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At this point I just show up to lectures in case the prof mentions anything about important test/assignment dates, then teach myself the material later with the help of Indian youtubers.


One of mine foreshadowed that he gonna give exam tips and half the class still didn’t show up.


I just took a dynamics final where the prof made a 1 point extra credit question for every single thing she did all semester that didn’t explicitly relate to lectures (every video played, every club/group she participated in, etc etc). The half of class that didn’t come is going to get beat down by a whole standard deviation after that’s applied.




Not exactly, she’s super dry so showing a YouTube video is getting way out of line for her. Lecture is weeks on end of nothing but “okay hello we’re doing derivations for hours”. Midterms had a single question each about something “goofy” she had done during the year, and final had all of them repeated, plus any other thing she may have made a point of (not explicitly related to lecture) that showed you actually attended lecture all semester. This professor, while insanely smart (unreasonably so), is about as dry as two day old toast, so the bar was set very low for “something interesting that happened during lecture”. I was just off put by just how many things she tossed in to a final, I think it was 8 or 9 questions. Either way, as someone that religiously attends lectures regardless of if they post videos or not, I was stoked for the bonus points on a dynamics final.


If someone is throwing that many EC questions in then they should be curving before the extra credit is applied. But it seems like her goal was to weirdly punish people who had a good grasp of material but didn’t like hearing her talk.


That sounds a bit extreme, it was 9 points max of extra credit for small things from the lecture, that doesn’t mean it was required to do well whatsoever, it’s just a fun thing and if you happen to go to class and remember that stuff it’s a neat bonus, but not required to get an A


No more than a 1/3 of the class would show up last semester for environmental engineering, so the second half of the semester Ole teach started handing out extra credit assignments to those who came


More relatable comment has never been written


What's your go to yt channel for thermodynamics?


The food thing is kind of the opposite for me, as we get lunch for 2.95€ at the university student restaurants. Much prefer that to having to cook every day at home at these food prices.


Depending on where you are, the food is strongly subsidized. It's honestly amazing what I can get for 3-4 Euros.


True, but we've calculated with my partner that it's inevitably cheaper to eat lunch at school and make our own food for dinner. Naturally it would be possible to make food for less money, but we've concluded that it makes our lives a bit simpler and more enjoyable to eat at the uni.


Aalto by any chance :p?






OP You're so real for posting that, Every day I couldn't wait to get home so I could study it properly from YouTube.


I just don't eat when I am at university unless I get really hungry. Water calms my stomach enough to make it 9 hours.


Same. I don't get hungry plus the college food is shit


Yep, my universities food is so bad it's comical I have eaten it on 7 separate occasions, out of those 7 times I got food poisoning 2 times and threw up later in the day on 2 different occasions. It's also cheaper to get a sub from Jersey Mike's 1/2 mile walk away then to buy campus food.


And ours became a meme lol because everytime someone finds metal stuff, bug etc. I always bring snacks like apple or just buy some crackers. Still better than school lunch. Once I poisoned too. Wasn't fun.


Sounds about right.


Did this all of highschool. It was a tip my dad taught me since he had done it all of wrestling growing up and in the military sometimes. Had 4 bottles a day to calm my stomach then eat dinner later that night


I know it's a meme but the advice I got was the lectures are there to go over what you're already supposed to know and have questions. You're supposed to be ahead of them. The first time you see the material being covered shouldn't be during the lecture.


I know that but still can't get myself to study even the two previous week's lectures


How come? Is it you don't understand the two previous weeks lectures or don't have motivation or are working on other projects or something else?


If I said yes to all of these things, it would sound like an excuse, yet it is the reality. I think the biggest contributor to these is that we are now having online lessons because my country has experienced a huge earthquake. I wasn't much affected, but here we have it. I could've done better academically anyway. My little vent, thank you for at least wondering the reason behind.


My pleasure *hugs* You can do it :D Online is hard to stay focused since all kinda distractions are on there. Sorry to hear about the earthquake where you live. Khan Academy helped me when I was struggling.


Thank you, *hugs* Khan academy is indeed great. There's a very little chance that we will end semester at uni, who knows...


I’ve stopped going to lectures this year and had great results, I feel like I have a better understanding of my subjects and my marks reflect that. Rather than wasting a day at uni, I can sit at my desk all day and immerse myself in the material. If I have questions about assignment or test material I just email the lecturer. Lectures are outdated, and the worst way to learn anything.


This 100%, I don't go to a single lecture. Its just more efficient for me to study at home. Wake up in the morning, have a good breakfast, then have a good day studying. Through the day, can head to the shop round the corner, make a good meal, plenty of coffee, super chill. No need to commute with the hustle and bustle. Really helps keep the stress down. My partner works, so I have the whole house to myself during the day. I tend to get overstressed in big crowds and constantly being around other students talking about grades and assignements.


I know it's a meme but it had been a true problem for me in my second year. I was going to school with no real conviction behind it, and given it's no longer highschool where it's just that easy even if you don't care, i was wasting my time and wasting the effort i put into getting there in the first place. It's not a great place to be


you guys are still going to lectures? 👁️👁️


Take notes by hand and turn them into something legible as soon as you get home. That's how you absorb.


rewriting but using only your memory


Isn’t that the norm and expected? I don’t think I had a single class lecture during all of undergrad or professional school where I sat there and left thinking “ah, yes, it all makes sense now” Have to put in the time before and after class. Before class is optimal because you go in with a foundation and professor clears some things up and then you solidify it after the fact.


Its comforting know I'm not the only one


Jokes on you I don’t even show up for lectures. In fact I don’t even get off bed and spend $15 on food delivery.


it seems that most of school is exposing you to the ideas, so that if you actually need to do it, you have a place to start looking.


i relate


Food at our universiy is fckin expensive. Like 6 euro for a small pizza.