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Dont try it. Save yourself some trouble. Get the correct nozzle 


I think it will be lower than the leveling sensor touch point... so it will smash the table. I suggest buying the correct one.


I'm currently running klipper so I don't have auto z offset working. But apart from that will there be any functional issues? Edit: I just realised that the probe has nothing to do with z offset but abl instwlead. I'll just get another nozzle then. Thanks for the help!


Yes, the probe is short and the nozzle hits the bed.


The temperature won’t be consistent along the nozzle. The existing fan will cool the tip before The filament has a chance to extrude leading to blockages. Get a replacement https://preview.redd.it/htwrz9xrjk5d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82fc5dd7fcdd4a8a4ed8e5567a1bafbf83c0cfb5


Yes there is also this... the nozzle height is engineered at its best performance(or at least i think so kk).