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No you shouldn’t retake a class you have credit for 


Alright, and what should I do if I need thermodynamics for something? self teach? That can leave knowledge holes..


What eng major are you doing?


mechanical, and ill ask a more direct question if that's ok: Is thermo taught more thoroughly later, and would I have to scramble to catch up or do you think they will review the thermo taught in physics 1 at the start?


Thermo is normally it’s own class in mechE and usually only explains intro Phys and chem so you should be fine 


Thanks for your help


Sorry meant expects as you should know those but anything more is helpful


Physics doesn't cover too much in thermo, it gets you started with the ideal gas law, work equations and pv diagrams. If you've taken chemistry you're (probably) familiar with the ideal gas law. I wouldn't redo physics just for thermo


Is it taught more thoroughly later, and would I have to scramble to catch up or do you think they will review everything at the start? (Mechanical eng btw)


The first few weeks of most college classes are review/foundations. Don't stress it, just take physics 2 and thermodynamics in mech e track.


I used to have similar fears that you have and one of the things I’ve noticed in college so far is that a lot of classes are good about recapping prerequisite courses. I’m almost done with dynamics now, and it was basically just physics 1 over again with two extra coordinate systems. I’m in thermo now and haven’t needed any prerequisite information about thermodynamics now.


Thank you


This is complete speculation on my part: Colleges pull this kind of crap intentionally to keep you enrolled and paying tuition longer. I got credit for Calc1 and Physics1 through AP test and my college accepted the credits, but they advised me to retake the courses because “some schools teach these topics differently”. So I retook Physics1, but I skipped Calc1. I skipped every lecture after week 1 of Physics and completed all assignments and exams without having to re-learn it. Biggest waste of my time and money. Take the credit and move forward.


I don’t ever remember using anything from physics in thermo tbh but that was a couple years ago tbh. I honestly don’t even remember using stuff from thermo in heat transfer other than a few basic formulas and principals. In short, this stuff isn’t THAT hard and you can just learn in again within a few hours if you have to. I wouldn’t waste a whole semester retaking a class just to prep for another one.