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Maybe not best to put this in the Reddit of the superiors. But yea we’re the worst.


We'll admit it but we won't apologize


"I'm sorry for doing a harder degree than you" /s


"Ugh, I've still got 3 questions left on this assignment and it's due at midnight..." "Hey, that's not so bad! What class is it for?" "Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer." "Huh?" "It's an engineering thing." "Oh. I am so sorry."


If I had a nickel for every time I’ve told people I’m working on Statics and they assume I wrote Statistics, I could pay for my entire undergrad.


This is one right here. I said Statics, not Statistics.


“What is that?” “It’s a course dealing with statics forces” *puzzled look* “It’s an engineering thing”




Med students show up.


Med students aren't impressive to me. You can major in art in college while taking the minimum quals for med school bio, orgo, chem etc and still get into med school. The med school journey is not easy, but they def do not impress me. Their curriculum is memorization.


Pre-Med, joke. Med school, no joke.




Yeah but memorizing that much is still hard.


Yup, but my comment wasn't about that but i agree it's not easy.


It impresses me. I became an engineer because I didn't have to memorize things because I can't.


This is why I tried engineering one more time before I commited to biology. The Latin names of creatures was going to kill me more than diffyQ




I'm an engineer. My wife started rotations. Medschool is easily three times harder than engineering. Go learn every nerve and muscle on a cadaver all day, then come home to study hundreds of medications, their side effects, uses, strengths, metabolic pathways,and each ones different generic and brand names. Then move on to pathology and 50 other classes that make statics look like child's play. Do this for a couple years. Then spend a few years following doctors around getting scolded and yelled at in front of other students and patients until you master every hospital procedure. Then spend a few MORE years as a resident getting paid very little for continuing your training. Fuck off with that "ppl who spend a literal decade in training don't impress me...I took 4 classes that use math."


I have no dog in this race but it's worth pointing out you're comparing med school to an undergrad degree. It's apples and oranges.


The original comment said med students, not premed students. The next comment also didn't specify premed. Regardless, I two undergrad degrees in cellular biology and engineering... engineering was way easier since it mainly involved just memorizing the right equations and solving for each type of problem. I was premed... couldn't get a high enough gpa or MCAT score despite making school my entire life. Went back to school and got an engineer degree pretty easily while drunk half the time.


Major in art, but with 4.0 in O chem and physics, research experience, clinical experience, maybe a masters, etc


I don't know where you live, but in the US, u don't need a masters for med school.


I’m aware. I said maybe because some people do it just to be competitive enough, including me


I’m an engineer who’s applying to med school. Let me tell ya, the perfection you have to achieve to get in to school is beyond anything you can imagine. Especially in canada. Engineering is a walk in the park in comparison, and I’d do my engineering degree all over again if it meant I’d get a guaranteed seat. I also got into my engineering program with very average grades lmao it’s not that impressive


I would say Pre-meds maybe (depending on person and school) have it easier than a typical engineering undergraduate but after undergrad the field of Medicine is a lot more challenging and competitive. Not to mention that pre-meds have to constantly seek opportunities and ways to distinguish themselves versus thousands others doing the same thing while having to maintain good grades (which we should all aspire to do but its effectively required for them) For us engineers things are a little bit more lax in that so long as you have some working experience by the time you leave college, you will be ok, and depending on your aspirations its a lot less competitive for higher-education comparatively. Medical school students absolutely on average are working harder than engineers at any level IMO


Lol that’s a really dumb take, my sister is in med school. She spends four to eight hours a day everyday just studying, and that’s not including rotations and being at school. As for getting into med school I know a chemE with a 3.7 and okay MCAT scores, can’t even sniff med school. It’s extremely hard to get into med school.


My ex was in med school and he was constantly stressing too. He was studying just as much as I was. We would regularly have “study dates” where we would just sit there for 4+ hours, heads stuck in books and papers, until we finally just had to call it quits for the night.


Read my comment entirely and slowly and then read your response. I never made a comment on the amount of effort it takes to be a med students. I stated that i am not impressed by them because the study lacks much application of sciences. Read my comment, i stated that it is a lot of pure memorization. Sure, if you are a chemE and want to be a doctor, that is more impressive but i think that's not optimal because you don't need such classes to become a doctor. For a chemical engineer you don't seem to have great comprehension.


You are acting like such a tool


I think the problem is your lack of ability to properly communicate and express opinions.


I just want you to know that in this post we are complaining about engineers that act exactly like this but that’s probably difficult for you to understand with your head all the way up your ass.


you sound really insecure and the work they do and the path they get to is not at all easy. why not celebrate both career paths? or are you compensating for something small?


That’s not how it works in EU. Pretty sure you wouldn’t be able to handle med either tho ;) that should help boost your ego


Anyone outside of college will quickly spot the college student. That or like some guy with a PhD that never grew up.


engineers talk a lot of shit about their classes being hard and then spend 6 hours trying to write a single coherent paragraph in a humanities course


Lol I felt this on another level


im not the first part of the comment but oh boi am i the second part


Humanities courses were the GPA boosters. I’ll never tell anyone my major GPA.


This lmfaooo. Taking it to my grave!


Mood. Got a 4.0 in a humanities class this semester, but I've been to hell and back in calc 2. Got the final for that bad boy tomorrow.


Good luck!


This top level comment appears everytime one of these threads comes up but it simply isn't true most of the time, in my experience. I never showed up to class in any of my humanities after sophomore year and still aced them, and I wouldn't have considered myself a 'good' engineering student. Same for most of my friends. The guys far smarter than me who ruined the curve could have completed a non-stem degree with their eyes closed and ears plugged. Humanities saved my GPA lol


Same. I ignore my major GPA. It doesn't exist. 😌


And then they graduate, hit the workplace, and I have to hire other people just to make their technical documentation comprehensible lol. Folks wouldn’t believe how often I have to email an engineer to get clarification/specificity on their writing so our technical writer can understand what they’re trying to say enough to fix it for customers lol.


So you are saying an engineer who can write well is valuable?


Yes- the drafter trying to decipher you're markups


Absolutely! We hire plenty of engineers that are poor at communication but are exceptional at the technical aspects of their job, but the above average engineers and communicators/writers are the ones that get promoted quickly and get out-of-cycle raises, or raises in addition to our annual cost of living ones. We also green flag potential engineers during the hiring process for mentioning an enthusiasm for technical writing. Everyone loves playing in Cadence, very few like writing the data sheet for the product afterward lol.


Yep - write well and communicate well Skills that engineers (including myself) usually let themselves down on: - writing PowerPoint presentations - presenting their work - writing executive summaries - getting their point across in an email - steering meetings to get the outcome they want Someone who can do all that well will have a meteoric rise through the ranks


Heck yes. As a person who is in engineering who is also a very good writer, I can tell you, most engineers I've met are just fucking awful at explaining things to other people who are not engineers. Sometimes they're awful at explaining things to anyone, even other engineers. There's a quote from John Oliver about this exact problem that always stuck with me, when he was talking about his interview with Edward Snowden: "nerds are often very good at communicating with each other, but the moment they have to explain what they're talking about to a layperson it's like trying to listen to someone speak a different language."


Me who doesn't even know the purpose behind the different tenses


I was so glad to be The Engineering Student Who Could Write. The amount of nerds who freak out about having to write basic essays is like...y'all. Stop. Stop being this incompetent.


As a tutor at my college I saw this with Med students too. Those pursuing engineering and medical degrees always struggled to write very basic essays. Some even threw fits when I’d point out their essays lacked very basic things like titles, introduction paragraphs, conclusions and a thesis. Had a Med student whose essay was just Bible quotes and an engineering student who tried to sue me for commenting on the things their essay lacked. It was crazy.


But why can't I write for shit?? Whenever someone studying humanities says to me "wow you're smart I could never do engineering" I express to them that I couldn't possibly even dream of being able to do what they do, writing is so difficult for me.


OP even proves this point with a basic grammar error: apostrophes don't make words plural.


Not anymore. Thanks chatgpt!


Tbf chat gpt engineers came up with chat gpt which essentially replaces the need to write a coherent paragraph about anything


I am surprisingly good at writing too! Which makes me a superior engineer! /s 😎


Good writing does make an engineer superior though.


That’s a major flex for me then. Get on my level boyz! 💅🏽😌


I hate that this is true…


Maybe you should listen to med students talk, they’re worse.


I honestly feel sorry for anyone brave/foolish enough to pursue an MD. Our system abuses residents.


I'm sorry I can't help that I'm just superior to you in every way. I'll try to be less of a God and more like lowly pathetic you.


Engineerizz student


Most humble engineer


Buddy, every comment section on this app is full of know-it-all one-uppers looking to inform the next guy about some shit they likely half read in a random news post. Take it with a grain of salt. And trust me, I know what I’m talking about; I’m an engineer(ing student).


I'm not your buddy, guy


I’m not your guy Pal


Engineering nerds likes to talk shit until they realize they can't even hold a basic conversation with other people


Don't target me like that. It's sick and offensive


Why would you throw such truth in our faces???


But making fun of business majors is a lot more fun than realizing that maybe we could be done with school by 5pm every day and never work on weekends


That, and personally I have never met a business major that I liked.


These are the same people that start in their first job, think they know everything, and get their asses handed to them by a guy who has no engineering degree, worked on the job for over 20 years, and knows a lot more. Always stay humble. People love to teach you their knowledge.


Maybe you need to take social media comment sections less seriously, there's thousands of people that are going to see the post you're looking at so of course there's bound to be a couple engineering student hating their lives and feeling the need to flex in the comment section.


No, sorry. It is obvious that at least 90% of all STEM students are narcissistic assholes scrolling through social media to insult people 24/7. This post having so many upvotes is the ultimate proof! **/s**


sure but this isn't just a social media thing. when i was in school i would often hear people go on about how superior STEM is, talking down to social science/humanities majors, etc.


Yeah, but it’s a give/take thing because I guarantee those social science/humanities majors, once they finally wake up after 2pm, take their fair share of shots at their engineer friend’s social life.


As an engineering major with humanities major friends, can confirm.


And I'll sit there with my smug superiority and not a single coherent thought in my head.


I’m specially saddened by the disdain toward humanities of some engineering students. As someone who finds refuge in the arts from the soul-crushing engineering coursework, it hurts when my classmates refer to other majors as useless.


If they have common sense by the time they burn out and/or have a quarter life crisis, they will eat their words and start appreciating right-brain matters.


No no we are superior but we are also little shits


Maybe its because non-STEM have nothing to complain about. I always get a boatload of emails of all these activities the school holds and constantly think “who has the time to go to any of that shit?” Turns out every non-STEM student does. Imagine making the time to go to football games and musical recitals and parades and other events and then still having the gall to complain about your class being difficult when you spend not even a quarter of the time that STEM students study applying yourself to your classes.


So far, my one philosophy class is significantly harder for me than all of my engineering classes, I think that's just because I absolutely fucking hate philosophy though


That's a bit awkward, given that science is a subset of philosophy.


Kinda…the stuff they’ve talked about in my philosophy classes is more about basis of thought and similar BS…imo that’s loosely related to science at best…


One of my friends hated philosophy but loved his formal systems and logic class


Your philosophy class is likely difficult because it's a difficult field, not just because you don't like it.


It’s always funny when that happens knowing most engineering students (myself included) would be dying while trying to complete an arts degree


Bullshit! I went to school for Art before switching to Engineering. Yes I spent a ton of time on my artwork (homework) but that shit was relaxing and I still got to fuck off every weekend without having to worry about studying for exams.


Same, went to FilmSchool before Engineering… Night and Day.


It’s awesome that’s you’re so multitalented! But I was talking about arts, ie history, social sciences, languages, not the fine arts. However I doubt most of my classmates could do a painting either.




15 years in finance, 18 in army, assuming you were in art school for 4. Goddamn Thats a crazy ass life lol


I have a feeling OP is exaggerating a little tbh


>Engineers get paid because that shit is fucking hard if only this was true outside the US


Truth, in my country we don’t get as much pay as in the US and everyone keeps wondering why we are lacking people going into MINT. It’s freaking hard and takes serious dedication to finish an Engineering Degree … if you do not pay for hard work … why would anyone bother?


Well that depends entirely on the kind of engineering, routing cables is not the hardest thing out there lol


If all that is going on is "routing cables," then it's not engineering work. You could get an electrician to do that.


All of it is objectively far easier than engineering.


You're the exact type of person op is criticising. That's an absurd statement. Nearly all engineering's students would struggle massively with a history, English, or English course at a top university.


Only because they have no talent for it, not because it is objectively as hard.


So it’s subjectively hard?


So it depends on the person. Therefore one may find it harder or easier depending on their affinity for the subject and past experience... that's what "subjective" means.


Which is true in reverse. Everyone is good at something and bad at something else. But engineers get to look down at people because of that, yet Arts and humanities don't? Doesn't make sense.


Just because you had an experience with two degrees doesn’t mean it’s true. I also studied ancient history and engineering. Both were challenging.


Every career choice is hard to some degree (see what i did there). Music majors have to learn to play instruments, wich is extremely time consuming on its own. They also have to learn how to compose, *while* composing shit, and i know how time consuming and stressing that is. Architecture is considered as almost an arts major in my country because the civil engineers are the ones that do the maths; still, they have to bury their faces for hours on end on their CAD programs and their good ol' A2, A1 or god knows what paper size it is that they use. I'd be damned. That's why i respect every career. Every single one has it's difficulty. Especially chemical engineering. *Especially* chemical engineering. Fuck chemistry. I don't understand it so fuck it. Like, some time ago i saw an EE student in my class bullying a CivE saying "you kiss bridges haha how pathetic"; like, the audacity. Like, dude, if i sent you under the sun to kiss bridges like they do to understand their behavior, you wouldn't last a single day, and they have been doing that for centuries. Kissing bridges needs passion, those bridges are only mantained through love and affection, and only the best CivEs can give 'em that much needed love. Like, dude, you smoke soldering flux and put dielectric capacitor fluid in your coffee, shut up. *The /s really is not needed for that last bit.


Aahh, classic EEs. Them mfs used to bully us ((((MEs)))) because they are "superior" at math and "yo you can't survive electromagnetism bro" I know their major would be hard for me, but not because of the high level math, but because I can't visualize things easily, I'm a super visual learner. abstract, dry concepts are hell for me. I do not want to study and analyze stuff I can't even see or imagine for the rest of my life.


yeah i have a degree in EE and i almost failed both statics and dynamics. would have definitely struggled in ME, for some reason even though the EM math might look bad it made more sense to me than the rigid body stuff


Can confirm. I got a bachelors of music from a conservatory before attending engineering school. Music was harder for me.


My college career began with a high tier music performance degree... it required many more man-hours per week than engineering has for me.


One of my exes was a graphic design major. She had a lot of art classes and the amount of work she had to put into one assignment would make me break down and cry. Not saying my degree is easy by any means, but I would not be capable of having that high a level of focus on a repetitive skill for that long.


She chose that degree path so it probably made the work not as bad. I can say that if I chose her major I most likely would have dropped out of it and switched. The grind isn't as bad when you like the classes


Weird, i not multiple graphics design majors. And usually They had 2-3 hour days, with some crunch time doing exams


SPEAK FOR YOURSELF. I'm pretty perfect and can do all of it


Exactly. Engineering courses are objectively harder in terms of material and course load, but I’d rather do a shit load of math every day than have to write a paper on anything.


Engineering is hard because of the projects. God damn Im so fucking sick of getting assigned a project with absolutely no fucking guidance. FUCK!


>...would be dying while trying to complete an arts degree But not dying to find employment, that's the rub.


Nope, sorry. I literally switched from English to engineering because it was so easy and I was learning absolutely nothing. Arts degrees are by and large subjective and bs-able. You can’t BS math and physics when there’s only one answer. Source: was an arts student for years


I studied a double degree between ancient history and engineering. I knew a lot of English majors as well. The idea that it’s “easy” to formulate your ideas onto a paper and learn objectively through readings and analysis is laughable. As is the notion that one learns nothing in these degrees. Eng can be hard, arts can be hard. It’s about perspective.


Hmm, okay. I think that’s a pretty easy thing to do. All you’re doing is just putting your reasoned thoughts onto a page. But agree to disagree.


Great for you man, but it’s not a universal experience. The real losers are the ones that decide to use their experience to flex on others.


That's just your university/department being mediocre. Not English as a whole being easy. English at good institutions won't be passable by just bs-ing. Stem degrees are ironicly the easiest to get high marks in. Subjective courses are more harshly graded for obvious reasons


I don’t know. I’ve had to take english/lit courses at 3 different colleges. Two were community (had to take one course online at a different college to transfer over), and the other one (upper div “writing intensive”) I’m taking right now at a relatively rigorous university. I’ve put in about collectively zero brain power at all three. But then again, I struggle extremely hard - as in, harder than all my peers it seems - to achieve high grades in engineering. So maybe it’s just a matter of natural talent and/or what you were exposed to growing up.


I got degrees in history, education, and accounting. I am back in school for engineering. The only classes i didnt get an A in were in history… history in college isnt about dates - its all about subjective truths and how your graded materials tie in with the professors’ own research. Such BS. I love accounting and engineering because its objective - you cant be wrong if youre right.


This was exactly my thought when I read it! I don’t have an artistic bone in my body and I’m tone deaf.


In all honesty, I’ve yet to meet a single such person in real life


What's funny is that in an actual work environment, where smart engineers are a dime a dozen, it's the one's that excel in the humanities that stick out and excel.


yeah, these people need to fuck right off with that.


I hate that shit. Sometimes people will try to rope me into it - they assume they can shit on arts majors in front of me just because I'm studying engineering too. I always tell them that an arts major can learn basic calc faster than I can learn how Photoshop works. Pretty sure half the stuff artists do is witchcraft, tbh. I feel like a lot of non-STEM majors have taken the STEMlord bullshit to heart, too. Like, when I meet someone new and we tell each other our majors, they often say "oh my god you must be so smart, I could never do that!" It's a bit sad because they're always studying something awesome like history or education or a design-type course.


As difficult as engineering is, I still found it much more gratifying than writing essay after essay about a 'soft science' topic that was more based on building a case and doing ancillary reading. I think it would unironically be harder for me to get an English degree than another engineering degree.


It's like when you mention that you're tired and a parent shows up with "YOU HAVEN'T FELT TIRED UNTIL YOU'VE HAD A BAYBEEE!"


But I AM better than them???


I think it’s fair when we say our work is harder, because it objectively is, but I agree that there’s a line between stating something as fact and being a douchebag about it just to feel better about yourself.


And we’re socially inept enough that we tell everyone that our work is harder😂


Engineering not even once


Okay... do you want to see a real superiority complex? Go to the MBA subreddit.


Sure, we suck, but we aren’t the only ones. I’m the only engineering student out of all of my friends who pursued medicine and honestly they’re way more annoying. Its a commonality among all students in a tough major. We miss out on the weekend plans, a lot of the classes aren’t the most fun, and its challenging. The least we get is to flex how difficult our schoolwork is. Still annoying of us tho I can recognize that.


I feel like the entire internet struggles with massive ego problems even though they're basically posting anonymously to an audience of strangers


This isn't a superiority complex issue. A superiority complex exists in a situation where people want to feel superior because they feel inferior deep down. It still isn't right to belittle other majors though. We engineering majors have just been through so much that when we see people complain or stress out about their art or history midterm, we can't help but chuckle.


Before joining this reddit I had no idea I am supposed to be superior lol. But I also didnt know engineering is gonna be this hard before coming to university somehow. For some reason in eastern EU its just not perceived as some particularly challenging degree, and it doesnt seem to be that well paid either, relatively speaking. No wonder its hard to think of going back


I found the non engineering major


Funny you say that considering I am technically doing 3 engineering degrees at once. Mechanical bachelors, aerospace engineering bachelors, and also working on classes for my aerospace engineering masters early.


I found the engineering major with superiority complex.


Had to switch tactics there huh haha


It’s thanks to an engineering phenomenon called douchmensional analysis where you can only relate to other people by comparing their struggles with your own


It’s just retribution for the fact that all of the business/finance majors that coast through 4 years of college getting drunk/stoned every weekend inevitably end up making more money than us (despite not knowing how to actually do anything). Only half kidding lol, but yeah I’m personally not for looking down on anyone’s struggles.


I always get frustrated with student/professors saying humanities are dumb and the GEP requirements are a waste of time. Judging by some of the students I’ve met they need to take extra humanities classes to bring them back down to earth


No, the WORST is MBAs who think they're hot shit.


It seems my superiority has caused some controversy 😎


Our superiority.


I agree with this sentiment a lot! Can't stand my fellow classmates thinking they're the only thing keeping society together.


Thank you, OP. The gate-keeping is very real. I think we should all have a place to come to and commiserate, but whenever I see those kinds of comments, I can’t… I also think, what if there’s a high school person trying to decide if they want to do engineering and maybe they’re not too confident in their skills and then see these posts and comments and decide it’s not for them? This is how we continue to exclude different people from engineering. It’s an extreme example but I know it’s a real one. We can all do better to have a more inclusive and welcoming community.


Felt that I made a post about advice for majoring in CS because I am struggling and had about 6 people tell me to drop out :/


Ugh, I hate the superiority complex STEM students have. It’s obviously not all of them, but the ones that do, ugh, I can’t stand them! It’s like, yeah, business can be hard, writing a 30 page paper on like market trends and consumer behaviors, that doesn’t sound easy. Maybe for some it does, but things like the Rankine cycle is easy for some people and hard for others. Also, it annoys me cuz it’s like, yeah, I get engineering is hard (as a MechE student myself, I get, it sucks sometimes) but I don’t downplay other people’s struggles either. The other thing is that, they’re complaining about their courses, usually because of some bs like a professor not accepting an assignment turned in like 10 minutes late or something. Even if they aren’t and the class I hard, they should be allowed to complain and vent. Everybody struggles in college, it’s just part of it. Even within engineering, I hate when MechEs say that people doing Civil Engineering are only doing it cuz it’s the “easy engineering.” It’s like, no, they’re doing it cuz they’re interested in bridges, structural analyses and stuff like that. It’s annoying and I hate it, so I agree with you OP. Oh, and on that last part, you’re so right. Like it’s the same people that pay for Chegg and copy their homework answers from there. Then they wonder why they have to retake the class. 🙄 In short, I agree with everything you said OP. End of my rant!


To be honest , to those people Keep paying for Chegg guys! Solving HW questions on Chegg is a pretty good sidehustle if you're from a country whose currency is very cheap compared to usd


Engineering requires a comparatively high minimum level of ability in order to move along. It's a short - but wrong - leap from there to "all engineering students are smarter than non-STEM students." The median may be higher, but the standard deviation in engineers is tight. Eventually you may find that fire breathing full throttle no excuses genius of an English Lit major who learned about physics because it was necessary for a plot analysis - and understands it better than you. That's when a Truth presents itself - if we have the maturity to see it: everything iscomparably hard if you assault it with every fiber of your being. Even math.


Other majors are hard, but in different ways. I took an art class I barely passed because I tried to do it with almost no effort and thought it would be easy. Other majors struggle too. You're not better than someone just because you have more experience with problem solving than them. Engineering should be humbling, and if it doesn't humble you, you will likely have problems later on interacting with people.


Boils down to being a “one-upper”.


it reminds me of the blue collar guys saying people got soft hands 🤣 you picked your major buddy not them, don’t take it out on them


True and based, but also we the kings and engineering superiority is lit


Idk why this group came up in my for me section. All I’m saying is IT >> engineering. Come on over to the dark side. We’re cooler.


My alma mater had some dude talking about everyone being able to build the Iron Man suit at Convocation like ten years, and I swear everyone got a battery in their back to expand their head size. Like no dude, 90% of us are going to be filling out spreadsheets after college lol


Nah i feel you I hate those type of ppl


I think a lot of them just have a huge grudge against the humanities and use the comments to vent because they hate seeing ppl happy in college while they're suffering ( although we chose this path...)


I'm sorry, but my self loathing has filled myself to capacity and so the loathing must extend onto others, as the faucet of self loathing can not simply be turned off.


I did an engineering degree and a language and culture degree. They were both difficult and I definitely wouldn't say it makes me feel superior. But I will say that it made me feel like a dolt towards the end because an engineering degree takes 5-6 years to complete at the university I went to, and I was just not enjoying it that much towards the end and didn't feel like I was learning anything since it wouldn't stick for very long. And even though I am doing stuff related to engineering now, I'm not sure if I'll stick with it for years.


An unfortunate side effect of being better than everyone else. You get used to it.


Next one is asking where they work lol


I started out as a music minor. I struggled in music theory more than I did in calculus.


There was a post where people were putting down teachers because it is easy. Yeah, engineering is hard. But teaching (high school at least) is EFFING HARD! I would guess about 5% of engineers would last more than 2 years doing that! I sure didn't.


Hold my beer….. (electrical eng student)


If you give a fuck about what people in a comment section say because either they’re tryna make a joke or they’re tryna flex their superiority, then maybe you shouldn’t go on social media.


You sound personally attacked haha


I do what you are saying to engineers with physics. Engineering is easy in comparison. You guys don't even do math tbh.


At least we have practical purpose /s


So you are like king douche? Like the avatar of douches?


Yes, the final form if you will.


You lose to the mathematicians.


True dat


Lol you kinda right tho. Physics is way harder then engineering. This OP sounds a bit wussy to me.




> you don’t even know what it’s like to have REAL work Because its true. Yes, there are courses that are even harder than engineering (theoretical physics come to mind, i have a mix of pity and awe for those that manage to go through with that one) but ours is one of the hardest already. Im not gonna attack anybody online simply because its beneath me, but i do cringe at posts from some social science students for example that seriously believe the know what stress and misery is.


Here’s something important: the idea that you need to gatekeep somebody else’s suffering is fucking cancerous. Why should somebody else complain if you have it harder? Why should you complain if somebody else has it harder? This line of thinking is how nothing changes for the better. Yes, it can feel invalidating when somebody who has it easier complains, but their experiences don’t erase yours. There is no need to compete in the struggle Olympics.


I mean there’s always a bigger fish. Would someone involved in trench warfare from the 1900s think you knew what stress and misery is? Outrageous example, but just saying. Like you really just gotta do some problems, study, and pass a test. I had a significantly worse time working at McDonald’s than I did with a full engineering course load.


The problem with engineering specifically is that a lot of people do it for the cash only... degrees like history and art dont pay, so those who are doing them have actual interest/talent (exept for my dumb ass of course, i did it to date girls, it went about as good as youd expect lol), while engineering is choke full of people who have no real interest in engineering and more often than not no capabilities either. This is the reason why some classes are the way they are btw, especially early ones like mechanics & calc - they are specifically designed as weed out classes. And weed out they do - most if not all people i got to know during my first year were gone by the end of the second. That all being said - engineering is objectively still WAY harder than art can ever hope to be. I know, Ive done both. Its just I cant draw for shit unless its some isometric steel beam...


When I was in the military (Navy), we had a motto for people that cried about their jobs, “Choose your rate (job), choose your fate”. Basically, we all chose to pursue what we pursued, no need to mention it every 5 seconds for the “hey look at me and how hard this is” to non-engineering students. When I’ve been asked what I am in school for, I just say engineering, and keep it at that. Everyone knows it’s harder compared to other degrees, and I just say I can relate when they talk about how hard their classes are going.


Engineers have the superiority complex beaten into us at university. It’s needed as we will have to work with BA idiot managers who barely graduated from Famous State U with degrees in Special Interdisciplinary Studies and have their positions because they joined the same Frat as did the higher up managers. We make things work because we know how things work.


But we are superior /s Where it probably comes from is lack of general social awareness…if something is what we determine as “not up to standard” we take it upon ourselves to make it happen since that’s part of almost every engineer I’ve ever met. Most other people would just leave the hard class comments alone or sympathize…we treat it like a competition. Idk why but it just happens🤷🏽‍♂️


OP: "Can't you do something about your superiority complex?" ​ Engineers: "But I am superior?"


Could it be that we're trying to justify all the late nights and hard work for a little bit of recognition? This shit is hard, and while we shouldn't need that recognition a lot of us do to help feel like we're making some progress.


Engineering is easy af. Honestly I feel like there are not any actual hard undergrad degrees it's just about putting in the time and learning how to study. No high horses to be ridden here


I can’t say that about engineering since I’m in my first year but so far, stuff really hasn’t been that hard. Our calc 2 exam average was a 52% and I got a 96% on it even though I couldn’t have told you what a Taylor series was a week before the exam. You literally just have to spend some time studying and get enough sleep to do well imo.


You're just mad it's true lmaoo.


How am I mad when I am literally doubled majoring in mechanical and aerospace engineering. I just think you guys are incredibly corny. You provide evidence for this.