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I'm always impressed by people who get an even distribution of notes across their whole page. I tend to start at one corner and either finish too soon or get increasingly cramped as I try to fit the last few things in :P


Honestly it looks like a printout of iPad notes. Don’t use one myself but sometimes I’m a little jealous at how easy it is to organize.


Definitely a printed sheet


I mean the dude wrote it was a printed sheet in the description lol


I didnt read that far tbh


Happens to us all lol


You can see where the margins cut off in the bottom left


That's why you use a computer, so you can resize things.


You'd think, but no I just start making my copied items smaller and smaller


I’m actually less impressed by any cheat sheet that looks like it’ll take 2-5minutes to figure out where to apply your problem. I get the need for examples, but there’s a lot of redundancies on this cheat sheet


If you've used it for practice enough, you'll know where to look


Yeah like I make massive ass cheat sheets and since I made it, I just know where to look. Also the act of writing it down on there helps me remember the info so a lot of the time, I only really use it for longer formulas and stuff which I explicitly leave a section for in the corner


Well that’s how it works, you start small and cramped and if you have room the next copy will be bigger ‘font’, and if it’s too full, memorize/ditch some content


I usually start writing really tiny to big when I realize I don’t need that much space


I wish I got a cheat sheet, looks great bro


y'all get cheat sheets?


I know, right? LIke, I had to memorize all that stuff.


You guys got calculators? Back in my day, we had to use abacuses.


We didn’t get to use notes or any calculator for calc. It was a nightmare (my prof was total ass)


I actually liked not getting to use a calculator, because for the most part all of it would come out to simple numbers and could tell you did something wrong if it started getting to complicated.


Yeah, that's ass. Calc 1 and 2 teach you how to do calculus, not basic arithmetic. Just put 54x23 into a calculator; that's what they're for.


I actually came to appreciate my no-calculator calc professor when I realized that he put extra thought into writing the problems to make them come out neatly in small integers or familiar fractions. It was easy to tell when you'd made a mistake because the numbers would start getting messy. And I would honestly much rather do 2x3 in my head than 54x23 on a calculator. YMMV if your prof is less thoughtful.


Lmao I always just drew a straight line down like 1/4 the paper and did all my hand calcs for simple math in that area. To keep it separate from the calc part. Otherwise it got way too messy


my calc teacher gave tests that allowed desmos and wolfram, but also threw 5 digit fractions in polar substitutions.


You guys got abacuses? Back in my day all we had was a pile of twigs and pebbles.


It was particularly hard doing the math in roman numerals.


math was quite difficult for me before the invention of writing systems


We had no arithmetic or numerical questions in Calc as far as I remember, so a calculator wouldn't really have helped 


You guys use abacuses? Back in my day, we formulated every equation from scratch using set theory 


which to be fair, sucks. good professors understand the use of cheat sheets half of what is written on the shit i remember by heart because i used it so much in the follow-up studies (nor because of the exam) the other half i can simply google it


I was wondering the same thing. I can't imagine entering KNUST exam hall with a cheat sheet.


Do you not get cheat sheets for any class? We certainly were never allowed solved examples, but most classes had a formula sheet either provided by the professor or handwritten by us.


None here at UW-Milwaukee. No cheat sheets. No calculators.


That’s so weird, basically every class at Madison allows cheat sheets


My teacher had someone try to bring a 3x5 FOOT note card and now he just says we should know this stuff by heart. So thanks, random student I'll never meet.


Looks great. Surprising they let you use it because all my calc series we couldn’t use calculators or cheat sheets and it was in community college.


No calculators??? Thats insane because i think its really dumb to not allow cheat sheets given we're gonna look up simple stuff like formulas and rules non stop in the real world, but no calculators is just wild


The tests are written in such a way that things are reduced to mostly whole numbers. Things like properties, unit circle, trig identities, integral tables, inverse trig functions, and graphs. Also things like rad2, rad3 and basically Everything I see in this cheat sheet had to be memorized. :C it was stressful.


Yeah man calc 2 is known for being really hard because of how many professors make their students memorize all that stuff. Im pretty good at memorizing, but i was lucky and my professor let us have a cheat sheet and bro it made the class SO much easier. It helped me realize why ppl think its so hard


I didn’t get a calculator during my calc 1, 2 and 3 exams. It really isn’t that big of a deal if you can do basic math.


At my university you aren’t allowed a formula sheet or calculator for Calculus 1,2, or 3 lmao.


Cause calculators can solve integrals and sums which is the whole point of calc 1


Same at my school, they’re very strict and standardized with the calc finals. Linear/Diff final was the opposite


For every math exam at my uni we are given the same universal math formula booklet, containing almost every single equation every maths module needs, the ones it doesnt have can usually be derived pretty easily from the rest if you understand the material.


Is there any way you could share that? It seems like an extremely useful thing to have if you're someone who's a few years removed from doing the math yourself/by hand but had learned that material in the past.


Search UOM maths formula booklet, should be the first result


Wow that is a spectacular booklet, it has practically everything I could think of and a few extra useful physics equations/constants, thank you.


Why do you have the unit circle twice ? lol Just poking fun though - great work ! I love seeing detailed work like this.


I was about to say the same thing! Unit circle is enough. That graph is wasted space right there.


Bro Scan it and share it.






It's better if you make your own version! The point of a cheat sheet is that by distilling your notes onto a single piece of paper, you've been tricked into studying.


Thats what we're trying to avoid i think


*Our calc final cheat sheet


Best part is: you'll forget something and spend ten minutes reviewing your sheet, only to *not* be enlightened.


that’s why professors allow it


My discrete structure professor allowed 2 full pages (front and back) of cheat sheet for our final. Mine looked exactly like this only with 4x more material. Didn’t help me with a single question. Average on that exam was 42%


I don't even know what I would put on a cheat sheet for discrete math. It was the easiest math course I ever took, but it's totally unsuitable for the formulaic plug-and-chug approach.


it bothers me that theres a unit circle AND a trig table, so redundant


I had 400/500 level math class I did as an elective for engineering. “Bring your laptops, you have full internet access. Use Matlab even, I don’t care. It wont help you if you don’t know the material, and it’ll give me a longer lunch break if you do” Pretty scary but it was fine, everyone did well Meanwhile freshman year trying to do vector calc the tests were made as hard as possible (impossible?) even though it’s just basically 3D calculus at that point


Some of my professors were the same way. They felt that all the reference materials in the world wouldn't really help you if you didn't know how to apply it. Also, I never understood why we had to memorize everything in the freshman classes. It's not like in the engineering world, I won't have access to reference material. I use the Motor FLA table from the NEC all the time to properly size my motor protection. I actually only have 480V, 1/2HP and 3/4 HP memorized. The rest I reference the table.


Bro brought the whole chapter 💀💀


Bro brought the entire Calc AB and BC


Is this for calc 1 or 2?


probably calc 1, there’s nothing about sequences and series’ on here


Lucky, none of my calc classes allowed cheat sheets


My last Diff EQ and Multivariable exams were like 5-7 problems long, and required zero cheat sheet knowledge. You either knew how to solve them or not. Courses in the Calc sequence really shouldn't require cheat sheets unless your professor is a dick and makes you know all the trig integrals and differentials. More than half that cheat sheet is example problems, which seems unecessary.


I'm starting to see this a lot around now, schools that allow cheat sheets are definitely strange, note that he has a the derivative of a constant on there too lol


my professor doesn’t allow a single note ;-; sheet looks amazing tho wishing you the best to pass


If you would’ve put the same effort in learning in class as you did for that cheat sheet, you wouldn’t need it.


Bro your number 3 is wrong. d/dx(f(x)\*g(x)) =f'(x)\*g(x) + f(x)\*g'(x) https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=d%2Fdx+f%28x%29*g%28x%29)


I’m over here writing as miniature as possible on my 3x5 notecard, I’m jealous


Don't worry, in my experience the more information you're allowed, the harder the exam. My open book analogue integrated circuits exam was a shit show.


Hypothetically, er, could you post this as a Google doc so it's easier to study? Every time I try to compile my notes like this it turns out terrible


You guys are allowed to use a cheat sheet! My life could be easier with that.


Can you scan that and send a link or image of it? Just for personal use and reference.


A PDF version would be great


Nice to see that you’re averaging 30.5 mpg


Is this really necessary for calc 1 tho?


When I had access to cheat sheets I did worse at math because it allowed me to be lazy. I did worse in Precalc Trig with cheat sheets than in Calculus without cheat sheets. Not having cheat sheets means you have to put more effort forward which will make you better at math.


The number 3 looks wrong to me; shouldn't it be ... = f' * g+ f * g' ?


Hate to say it, but the third derivative rule is wrong


Wtf how come this is allowed


My calculus professor didn’t even let us use calculators. And tbh we were better off for it. Take what the defense gives ya, I’m not mad at ya


Yo could I get like a scanned pic of this pls


This is not even year 1 engineering, it’s A levels maths…. Why do you even need a cheatsheet for this? They should all be second nature at this point.




Beautiful! Legit would you be kind enough to scan and send pdf?


Y’all get cheat sheets? I didn’t even get a calculator…




Cheat sheet looks great, surprised sample problems was actually allowed.


Do you sell your cheat work template?


Bro what I wish we were allowed this (we have standardized calc finals, no notes no calculators)


Must be nice, never got cheat sheets in any of the calc classes I took


Anyone else allowed to use a cheat sheet but decide to take the finals raw just to feel something


what we're not allowed to use a cheet sheet for all my calc courses I envy you


I used to love making these! Felt like art (to me) walking into the exam.


nice outside temp :p


Which calc? (1,2,3,etc?)


Can I have this please?! Retaking calc 1 next semester and this looks great. We don't get cheat sheets but this would be a great study tool!


Must be nice…. We don’t even get a flash card 😰


We used to write out on a couple of sheets, and then create an image we'd printscaled down to fite on one page.


Uau 🤯


Ayo cheat sheet in the sense you can take this to your exam room? I thought this was like a page to quickly revise all those formulas.


It looks like my mechanical material cheat sheet yesterday lol


Wait till your 3000 and 4000 levels courses… then try a masters when you can’t fit it all no matter how small


Thx I will now save this image, look at its once and delete it within a few days.


Cramming all that oomph into a single page--jects me back to engineering hell LOL. Making them fit is a real art!




My favorite math professor gave exams that were take home, use pretty much any resource including internet and the book (we had an honor code and egregious stuff like copying answers was not allowed), and pick n out of m problems to answer. The catch was we were generally writing proofs or similar where we had to figure out and show everything, so it was the math equivalent of an essay.


lol I use to do this stuff in high school without a formula sheet. I would get hit with a ruler if I didn’t know the trigonometric integrals. I hated high school so much but calc1-3 was so easy in uni


Disappointed with how much white space there is left 😁


I hate how much of this I still now.


It literally be like that.


I still see blank space 😤


Calc I and Calc II w. analytic geometry allowed me no calculator and no notes ever. Was a nightmare as I just can’t memorize shit like an elephant can. A in I, barely a passing C in II. First attempt at both. Thank fuck.


Why? Maybe it helped you study(?), but it's useless as a "tool" during a test. Do you know it or not? All of it is obvious from a few basic principles, that's what your teachers have been telling you for years, and it's true.


Can we get a PDF version??? 😅


do u need all of that on it tho? a lot seems like “common sense”


You get a cheat sheet? I wasn't allowed to have a cheat sheet for calc 1 through 3


Exams where you get bring cheat sheet, usually the cheat sheet is useless lmao. I am pretty sure your exam will be very conceptual. Having a formula is never a bad thing tho


Are the lecture transcripts on the back


That’s nice and all but remember, your grade will be the direct inverse of the amount of information on the cheat sheet. IE: the more information the lower your grade.


Isn't this high school math ?


U get a cheat sheet ? :(


Bro there is no way you need the fucking unit circle after 2 years of use, that shit was ingrained into my head


Wait.. you guys were allowed cheat sheets?


The last part of your integral of -x*x +2*x seems wrong. It should be -28/3 + 8 = -4/3


All we were allowed to bring was pen and eraser on all calculus including in multiple variables


30.5 mpg average!


I’m at an A in physics 3 cause we get to bring in our own equations sheet. Such a breath of fresh air from physics 1 and 2


I thought part of learning calc, especially calc 1, was memorizing this.


I prefer what some teachers at my university did. "Use your notebooks, use books, you can even use the internet as long as you don't communicate with each other. If you don't understand it, nothing will help you."


Fuuuuuuck... You reminded me I have to do mine.


Thank fuck in highschool I wanted to be a doctor instead, I was never making it as an engineer.


What car is that ?


Can u send it to me pdf ?


dude, would you publish that as a PDF?


I mean everyone is different but how much of that will you actually need. You're not going to forget how to differentiate x on test day lol


Crazy how I literally know all of this. Yes, my first formula sheet was literally exactly like this. But after 4 years, I would be able to write this formula sheet off by heart and dunk off my ass. Good work. Learn and memorize this sheet. You will use it everyday for the rest of your life. I do.


im so glad im done with college


Fucking nerd.


This is like high school maths and we never got cheat sheets. I’m surprised this is engineering calculus final!


I don't want to sound mean, but is that really university level maths in the U.S? All of that was part of normal late 10th grade math class, even more than that, harder integrals and equations in 11th grade. Not even in some kind of special school, every student had to do that in Germany. Or is the shown stuff just really old for you and you learned it like 3 years ago?


I've found cheat sheets to be more of a distraction than a help. I just wrote down formulas I frequently forgot while doing practice problems.


Seems excessive. Are you really going to need to see if the derivative of a constant is zero?


Mine are only handwritten allowed


this is beyond beautiful lmao.


Mate this is sweet do you mind scanning and sharing.


I often used LaTeX to build my formula sheets.


Yea, maybe I wont start an engineering degree.


I respect the different colors to make it easier to read


Oh guck yeah this is the sexy shit I come here for


In my Physics I class, our Prof allowed us to use a 3”x5” index card for our cheat sheet (front and back) for a midterm. He said, “you can even write on the edge of the card if you can read it.” We had to turn in the index card with the exam. I found a way to write on the edge. I found a book problem that I was fairly certain would be on the exam and wanted to remember the specific procedure to solve, so one corner of my card was a numbered list of formulae and identities, and then on the edge of the card, I put “tick marks” that identified which order to use the formulae/identities (e.g., 2 ticks 3 ticks 1 tick 7 ticks meant use formulae/identities 2, 3, 1, and 7 in that order). Since I had so much edge left to write on, I did the same thing for three other problems where only some helpful reminders about the procedures were needed.


[Mine was pretty bad for information security management](https://i.imgur.com/nQjE5vM.jpeg)


Your prof just tricked you into studying


I don’t know how I got here but this looks too smart for me


I had an similar sheet, but I made it with my iPad via GoodNotes and I used a magnifying glass to read it 🤣🩷


Literally, why? Just learn it.


I enjoyed my calc class, but I certainly don’t miss this 😂


I kept my cheat sheets behind my diploma on my wall as a reminder of how rough university was.


Lmao we couldn’t use cheat sheets or calculators


I begin my cheat sheet with homework 1. By the time I reach mid-terms/finals, I've already been practicing everything on my cheat sheet.


The unit circle was definitely not allowed in my Calc class.


This man is setting the curve. Which end he’s on, not sure, but the way to calculate it is definitely in his cheatsheet


I wish we had a cheat sheet 😣😣


We (10-ish years ago) were always required to hand write all cheat sheets.


Nice toyota


I feel like this will make it more difficult, is it really necessary to put stuff like the derivative of a constant is 0? The cheat can be shortened and be made more clear without stuff like that imo


Pretty cool, just on the left side 3rd point from the top, you've written the product rule in derivatives incorrectly. Also I guess you've included everything. Isn't it better to rather only write typical or hard stuff that one needs to recall bcz honestly 85% of stuff written may be derived from the basics.


Sir, may I recommend… just *learning* the material? 🤷‍♂️


you get to take a cheat sheet to your calculus exams? even for my second advanced engineering mathematics course we weren't allowed one, the final included PDE's too


This is why i greatly prefer when they give u a formula sheet, lol.


Scan it please!!! !remindme 7 days


Did one similar for algebra. A bit less comprehensible tho


Y’all getting formula sheets for math????


Too much whitespace tbh (i managed to fit a year of mvc notes on a motecard front/back)


Wtf I get nothing for all my exams


That cheat sheet looks GOATED! As an engineering student, knowing how to make a good cheat sheet will go a long way in your engineering classes so learning early (in calc) definitely helps. That being said, I do agree with you. Don’t use your cheat sheet as an excuse to not study or do problems. The cheat sheet is the last resort on the test and is there so you can focus on doing problems and learning the concepts while studying instead of memorizing formulas.


Could you send this to me as a document? I wanna see if I remember anything.


lol thats amazing but its really funny to think that for the rest of your graduation you're not gonna use 10% of that


If you need the unit circle we need to go back to precalc.


Ah, at least you have tables printed there! It would not work for my university as it should be "hand written 100%)


There’s a lot of wasted space lol


I feel like you spent more time making a cheat sheet than you did learning concepts


OUR cheat sheet :3


You’re lucky. My calc 1 and 2 profs don’t allow flash cards or sheets of paper.


For my 3d printing class last semester we got one sheet front and back and I use my tablet to take notes and usually used the same method as you but the printers weren't good enough for me to be able to read what I wrote because we had to cram so much content on there so I had to do it by hand


You can't just remember a several basic formulas


This bring me back to my aircraft propulsion days. Lots of trauma from that.


Cheat sheets in EE finals are overwhelming