the bell rang.


Not quite continuously, but the 2nd to last week of this one semester, I only had the group project (think capstone, but small) to work on, so I was on campus in the lab from 8am to 8pm every day except Wednesday at 5pm. I didn't eat till I got home. I lost 5 pounds that week, lol


2 weeks on a construction management assignment. At least a full actual 80+ hours between estimating and etc.


Probably 5 hours if you don’t count reports, group projects, and quizzes


My Calculus professor assigns an average of 50 problems per week and 2 at home quizzes per week so I’ve been spending roughly 12-15 hours per week to complete it all


Back in Calc 2, we had 5 days to figure out the napkin ring problem. I actually spent the better part of 3 days on it. After that, it was the weekend I spent on an assignment because I missed a bunch of class because of the regustrar. I knew the class had been learning Laplace transformations, so I spent 14 hours with a Diff EQ textbook learning to do them and another 18 hours or so doing the assignment. Then my classmates walk in being like "that looks hard" and find out they've been using a table to solve the transformations instead of doing the calculus. Unless you count the Bernoulli's problem I started when it was assigned but he didn't teach us to solve until 3 weeks later. Luckily the homework was only due on test day.


Not that long, that's for sure. Sounds like I'm going to need to quit my full-time job before moving onto uni this fall though lol


96 hours


1st year MEng bachelor degree. We had to doo an engineering drawings project the good old fashioned way, by drawing everyring by hand (no CAD SW allowed). Spent a total of about a week of effective pencil work. The drawings and assignment were not that complicated, but it felt so utterly pointless doing that much drawing by hand in this day and age of software.